30 research outputs found

    Difficulties of Educating People With Socio-Educational Needs

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    The publication “Problems of introducing inclusive education in the social environment of Ussuriysk city” examines the complex problems and sociocultural processes of society concerning people with special socio-educational needs, people with disabilities and people with physical disabilities. The paper briefly explains the essence of inclusive education and the problems of its introduction into the social environment of small towns, for example, the city of Ussuriysk, when, along with the development of defectological schools and the government order for them, there is a lack of understanding of the need for such education, an indifferent, callous attitude towards disadvantaged physical disabilities to people.The publication “Problems of introducing inclusive education in the social environment of Ussuriysk city” examines the complex problems and sociocultural processes of society concerning people with special socio-educational needs, people with disabilities and people with physical disabilities. The paper briefly explains the essence of inclusive education and the problems of its introduction into the social environment of small towns, for example, the city of Ussuriysk, when, along with the development of defectological schools and the government order for them, there is a lack of understanding of the need for such education, an indifferent, callous attitude towards disadvantaged physical disabilities to people

    Dificultades para educar a las personas con necesidades socioeducativas

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    The publication “Problems of introducing inclusive education in the social environment of Ussuriysk city” examines the complex problems and sociocultural processes of society concerning people with special socio-educational needs, people with disabilities and people with physical disabilities. The paper briefly explains the essence of inclusive education and the problems of its introduction into the social environment of small towns, for example, the city of Ussuriysk, when, along with the development of defectological schools and the government order for them, there is a lack of understanding of the need for such education, an indifferent, callous attitude towards disadvantaged physical disabilities to people.Este estudio examinalos problemas complejos y los procesos socioculturales de la sociedad en relación con las personas con necesidades socioeducativas especiales, las personas con discapacidad y las personas con discapacidad física. El documento explica brevemente la esenciade la educación inclusiva y los problemas de su introducción en el entorno social de los pueblos pequeños, por ejemplo, la ciudad de Ussuriysk, cuando, junto con el desarrollo de escuelas defectológicas y el orden del gobierno para ellos, existe una faltade comprensión de la necesidad de tal educación, una actitud indiferente e insensible hacia las personas con discapacidades físicas desfavorecidas


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    В статье сделан акцент на теоретический анализ и практический опыт реализации бизнес-проекта учебно-научно-исследовательской лаборатории «Оздоровительные виды физической культуры» в образовательной среде Института физической культуры и спорта. Рассмотрены вопросы о физической подготовленности школьников, занимающихся по программе «Оздоровительные виды физической культуры»In this scientific article we place emphasis on the theoretical analysis and practical experience of implementation of the business project of educational and research laboratory "Improving Types of Physical Culture" in the educational environment of Institute of physical culture and sport. Questions of physical fitness of the school students who are engaged according to the "Improving Types of Physical Culture" program are considere

    The Possibilities of Fission Material Reproduction Increase in Thermal Reactor with the Assemblies with a Hard Neutron Spectrum

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    This paper addresses the problem of fission material reproduction increase in thermal reactors. Reproduction increase is achieved while decreasing the fission material content in the fuel. In that case, a decrease of neutron loss in construction materials and a neutron leakage decrease are required for obtaining reactor criticality. Effectiveness of the reactor functioning can be increased by the use of additional neutron sources, for example, n-2n reaction in beryllium framing. The possibility of additional neutron source development with the use of fast neutrons with an energy distribution close to the fission spectrum in the major part of thermal reactor core is researched in this paper

    Transcriptome Analysis of the Effects of Gomisin A on the Recovery of Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Damage in Rat Liver

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    Gomisin A possesses a hepatic function-facilitating property in liver-injured rats. Its preventive action on carbon tetrachloride-induced cholestasis is due to maintenance of the function of the bile acids-independent fraction. To investigate alterations in gene expression after gomisin A treatment on injured rat liver, DNA microarray analyses were performed on a Rat 44K 4-Plex Gene Expression platform with duplicated reactions after gomisin A treatment. We identified 255 up-regulated and 230 down-regulated genes due to the effects of gomisin A on recovery of carbon tetrachloride-induced rat liver damage. For functional characterization of these genes, Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes biochemical pathways analyses were performed. Many up-regulated or down-regulated genes were related to cell cycle or focal adhesion and cell death genes, respectively. Our microarray experiment indicated that the liver repair mechanism induced by gomisin A was strongly associated with increased gene expressions related to cell cycle and suppression of the gene expression related in cell death

    Productivity potential of maize hybrids developed at the P.P. Lukyanenko National Grain Center for deep grain processing

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    Background. The technology of deep grain processing is based on the use of operations that ensure separation of raw materials into various components and sequential processing of these components into products of high consumer value. The annual volume of deep grain processing products is over 100 million tons. Starch, as the most valuable component of processed grain, is used in the food industry, pharmacy, and in significant amounts for technical purposes. Studying the potential of domestic maize hybrids to provide raw materials for deep grain processing enterprises is a relevant task.Materials and methods. The material for field and laboratory studies included 17 commercial maize hybrids developed at the P.P. Lukyanenko National Grain Center. The content of starch, protein and oil in grain was measured with infrared spectroscopy on an Infratec 1241 Grain Analyzer. Actual extraction of native starch was implemented using the “plant-on-the-table” method developed at the All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products, and breeding trials of maize hybrids were carried out in the steppe zone of Kabardino-Balkaria in 2020/2021.Results. As a result of the research, 13 hybrids with a mass fraction of starch in the range of 70.0–73.2% DM were identified: KR210MV, KR270MV, KR377AMV, KR385MV, KR415MV, ROSS198MV, KR433MV, KR514MV, KR575MV, LYUDMILA, ROSS190MV, and ROSS195MV. Of these, the grain yield in the range of 10–14 t/ha was shown by the hybrids KR270MV, KR315MV, KR377AMV, KR415MV, KR514MV, and KR575MV. In accordance with the results obtained, a number of hybrids can be recommended as source material for breeding and promising raw material for deep grain processing: KR415MV, KR393MV, and ROSS198MV, yielding 90.0–94.4% DW of starch when processed, and KR315MV, with a mass fraction of amylose in starch up to 38.6% DW

    Study on methods of raising efficiency of using protein in feeding adult hens and youngsters

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    Available from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio


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    It’s common knowledge that any success of breeding work largely depends on initial material. The staff of Krasnodar RIA named after P.P. Lukiyanenko is carrying out a significant work in breeding, assessment and classification of new initial material for breeding of maize hybrids with high heterosis.  Assessing self-pollinated lines as initial material, it’s necessary to analyze their combining ability according to grain productivity. Thus, the article gives the results of three year experiments in the field of heterosis breeding of maize. These are determined the general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities of new initial material. Variability of weather conditions during the years of experiments allowed finding really important geno types, which are valuable in maize hybrids breeding. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the received data showed some true geno type differences among hybrids of top-crossing scheme according to grain productivity for three years (Ffactor>Ftheory). At the same time we determined a significant variability of initial parent components influenced by the general and specific combining abilities. On the basis of the assessment of combining ability of self-pollinated lines we selected geno types with a high and permanent assessment of GCA and effects of SCA, which allowed identifying further ways of use of studied lines. More careful analysis of the received data gave us an opportunity to select lines with high effects of GCA and variances of SCA simultaneously. In general, we can talk about a right choice of the position of parent components in the formulas of the most promising test-crossings that produced high effects of heterosis on trait ‘grain productivity’

    Spanglish in contemporary music

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    Spanglish is a unique linguistic phenomenon that is widely used in many spheres of social life and culture, especially among the youth. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that a person who wants to understand the culture of Mexico and the United States of America, to understand the speakers of the Mexican version of the Spanish language and communicate with them successfully, needs to know about the principles of using Spanglish, its significance for speakers, and also its areas of application. The subject of the research is the features of the use of Spanglish in modern music. The purpose of this paper is to study the Spanglish phenomenon and consider examples of its use by contemporary songwriters. Among the tasks it can be noted: based on the experience in studying the history of the origin of Spanglish, consider its main features, give examples of the use of Spanglish in modern musical compositions and draw a conclusion about the frequency of occurrence of Spanglish in music

    Difficulties of Educating People With Socio-Educational Needs

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    The publication “Problems of introducing inclusive education in the social environment of Ussuriysk city” examines the complex problems and sociocultural processes of society concerning people with special socio-educational needs, people with disabilities and people with physical disabilities. The paper briefly explains the essence of inclusive education and the problems of its introduction into the social environment of small towns, for example, the city of Ussuriysk, when, along with the development of defectological schools and the government order for them, there is a lack of understanding of the need for such education, an indifferent, callous attitude towards disadvantaged physical disabilities to people.Este estudio examina los problemas complejos y los procesos socioculturales de la sociedad en relación con las personas con necesidades socioeducativas especiales, las personas con discapacidad y las personas con discapacidad física. El documento explica brevemente la esencia de la educación inclusiva y los problemas de su introducción en el entorno social de los pueblos pequeños, por ejemplo, la ciudad de Ussuriysk, cuando, junto con el desarrollo de escuelas defectológicas y el orden del gobierno para ellos, existe una falta de comprensión de la necesidad de tal educación, una actitud indiferente e insensible hacia las personas con discapacidades físicas desfavorecida