66 research outputs found

    Abundance of Pollinator Insect (Forcipomyia Spp .) of Cocoa Under Some Shade Trees

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    Cocoa production is affected by cocoa flowering and fruiting. The factor affects fruit seeting is pollinator agent such as Forcipomyia spp. Until now, information concerning population dynamics of Forcipomyia in some models of cocoa shading trees remains limited. This research was studied to observe the population dynamics of Forcipomyia spp. in some models of cocoa shading trees, namely lamtoro (Leucaena sp.), krete (Cassia surithensis) and areca nut (Areca catechu) in two main season of rainy and dry seasons. The research was conducted in Kaliwining research station of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI), Jember, by surveying the existing cocoa under different types of shading trees as mentioned above. The insects were observed using modified sticky trap method, whilst micro climate condition was also observed. The highest population was in January (rainy season) under Leucaena spp. shade tress and the lowest population was in October under all type of the shading trees. There was no relationship between microclimate condition under cocoa trees (temperature, RH and light intensity) and Forcipomyia spp. population (r = 0.08 and 0.04)

    Supplementation of Coffee Husk Fermented with Pleurotus Ostreatus: Effect on Performance and Blood Profile of Gastrointestinal Nematodes Infected Goat

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the potency of coffee husk fermented with P.ostreatus as a natural anthelmintic supplement by measuring the performance and blood profile of goat suffered gastrointestinal nematodes infection. Eighteen local male goats of Kacang goat with body weight of 9.23 ± 1.71 kg and aged at ± 10 months were arranged into three treatments in completely randomized design. The treatments were T0 (group without chemical anthelmintic treatment and no supplementation of fermented coffee husk), T1 (without chemical anthelmintic treatment, but supplied with fermented coffee husk) and T2 (group with chemical anthelmintic and no supplementation of fermented coffee husk). All goats were offered a basal diet in the ratio of 60% natural grasses along with 40% concentrate. Fermented coffee husk was added in the diet as much as 6% from the dry matter need. The result showed that there were no significant effect to dry matter intake, daily weight gain, PCV value and eosinophil counts (P>0.05). The supplementation of fermented coffee husk (T1) enhanced Hb and red blood cell (RBC) value (

    Pengaruh waktu tahan pack carburizing dan penggunaan media quenching cane molasses terhadap sifat mekanik dan struktur mikro baja karbon rendah

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     Pack carburizing is one of the methods used to increase the carbon content in steel by using solid media. In this study, the addition of carbon elements was carried out using teak wood charcoal and cow bone powder, after that in quenching using cane molasses. Variations used for holding time are 2 hours, 4 hours, and 6 hours, variations in cane molasses content used 10%, 20%, 30%, and the percentage comparison between cow bone powder and teak wood charcoal is 50%:50%. The results of this study show that the pack carburizing resistance time factor is more influential on the mechanical properties and microstructure of low carbon steel. The highest hardness value is found at a holding time of 6 hours with quenching cane molasses 20% of 799.95 kg/cm2 and the lowest hardness value is found without treatment of 162.62 kg/cm2. For the highest impact toughness is found without treatment of 2.02 Joule/mm2 and the lowest impact toughness value is found at holding time of 6 hours with quenching cane molasses 20% of 1.127 Joule/mm2. For microstructures formed after treatment, martensite structures are formed due to rapid cooling

    Analisis Sifat Penyerapan Air Dan Indeks Nyala Api Pada Papan Komposit Yang Di Perkuat Serat Daun Pandan Duri Dan Limbah Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Sengon Dengan Resin Polyester

