731 research outputs found

    Minimax optimization of entanglement witness operator for the quantification of three-qubit mixed-state entanglement

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    We develop a numerical approach for quantifying entanglement in mixed quantum states by convex-roof entanglement measures, based on the optimal entanglement witness operator and the minimax optimization method. Our approach is applicable to general entanglement measures and states and is an efficient alternative to the conventional approach based on the optimal pure-state decomposition. Compared with the conventional one, it has two important merits: (i) that the global optimality of the solution is quantitatively verifiable, and (ii) that the optimization is considerably simplified by exploiting the common symmetry of the target state and measure. To demonstrate the merits, we quantify Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) entanglement in a class of three-qubit full-rank mixed states composed of the GHZ state, the W state, and the white noise, the simplest mixtures of states with different genuine multipartite entanglement, which have not been quantified before this work. We discuss some general properties of the form of the optimal witness operator and of the convex structure of mixed states, which are related to the symmetry and the rank of states

    A RIAM/lamellipodin-talin-integrin complex forms the tip of sticky fingers that guide cell migration.

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    The leading edge of migrating cells contains rapidly translocating activated integrins associated with growing actin filaments that form 'sticky fingers' to sense extracellular matrix and guide cell migration. Here we utilized indirect bimolecular fluorescence complementation to visualize a molecular complex containing a Mig-10/RIAM/lamellipodin (MRL) protein (Rap1-GTP-interacting adaptor molecule (RIAM) or lamellipodin), talin and activated integrins in living cells. This complex localizes at the tips of growing actin filaments in lamellipodial and filopodial protrusions, thus corresponding to the tips of the 'sticky fingers.' Formation of the complex requires talin to form a bridge between the MRL protein and the integrins. Moreover, disruption of the MRL protein-integrin-talin (MIT) complex markedly impairs cell protrusion. These data reveal the molecular basis of the formation of 'sticky fingers' at the leading edge of migrating cells and show that an MIT complex drives these protrusions

    A method to measure the electron temperature and density of a laser-produced plasma by Raman scattering

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    A method is proposed to investigate the electron temperature and density of a laser-produced plasma simultaneously, using the temperature dependence difference of the Raman forward scattering (RFS) and backward scattering (RBS). Density and temperature dependence of spectra from the RBS and the RFS in a laser produced plasma were investigated by one-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations in the nonrelativistic regime. This technique has a great advantage as a simple diagnostic of plasma characteristics in the sense that it can be performed only with the pump laser, without any additional probe laser.open3

    Elevated intracellular cAMP exacerbates vulnerability to oxidative stress in optic nerve head astrocytes.

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    Glaucoma is characterized by a progressive loss of retinal ganglion cells and their axons, but the underlying biological basis for the accompanying neurodegeneration is not known. Accumulating evidence indicates that structural and functional abnormalities of astrocytes within the optic nerve head (ONH) have a role. However, whether the activation of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) signaling pathway is associated with astrocyte dysfunction in the ONH remains unknown. We report here that the cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) pathway is critical to ONH astrocyte dysfunction, leading to caspase-3 activation and cell death via the AKT/Bim/Bax signaling pathway. Furthermore, elevated intracellular cAMP exacerbates vulnerability to oxidative stress in ONH astrocytes, and this may contribute to axonal damage in glaucomatous neurodegeneration. Inhibition of intracellular cAMP/PKA signaling activation protects ONH astrocytes by increasing AKT phosphorylation against oxidative stress. These results strongly indicate that activation of cAMP/PKA pathway has an important role in astrocyte dysfunction, and suggest that modulating cAMP/PKA pathway has therapeutic potential for glaucomatous ONH degeneration

    Quasimonoenergetic electron beam generation by using a pinholelike collimator in a self-modulated laser wakefield acceleration

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    A relativistic electron bunch with a large charge (>2 nC) was produced from a self-modulated laser wakefield acceleration configuration. For this experiment, an intense laser beam with a peak power of 2 TW and a duration of 700 fs was focused in a supersonic He gas jet, and relativistic high-energy electrons were observed from the strong laser-plasma interaction. By passing the electron bunch through a small pinholelike collimator, we could generate a quasimonoenergetic high-energy electron beam, in which electrons within a cone angle of 0.25 mrad (f/70) were selected. The beam clearly showed a narrow-energy-spread behavior with a central energy of 4.3 MeV and a charge of 200 pC. The acceleration gradient was estimated to be about 30 GeV/m. Particle-in-cell simulations were performed for comparison study and the result shows that both the experimental and simulation results are in good agreement and the electron trapping is initiated by the slow beat wave of the Raman backward wave and the incident laser pulse.open181

    Slowly varying envelope kinetic simulations of pulse amplification by Raman backscattering

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    A numerical code based on an eikonal formalism has been developed to simulate laser-plasma interactions, specifically Raman backscatter(RBS). In this code, the dominant laser modes are described by their wave envelopes, avoiding the need to resolve the laser frequency; appropriately time-averaged equations describe particle motion. The code is fully kinetic, and thus includes critical physics such as particle trapping and Landau damping which are beyond the scope of the commonly used fluid three-wave equations. The dominant forces on the particles are included: the ponderomotive force resulting from the beat wave of the forward and backscattered laser fields and the self-consistent plasma electric field. The code agrees well, in the appropriate regimes, with the results from three-wave equations and particle-in-cell simulations. The effects of plasma temperature on RBS amplification are studied. It is found that increasing the plasma temperature results in modification to particle trapping and the saturation of RBS, even before the onset of Landau damping of the plasma wave. This results in a reduction in the coupling efficiency compared to predictions based on the three-wave equations.open192

    Onset of stimulated Raman scattering of a laser in a plasma in the presence of hot drifting electrons

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    Stimulated Raman scattering of a laser in plasmas with energetic drifting electrons was investigated by analyzing the growth of interacting waves during the Raman scattering process. The Langmuir wave and scattered electromagnetic sideband wave grow initially and are dampened after attaining a maximum level that indicates a periodic exchange of energy between the pump wave and the daughter waves. The presence of energetic drifting electrons in the laser-produced plasma influences the stimulated Raman scattering process. The plasma wave generated by Raman scattering may be influenced by the energetic electrons, which enhance the growth rate of the instability. Our results show that the presence of energetic (hot) drifting electrons in a plasma has an important effect on the evolution of the interacting waves. This phenomenon is modeled via two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of the propagation and interaction of the laser under Raman instability. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLCopen