47 research outputs found

    Comparative study on physical characteristics and nutritional composition of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) at different stages of maturity

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    Present day scientists are paying more attention towards developing new value-added products from underutilized crops for economic growth in agriculture system. Therefore, present experiment was undertaken to explicate the nutritional potential of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) at different stage of maturity until it is fully mature and ripe. Variation in different physico-biochemical properties,for example moisture content, sugars, titratable acidity (TA), crude proteins, crude fat, β-carotene, ascorbic acid, pectin and fibre in flesh, peel and seeds of fruit provides the better understanding for its utilization in preparation of various products. The firmness of pumpkin increased from 4.94 lbs/inch2 at 15 DAA (Days after antesis) to 22.50 lbs/inch2 at ripe stage during maturity. β-carotene content of flesh increased from 1.34 to13.30 mg/100g and 26.26 while quantity ascorbic acid in flesh of fruit declined from 26.46 to 13.16 mg/100 g at 15 DAA to ripe stage.In seeds crude fat increased from 5.43 to 50.24% and protein increase was found to be from 4.10 to 19.56%. Pectin content (as calcium pectate) of flesh and peel increased from 0.56 to 1.89 and 0.78 to 2.15%, respectively from 15 DAA to 45 DAA and at later stage it decreased. The knowledge about physic-chemical quality of pumpkin at different stage of maturity would help in selecting right stage of fruit maturity for its utilization in acceptable manner

    Unraveling Prostaglandin and NLRP3 Inflammasomemediated Pathways of Primary Dysmenorrhea and the Role of Mefenamic Acid and Its Combinations

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    Painful menstrual cramps during or around the time of the monthly cycle are known as dysmenorrhea. The estimated global prevalence in women of reproductive age ranges from 45% to 95%. It has a significant negative impact on regular activities and productivity at work. However, despite the severe consequences on quality of life, primary dysmenorrhea (PD) is underdiagnosed. Dysmenorrhea has complex pathogenesis. It involves the release of prostaglandins and activation of the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome and also includes the involvement of other mediators such as bradykinin, histamine and acetylcholine. Even though nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) remain the most common type of pain medication, the question of which one should be the most preferred is still open to debate. The current review examines the existing evidence for the pathogenesis of PD and makes evidence based and clinical experience based recommendations for the use of mefenamic acid and its combination in the treatment of dysmenorrhea. Mefenamic acid alleviates PD by inhibiting endometrial prostaglandin formation, restoring normal uterine activity, and reducing the inflammatory response by inhibiting the NLRP3 inflammasome and reducing the release of cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1β. It is also known to have bradykinin antagonist activity. Dicyclomine has a dual action of blocking the muscarinic action of acetylcholine in postganglionic parasympathetic effect or regions and acting directly on uterine smooth muscle by blocking bradykinin and histamine receptors to relieve spasms. According to the experts, mefenamic acid and dicyclomine act synergistically by acting on the different pathways of dysmenorrhea by blocking multifactorial agents attributed to the cause of dysmenorrhea. Hence, the combination of mefenamic acid and dicyclomine should be the preferred treatment option for dysmenorrhea

    Assessment of different methods of rice (Oryza sativa. L) cultivation affecting growth parameters, soil chemical, biological, and microbiological properties, water saving, and grain yield in rice–rice system

