40 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Populasi Labi-labi Amyda Cartilaginea (Boddaert, 1770) Yang Tertangkap Di Sumatera Selatan

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    The Asiatic softshell turtle Amyda cartilaginea (Boddaert, 1770) is one of the reptile commodities included in CITESAppendix II with vulnerable status according to IUCN. The species has been harvesting, especially for export purposein South Sumatera. The reseach was aimed to know the population characteristics of the Asiatic softshell turtleharvested in South Sumatera. The study was carried out based on enumerators approach from July to Desember2012 in South Sumatera. The data enumeration also has been collected from the 1st collectors. Data analysis includedthe size distribution of carapace curve length (CCL), carapace curve width (CCW), body weight, sex ratio, agestructure, CCL-weight relationship and von Bertalanffy growth parameters. The results showed that there wererecorded 306 individuals of A. cartilaginea (92% adult) with sex ratio male and female is 42:58. Its has carapacecurve length range from 10 to 75.5 cm, carapace curve width 9 to 59.5 cm and body weight 0.02 to 40 kg. A.cartilaginea growth pattern was negatively allometric (b = 2.727). The von Bertalanffy growth formula of A.cartilaginea in South Sumatera was PLK(t) = 78,75{1-exp[-0,18(t-(-0,72)]} cm

    Dekomposisi Nilai Singular Dan Discrete Fourier Transform Untuk Noise Filtering Pada Citra Digital

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    Penggunaan citra digital pada saat ini telah menjadi suatu trend tersendiri. Namun, ketika dilakukan prosespengambilan gambar, seringkali terdapat noise yang masuk ke dalam citra, sehingga menyebabkan timbulnyabercak-bercak yang tidak beraturan. Jika hal ini terjadi, maka proses pengolahan citra yang akan dilakukantidak akan memberikan hasil yang optimal. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu proses noise filtering untukmengurangi noise yang terdapat padanya. Pada makalah ini digunakan SVD (Singular Value Decomposition)dengan bantuan DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) untuk mengurangi noise yang terdapat pada citra digital.Noise yang dibangkitkan untuk simulasi adalah additive Gaussian noise dan additive Laplacian noise. Denganmetode ini, matriks yang merepresentasikan citra ter-noise akan diuraikan, sehingga dapat diketahuikomponen-komponen matriks yang terpengaruh oleh noise tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian, dapat diketahuibahwa SVD dengan bantuan DFT dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi noise pada citra digital, dan ketikaparameter input yang digunakan optimal, maka kualitas citra hasil filtering yang diberikan pun lebih baikdibandingkan dengan SVD tanpa bantuan DFT

    Analysis of Y Chromosome Microdeletion in Indonesian Males

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    The aim of this study is to find out Y chromosome microdeletion in Indonesian azoospermic men. This study used the PCR method with five STS to locate deletion on three different subregions (AZFa, AZFb, and AZFc) of azoospermic men and one STS to amplify SRY gen which act as an internal control. In this study we detected two of 35 (5,7%) azoospermic men had microdeletion Yq. One had microdeletion on subregion AZFa (sY84) and AZFb (RBMY1) and the other one on subregion AZFc (sY254 and sY255). Therefore microdeletion of the Y chromosome in Indonesian azoospermic men excist. Examination of microdeletion of Y chromosomes in azoospermic men is important if they are going to participate in the Intra Cytoplasmic Infection Program to avoid genetic disorders of their descendants

    Studi Kinetika Reaksi Metanolisis Pembuatan Metil Ester Sulfonat (MES) Menggunakan Reaktor Batch Berpengaduk

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    Surfaktan merupakan surface active agent yang banyak diaplikasikan dalam bidang industri kimia berkaitan dengan kemampuannya menstabilkan emulsi antara fasa minyak dan fasa air. Surfaktan berbasis minyak nabati merupakan pengembangan teknologi di bidang surfaktan yang selama ini didominasi oleh surfaktan berbahan baku minyak bumi. Metil ester sulfonat (MES) adalah surfaktan anionik yang dihasilkan melalui reaksi antara metil ester asam lemak dengan agen pensulfonasi atau yang lebih dikenal dengan reaksi sulfonasi. MES mengalami proses lanjutan yang disebut dengan reaksi metanolisis dan netralisasi. Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh rasio mol reaktan, waktu reaksi dan suhu reaksi terhadap yield MES pada reaksi metanolisis. Yield MES tertinggi yaitu 49,71% dicapai pada suhu reaksi 120°C, waktu reaksi 120 menit dan rasio mol MES terhadap metanol 1:3. Konstanta laju reaksi metanolisis ditentukan dengan mereaksikan reaktan di dalam reaktor batch berpengaduk pada kondisi operasi tersebut

    Expansion Grade and Morphokinetic Parameters Associated with Aneuploidy Status of Embryo Fifth Day: Tingkat Ekspansi dan Parameter Morfokinetik yang Diasosiasikan dengan Status Aneuploid pada Hari k Lima Sebuah Embrio

