463 research outputs found

    Role of Hyperspectral imaging for Precision Agriculture Monitoring

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    In the modern era precision agriculture has started emerging as a new revolution. Remote sensing is generally regarded as one of the most important techniques for agricultural monitoring at multiple spatiotemporal scales. This has expanded from traditional systems such as imaging systems, agricultural monitoring, atmospheric science, geology and defense to a variety of newly developing laboratory-based measurements. The development of hyperspectral imaging systems has taken precision agriculture a step further. Because of the spectral range limit of multispectral imagery, the detection of minute changes in materials is significantly lacking, this shortcoming can be overcome by hyperspectral sensors and prove useful in many agricultural applications. Recently, various emerging platforms also popularized hyperspectral remote sensing technology, however, it comes with the complexity of data storage and processing. This article provides a detailed overview of hyperspectral remote sensing that can be used for better estimation in agricultural applications

    Thyroid hormones reference ranges during each trimester of normal pregnancy subjects in Andhra Pradesh, South India

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    Background: The Thyroid hormones normal levels are very much essential for fetal neural development and good pregnancy outcome. Thyroid insufficiency during pregnancy may be associated with adverse obstetric outcome and fetal neurodevelopmental deficits. The main objective of the study is to estimate and establish the reference ranges of thyroid hormones as it varies from place to place and inter dependent on the iodine levels as the American Thyroid Association strongly recommends to refer to population defined trimester-specific reference ranges.Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted at obstetric clinic, Kakinada city, Andhra Pradesh over a period of 18 months. The total number of normal pregnancy subjects included in this study was 126. Thyroid hormones estimation was done by Competitive electrochemiluminescence (T3 and T4) and Sandwich electrochemiluminescence (TSH) at Thyorocare Laboratory. Only 47 subjects were having all three trimester thyroid hormone levels estimated during each trimester and were followed up to full term. The 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles were calculated as the reference intervals for thyroid hormone levels during each trimester.Results: The thyroid hormone levels during first, second and third trimesters median with reference intervals - Total Triiodothyronine (T3) : 163(100.2-230), 168(121-219.2), 168(110.2-222.6) ng/dl ,Total Thyroxine (T4) : 8.4(4.05-16.64) , 10.2(4.09-18.7), 11.2(3.8-16.7) μg/dl and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH ):2.52(1.6-7.9) 3.01(1.28-7.6) 3(1.5-8.4) μIU/mlConclusions: The trimester-specific reference intervals and median for thyroid hormones during normal pregnancy have been established for pregnant South Indian women in Andhra Pradesh by full term follow-up during pregnancy using 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles and median

    Proportion of metabolic syndrome among overweight and obese children of age 6 to 16 years attending a tertiary care centre, Kerala

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    Background: This study aimed to find out the proportion of overweight and obese children of age 6-16 years having metabolic syndrome and to find out the risk factors for the same. Methods: This hospital based cross sectional study was conducted in obesity clinic of Department of Paediatric, Government T D Medical College, Alappuzha over a period of 18 months (from jan 2019 to june 2020). Sample size was calculated as 210 children including 20% expected dropout. Children of age 6-16 years with BMI > 85th centile attending the obesity clinics were enrolled for the study as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After getting consent/assent, relevant points from history, physical examination and investigations were recorded. The data obtained were entered in excel spread sheet and analyzed. Results: In this study, 28.9% were overweight and 71.1% were obese. Proportion of metabolic syndrome [MetS] among subject with overweight and obese were 18% and 29.3% respectively. Metabolic syndrome were more in males, children receiving more calories, have passive smoking and were born as preterm or big baby. Abdominal obesity was present in all children with MetS. Significant associations were found between MetS and inflammatory markers like CRP. Among the metabolic parameters, elevated level of uric acid, SGOT, SGPT and abnormal lipid profile were found to have a positive correlation with MetS. Conclusions: More than 25% of children with BMI > 85th centile is found to have MetS. Being overweight also is high risk for development of metabolic syndrome. High calorie intake, passive smoking, prematurity, birth weight more than 4 kg and abdominal obesity are significant risk factors identified

    Spectrum of acute kidney injury in patients of tropical acute febrile illness in a tertiary hospital

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    Background: Tropical acute febrile illnesses (TAFI) such as malaria, typhoid, leptospirosis, dengue are major causes of AKI in the tropics. The spectrum of AKI due to TAFI in developing countries like India is still underestimated. Hence, we conducted a study to know the spectrum of AKI in patients of TAFI. Methods: The prospective study was conducted in Yashoda hospital, Secunderabad a tertiary care hospital in India from April 2019 to March 2020. AKI was defined as per KDIGO. The clinical history, physical examination and laboratory investigations were recorded in a standard proforma. Results: Hundred patients suffering from TAFI were admitted during the study period. Mean age of the study population was 43.12±14.33 years. Twenty-six (60.5%) were males. Most common presenting feature was fever (100%), chills (81.4%) and vomiting (67.4%). The most common cause of TAFI was dengue (n=49, 49%), leptospirosis (n=20, 20%), followed by malaria (n=10, 10%), scrub typhus (n=10, 10%) and undifferentiated fever (n=6, 6%). 43 patients (43%) had AKI as per KDIGO definition. 23 patients (53.5%) had stage 1, 11 (25.6%) had stage 2 and 9 (20.9%) had stage 3 AKI. RRT was required in 16.3% of patients. Dengue and leptospirosis were the most common causes for requirement of RRT. SLED was the most common modality of dialysis. Mortality was observed in 6.98% patients and Dengue was the most common cause of mortality. Conclusions: AKI is common in tropical acute febrile illness. However, RRT was required only in 16.3% and mortality was observed in 6.98% patients


