38 research outputs found

    Thiolated polymeric hydrogels for biomedical application: Cross-linking mechanisms

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    This review focuses on the synthesis of hydrogel networks using thiomers such as thiolated hyaluronic acid, chitosan, cyclodextrin, poly(ethylene glycol) and dextran that are cross-linked via their thiol substructures. Thiomers have been widely investigated as matrix of hydrogels due to the high reactivity of these sulfhydryl moieties. They are well known for their in situ gelling properties due to the formation of inter- and intra-chain disulfide bonds. Furthermore, as thiol groups on the polymeric backbone of thiomers cannot only react with each other but also with different other functional groups, several “click” methods such as thiol-ene/yne, Michael type addition and thiol-epoxy reactions have been developed within the last decades to fabricate thiomer hydrogels. These hydrogels are meanwhile used as scaffolds for tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, diagnostics and as matrix for drug and protein delivery

    Electro-optically induced absorption in α-Si:H/α-SiCN waveguiding multistacks

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    Electro optical absorption in hydrogenated amorphous silicon (α-Si:H) – amorphous silicon carbonitride (α-SiCxNy) multilayers have been studied in two different planar multistacks waveguides. The waveguides were realized by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD), a technology compatible with the standard microelectronic processes. Light absorption is induced at λ = 1.55 μm through the application of an electric field which induces free carrier accumulation across the multiple insulator/semiconductor device structure. The experimental performances have been compared to those obtained through calculations using combined two-dimensional (2-D) optical and electrical simulations

    Low-loss amorphous silicon waveguides grown by PECVD on indium tin oxide

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    Low-loss hydrogenated amorphous silicon (α-Si:H) waveguides were realized by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) on a transparent conductive oxide (TCO) layer which is intended to provide the buried contact for the application of an external bias in active devices, e.g. switches and modulators. In particular we propose a technological solution to overcome both the strong reduction in optical transmittance due to the very high extinction coefficient of metal contacts and, at the same time, the optical scattering induced by the texturization effect induced in α-Si:H films grown on TCO. The very high optical propagation losses were minimized by depositing a spin-on-glass (SOG) layer between the α-Si:H core-layer and the TCO bottom contact. In this case, propagation losses of 2.5 dB/cm at 1550 nm were measured. All the fabricated samples were optically characterized and the surface roughness was accurately measured using a mechanical profilometer. We observed that, for an α-Si:H core-layer directly deposited on the TCO contact, the surface roughness is of the order of 100 nm leading to totally opaque waveguides. The experimental performances have been compared to those obtained through calculations using an optical simulation package. The results are found to be in agreement with the experimental data

    Optical bandgap of semiconductor nanostructures: Methods for experimental data analysis

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    Determination of the optical bandgap (Eg) in semiconductor nanostructures is a key issue in understanding the extent of quantum confinement effects (QCE) on electronic properties and it usually involves some analytical approximation in experimental data reduction and modeling of the light absorption processes. Here, we compare some of the analytical procedures frequently used to evaluate the optical bandgap from reflectance (R) and transmittance (T) spectra. Ge quantum wells and quantum dots embedded in SiO2 were produced by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, and light absorption was characterized by UV-Vis/NIR spectrophotometry. R&T elaboration to extract the absorption spectra was conducted by two approximated methods (single or double pass approximation, single pass analysis, and double pass analysis, respectively) followed by Eg evaluation through linear fit of Tauc or Cody plots. Direct fitting of R&T spectra through a Tauc-Lorentz oscillator model is used as comparison. Methods and data are discussed also in terms of the light absorption process in the presence of QCE. The reported data show that, despite the approximation, the DPA approach joined with Tauc plot gives reliable results, with clear advantages in terms of computational efforts and understanding of QCE. © 2017 Author(s)

    Electrooptical modulating device based on a CMOS-compatible α-Si:H/α-SiCN multistack waveguide

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    In this paper, we report results on a field-effect-induced light modulation at λ = 1.55 μm in a high-index-contrast waveguide based on a multisilicon-on-insulator platform. The device is realized with the hydrogenated amorphous silicon (α -Si:H) technology, and it is suitable for monolithic integration in a CMOS IC. The device exploits the free-carrier optical absorption electrically induced in the semiconductor core waveguide. The amorphous silicon waveguiding layer contains several thin dielectric films of amorphous silicon carbonitride (α -SiCN) embedded along its thickness, thus highly enhancing the absorbing action of the modulator held in the on state. © 2006 IEEE

    Progress towards a high-performing a-Si:H-based electro-optic modulator

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    Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) has recently emerged as a promising material to provide microchips with passive and active photonic functions through a back-end and CMOS-compatible technological process. In this paper, we discuss the performance achieved with different configurations of a-Si:H-based electro-optical amplitude modulators integrated into passive waveguides. All of the analysed devices are based on the plasma dispersion effect, a phenomenon that allows us to reach useful performance at the communication wavelength of λ ~ 1.55 μm. The behaviour of the various proposed modulation approaches has been tested by ad hoc interferometric structures, such as Fabry–Perot integrated resonators or integrated Mach–Zehnder interferometer, as well as by multistack devices to enhance the static modulation efficiency. The performance of each modulator has been analysed through several figures of merit

    Electro-optical modulation at 1550 nm in an asdeposited hydrogenated amorphous silicon p-i-n waveguiding device

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    Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) has been already considered for the objective of passive optical elements, like waveguides and ring resonators, within photonic integrated circuits at λ = 1.55 μm. However the study of its electro-optical properties is still at an early stage, therefore this semiconductor in practice is not considered for light modulation as yet. We demonstrated, for the first time, effective electrooptical modulation in a reverse biased a-Si:H p-i-n waveguiding structure. In particular, phase modulation was studied in a waveguide integrated Fabry-Perot resonator in which the Vπ·Lπ product was determined to be 63 V·cm. Characteristic switch-on and switch-off times of 14 ns were measured. The device employed a wider gap amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC:H) film for the lower cladding layer instead of silicon oxide. In this way the highest temperature involved in the fabrication process was 170°C, which ensured the desired technological compatibility with CMOS processes. © 2011 Optical Society of America