10 research outputs found

    Sintesis Oksida Grafena dari Arang Tempurung Kelapa Untuk Aplikasi Antibakteri dan Antioksidan

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    Oksida grafena adalah turunan dari grafena yang mudah disintesis dan aplikasi yang sangat luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyintesisoksida grafena dari arang tempurung kelapa yang memiliki karakter partikel nano karbon sebagai antibakteri dan antioksidan. Oksida grafena dari arang tersebut berhasil disintesis dengan rendemen 1,85% b/b menggunakan modifikasi metode Hummers dengan ukuran rataan partikel 33,7 nm. Gugus fungsi beroksigen pada spektrum inframerah pada bilangan gelombang 2933 cm-1 dan 1615 cm-1 menandakan oksida grafena berhasil terbentuk. Puncak difraksi sinar X 23,5o dan kristalinitas sebesar 6,85%. Derajat kristalinitas yang rendah menunjukan bahwa oksida grafena memiliki fasa amorf. Aktivitas antioksidan ditentukan berdasarkan kemampuannya mereduksi besi(III) dan hasil sintesis memperlihatkan aktivitas antioksidan sebesar 50% dibanding standar. Hasil pengujian antibakteri ditandai dengan terbentuknya zona bening terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus sehingga oksida grafena memiliki aktivitas antibakteri namun tergolong lemah

    Analisis Injeksi Epoxy Pada Perbaikan Retak Beton Terhadap Beban Lentur

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    One of the causes of cracking in concrete beams is excessive gravitational load,mainly due to live loads that exceed capacity. The cracked beam can be repaired by the epoxy injection method but the condition of the repair is the strength value must reach the condition before cracking. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of injection in filling cracks and assessing epoxy ability in restoring beam strength. The specimen is a f'c 25 reinforced concrete block with dimensions of 15x15x60 cm. Tests are carried out with 2 methods, that are loading test according to SNI 03-4154-1996 and UPV. Load test and UPV were carried out at the age of 28 days and 3, 6. 9 days after epoxy injection. Based on the load test, epoxy injection is able to restore beam flexural strength up to 50% which is indicated by achieving load values after being injected. From the UPV test, it is known that epoxy injection is able to fill cracks which are characterized by increasing ultrasonic wave propagation speed on the test object after injection compared to when cracked but the injection cannot completely fill the cracked area which is indicated by a smaller wave propagation value than when the object the test has not experienced a crack. Based on a series of research activities, it is very necessary to pay attention to the injection process such as viscosity and injection pressure in order to obtain good results.Kata kunci : crack, injection, epox

    Modifikasi Karakteristik Kuat Tarik pada Komposit Film Poli(Vinil Pirolidon) dan Karagenan Melalui Pembentukan Komposit Karbon Nano Dot

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    Polimer merupakan material yang banyak dijadikan komposit sekarang ini. Teknologi nano dapat berperan sebagai agen komposit yang lebih baik dari pada agen komposit konvensional. C-dot yang merupakan material nano yang dikompositkan dengan polimer alam dan sintetik dengan model berturut-turut karagenan dan poli(vinilpirolidon) (PVP). Pada penelitian ini C-dot disintesis dari asam sitrat dan urea dengan iradiasi gelombang mikro, kemudian produk dimurnikan dan dikarakterisasi. Karagenan diekstraksi dari rumput laut Eucheuma cottonii. Selanjutnya polimer dan C-dot dikompositkan dengan metode Gel-Casting. Sintesis C-dot dari asam sitrat dan urea menghasilkan larutan berwarna hitam yang menandakan C-dot terbentuk, terdapat absorbsi di panjang gelombang 340 nm pada daerah UV yang membuktikan C-dot berhasil disintesis karena serapan tersebut tidak ditemukan pada bahan baku. C-dot yang disintesis memiliki ukuran partikel 90,61 nm dan indeks polidispersitas (PI) sebesar 0,0396. Komposit C-dot dengan polimer dapat meningkatkan kuat tarik dan modulus elastisitas film polimer. Konsentrasi optimum C-dot sebagai pengisi (filler) untuk PVP sebesar 0,7% b/b dan Karagenan 1.5% b/b. C-dot dapat berperan sebagai pengisi (filler) dalam kuat tarik pada film polimer. Penambahan C-dot pada film polimer sintetik maupun alam dapat meningkatkan sifat mekanik dari film polimer dan tidak memberikan hasil yang berbeda