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    Field experiments were conducted at DRR farm located at ICRISAT, Patancheru, in sandy clay loam soils during four seasons, Kharif 2008, Rabi 2008–2009, Kharif 2009 and Rabi 2009–2010, to investigate growth parameters, water-saving potential, root characteristics, chemical, biological, and microbial properties of rhizosphere soil, and grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) by comparing the plants grown with system of rice intensification (SRI) methods, with organic or organic + inorganic fertilization, against current recommended best management practices (BMP). All the growth parameters including plant height, effective tillers (10–45 %), panicle length, dry matter, root dry weight (24–57 %), and root volume (10–66 %) were found to be significantly higher with in SRI-organic + inorganic over BMP. With SRI-organic fertilization, growth parameters showed inconsistent results; however, root dry weight (3–77 %) and root volume (31–162 %) were found significantly superior compared to BMP. Grain yield was found significantly higher in SRI-organic + inorganic (12–23 and 4–35 % in the Kharif and Rabi seasons, respectively), while with SRI-organic management, yield was found higher (4–34 %) only in the Rabi seasons compared to BMP. An average of 31 and 37 % of irrigation water were saved during Kharif and Rabi seasons, respectively, with both SRI methods of rice cultivation compared to BMP. Further, total nitrogen, organic carbon%, soil dehydrogenase, microbial biomass carbon, total bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes were found higher in the two SRI plots in comparison to BMP. It is concluded that SRI practices create favorable conditions for beneficial soil microbes to prosper, save irrigation water, and increase grain yield

    Isolation, characterization and UPLC-DAD based quantification of antiplasmodial isoquinoline alkaloids from Cissampelos pareira L.

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    C. pareira L. is a centuries-old traditional medicinal plant utilized to treat various diseases like asthma, diarrhea, fever, heart disorders, snakebite, vomiting, malaria, pneumonia, dog bite, inflammation and abdominal pain. Globally, based on traditional knowledge, different parts of this plant are being used individually or in combination in various forms to manage malaria. However, the scientific investigation for validating the most effective part of this plant against malaria parasite has not been done. Therefore, current study aimed to evaluate in vitro antiplasmodial activity of extracts/fractions (whole plant) and decoctions from different parts (roots, stem, leaves and whole plant) of C. pareira against different strains of Plasmodium falciparum followed by antiplasmodial activity guided isolation and quantification of isoquinoline alkaloids in extracts/fractions and decoctions. All extracts/fractions/decoctions and molecules isolated from active fractions were investigated for antiplasmodial activity. Results showed that the chloroform fraction of whole plant was the most promising with IC50 (µg/mL) of 0.79 (Pf3D7) and 2.26 (PfINDO) followed by root decoction having IC50 (µg/mL) 10.22 (Pf3D7) and 7.7 (PfINDO). Among three isolated molecules, two bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids namely curine (2) [IC50 (µM) 1.46 (Pf3D7) and 0.51 (PfINDO)], and O,O-dimethylcurine (1) [IC50 (µM) 0.92 (Pf3D7) and 2.6 (PfINDO)], were found to be the most potent against P. falciparum strains. The antiplasmodial activity of chloroform fraction was further validated by the developed UPLC-DAD method, which showed the highest quantities of curine (2) (~107 mg/g) and O,O-dimethylcurine (1) (~15 mg/g) in this fraction. This study showed that the root decoction was more effective than decoctions of each of the other parts of the plant and whole plant hydroalcoholic extract. Further, for the first time, this study validates the traditional use of C. pareira whole plant to manage malaria, providing further opportunity to explore the tremendous structural and chemical diversity of isoquinoline alkaloids for antimalarial drug development

    Insecticidal Activity of Extracts, Fractions, and Pure Molecules of Cissampelos pareira Linnaeus against Aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch

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    Aphis craccivora Koch is a polyphagous and major pest of leguminous crops causing significant damage by reducing the yield. Repeated application of synthetic insecticides for the control of aphids has led to development of resistance. Therefore, the present study aimed to screen the insecticidal activity of root/stem extracts/fractions, and pure molecules from Cissampelos pareira Linnaeus against A. craccivora for identification of lead(s). Among root extract/fractions, the n-hexane fraction was found most effective (LC50 = 1828.19 mg/L) against A. craccivora, followed by parent extract (LC50 = 2211.54 mg/L). Among stem extract/fractions, the n-hexane fraction (LC50 = 1246.92 mg/L) was more effective than the water and n-butanol fractions. Based on GC and GC-MS analysis, among different compounds identified in the n-hexane fraction of root and stem, ethyl palmitate (known to possess insecticidal activity) was present in the highest concentration (24.94 to 52.95%) in both the fractions. Among pure molecules, pareirarineformate was found most effective (LC50 = 1491.93 mg/L) against A. craccivora, followed by cissamine (LC50 = 1556.31 mg/L). Parent extract and fractions of C. pareira possess promising activity against aphid. Further, field bio-efficacy studies are necessary to validate the current findings for the development of botanical formulation