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    Objective: To determine the potential of examining embryo morphology, and morphokinetic parameters in predicting the chromosomal status of embryos. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional that requires patients undergoing IVF followed by chromosome examination with NGS that was conducted at the IVF Center at Pondok Indah Hospital and Morula IVF Center at Bunda Hospital from December 2021 to December 2022. Each embryo that reaches the blastocyst stage on day 5 or 6 will be washed and put into a PCR tube for a week; then, embryologists annotate them to determine morphological assessment and morphokinetic parameters using Time-Lapse Microscopy. The chi-square test was used to analyse bivariate variables. Results: One hundred twenty-four samples were collected on day 5 of patients undergoing the IVF procedure. 50.8% of the samples were aneuploid chromosomes, and 49.2% were euploid. The morphokinetic characteristics median was 3.86 fold. It was found that expansion grade, time to pro-nuclear fading, and time to the synchrony of the third cell cycle were significantly associated with euploid status (p = 0.000; 0.041 and 0.036). Conclusion: The expansion grade has been proven as the most influential component for accurately predicting the ploidy status of embryos. Keyword: blastocyst, embryo, euploid status, expansion grade, morphokinetics   Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui potensi pemeriksaan morfologi embrio, dan parameter morfokinetik dalam memprediksi status kromosom embrio. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang yang memerlukan pasien yang sedang menjalani program bayi tabung yang dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan kromosom dengan NGS yang dilakukan di Pusat IVF RS Pondok Indah dan Pusat IVF Morula RS Bunda pada bulan Desember 2021 hingga Desember 2022. Setiap embrio yang mencapai tahap blastokista pada hari ke 5 atau 6 akan dicuci dan dimasukkan ke dalam tabung PCR selama seminggu; kemudian, ahli embriologi membuat anotasi untuk menentukan penilaian morfologi dan parameter morfokinetik menggunakan Mikroskop Time-Lapse. Uji chi-square digunakan untuk menganalisis variabel bivariat. Hasil: Seratus dua puluh empat sampel dikumpulkan pada hari ke 5 dari pasien yang menjalani prosedur IVF. 50,8% sampel adalah kromosom aneuploid, dan 49,2% adalah euploid. Median karakteristik morfokinetik sebesar 3,86 kali lipat. Ditemukan bahwa tingkat ekspansi, waktu menuju pemudaran pro-nuklir, dan waktu hingga sinkronisasi siklus sel ketiga berhubungan secara signifikan dengan status euploid (p = 0,000; 0,041 dan 0,036). Kesimpulan: Tingkat ekspansi telah terbukti sebagai komponen yang paling berpengaruh dalam memprediksi status ploidi embrio secara akurat. Kata kunci: blastosist, embrio, status euploid, tingkat ekspansi, morfokineti

    Women and liveability – best practices of empowerment from Malaysia

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    How to survive and make ends meet and how to improve the quality of life are daily and persistent livelihood issues and liveability challenges preoccupying disadvantaged communities in underdeveloped and developing countries. Even in politically stable Malaysia life struggles could be complex and challenging for womenfolk who more often than not are left on their own to cope with daily liveability problems. Through examining the findings from secondary information sources this paper illustrates three cases of how women helped make the best of empowerment projects geared to make the livelihood and liveability of themselves, their family and community better and more meaningful. It also highlights the institutional and organizational traits that were the success factors of the empowerment projects

    Women and liveability – best practices of empowerment from Indonesia

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    How to survive and make ends meet and how to improve the quality of life are daily and persistent livelihood issues and liveability challenges preoccupying disadvantaged communities in underdeveloped and developing countries. In politically volatile and environmentally hazardous Indonesia life struggles could be complex and challenging for womenfolk who more often than not are left on their own to cope with daily liveability problems. Through examining the findings from secondary information sources this paper illustrates three cases of how women helped make the best of empowerment projects geared to make the livelihood and liveability of themselves, their family and community better and more meaningful. It also highlights the institutional and organizational traits that were the success factors of the empowerment projects

    Women and liveability – best practices of empowerment from Thailand

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    How to survive and make ends meet and how to improve the quality of life are daily and persistent livelihood issues and liveability challenges preoccupying disadvantaged communities in underdeveloped and developing countries. In politically volatile and environmentally hazardous India life struggles could be complex and challenging for womenfolk who more often than not are left on their own to cope with daily liveability problems. Through examining the findings from secondary information sources this paper illustrates three cases of how women helped make the best of empowerment projects geared to make the livelihood and liveability of themselves, their family and community better and more meaningful. It also highlights the institutional and organizational traits that were the success factors of the empowerment projects

    Indonesia Darurat Narkoba (Peran Hukum dalam Mengatasi Peredaran Gelap Narkoba)

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    Negara Indonesia melalui UU No. 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika, secara tegas melarang peredaran gelap Narkoba. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai respon terhadap tingginya jumlah penyalah guna narkoba di Indonesia. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi peredaran gelap narkoba harus diupayakan secara bersama-sama antara institusi negara dengan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia, artinya harus ada kesadaran setiap masyarakat untuk memerangi peredaran gelap narkoba

    Genotype distribution of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase A1298C and C677T gene in Indonesian infertile men

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    Background: Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is an important enzyme of folate and methionin metabolism, making it crucial for DNA synthesis and methylation. Variants of MTHFR C677T and A1298C gene result in reduced plasma folate levels and increase the susceptibility to spermatogenic arrest. This research aims to analyses MTHFR C677T and A1298C gene polymorphism in Indonesian infertile men with azoospermia and oligozoospermia.Methods: This cross sectional study takes 3 mL of blood from 150 infertile men with oligozoospermia and azoospermia. MTHFR gene is analyzed using polymerase chain reaction technique (PCR) with specific primers. PCR-RFLP analysis of the MTHFR gene using restriction enzymes MboII and HinfI determines allotypes, both of SNP A1298C and C677T in oligozoospermia and azoospermia in Indonesian population.Results: The results show that the distribution of allotypes of MTHFR gene SNP A1298C and A677T is not significantly different (p&gt;0.05) between patient groups with oligozoospermia and azoospermia.Conclusion: MTHFR gene polymorphisms, both of SNP A1298C and C677T are not associated with male infertility in Indonesian men including patients with severe oligozoospermia and azoospermia. (Med J Indones 2012;21:23-7)Keywords: DNA methylation, MTHFR, spermatogenic arrest</p