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    This paper is an outcome of the motivation and need to address wide spectrum of teaching and learning styles that are recognized by the students.  It is the order of the day that the student’s are encouraged in self-learning, engaged learning, peer to peer learning etc., forproviding better exposure and ambience for easy understanding of the basic concepts. In this context, Mechanical Principles module that is taught at undergraduate level at the Department of Mechanical engineering at Caledonian College of Engineering, Oman is considered for implementing new teaching tools.  This is a core module in mechanical engineering where the teaching involves a large group of students which require addressing pedagogical teaching and resource challenges. Various strategies are developed in order to enhance the teaching and learning experience of students such as change in layout of their seating arrangements inside the class room, use of soft tools for wider learning, open ended lab to improve the practical skills, use of CCE learn for online access of course documents, online quizzes for more interactive learning as well as access for students to video lectures &EBrary sources in addition to the traditional teaching. Survey conducted towards the level of satisfaction of students indicates that a majority of students appreciate different teaching and learning methods other than the traditional ones. The present work that is carried out for Mechanical principles module can be extended to other related modules. Definitely any useful teaching learning tools used in addition to the conventional methods of teaching creates attention to student community and enhances their theoretical and practical exposure

    Fabrication of palladium modified zinc oxide nanorods (Pd-ZnO NRs) for electrochemical detection of mebendazole

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    Developing an efficient elctrocalayst for mebendazole (MEBDZ) sensing has been crucial for enhancing the construction of biosensors. Herein, palladium modified zinc oxide nanorods (Pd-ZnO NRs) have been synthesized by facile hydrothermal method for MEBDZ sensing. The FE-SEM and HR-TEM measurements have shown that Pd is dispersed on ZnO rods. The crystal structures of the Pd-ZnO have been revealed by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD). The strategy of modifying ZnO rods by Pd is promising, for fabricating towards MEBDZ sensors applications with its electrocatalytic activities. The differential pulse voltammetry has been used, method for the electroanalytical determination of MEBDZ. Under the optimal conditions, the Pd-ZnO NRs modified electrode has shown a wide linear response to the concentration of MEBDZ with a low noticeable detection limit. The as-prepared samples have shown an excellent electrochemical activity towards the electro-oxidation of MEBDZ leading to a significant improvement in sensitivity as compared to the bare glassy carbon electrode


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    Objective: β-Thalassemia is one of the familiar single gene disorders which passes from parents to offspring. The prevalence of β-thalassemia trait varies from 1-14% in different regions of India. Every year almost 9000 β-thalassemic major children are being born in the Indian sub-continent. In the present study, the prevalence of β-thalassemia trait was checked and some screening tests were performed to detect it among the Dakshina Kannada population of Karnataka.Methods: A total of 800 youngsters were selected for the study, males being above 21 y and females above 18 y. Two ml of blood was drawn and collected in K2 EDTA bottles and complete hemogram was immediately checked. Samples which have Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)<80 fico litres(fl) were selected for the study. Five discriminant functions were calculated. NESTROFT (Naked Eye Single Tube Red Cell Osmotic Fragility Test) was performed in all the samples. The samples which show positive for NESTROFT and at least 2 discriminant functions were further checked for HbA2 level using cellulose acetate electrophoresis to confirm the β-thalassemia trait. A comparison was made with the normal samples which have MCV ˃ 80fl.Results: Prevalence of β-thalassemia trait was found to be 5.125 % in this population. The obtained values were analyzed using unpaired Student's‘t' test using GraphPad prism (Version-3.0). Samples of β-thalassemia trait have significant changes in the white blood corpuscles (WBC p=0.1266), red blood corpuscles (RBC p=0.0130), hemoglobin (Hb p<0.0001), hematocrit (HCT p<0.0001), MCV(p<0.0001), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH p<0.0001), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC p<0.0001), platelets (PLT p=0.0005), HbA2(p<0.0001) compared to normal controls.Conclusion: The present study shows that the people with β-thalassemia trait have a significant variation in complete hemogram compared to normal; NESTROFT and discriminant functions can be used for the screening of β-thalassemia trait in the population

    Synthesis of peptides mediated by AgCN

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    Fabrication of palladium modified zinc oxide nanorods (Pd-ZnO NRs) for electrochemical detection of mebendazole

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    587-594Developing an efficient elctrocalayst for mebendazole (MEBDZ) sensing has been crucial for enhancing the construction of biosensors. Herein, palladium modified zinc oxide nanorods (Pd-ZnO NRs) have been synthesized by facile hydrothermal method for MEBDZ sensing. The FE-SEM and HR-TEM measurements have shown that Pd is dispersed on ZnO rods. The crystal structures of the Pd-ZnO have been revealed by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD). The strategy of modifying ZnO rods by Pd is promising, for fabricating towards MEBDZ sensors applications with its electrocatalytic activities. The differential pulse voltammetry has been used, method for the electroanalytical determination of MEBDZ. Under the optimal conditions, the Pd-ZnO NRs modified electrode has shown a wide linear response to the concentration of MEBDZ with a low noticeable detection limit. The as-prepared samples have shown an excellent electrochemical activity towards the electro-oxidation of MEBDZ leading to a significant improvement in sensitivity as compared to the bare glassy carbon electrode