13,007 research outputs found

    Nernst Effect as a Probe of Local Kondo Scattering in Heavy Fermions

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    A large, strongly temperature-dependent Nernst coefficient, ν\nu, is observed between TT = 2 K and 300 K for CeCu2_2Si2_2 and Ce0.8_{0.8}La0.2_{0.2}Cu2_2Si2_2. The enhanced ν(T)\nu(T) is determined by the asymmetry of the on-site Kondo (conduction electron−4f-4f electron) scattering rate. Taking into account the measured Hall mobility, μH\mu_H, the highly unusual thermopower, SS, of these systems can be semiquantitatively described by S(T)S(T) == −-ν(T)/μH(T)\nu(T)/\mu_H(T), which explicitly demonstrates that the thermopower originates from the local Kondo scattering process over a wide temperature range from far above to well below the coherence temperature (≈\approx 20 K for CeCu2_2Si2_2). Our results suggest that the Nernst effect can act as a proper probe of local charge-carrier scattering. This promises an impact on exploring the unconventional enhancement of the thermopower in correlated materials suited for potential applications.Comment: 10 pages, 2 Figure

    Guaranteed bounds on the Kullback-Leibler divergence of univariate mixtures using piecewise log-sum-exp inequalities

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    Information-theoretic measures such as the entropy, cross-entropy and the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two mixture models is a core primitive in many signal processing tasks. Since the Kullback-Leibler divergence of mixtures provably does not admit a closed-form formula, it is in practice either estimated using costly Monte-Carlo stochastic integration, approximated, or bounded using various techniques. We present a fast and generic method that builds algorithmically closed-form lower and upper bounds on the entropy, the cross-entropy and the Kullback-Leibler divergence of mixtures. We illustrate the versatile method by reporting on our experiments for approximating the Kullback-Leibler divergence between univariate exponential mixtures, Gaussian mixtures, Rayleigh mixtures, and Gamma mixtures.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Resonant Charge Relaxation as a Likely Source of the Enhanced Thermopower in FeSi

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    The enhanced thermopower of the correlated semiconductor FeSi is found to be robust against the sign of the relevant charge carriers. At TT\,≈\approx\,70 K, the position of both the high-temperature shoulder of the thermopower peak and the nonmagnetic-enhanced paramagnetic crossover, the Nernst coefficient ν\nu assumes a large maximum and the Hall mobility μH\mu _H diminishes to below 1 cm2^2/Vs. These cause the dimension-less ratio ν\nu/μH\mu_H −- a measure of the energy dispersion of the charge scattering time τ(ϵ)\tau(\epsilon) −- to exceed that of classical metals and semiconductors by two orders of magnitude. Concomitantly, the resistivity exhibits a hump and the magnetoresistance changes its sign. Our observations hint at a resonant scattering of the charge carriers at the magnetic crossover, imposing strong constraints on the microscopic interpretation of the robust thermopower enhancement in FeSi.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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