2 research outputs found

    Demographic and clinical characteristics of study populations (N = 594).

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    1<p>Participants with mania were assessed at time of evaluation during the hospital stay.</p>2<p>Multi-episode schizophrenia, n = 233.</p>3<p>Multi-episode schizophrenia, n = 228; Non-psychiatric controls, n = 205.</p>4<p>RBANS = Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status.</p>5<p>PANSS = Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale.</p>6<p>YMRS = Young Mania Rating Scale.</p>7<p>Ham-D = Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression.</p

    Psychiatric medications received by study participants.

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    1<p>Medications were recorded for the mania group at time of evaluation during the hospital stay. For all other groups, the medications are those received at the time of the one study visit.</p