9 research outputs found

    Perfeccionismo, auto-apresentação e ansiedade na competição desportiva e na prática de exercício: estudo exploratório com atletas de competição e praticantes de exercício

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    Esta investigação exploratória procurou analisar o padrão de relações entre perfeccionismo, ansiedade física e social, percepção de ameaça e auto-apresentação em atletas de competição (taekwondo e kickboxing) e em praticantes regulares de exercício. Participaram no estudo 107 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 38 anos, envolvidos em competições oficiais de “taekwondo” (N=42), “kickboxing” (N=20) e na prática de exercício em “health clubs” ou ginásios (N=47). Foram administradas versões traduzidas e/ou adaptadas dos seguintes instrumentos: a) Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo no Desporto (Dunn e tal., 2002); b) Questionário de Auto-Apresentação (Gammage et al., 2003); c) Escala de Ansiedade no Desporto e Actividade Física (Norton et al., 2004); d) Escala de Percepção de Ameaça (Cruz, 1996). Os resultados sugerem moderadas a fortes relações entre todas dimensões do perfeccionismo, diferentes medidas da ansiedade (competitiva, física e social) e diferentes dimesões da auto-apresentação (construção da impressão e motivação para a impressão). Foram também evidentes diferenças significativas em função do grupo (competição vs exercício)

    Photovoltaic power resource at the Atacama Desert under climate change

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    The Atacama desert is a region with exceptional conditions for solar power production. However, despite its relevance, the impact of climate change on this resource in this region has barely been studied. Here, we use regional climate models to explore how climate change will affect the photovoltaic solar power resource per square meter ( ) in Atacama. Models project average reductions in of 1.5% and 1.7% under an RCP8.5 scenario, respectively, for 2021-2040 and 2041-2060. Under RCP2.6 and the same periods, reductions range between 1.2% and 0.5%. Also, we study the contribution to future changes in of the downwelling shortwave radiation, air temperature and wind velocity. We find that the contribution from changes in wind velocity is negligible. Future changes of downwelling shortwave radiation, under the RCP8.5 scenario, cause up to 87% of the decrease of for 2021-2040 and 84% for 2041-2060. Rising temperatures due to climate change are responsible for drops in ranging between 13%–19% under RCP2.6 and 14%–16% under RCP8.5.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/44Universidad de Vigo/CISUGMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. IJC2020-043745-IMinisterio de Universidade

    Prevalence and distribution of infectious and parasitic agents in roe deer from Spain and their possible role as reservoirs

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    In order to provide up-to-date information about the prevalence of infectious and parasitic agents in Spanish roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), samples from 93 animals hunted from January 2013 to April 2015 were collected and analysed by parasitological, serological and molecular techniques. Sampled animals came from four roe deer populations corresponding to Oceanic, Continental, Mediterranean and Mountainous ecosystems of Spain. Data regarding sex, age and year were also considered. A high percentage of roe deer (95.7%) resulted positive for at least one agent. Sarcocystis spp. was the most frequently diagnosed genus (88.8%), followed by gastrointestinal nematodes (62.9%) and Schmallenberg virus (53.5%). Varestrongylus capreoli (38%), Anaplasma phagocitophylum (34.2%), Eimeria spp. (29.2%), Toxoplasma gondii (25%) and Cephenemyia stimulator (23.8%) displayed medium prevalences and, finally low percentages were registered for Moniezia spp. (6.7%), Dictyocaulus noerneri (2.4%) and Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (1.5%). No infections by Neospora caninum, Bovine herpesvirus, pestivirus or Coxiella burnetii were found. Climate was significantly associated with the prevalence of T. gondii, C. stimulator and A. phagocitophylum, with higher prevalences in animals from Oceanic and Mediterranean areas. Our results suggest that infections affecting Spanish roe deer, especially those of parasitic aetiology, represent one of the causes of the descent in the abundance of this ungulate in the last years. Moreover, the high prevalence of zoonotic agents such as T. gondii and A. phagocitophylum could also have a great relevance in the environmental and/or Public Health.This research was supported by a Programme for consolidating and structuring competitive research groups (GRC2015/003, Xunta de Galicia) and by the Research Project ‘RUMIGAL: Rede de estudo multidisciplinar dos ruminantes en Galicia’ (R2014/005, Xunta de Galicia, Spain)S

    Occupational stress in health professionals: a study with Portuguese Nurses

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    Este trabalho analisa o estresse ocupacional em 286 enfermeiros de hospitais e centros de saúde portugueses. Avaliaram-se as fontes de estresse, o burnout, os problemas de saúde física, a satisfação e a realização profissional. Os resultados apontaram 30% de enfermeiros com experiências significativas de estresse e 15% com problemas de exaustão emocional. As análises de regressão múltipla apontaram maior capacidade preditiva das dimensões de estresse na exaustão emocional, na saúde física, na satisfação e na realização profissional. As análises comparativas evidenciaram maiores problemas de stresse e reacções mais negativas ao trabalho nas mulheres, nos enfermeiros mais novos e com menor experiência, nos trabalhadores com contratos a prazo, nos profissionais que realizam trabalho por turnos e nos que trabalham mais horas.This work analyses occupational stress in 286 nurses from hospitals and health care centres in Portugal. The following dimensions were evaluated: stress, burnout, physical health problems, satisfaction and professional fulfilment. Results revealed significant stress experiences in 30% of the professionals, and emotional exhaustion problems in 15%. Multiple regression analysis pointed out stress as an important predictor of emotional exhaustion, physical health, satisfaction and professional fulfilment. Comparative analysis suggested more occupational stress and professional negative experiences in the following groups: female nurses, younger and less experienced nurses, those with short-term working contracts, nurses working on a shift-basis system, and nurses working during long hours.(undefined