    Subjective burden on spouses of schizophrenia patients

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    Background : There is limited information from India on subjective burden on spouses of schizophrenia patients. The aim of the present study was to assess and compare patterns of subjective burden on spouses of schizophrenia patients. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted at the OPD level, and follow-up was done at the Ranchi Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Sciences (RINPAS) during the period May 2008 to November 2008. Tools utilized were sociodemographic data sheet, Family Burden Interview Schedule developed by Pai and R. L. Kapur (1981). The sample comprised of 50 samples of spouses (25 male and 25 female spouses of schizophrenia patients). Results: The findings suggest that both the groups, viz., male and female spouses of schizophrenia patients, showed moderate level of subjective burden, i.e., 13 (52%) and 15 (60%) male and female spouses, respectively, which was statistically found to be insignificant. Conclusion : No significant difference was found between male and female spouses of schizophrenia patients with regard to the level of subjective burden

    Antiplasmodial diterpenoid alkaloid from Aconitum heterophyllum: Isolation, characterization, and UHPLC-DAD based quantification

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    Aconitum heterophyllum is a traditionally important medicinal plant having numerous therapeutic actions as documented in Ayurveda. This plant has been used alone as well as in combination with other plants for the preparation of different anti-malarial formulations. However, there is no report on the assessment of its anti-plasmodial activity, and the compound responsible for this activity. The main aim of this study was to conduct phytochemical investigation of A. heterophyllum roots for the preparation of extract, fractions and isolation of pure molecules to identify active fractions/molecules responsible for the anti-plasmodial activity, and development of UHPLC-DAD based analytical method which can be used for the quantification of marker compounds in the extracts and fractions. Hydro-alcoholic extract (1:1 v/v) and fractions (n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, n-butanol and water) were prepared from the dried powdered roots of A. heterophyllum. Fractions were further subjected to silica gel-based column chromatography to isolate pure specialized secondary metabolites from this plant. All extracts, fractions and pure molecules were evaluated against the chloroquine resistant Pf INDO and chloroquine sensitive Pf3D7 strains in culture for calculating their IC50 values. UHPLC-DAD based analytical method was also developed for the first time for the quantification and quality assessment of this commercially important Himalayan medicinal plant. Phytochemical investigation of A. heterophyllum root led to the isolation of six specialized metabolites named as 2-O-cinnamoyl hetisine (1), atisinium (2), 4-oxabicyclo [3.2.2] nona-1(7),5,8-triene (3), atisinium cinnamate (4), aconitic acid (5), and atisinium formate (6). Compound 1 is a new hetisine type diterpenoid alkaloid, compounds 4 and 6 are new counter ionic forms observed with atisinium ion, and compound 3 is being reported for the first time from this genus. Chloroform fraction was found to be the most active with IC50 (µg/mL) 1.01 (Pf INDO) and 1.32 (Pf3D7). The isolated molecule 2-O-cinnamoyl hetisine (1), a new diterpenoid alkaloid isolated from chloroform fraction, showed promising antiplasmodial activities with IC50 (µM) 1.92 (Pf INDO) and 10.8 (Pf 3D7). Activity of chloroform fraction was further validated by the developed UHPLC-DAD based method as the quantity of 2-O-cinnamoyl hetisine (1) was higher in the chloroform fraction (≅200 µg/mL) than in all other fractions (< 7µg/mL). Atisinium (2) and 2-O-cinnamoyl hetisine (1) were found to be the main marker compounds of this plant based on quantity and antiplasmodial activity, respectively. This study provides the scientific rational for the traditional use of this plant in treating malaria. Further, this study revealed that anti-malarial potential of this plant might be due to the presence of diterpenoid alkaloids

    Two new alkaloids from the roots of <i>Cocculus hirsutus</i> (L.) W. Theob

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    Two undescribed alkaloids, 15-carboxydihydroerysotrine (1) and (14 R)-4-methoxy-13,14-dihydrooxypalmatine (2), along with six known compounds, 1,6-didehydro-3,15,16-trimethoxy-9-methylerythrinanium (3), 8-oxytetrahydropalmatine (4), 20-hydroxyecdysone (5), makisterone A (6) turkesterone (7) and magnoflorine (8) were isolated from the root part of Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W. Theob. Their structures were established based on detailed analysis of NMR, UV-Vis, HRESIMS, and single-crystal XRD spectroscopic experiments. Compounds 3, 4 and 7 were reported for the first time from the genus Cocculus. All the compounds were analysed in silico to investigate their human acetylcholinesterase inhibition potential. This analysis revealed that compounds 1 and 8 interacted well with the selected protein, which suggested their further exploration as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors via in vitro and in vivo investigation.</p

    Identification of Novel, Potent, and Selective Compounds against Malaria Using Glideosomal-Associated Protein 50 as a Drug Target

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    Phylum apicomplexan consists of parasites, such as Plasmodium and Toxoplasma. These obligate intracellular parasites enter host cells via an energy-dependent process using specialized machinery, called the glideosome. In the present study, we used Plasmodium falciparum GAP50, a glideosome-associated protein, as a target to screen 951 different compounds from diverse chemical libraries. Using different screening methods, eight compounds (Hayatinine, Curine, MMV689758 (Bedaquiline), MMV1634402 (Brilacidin), and MMV688271, MMV782353, MMV642550, and USINB4-124-8) were identified, which showed promising binding affinity (KD < 75 μM), along with submicromolar range antiparasitic efficacy and selectivity index > 100 fold for malaria parasite. These eight compounds were effective against Chloroquine-resistant PfINDO and Artemisinin-resistant PfCam3.1R359T strains. Studies on the effect of these compounds at asexual blood stages showed that these eight compounds act differently at different developmental stages, indicating the binding of these compounds to other Plasmodium proteins, in addition to PfGAP50. We further studied the effects of compounds (Bedaquiline and USINB4-124-8) in an in vivo Plasmodium berghei mouse model of malaria. Importantly, the oral delivery of Bedaquiline (50 mg/kg b. wt.) showed substantial suppression of parasitemia, and three out of seven mice were cured of the infection. Thus, our study provides new scaffolds for the development of antimalarials that can act at multiple Plasmodium lifecycle stages

    Identification of Novel, Potent, and Selective Compounds against Malaria Using Glideosomal-Associated Protein 50 as a Drug Target

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    Phylum apicomplexan consists of parasites, such as Plasmodium and Toxoplasma. These obligate intracellular parasites enter host cells via an energy-dependent process using specialized machinery, called the glideosome. In the present study, we used Plasmodium falciparum GAP50, a glideosome-associated protein, as a target to screen 951 different compounds from diverse chemical libraries. Using different screening methods, eight compounds (Hayatinine, Curine, MMV689758 (Bedaquiline), MMV1634402 (Brilacidin), and MMV688271, MMV782353, MMV642550, and USINB4-124-8) were identified, which showed promising binding affinity (KD < 75 μM), along with submicromolar range antiparasitic efficacy and selectivity index > 100 fold for malaria parasite. These eight compounds were effective against Chloroquine-resistant PfINDO and Artemisinin-resistant PfCam3.1R359T strains. Studies on the effect of these compounds at asexual blood stages showed that these eight compounds act differently at different developmental stages, indicating the binding of these compounds to other Plasmodium proteins, in addition to PfGAP50. We further studied the effects of compounds (Bedaquiline and USINB4-124-8) in an in vivo Plasmodium berghei mouse model of malaria. Importantly, the oral delivery of Bedaquiline (50 mg/kg b. wt.) showed substantial suppression of parasitemia, and three out of seven mice were cured of the infection. Thus, our study provides new scaffolds for the development of antimalarials that can act at multiple Plasmodium lifecycle stages