216 research outputs found

    Psychosocial Need Analysis of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

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    Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic pulmonary disease impacted on physical and psychosocial of the patients. However, to date, the goverment’s programs has not address the psychososial problem of the patients yet. The existing programs are still focused on the treatment and prevention of disease transmission This descriptive correlational study aims to analyze determinant factors related to the fulfillment of psychosocial needs of TB patients in the city of Cirebon. 171 pulmonary TB patients involved in this study were selected by consecutive sampling from 10 health centers in Cirebon. Instrumen used in this study was developed by the researchers. Before using the instrument, it was tested for validity and reliability. The results showed that there are three dominant factors associated with the patient satisfaction level to meet the needs of their psychosocial. These factors are the psychological conditions in the past week, duration of treatment and support services. Demographic factors have no influence on their satisfaction toward the fulfillment of their psychosocial needs. The study suggested that the government should provide support services in health centers so that pulmonary tuberculosis psychosocial needs can be met and drop out cases can be prevented

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Menggunakan Pendekatan Ctl Kelas V Sdn 24

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    : This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes Citizenship Education learning using CTL approach to class V SDN 24 Southeast Pontianak. The method used is descriptive method with a form of action research, and collaborative. Location of the study took place at State Elementary School 24 Southeast Pontianak, especially in the VA class with teacher and student research subjects VA class of 20 people. mprovement from baseline to the first cycle was 2.59. Increase in the average results of learning cycle I to cycle II was 9.16, the average increase learning outcomes of the second cycle to cycle III is 14.25, while the average increase learning outcomes from initial data to the third cycle was 26

    Pengalaman Pasien Yang Pernah Terpasang Ventilator

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    The number of critically ill patients with mechanical ventilation occupies almost two-thirds of all ICU patients in Indonesia. The critical condition with mechanical ventilation will be followed by many human responses such as physical, psychosocial and spiritual problems. Health care providers, especially nurses are demanded to provide holistic care to the patients with mechanical ventilation. Qualitative study can be used to explore the life experience of the patients with mechanical ventilation to gain new insights of their experience. This study is a qualitative study using phenomenological approach. The data was obtained by in-depth interviews to six participants consisting of two men and four women with age range from 27 to 54 years. The length of time with mechanical ventilation was between 4 to 27 days and they received a minimal sedation. The data was analyzed by Colaizzi method of analysis. There were eight themes found from this study: hopelessness in life, feel closer to dying, the suction procedure dilemma between comfortable and uncomfortable, the presence of loved ones as a spirit for continuing live, the assumption of disease as God planning, perceived low self-image, the importance of the facilitator in religious rituals as well as the desire to be treated by skilled health care personnel. Patients with mechanical ventilation who experienced suction procedure dilemma have low self-image. They need a facilitator for meeting their spiritual needs, and caring from skilled health care provider especially from nurses

    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional dan Stres Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dan Dampaknya terhadap Komitmen Organisasi Frontliner Bakti PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Kcu Jambi

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    The research aims to analyze the influence of emotional intelligence, job stress and job satisfaction on organizational commitment, both directly and indirectly. This research is done on Bakti Frontliner who work as teller and customer services of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Jambi Branch, amounted at 60 people spread in nine sub branch. Technique used in sampling is census, where all of the population is used as sample. Analysis unit used is path analysis. The research result that emotional intelligence and job satisfaction influence positively and significantly on organizational commitment, while job stress influence negatively and significantly on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Other than that emotional intelligence and job stress influence directly on organizational commitment through job satisfaction

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Tanah Melalui Sistem Agroforestri

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    . The low soil fertility and high toxic elements caused by high rainfall (>2,500 mm/year) is the main factor responsible for the low soil productivity in the humid tropical zone, like Indonesia. In this condition, agroforestry system is expected to be solution. There are three components of agroforestry: silviculture, agriculture and livestock. Agroforestry in Indonesian is called Wanatani that means planting trees in agricultural land. Trees have deep rooting and spread intensively in subsoil may reduce leaching nutrient both vertically and horizontally. Cover crop protected soil from erosion. This role makes agroforestry as one form of soil and water conservation practices, produced some products that have a high economic value. This situation allowed agroforestry as a system of sustainable land management

