312 research outputs found

    Unusual Regulatory Elements for Iron Deficiency Induction of the idiA Gene of Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942

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    Expression of a thylakoid membrane-associated protein called IdiA (iron-deficiency-induced protein A) is highly elevated and tightly regulated by iron limitation in Synechococcus elongatus PCC 6301 and PCC 7942. Although this protein is not essential for photosystem II (PSII) activity, it plays an important role in protecting the acceptor side of PSII against oxidative damage, especially under iron-limiting growth conditions, by an unknown mechanism. We defined the iron-responsive idiA promoter by using insertional inactivation mutagenesis and reporter gene assays. A 67-bp DNA region was sufficient for full iron deficiency-inducible idiA promoter activity. Within this fragment is a palindromic sequence 4 bp upstream of a putative −35 promoter element, which resembles the binding site of FNR/CAP-type helix-turn-helix transcription factors. The absence of this palindromic sequence or a 3-bp mutation in a putative −10 region eliminated promoter activity completely. A previously identified candidate for a positively acting transcription factor is the IdiB protein, whose gene lies immediately downstream of idiA. IdiB shows strong similarity to helix-turn-helix transcription factors of the FNR/CAP family. A His(6x)-tagged IdiB that was overexpressed in Escherichia coli bound to a 59-bp fragment of the idiA regulatory region that included the palindrome. Although the idiA promoter lacks a consensus binding site for the iron-sensing regulator Fur, we attempted to inactivate fur in order to investigate the potential role of this factor. The resulting merodiploid mutants showed constitutive partial derepression of IdiA expression under iron-sufficient growth conditions. We concluded that IdiB is a specific iron-responsive regulator of idiA and that Fur has an indirect role in influencing idiA expression

    Cross-talk and regulatory interactions between the essential response regulator RpaB and cyanobacterial circadian clock output

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    The response regulator RpaB (regulator of phycobilisome associated B), part of an essential two-component system conserved in cyanobacteria that responds to multiple environmental signals, has recently been implicated in the control of cell dimensions and of circadian rhythms of gene expression in the model cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942. However, little is known of the molecular mechanisms that underlie RpaB functions. In this study we show that the regulation of phenotypes by RpaB is intimately connected with the activity of RpaA (regulator of phycobilisome associated A), the master regulator of circadian transcription patterns. RpaB affects RpaA activity both through control of gene expression, a function requiring an intact effector domain, and via altering RpaA phosphorylation, a function mediated through the N-terminal receiver domain of RpaB. Thus, both phosphorylation cross-talk and coregulation of target genes play a role in the genetic interactions between the RpaA and RpaB pathways. In addition, RpaB∼P levels appear critical for survival under light:dark cycles, conditions in which RpaB phosphorylation is environmentally driven independent of the circadian clock. We propose that the complex regulatory interactions between the essential and environmentally sensitive NblS-RpaB system and the SasA-RpaA clock output system integrate relevant extra- and intracellular signals to the circadian clock.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity Grant BFU2012-33364 (to A.C.); Generalitat Valenciana Grants ACOMP/2014/144 (to A.C.) and GV/2014/073 (to J.E.); National Institutes of Health Grant R01GM062419 (to S.S.G.); and European Molecular Biology Organization postdoctoral Fellowship ASTF 74–2013 (to J.E.)

    Maturation-Dependent Response of the Piglet Brain to Scaled Cortical Impact

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    Object. The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between maturational stage and the brain\u27s response to mechanical trauma in a gyrencephalic model of focal brain injury. Age-dependent differences in injury response might explain certain unique clinical syndromes seen in infants and young children and would determine whether specific therapies might be particularly effective or even counterproductive at different ages. Methods. To deliver proportionally identical injury inputs to animals of different ages, the authors have developed a piglet model of focal contusion injury by using specific volumes of rapid cortical displacement that are precisely scaled to changes in size and dimensions of the growing brain. Using this model, the histological response to a scaled focal cortical impact was compared at 7 days after injury in piglets that were 5 days, 1 month, and 4 months of age at the time of trauma. Despite comparable injury inputs and stable physiological parameters, the percentage of hemisphere injured differed significantly among ages, with the youngest animals sustaining the smallest lesions (0.8%, 8.4%, and 21.5%, for 5-day-, 1-month-, and 4-month-old animals, respectively, p = 0.0018). Conclusions. These results demonstrate that, for this particular focal injury type and severity, vulnerability to mechanical trauma increases progressively during maturation. Because of its developmental and morphological similarity to the human brain, the piglet brain provides distinct advantages in modeling age-specific responses to mechanical trauma. Differences in pathways leading to cell death or repair may be relevant to designing therapies appropriate for patients of different ages

    Oxidized quinones signal onset of darkness directly to the cyanobacterial circadian oscillator

