5 research outputs found

    Intraspecific varibility of corynespora cassiicola inferred from single nucleotide polymorphisms in ITS region of ribosomal DNA

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    Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected in the internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA-ITS) of 21 Corynespora cassiicola isolates obtained from a number of Hevea clones grown in rubber plantations in Malaysia. The two SNPs correlated with the physiological races of the isolates. Database searches yielded another 28 C. cassiicola isolates from diverse hosts and geographical regions. With this inclusion, a total of seven SNPs and two indels in the rDNA-ITS region were detected from all 49 C. cassiicola isolates. The knowledge of intraspecific variability (SNPs and indels) could prove useful in the delineation of physiological races or pathotypes of this fungus

    Single-chain variable fragments antibody specific to Corynespora cassiicola toxin, cassiicolin, reduces necrotic lesion formation in Hevea brasiliensis

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    Correspondance: [email protected]. UMR DAP équipe DGBInternational audienceCorynespora leaf disease poses a serious threat to rubber cultivation because infected leaves develop necrotic lesions and abscise, leaving the tree unproductive. The destructiveness of Corynespora cassiicola has been largely attributed to cassiicolin, a protein toxin secreted by the fungus. Recombinant antibody technology offers hope to curtail the disease whereby single-chain variable fragments (scFv) specific to cassiicolin could bind and deactivate the toxin in genetically modified rubber trees that harbour the antibody gene. A scFv phage library was constructed from heavy and light variable chains of IgG from cassiicolin immunized Balb/C mice spleen. Biopanning of the phage library yielded a scFv clone with high specificity to cassiicolin. The nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence information of the scFv were obtained. Hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged scFv expressed in Escherichia coli is discerned as a band at ca. 30 kDa on SDS-PAGE, and the corresponding band was detected by anti-HA IgG on a Western immunoblot. Deactivation of cassiicolin by the affinity-purified scFv was demonstrated in a detached-leaf bio-assay on selected susceptible Hevea clones (PB 260, RRIM 2020, RRIM 901 and RRIM 929). The assay was also performed on clones that are relatively more resistant to the fungus (RRIM 600 and GT-1), and the results were as expected. Thus, we have successfully demonstrated that the cassicolin-specific scFv can effectively reduce cassicolin toxicit

    Diversity of the cassiicolin gene in Corynespora cassiicola and relation with the pathogenicity in Heyea brasiliensis

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    Fungal Biol. ISI Document Delivery No.: 300WE Times Cited: 0 Cited Reference Count: 45 Cited References: Andrie RA, 2007, PHYTOPATHOLOGY, V97, P694, DOI 10.1094/PHYTO-97-6-0694 Atan S, 2003, J RUBBER RES, V6, P58 Barthe P, 2007, J MOL BIOL, V367, P89, DOI 10.1016/j.jmb.2006.11.086 Bendtsen JD, 2004, J MOL BIOL, V340, P783, DOI 10.1016/j.jmb.2004.05.028 Breton F., 2000, Journal of Rubber Research, V3, P115 Cai L, 2006, ANTON LEEUW INT J G, V89, P293, DOI 10.1007/s10482-005-9030-1 Carbone I, 1999, MYCOLOGIA, V91, P553, DOI 10.2307/3761358 Chee K. 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Seguin, Marc Leroy, Thierry Roeckel-Drevet, Patricia Pujade-Renaud, Valerie IFC (Institut Francais du Caoutchouc, Paris, France); Michelin (Clermont-Ferrand, France); SIPH ('Societe Internationale de Plantations d'Heveas', Courbevoie, France); SOCFIN ('Societe Financiere des Caoutchoucs', Bruxelles, Belgium) This work was supported in part by a grant from the IFC (Institut Francais du Caoutchouc, Paris, France) and the companies Michelin (Clermont-Ferrand, France), SIPH ('Societe Internationale de Plantations d'Heveas', Courbevoie, France) and SOCFIN ('Societe Financiere des Caoutchoucs', Bruxelles, Belgium). We thank Gerald Oliver and Stephanie Massey for maintenance of rubber trees in the greenhouse. Elsevier sci ltd OxfordCorynespora cassiicola is an important plant pathogenic Ascomycete causing the damaging. Corynespora Leaf Fall (CLF) disease in rubber tree (Hama brasiliensis). A small secreted glycoprotein named cassiicolin was previously described as an important effector of C. cassiicola. In this study, the diversity of the cassiicolin-encoding gene was analysed in C. cassiicola isolates sampled from various hosts and geographical origins. A cassiicolin gene was detected in 47 % of the isolates, encoding up to six distinct protein isoforms. In three isolates, two gene variants encoding cassiicolin isoforms Cas2 and Cas6 were found in the same isolate. A phylogenetic tree based on four combined loci and elucidating the diversity of the whole collection was strongly structured by the toxin class, as defined by the cassiicolin isoform. The isolates carrying the Cas1 gene (toxin class Cas1), all grouped in the same highly supported clade, were found the most aggressive on two rubber tree cultivars. Some isolates in which no Cas gene was detected could nevertheless generate moderate symptoms, suggesting the existence of other yet uncharacterized effectors. This study provides a useful base for future studies of C. cassiicola population biology and epidemiological surveys in various host plants. (C) 2013 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved