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    Latar Belakang : Pemeriksaan Activated Partial Thrombolastin Time (APTT) dan Plasma protrombin Time (PPT) merupakan serangkaian jenis pemeriksaan hemostasis dilakukan dalam rangka uji screening atas kelainan hemostasis. Pemeriksaan ini menggunakan sampel plasma yang didalamnya terdapat faktor-faktor pembekuan yang dapat dipengaruhi keberadaan sel trombosit. Pemusingan sampel darah sitrat yang dilakukan terlalu cepat atau terlalu lambat akan menyebabkan kondisi plasma dengan variasi jumlah trombosit. Praktek di sebagian laboratorium belum ada keseragaman terutama pemusingan darah sitrat untuk mendapatkan plasma sitrat dengan kandungan sedikit trombosit. Tujuan penelitian : Untuk mengetahui nilai Kappa dari uji kesesuaian antara dua metode PRP dan PPP untuk pemeriksaan PPT dan APTT. Metode penelitian : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian true experiment dengan rancangan penelitian post test without control. Sampel plasma sitrat didapatkan melalui 10 sampel darah sisa yang berpasangan satu 2 perlakuan yaitu dengan pemusingan 3000 rpm selama 10 menit untuk PPP dan pemusingan 1000 rpm selama 10 menit untuk PRP . Kemudian kedua metode (PPP dan PRP) diperiksa dengan parameter PPT dan APTT. Hasil penelitian : Pada hasil pemeriksaan PPT pada sampel plasma PRP didapatkan nilai rerata 11,6 detik pada sampel PPP didapatkan rerata 11,0 detik. Hasil pemeriksan APTTpada sampel PRP nilai rerata 34.27 detik dan pada sampel PPP rerata 33,18 detik. Ada kesesuaian hasil yang sangat baik antara metode PPP dan PRP untuk pemeriksaan PPT dan APTT ( Kappa=1) Kesimpulan : Ada kesesuaian hasil yang sangat baik antara metode PPP dan PRP untuk pemeriksaan PPT dan APTT ( Kappa=1) Kata kunci : PRP, PPP, APTT, PPT, Kapp

    Kappa Test with Platelet Rich Plasma and Platelet Poor Plasma Blood Preparation Method for Examining The Value of Activated Partial Tromboplastin Time and Plasma Protrombin Time

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    Examining the Activated Partial Thromboplastin (APTT) and Plasma Prothrombin Time (PPT) is sort series of examining homeostasis which is conducted in order to have a screening test for homeostasis disorder. This examination used plasma sample in which there were solidification factors which could be influenced by thrombocyte existence. The centrifuging of citrate blood sample which was conducted too fast or too slow would cause plasma condition with the number of thrombocyte. Practical in some laboratories were not yet been uniformed, mainly in centrifuging of citrate blood to obtain citrate plasma with less thrombocyte contents. To identify the value of Kappa by compatibility test between two methods PRP and PPP to examine PPT and APTT. This experiment is a true experiment with post-test research design without control. Citrate plasma sample was obtained from 10 sample of students' blood which had one pair, 2 treatments; by centrifuging 3000 rpm for 10 minutes for PPP and centrifuging 1000 rpm for 10 minutes for PRP. Then, both methods (PPP and PRP) were examined by using PPT and APTT parameter. In the result of PPT examination in the sample of PRP plasma, the average value was 11.6 seconds. In the sample of PPP, the average value was 11.0 seconds. The result of APTT examination in PRP sample, the average value was 34.27 seconds while in PPP sample was 33.18 seconds. There was compatibility in the result, either PPP method and PRP for PPT and APTT examination (Kappa = 1)


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    Prevalence pregnant mother anemia at Yogyakarta Provinsi may as big as 30,13%with details at Yogyakarta City that is 26,79%, at Bantul as big as 21,55%, atKulon Progo as big as 42,39%, at Sleman as big as 43,90%, at Gunung Kidul asbig as 58,70%. Based on result survey foreword that done in December 2008 atPuskesmas Mlati II Sleman, Yogyakarta, got anemia pregnant mother monitoringbasic data at Puskesmas Mlati II 2008 that is found 124 pregnant mothers andthere are 37 or around 29, 84% suffering anemia. This matter showed thatthere is still low level absorption nutrient substance especially ferrum, proteinand vitamin C. To know absorption of iron substance, protein and vitamin C inpregnant mother iron deficiencies anemia at Puskesmas Mlati II Sleman. Thisresearch is observational research, with research plan cross sectional, analyzeddescriptively. This research subject is all pregnant mothers iron deficienciesanemia that examined pregnancy at Puskesmas Mlati II Sleman to detect ferrum,protein and vitamin C absorption. Ferrum absorption with category very less thatis 40 respondents (93%), while that has ferrum absorption with good category andless each only 1 respondent (2%). as much as 31 respondents protein absorptionwas very less (72%). as much as 39 respondents vitamin C absorption was veryless (91%). The average pregnant mother hemoglobin degree anemia as big as10,07 mg/dl and light anemia (95,35%). ferrum absorption a large part subject isin category very less (93%). protein absorption a large part subject is in categoryvery less (72%). vitamin C absorption a large part subject is in category very less(91%)

    Kajian Status Gizi, Imunisasi Bacillus calmette guerin (BCG), dan Kondisi Lingkungan Rumah dengan Kejadian Tuberkolosis pada Bakita di Kecamatan Mlati Sleman

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    Background :Indonesia is number fourth highest Tuberculosis burden country after China, India and South Africa. Now a days, tuberculosis in children is growing rapidly. At least 500,000 children in the world suffer from TB every year. TB is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tubercolosis. Generally, TB attacks lungs, but can spread to other organs in the body. Many factors that can influence TB disease are nutritional status, vaccination and environmental housing condition. Objective : This research aims to examine the relationship between nutritional status, Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination and environmental housing condition with TB in toddlers in Mlati Sleman. Methods :The type of this study was observational research with case control study match by sex and age design. It was done in June 2015 and located in Mlati. The subjects of research were 18 toddlers with TB in Mlati I and II clinics. The control sample was collected using purposive random sampling with ratio 1:1 for toddlers who did not suffer from TB. The independent variables were BCG vaccination, nutritional status and environmental housing condition and the dependent variable was TB in toddlers. Data were collected by interviews, measurement and observation of the environmental housing condition of the respondents. The data were analyzed using univariate and bivariat statistical tests (Chi-Square test and OR). Result : immunization coverage BCG reaches 100%. Conclusion :There is a relationship of the incidence of TB with the nutritional status of toddlers in Mlati (p < 0.05). The Condition of the home environment include flooring, lighting, windows, toilets, garbage and water are not related to the incidence of TB in Mlati (p > 0.05).   Keyword: TB in toddlers, nutritional status, BCG vaccination, environment housing conditio


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    Prevalence pregnant mother anemia at Yogyakarta Provinsi may as big as 30,13%with details at Yogyakarta City that is 26,79%, at Bantul as big as 21,55%, atKulon Progo as big as 42,39%, at Sleman as big as 43,90%, at Gunung Kidul asbig as 58,70%. Based on result survey foreword that done in December 2008 atPuskesmas Mlati II Sleman, Yogyakarta, got anemia pregnant mother monitoringbasic data at Puskesmas Mlati II 2008 that is found 124 pregnant mothers andthere are 37 or around 29, 84% suffering anemia. This matter showed thatthere is still low level absorption nutrient substance especially ferrum, proteinand vitamin C. To know absorption of iron substance, protein and vitamin C inpregnant mother iron deficiencies anemia at Puskesmas Mlati II Sleman. Thisresearch is observational research, with research plan cross sectional, analyzeddescriptively. This research subject is all pregnant mothers iron deficienciesanemia that examined pregnancy at Puskesmas Mlati II Sleman to detect ferrum,protein and vitamin C absorption. Ferrum absorption with category very less thatis 40 respondents (93%), while that has ferrum absorption with good category andless each only 1 respondent (2%). as much as 31 respondents protein absorptionwas very less (72%). as much as 39 respondents vitamin C absorption was veryless (91%). The average pregnant mother hemoglobin degree anemia as big as10,07 mg/dl and light anemia (95,35%). ferrum absorption a large part subject isin category very less (93%). protein absorption a large part subject is in categoryvery less (72%). vitamin C absorption a large part subject is in category very less(91%)

    Tinjauan Angka Kuman dan Sifat Fisik pada Produk Gudeg Wijilan Yogyakarta

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    Background: Yogyakarta is a city that being famous because of gudeg so people call it the city of Gudeg. There is one street in Yogyakarta, which becomes the center of gudeg, namely Wijilan street. Gudeg in Wijilan is close to the main road so it has great possibility to microorganism contamination. Because of that, a research on number of germs in gudeg Wijilan needs to be conducted. Objectives: This research aims to know the food safety level based on the number of germs in gudeg Wijilan, Yogyakarta. Methods: This research was a survey research with cross sectional design. The study was descriptive which describes the safety of gudeg by doing a test on number of germs, physical observation, and observation on condition and sales practice. This research was located in Wijilan street, Yogyakarta. Result: The results showed that the condition and sales practices of gudeg was not hygienic. Physical properties of color, smell, taste and texture of gudeg from 3 gudeg home industries showed differences but it was still safe to consume. The number of germs that was still below the microorganism impurities level came from all gudeg home industries, tofu B and C, young jackfruit vegetable B. The number of germs that was above the microorganism impurities level was found in krecek, chicken and duck egg in all gudeg resturant, young jackfruit vegetable A and C as well as tofu A. Conclusion: Based on the number of germs, it can be concluded that tofu A, young Jackfruit vegetable A, young jackfruit vegetable C, all krecek, all chicken, and all duck eggs are not safe to consume, while from the physical properties of gudeg, all of them were still safe to consume.   Keywords: number of germs, physical properties, gude