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    Synchronization of the circadian clock in cyanobacteria with the day/night cycle proceeds without an obvious photoreceptor, leaving open the question of its specific mechanism. The circadian oscillator can be reconstituted in vitro,where the activities of two of its proteins, KaiA and KaiC, are affected by metabolites that reflect photosynthetic activity: KaiC phosphorylation is directly influenced by the ATP/ADP ratio, and KaiA stimulation of KaiC phosphorylation is blocked by oxidized, but not reduced, quinones. Manipulation of the ATP/ADP ratio can reset the timing of KaiC phosphorylation peaks in the reconstituted in vitro oscillator. Here, we show that pulses of oxidized quinones reset the cyanobacterial circadian clock both in vitro and in vivo. Onset of darkness causes an abrupt oxidation of the plastoquinone pool in vivo, which is in contrast to a gradual decrease in the ATP/ADP ratio that falls over the course of hours until the onset of light. Thus, these twometabolicmeasures of photosynthetic activity act in concert to signal both the onset and duration of darkness to the cyanobacterial clock

    Circadian Gating of the Cell Cycle Revealed in Single Cyanobacterial Cells

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    Although major progress has been made in uncovering the machinery that underlies individual biological clocks, much less is known about how multiple clocks coordinate their oscillations. We simultaneously tracked cell division events and circadian phases of individual cells of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus and fit the data to a model to determine when cell cycle progression slows as a function of circadian and cell cycle phases. We infer that cell cycle progression in cyanobacteria slows during a specific circadian interval but is uniform across cell cycle phases. Our model is applicable to the quantification of the coupling between biological oscillators in other organisms.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF grant PHY-0548484)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01-GM068957)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01-GM062419

    Natural variants of photosystem II subunit D1 tune photochemical fitness to solar intensity

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    Background: Cyanobacteria use multiple PSII-D1 isoforms to adapt to environmental conditions. Results: D1:2 achieves higher quantum efficiency of water oxidation and biomass accumulation rate at high light versus D1:1; the latter is more efficient at low light due to less charge recombination. Conclusion: A functional advantage for D1:1 is revealed for the first time. Significance: Improved photochemical efficiency at low light suggests an evolutionary advantage to retain D1:1. © 2013 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Proteins Found in a CikA Interaction Assay Link the Circadian Clock, Metabolism, and Cell Division in Synechococcus elongatus

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    Diverse organisms time their cellular activities to occur at distinct phases of Earth's solar day, not through the direct regulation of these processes by light and darkness but rather through the use of an internal biological (circadian) clock that is synchronized with the external cycle. Input pathways serve as mechanisms to transduce external cues to a circadian oscillator to maintain synchrony between this internal oscillation and the environment. The circadian input pathway in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 requires the kinase CikA. A cikA null mutant exhibits a short circadian period, the inability to reset its clock in response to pulses of darkness, and a defect in cell division. Although CikA is copurified with the Kai proteins that constitute the circadian central oscillator, no direct interaction between CikA and either KaiA, KaiB, or KaiC has been demonstrated. Here, we identify four proteins that may help connect CikA with the oscillator. Phenotypic analyses of null and overexpression alleles demonstrate that these proteins are involved in at least one of the functions—circadian period regulation, phase resetting, and cell division—attributed to CikA. Predictions based on sequence similarity suggest that these proteins function through protein phosphorylation, iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis, and redox regulation. Collectively, these results suggest a model for circadian input that incorporates proteins that link the circadian clock, metabolism, and cell division

    What Do We Know About Contracting Out in the United States? Evidence from Household and Establishment Surveys

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    A variety of evidence points to significant growth in domestic contracting out over the last two decades, yet the phenomenon is not well documented. In this paper, we pull together data from various sources to shed light on the extent of and trends in domestic outsourcing, the occupations in which it has grown, and the industries engaging in outsourcing for the employment services sector, which has been a particularly important area of domestic outsourcing. In addition, we examine evidence of contracting out of selected occupations to other sectors. We point to many gaps in our knowledge on trends in domestic outsourcing and its implications for employment patterns and to inconsistencies across data sets in the information that is available. We recommend steps to improve data in this area

    Serosorting Is Associated with a Decreased Risk of HIV Seroconversion in the EXPLORE Study Cohort

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    Background: Seroadaptation strategies such as serosorting and seropositioning originated within communities of men who have sex with men (MSM), but there are limited data about their effectiveness in preventing HIV transmission when utilized by HIV-negative men. Methodology/Principal Findings: Data from the EXPLORE cohort of HIV-negative MSM who reported both seroconcordant and serodiscordant partners were used to evaluate serosorting and seropositioning. The association of serosorting and seropositioning with HIV seroconversion was evaluated in this cohort of high risk MSM from six U.S. cities. Serosorting was independently associated with a small decrease in risk of HIV seroconversion (OR = 0.88; 95%CI, 0.81–0.95), even among participants reporting $10 partners. Those who more consistently practiced serosorting were more likely to be white (p = 0.01), have completed college (p =,0.0002) and to have had 10 or more partners in the six months before the baseline visit (p = 0.01) but did not differ in age, reporting HIV-infected partners, or drug use. There was no evidence of a seroconversion effect with seropositioning (OR 1.02, 95%CI, 0.92–1.14). Significance: In high risk HIV uninfected MSM who report unprotected anal intercourse with both seroconcordant and serodiscordant partners, serosorting was associated with a modest decreased risk of HIV infection. To maximize any potential benefit, it will be important to increase accurate knowledge of HIV status, through increased testing frequency
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