191 research outputs found

    Formazione esperienziale proposte per la sicurezza digitale

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    l testo intende sostenere chi si propone di introdurre, nei percorsi di chi studia e chi lavora, momenti formativi che possano fornire un lessico di base ed occasioni di aggiornamento in merito ai principali comportamenti da monitorare, ai fattori di rischio, ai comportamenti da adottare per prevenire ed intervenire su questioni di data security. Pi\uf9 in generale, offre dati, riflessioni e proposte formative per fare i conti con la nostra \u201cintelligenza digitale\u201d, soprattutto nel nostro rapporto con Internet, e con la nostra consapevolezza in materia di privacy e sicurezza informatica. I contributi sono articolati in cinque capitoli, compresi percorsi pratici di formazione esperienziale

    Automatically applying a credibility appraisal tool to track vaccination-related communications shared on social media

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    Background: Tools used to appraise the credibility of health information are time-consuming to apply and require context-specific expertise, limiting their use for quickly identifying and mitigating the spread of misinformation as it emerges. Our aim was to estimate the proportion of vaccination-related posts on Twitter are likely to be misinformation, and how unevenly exposure to misinformation was distributed among Twitter users. Methods: Sampling from 144,878 vaccination-related web pages shared on Twitter between January 2017 and March 2018, we used a seven-point checklist adapted from two validated tools to appraise the credibility of a small subset of 474. These were used to train several classifiers (random forest, support vector machines, and a recurrent neural network with transfer learning), using the text from a web page to predict whether the information satisfies each of the seven criteria. Results: Applying the best performing classifier to the 144,878 web pages, we found that 14.4\% of relevant posts to text-based communications were linked to webpages of low credibility and made up 9.2\% of all potential vaccination-related exposures. However, the 100 most popular links to misinformation were potentially seen by between 2 million and 80 million Twitter users, and for a substantial sub-population of Twitter users engaging with vaccination-related information, links to misinformation appear to dominate the vaccination-related information to which they were exposed. Conclusions: We proposed a new method for automatically appraising the credibility of webpages based on a combination of validated checklist tools. The results suggest that an automatic credibility appraisal tool can be used to find populations at higher risk of exposure to misinformation or applied proactively to add friction to the sharing of low credibility vaccination information.Comment: 8 Pages, 5 Figure

    Conversational agents in healthcare: a systematic review.

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    Objective: Our objective was to review the characteristics, current applications, and evaluation measures of conversational agents with unconstrained natural language input capabilities used for health-related purposes. Methods: We searched PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, PsycInfo, and ACM Digital using a predefined search strategy. Studies were included if they focused on consumers or healthcare professionals; involved a conversational agent using any unconstrained natural language input; and reported evaluation measures resulting from user interaction with the system. Studies were screened by independent reviewers and Cohen's kappa measured inter-coder agreement. Results: The database search retrieved 1513 citations; 17 articles (14 different conversational agents) met the inclusion criteria. Dialogue management strategies were mostly finite-state and frame-based (6 and 7 conversational agents, respectively); agent-based strategies were present in one type of system. Two studies were randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 1 was cross-sectional, and the remaining were quasi-experimental. Half of the conversational agents supported consumers with health tasks such as self-care. The only RCT evaluating the efficacy of a conversational agent found a significant effect in reducing depression symptoms (effect size d = 0.44, p = .04). Patient safety was rarely evaluated in the included studies. Conclusions: The use of conversational agents with unconstrained natural language input capabilities for health-related purposes is an emerging field of research, where the few published studies were mainly quasi-experimental, and rarely evaluated efficacy or safety. Future studies would benefit from more robust experimental designs and standardized reporting. Protocol Registration: The protocol for this systematic review is registered at PROSPERO with the number CRD42017065917

    Relationships between woody vegetation and geomorphological patterns in three gravel-bed rivers with different intensities of anthropogenic disturbance

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    We compared three gravel-bed rivers in north-eastern Italy (Brenta, Piave, Tagliamento) having similar bioclimate, geology and fluvial morphology, but affected by different intensities of anthropogenic disturbance related particularly to hydropower dams, training works and instream gravel mining. Our aim was to test whether a corresponding difference in the interactions between vegetation and geomorphological patterns existed among the three rivers. In equally spaced and sized plots (n = 710) we collected descriptors of geomorphic conditions, and presence-absence of woody species. In the less disturbed river (Tagliamento), spatial succession of woody communities from the floodplain to the channel followed a profile where higher elevation floodplains featured more developed tree communities, and lower elevation islands and bars were covered by pioneer communities. In the intermediate-disturbed river (Piave), islands and floodplains lay at similar elevation and both showed species indicators of mature developed communities. In the most disturbed river (Brenta), all these patterns were simplified, all geomorphic units lay at similar elevations, were not well characterized by species composition, and presented similar persistence age. This indicates that in human-disturbed rivers, channel and vegetation adjustments are closely linked in the long term, and suggests that intermediate levels of anthropogenic disturbance, such as those encountered in the Piave River, could counteract the natural, more dynamic conditions that may periodically fragment vegetated landscapes in natural rivers. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd

    Formaldehyde and organic acids based formulations on the reduction of Salmonella in feed and its impact in nursery.

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    Salmonellosis is one of the most common food-borne diseases and pork is the third source of human contamination among animal foods (1). Several factors are related with the Salmonella infection in the farm and feed plays an important role. Brazilian feed mills produce a large amount of feed, which supply many farms; therefore, a contaminated batch has a potential impact of reaching many herds (3). Once infected, pigs shed high concentrations of Salmonella through feces contaminating the environment and other pigs. Thus, the aim was to evaluate the control of Salmonella by including formaldehyde and organic acid based products in the diet and its performance in nursery

    Many moral buttons or just one? Evidence from emotional facial expressions

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    We investigated whether moral violations involving harm selectively elicit anger, whereas purity violations selectively elicit disgust, as predicted by the Moral Foundations Theory (MFT). We analysed participants’ spontaneous facial expressions as they listened to scenarios depicting moral violations of harm and purity. As predicted by MFT, anger reactions were elicited more frequently by harmful than by impure actions. However, violations of purity elicited more smiling reactions and expressions of anger than of disgust. This effect was found both in a classic set of scenarios and in a new set in which the different kinds of violations were matched on weirdness. Overall, these findings are at odds with predictions derived from MFT and provide support for “monist” accounts that posit harm at the basis of all moral violations. However, we found that smiles were differentially linked to purity violations, which leaves open the possibility of distinct moral modules
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