    Seasonal and subseasonal wind power characterization and forecasting for the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands: a systematic review

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGRenewable energy has a key role to play in the transition towards a low-carbon society. Despite its importance, relatively little attention has been focused on the crucial impact of weather and climate on energy demand and supply, or the generation or operational planning of renewable technologies. In particular, to improve the operation and longer-term planning of renewables, it is essential to consider seasonal and subseasonal weather forecasting. Unfortunately, reports that focus on these issues are not common in scientific literature. This paper presents a systematic review of the seasonal forecasting of wind and wind power for the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands, a region leading the world in the development of renewable energies (particularly wind) and thus an important illustration in global terms. To this end, we consider the scientific literature published over the last 13 years (2008–2021). An initial search of this literature produced 14,293 documents, but our review suggests that only around 0.2% are actually relevant to our purposes. The results show that the teleconnection patterns (North Atlantic Oscillation [NAO], East Atlantic [EA] and Scandinavian [SCAND]) and the stratosphere are important sources of predictability of winds in the Iberian Peninsula. We conclude that the existing literature in this crucial area is very limited, which points to the need for increased research efforts, that could lead to great returns. Moreover, the approach and methods developed here could be applied to other areas for which systematic reviews might be either useful or necessary.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. D431C 2017/64Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. RYC-2013-1456

    Stresse, “burnout”, saúde física, satisfação e realização em profissionais de saúde: análise das diferenças em função do sexo, estado civil e agregado familiar

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    Apesar de ser reconhecido há muitos anos as vantagens dos adultos conciliarem os domínios profissional e familiar, a verdade é que não existem muitos estudos que comprovem inequivocamente esta situação. O presente trabalho procura contribuir para o esclarecimento desta questão, observando até que ponto as diferenças de sexo, o estado civil e a existência de filhos menores poderão representar factores diferenciadores da experiência profissional de enfermeiros (N=286). Para tal, foi aplicado um protocolo de avaliação com medidas de stresse ocupacional, “burnout”, saúde física e satisfação/realização profissional. A verificação destas diferenças teve por base a utilização de “t-test” para amostras independentes e análises discriminantes. Assim, no que diz respeito às diferenças de sexo, observou-se que as mulheres evidenciaram mais problemas de stresse e de saúde física mas, inversamente, apresentaram menores níveis de despersonalização. Na comparação entre profissionais com diferentes estados civis, constatou-se que os casados demonstraram maior desejo de abandonar a profissão e maiores problemas de saúde física, enquanto que os solteiros manifestaram maior mal-estar relacionado com a instabilidade profissional. Finalmente, a comparação entre profissionais com e sem filhos menores, permitiu observar o facto da vontade em abandonar a profissão ser inferior no grupo de enfermeiros com filhos menores em associação a um maior stresse relacionado com a realização de acções de formação e relatórios técnicos, a remuneração auferida e os problemas familiares

    Environmental and economic constraints on the use of lubricant oils for wind and hydropower generation: the case of NATURGY

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    Lubricant oil is an essential element in wind and hydropower generation. We present a lifecycle assessment (LCA) of the lubricant oils (mineral, synthetic and biodegradable) used in hydropower and wind power generation. The results are given in terms of energy used, associated emissions and costs. We find that, for the oil turbines and regulation systems considered here, biodegradable oil is a better option in terms of energy and CO2 equivalent emissions than mineral or synthetic oils, from production and recycling through to handling. However, synthetic and mineral oils are better options due to the potential risks associated with the use of biodegradable oil, generally when it comes into contact with water. There are also significant savings to be made in the operation of wind turbines when using an improved type of synthetic oil.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. D431C 2017/64-GRCMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. RYC-2013-1456

    Impact of left atrial volume, sphericity, and fibrosis on the outcome of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation

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    INTRODUCTION: To investigate the relation between left atrial (LA) volume, sphericity, and fibrotic content derived from contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CE-CMR) and their impact on the outcome of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (AF). METHODS AND RESULTS: In 83 patients undergoing catheter ablation for AF, CE-CMR was used to assess LA volume, sphericity, and fibrosis. There was a significant correlation between LA volume and sphericity (R = 0.535, P < 0.001) and between LA volume and fibrosis (R = 0.241, P = 0.029). Multivariate analyses demonstrated that LA volume was the strongest independent predictor of AF recurrence after catheter ablation (1.019, P = 0.018). CONCLUSION: LA volume, sphericity, and fibrosis were closely related; however, LA volume was the strongest predictor of AF recurrence after catheter ablation