12 research outputs found

    A review on Indole and Benzothiazole derivatives its importance

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    In recent years heterocyclic compounds analogues and derivatives have attracted wide attention due to their useful biological and pharmacological properties. Indole, Benzothiazole and its analogs are versatile substrates, which can be used for the synthesis of numerous heterocyclic compounds. Indole, Benzothiazole and its derivatives are used in organic synthesis and they are used in evaluating new product that possesses different biological activities. Hence, their extensive structural modification has result in different analogues of Indole and Benzothiazole derivatives depicting wide range of biological and pharmacological activities such as antiviral, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and anticancer. This review article literature survey summarizes the synthesis and pharmacological activities of Indole, Benzothiazole and its derivatives. Keywords: Indole, Benzothiazole, antiviral, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and anticance

    Multiple Exoribonucleases Catalyze Maturation of the 3′ Terminus of 16S Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

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    Background: The RNases involved in 3′ maturation of E. coli 16S rRNA were not known. Results: E. coli mutants lacking RNase II, RNase R, PNPase, and RNase PH accumulate 17S rRNA precursor. Conclusion: Four known exoribonucleases are responsible for 3′ processing of 16S rRNA. Significance: The maturation pathway for E. coli 16S rRNA has been determined. Processing of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) precursors is an important component of RNA metabolism in all cells. However, in no system have we yet identified all the RNases involved in this process. Here, we show that four 3′→5′-exoribonucleases, RNases II, R, and PH, and polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase), participate in maturation of the 3′ end of 16S rRNA. In their absence, 16S precursor molecules with 33 extra 3′-nt accumulate; however, the presence of any one of the four RNases is sufficient to allow processing to occur, although with different efficiencies. Additionally, we find that in the absence of 3′ maturation, 5′ processing proceeds much less efficiently. Moreover, mutant 30S particles, containing immature 16S rRNA, form 70S ribosomes very poorly. These findings, together with the earlier discovery that RNases E and G are the 5′-processing enzymes, completes the catalogue of RNases involved in maturation of Escherichia coli 16S rRNA

    RNase II regulates RNase PH and is essential for cell survival during starvation and stationary phase

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    RNase II is the most active exoribonuclease in cell extracts. Yet, its removal appears to have no deleterious effect on growing cells. Here, we show that RNase II is required for cell survival during prolonged stationary phase and upon starvation. The absence of RNase II leads to greatly increased rRNA degradation and to the accumulation of rRNA fragments, both of which lead to a decline in cell survival. The deleterious effects of RNase II removal can be completely reversed by the simultaneous absence of a second exoribonuclease, RNase PH, an enzyme known to be required to initiate ribosome degradation in starving cells. We have now found that the role of RNase II in this process is to regulate the amount of RNase PH present in starving cells, and it does so at the level of RNase PH stability. RNase PH normally decreases as much as 90% during starvation because the protein is unstable under these conditions; however, in the absence of RNase II the amount of RNase PH remains relatively unchanged. Based on these observations, we propose that in the presence of RNase II, nutrient deprivation leads to a dramatic reduction in the amount of RNase PH, thereby limiting the extent of rRNA degradation and ensuring cell survival during this stress. In the absence of RNase II, RNase PH levels remain high, leading to excessive ribosome loss and ultimately to cell death. These findings provide another example of RNase regulation in response to environmental stress

    Elucidation of pathways of ribosomal RNA degradation: an essential role for RNase E

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    Although normally stable in growing cells, ribosomal RNAs are degraded under conditions of stress, such as starvation, and in response to misassembled or otherwise defective ribosomes in a process termed RNA quality control. Previously, our laboratory found that large fragments of 16S and 23S rRNA accumulate in strains lacking the processive exoribonucleases RNase II, RNase R, and PNPase, implicating these enzymes in the later steps of rRNA breakdown. Here, we define the pathways of rRNA degradation in the quality control process and during starvation, and show that the essential endoribonuclease, RNase E, is required to make the initial cleavages in both degradative processes. We also present evidence that explains why the exoribonuclease, RNase PH, is required to initiate the degradation of rRNA during starvation. The data presented here provide the first detailed description of rRNA degradation in bacterial cells

    Spindle checkpoint activation by fungal orthologs of the S. cerevisiae Mps1 kinase

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    There is an ongoing need for antifungal agents to treat humans. Identification of new antifungal agents can be based on screening compounds using whole cell assays. Screening compounds that target a particular molecule is possible in budding yeast wherein sophisticated strain engineering allows for controlled expression of endogenous or heterologous genes. We have considered the yeast Mps1 protein kinase as a reasonable target for antifungal agents because mutant or druggable forms of the protein, upon inactivation, cause rapid loss of cell viability. Furthermore, extensive analysis of the Mps1 in budding yeast has offered potential tactics for identifying inhibitors of its enzymatic activity. One such tactic is based on the finding that overexpression of Mps1 leads to cell cycle arrest via activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint. We have endeavored to adapt this assay to be based on the overexpression of Mps1 orthologs from pathogenic yeast in hopes of having a whole-cell assay system to test the activity of these orthologs. Mps1 orthologous genes from seven pathogenic yeast or other pathogenic fungal species were isolated and expressed in budding yeast. Two orthologs clearly produced phenotypes similar to those produced by the overexpression of budding yeast Mps1, indicating that this system for heterologous Mps1 expression has potential as a platform for identifying prospective antifungal agents