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    Physiological changes in the elderly can cause a change in the neural system that is a disorder towards sleep quality while changes in the musculoskeletal system are the occurrence of muscle strength decline. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy is a therapy which can improve sleep quality and muscle strength. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of progressive muscle relaxation therapy towards muscle strength and sleep quality of the elderly at House Technical Implementation. The research type used is quasi-experiment design with pretest and posttest nonequivalent control group design. The population in this research were all elderly as many as 40 elderly people. The sampling technique used was Total Sampling which was then divided into intervention group which consists of 20 respondents and control group which consists of 20 respondents. The measurement tool used was PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) questionnaire for sleep quality and the MMT (Manual Muscle Testing) observation sheet for muscle strength. The data were analyzed using Paired T-test and Independent T-test. Based on Paired T-test, it was obtained that p value = 0.000 (

    Pengaruh Terapi Relaksasi Otot Progresif Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Dan Kualitas Tidur Lanjut Usia

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    Physiological changes in the elderly can cause a change in the neural system that is a disorder towards sleep quality while changes in the musculoskeletal system are the occurrence of muscle strength decline. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy is a therapy which can improve sleep quality and muscle strength. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of progressive muscle relaxation therapy towards muscle strength and sleep quality of the elderly at House Technical Implementation. The research type used is quasi-experiment design with pretest and posttest nonequivalent control group design. The population in this research were all elderly as many as 40 elderly people. The sampling technique used was Total Sampling which was then divided into intervention group which consists of 20 respondents and control group which consists of 20 respondents. The measurement tool used was PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) questionnaire for sleep quality and the MMT (Manual Muscle Testing) observation sheet for muscle strength. The data were analyzed using Paired T-test and Independent T-test. Based on Paired T-test, it was obtained that p value = 0.000 (p <0,05) for muscle strength and p value = 0,000 (p <0,05) for sleep quality which indicated significant difference. While according to the independent T-test results, it was obtained that p value = 0.000 (p <0.05) which indicated that there was an effect of progressive muscle relaxation therapy towards muscle strength and sleep quality of elderly people at House Technical Implementation. Therapy can be used as an alternative method for elderly people to improve muscle strength and sleep quality so that nurses working in the elderly special service order can integrate this therapy in the nursing care


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    Delik Kesusilaan yang tercantum dalam Bab XIV KUHP maupun dalam peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya belum dapat menjerat terhadap pelaku terhadap korban yang berusia 18 tahun hingga 21 tahun apabila persetubuhan tersebut diawali suka sama suka oleh karena perlu diadakan pembaharuan melalui kebijakan kriminal baik non penal (memperbaharui KUHP) maupun usaha non Penal. Penelitian ini diharapkan mempunyai manfaat secara teoritis dapat bermanfaat sebagai masukan dalam pengkajian lebih lanjut bagi para teoretisi dalam memperdalam ilmu hukum hukum pidana materil, sedangkan secara praktis untuk memberikan masukan kepada pemerintah khususnya penegak hukum dalam kerangka pembaharuan hukum pidana materil dalam rangka mencari kebenaran dan rasa keadilan khususnya terhadap pelaku kejahatan seksual tersebut. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sejarah perkembangan delik kesusilaan serta begaimana pengaturan kesusilaan yang ada sekarang dan yang dikehendaki/diharapkan pada masa yang akan datang khususnya perundang-undangan yang khusus mengatur delik kesusilaan seperti undang-undang kekerasan dalam rumah tangga atau pun undang-undang perlindungan anak. Dalam melakukan penelitian hukum normatif, artinya ”dalam penelitian ini yang diteliti yaitu bahan pustaka atau bahan hukum sekunder, meliputi bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tertier. Pengaturan masalah delik kesusilaan dalam hukum pidana di Indonesia, baik yang terdapat dalam KUHP maupun undang-undang diluar KUHP, masih menimbulkan multi tafsir. karena belum seluruhnya meninspirasi dalam KUHP maupun dalam Konsep. Oleh karena masih banyak pandangan yang skeptis terhadap delik kesusilaan khususnya terhadap kejahatan seksual. Kriminalisasi terhadap kejahatan seksual memang sudah diusahakan baik dalam perundang- undangan namun penegasan terhadap korban yang berusia diatas 18 (delapan belas) tahun sampai dengan 21 (dua puluh satu) tahun Belum ada. Oleh karena itu selain dengan memperbaharui perundang-undangan yang ada maka penggunaan Undang No. 1 Tahun 1951 dapat dilakukan asalkan daerah setempat memiliki hukum adat yang memberikan sanksi terhadap pelaku yang melakukan kejahtatan terhadap wanita yang berusia 18 (delapan belas) tahun sampai dengan 21 (dua puluh satu) tahun

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan Serta Keterampilan Penulangan dan Pengecoran Pada Masyarakat Candi Kuning, Tabanan, Bali

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    Reinforced concrete is the most widely used structure compared to steel or wood. Reinforced concrete is generally very easy to work with. The material is very easy to get. It\u27s so easy, it\u27s often done by workers who don\u27t have knowledge and skills about concrete structures. This condition is exacerbated by building owners who do not pay attention to the details of reinforced concrete structures. The owner does not want to pay for the planning consultant or supervisor. The combination of these causes the condition of the building to be not in a safe condition even though in reality there are still many buildings that are being worked on haphazardly and are still in good condition. In the rules of Civil Engineering where safety is the main thing, the conditions above must be corrected. One of the efforts of the academic community to improve this situation is to implement a Community Service Program (PKM) in the form of Technical Guidance (Bimtek) for construction workers. This Bimtek is filled with the provision of theory and practice. The theory presented is knowledge about reinforcement and concrete constituent materials. While the practice consists of working on reinforcement: cutting, bending and assembling reinforcement. For concrete practice consists of mixing and casting concrete. From this Bimtek, the construction workers understand and able to do reinforcement, mix and pour concrete properly. It is hoped that after attending this Bimtek, the construction workers will be able to apply their knowledge and skills to the projects they are working on in order to obtain a good reinforced concrete structure. In its implementation, this Bimtek received a good reception from the Perbekel and the community. In his speech, the Perbekel of Candi Kuning Village hoped that the masons who had attended this Bimtek would become pioneers of correct concrete structure work, be able to increase competitiveness and get increased wages. Through the representatives of the participants, they expressed their gratitude for the knowledge taught and hoped that similar activities could be carried out again.Reinforced concrete is the most widely used structure compared to steel or wood. Reinforced concrete is generally very easy to work with. This condition is exacerbated by building owners who do not pay attention to the details of reinforced concrete structures. The combination of these causes the condition of the building to be not in a safe condition even though in reality there are still many buildings that are being worked on haphazardly and are still in good condition. In the rules of Civil Engineering where safety is the main thing, the conditions above must be corrected. One of the efforts of the academic community to improve this situation is to implement a community service program in the form of technical guidance for construction workers. From this activity, the construction workers understand and able to do reinforcement, mix and pour concrete properly. It is hoped that after attending this activity, the construction workers will be able to apply their knowledge and skills to the projects they work at in order to obtain a good reinforced concrete structure. In its implementation, this activity received a good reception from the community leaders. In his speech, the Candi Kuning Village leader hoped that the masons who had attended this activity would become pioneers of correct concrete structure work, be able to increase competitiveness and get increased wages. Through the representatives of the participants, they expressed their gratitude for the knowledge taught and hoped that similar activities could be carried out in the future. Keywords- reinforced concrete structure, technical guidance, reinforcement, concrete mixing andcasting. Beton bertulang merupakan struktur yang paling banyak digunakan dibandingkan baja maupun kayu. Beton bertulang secara umum sangat mudah dikerjakan. Terkadang pemilik bangunan yang tidak mengindahkan detail dari struktur beton bertulang. Kombinasi dari hal tersebut menyebabkan kondisi gedung tidak dalam keadaan aman walaupun pada kenyataannya masih banyak gedung yang dikerjakan serampangan hingga kini masih dalam keadaan baik. Pada kaidah ilmu Teknik Sipil di mana keamanan adalah hal yang utama maka kondisi di atas harus diperbaiki. Salah satu upaya civitas akademika untuk memperbaiki keadaan itu adalah dengan melaksanakan program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) berupa Bimbingan Teknis (Bimtek) kepada para pekerja konstruksi. Hasil dari bimtek ini para tukang menjadi mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengerjakan penulangan, mencampur dan mengecor beton dengan benar. Diharapkan setelah bimtek ini para tukang dapat mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan keterampilannya pada proyek-proyek yang dikerjakannya sehingga diperoleh struktur beton bertulangan yang baik. Pada pelaksanaannya, bimtek ini mendapat sambutan yang baik dari perbekel dan masyarakat. Perbekel Desa Candi Kuning dalam sambutannya mengharapkan para tukang yang telah mengikuti Bimtek ini menjadi pionir pekerjaan struktur beton yang benar, mampu meningkatkan daya saing dan mendapatkan peningkatan upah kerja. Melalui perwakilan peserta disampaikan rasa terima kasih atas pengetahuan yang diajarkan dan harapan agar kegiatan serupa dapat dilaksanakan kembali. Kata kunci- struktur beton bertulang, bimbingan teknis, penulangan, pencampuran dan pengecoran beton