    Perbedaan Persepsi Penilaian Pelanggan antara Konsumen Loyal dengan Konsumen Pendatang Baru pada PT. Astra International

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    This study aims to determine the differences between consumer perception and consumer loyal newcomers in relation to services, the purchase of products and facilities at PT. Astra International Tbk-Honda Denpasar. Its population is loyal customers and consumers newcomers.The number of samples in this study were 100 respondents defined by purposive sampling technique. The data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is test independent t-test. The analysis showed a significant difference between loyal customers with new entrants consumers in relation to services, the purchase of products and facilities. PT. Astra International Tbk-Honda Denpasar expected to improve the service delivered to consumers and consumer loyal newcomers. So as to provide comfort for loyal customers and consumers newcomer at the time dating to visit

    Implementasi Pembentukan Karakter Budi Pekerti Di SMP Negeri 1 Tanggul Jember

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    : This study aimed at describing the implementation of the character of manners development in SMPN 1 Tanggul Jember. This research was a qualitative descriptive study. Data were collected by the techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. Method triangulation was employed to crosscheck the information from the interview with the documentation and observation. The results of the discussion of the implementation of the character of manners showed there were 4 points resulting from habit formation (culture), namely: (1) the school culture that included insight into the quality of the students in academic and non-academic activities; (2) school spiritual culture which included Friday morning religioud study, midday prayers in congregation, spiritual study in accordance with the religion of each learner; (3) discipline culture both for educators (teachers) and students; and (4) culture of manners, respecting the elders and loving the younger

    Perancangan Database Telecenter - Jatim Berbasis Web

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    Sejalan dengan visi BPDE Jatim untuk menjadi instansi teknis terdepan dalam mengelola data dan informasi yang berbasis pemanfaatan teknologi informasi., maka perlu kiranya bagi instansi ini untuk membentuk Pusat Data Propinsi yang terpadu guna mendukung penyelenggarakan pemerintahan, pembangunan dan pelayanan yang baik kepada masyarakat. Perancangan ini dibuat dengan menggunakan database MySql, serta PHP yang dapat mengerjakan semua yang dapat dikerjakan oleh program CGI, seperti mendapatkan data dari form, menghasilkan isi halaman web yang dinamik dan menerima cookies. Dengan aplikasi ini diharapkan natinya BPDE dapat menyediakan dan menyebarluasan informasi untuk Pemerintah dan masyarakat dengan menggunakan sistem informasi dan telematika dalam rangka terciptanya budaya informasi

    Pertumbuhan Optimal Bakteri Laut Pseudomonas Aeruginosa LBF-1-0132 Dalam Senyawa Piren

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    Pyrene is a high molecular weight chemical compound belongs to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) group that are difficult to degrade by environment. Biodegradation techniques using indigenous marine bacteria are used to be as an effort to reduce pollutants that are carsinogenic. The objectives of this research are to screen of 18 marine bacteria isolates qualitatively by sublimation method and quantitatively by growth test and to optimize degradation activity of marine bacteria isolates by pyrene concentration and cell concentration. Identification by 16S rDNA and phylogenetic tree analysis were conducted to determine the molecular basis of bacterial identity. The result of sublimation showed that 15 isolates were positive result for pyrene degradation and classified to 3 groups. The first group consisted of 5 isolates that can produce clear zone, while the second group are 5 isolates with isolate color changes. The third group have both of activities. Growth test showed that isolate LBF-1-0132 has high potency to degrade pyrene compound. Isolate LBF-1-0132 is capable of degrading pyrene compounds optimally at concentration of 600 ppm and optimum cell concentration of 20. Based on 16S rDNA gene analysis, isolate LBF-1-0132 is Pseudomonas aeruginosa with 98% identity
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