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    The use of composite materials as an alternative to metallic materials in the field of engineering more widespread, not only as an interior daneksterior in the automotive field but also extended to other areas such as property and architecture is to reduce the incidence of fire one only to find a replacement for wood as a raw material of houses and buildings with other alternative materials are more fire resistant, the material need not be limited in mechanical strength, but also on the physical properties. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the absorption properties of water and fire index in the fiber-reinforced composite board pandanus leaves thorns and wood sawdust filler sengon with polyester resin as matriknya. Analysis of the absorption properties of the water carried by the ASTM D 5529 with a variation of the length of time of immersion (10, 20, and 30 days) and the fiber volume fraction (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%). Testing index of the flame using ASTM E1321 with long burning time of 10 minutes. To test the effect of soaking time and a fiber volume fraction of the weight gain, volume, and density on the board fiber composite pandanus thorns with 10% filler wood sawdust sengon diguanakn Two Ways Analysis Of Variance, and the effect of fiber volume fraction to index Flash Fire is used One Ways Analysis Of Variance. The results showed that the water absorption is affected by fiber volume fraction and longer soaking time. The largest percentage of water absorption occurs in the volume fraction of 30% with long soaking time of 30 days is 24.41%. Similarly, the highest percentage swelling occurs in composite board with a volume fraction of 30% with a 30-day long soaking time is 11:22% .Then the flame to the percentage of the index without fiber composite board has a greater percentage is 167.03%. By contrast the percentage of board composite index gained shortest of composite board with a fiber volume fraction of 30% ie 70.25% composite board with a fiber volume fraction of 30% also have a flame index is lower than the comparison is with wood composites sengon

    Survei terhadap Terjadinya Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (Kdrt) Wanita Karier di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persentase wanita karier di wilayah DIY yang mengalami KDRT ditinjau dari keempat jenis KDRT yang ada dan persentase wanita karier di wilayah DIY yang mengalami KDRT ditinjau dari usia perkawinan. Penelitian ini didesain sebagai pe- nelitian deskriptif dengan metode survei terhadap wanita karier yang ada di wilayah DIY. Variabel penelitian adalah KDRT pada wanita karier yang berprofesi sebagai pendidik (guru/dosen) dari lima Kabupaten yang ada di DIY. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh pendidik (guru/ dosen) yang berasal dari lima Kabupaten di DIY, yaitu Kota, Bantul, Sleman, Kulon Progo, dan Gunung Kidul. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 40 wanita karier per Kabupaten yang diambil secara area purpossive sampling. Instru- men penelitian berupa angket yang dijabarkan berdasarkan keempat bentuk KDRT sesuai dengan UU Penghapusan KDRT No. 23 Tahun 2004, yaitu kekerasan fisik, psikis, seksual, dan ekonomi, sehingga memenuhi validitas logis. Hasil penelitian menunjuk- kan bahwa persentase wanita karier di wilayah DIY yang mengalami KDRT ditinjau dari kekerasan fisik, psikis, seksual, dan ekonomi berturut-turut sebesar 20,462%, 21,415%, 21,127%, dan 21,283%. Secara keselu-ruhan persentase rata-rata untuk semua jenis KDRT sebesar 21,072% dengan kriteria/kategori rendah. Persentase wanita karier di wilayah DIY yang mengalami KDRT mulai dari usia perkawinan 1 – 5 tahun, 5,1 – 10 tahun, 10,1 – 15 tahun, dan > 15 tahun berturut-turut sebesar 21,544%, 20,828%, 21,435%, dan 21,223%, semua dalam kriteria/kategori rendah. Data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sebagian kecil wanita karier yang berprofesi pendidik (guru/dosen) yang mengalami KDR

    Potensi Ekstrak Biji Bengkuang (Pachyrrhizus Erosus Urb.) Sebagai Larvasida Aedes Aegypti L. Instar III

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    Bengkuang (Pachyrrhizus erosus Urb.) has been known as natural insecticide due to the existence of toxic compound called rotenone. There are some publications on the USAge of the P. erosus as pesticide but the affects of seed extract of P. erosus to the larvae of Aedes aegypti based on LC50 and their sub-lethal effects has been unstudied. Accordingly, the research questions were (1) what is LC50 value of the seed extracts? and (2) how does the sub-lethal effect of the seed extract to the larvae derived from their physical morphology and physiology?. The research was done by experimental study using completely random design of five different concentrations (i.e. 0,1%, 0,2%, 3%, 0,4%, 0,5 & 0% as a control) with four replication. Seed extraction followed Harborne (1987). Observation and calculation on the mortality of the larvae were done each six hours in 24 hours. Statistical analyses was done using One Way Anova and LSD test. The result showed that the concentration of the seed extract has significant influence to the mortality of the larvae of A. aegeypti (instar III) with LC50 value on 0,18%. Also, the seed extract caused morphological damages on some parts of the larval body such as head (chepal), chest (thorax), stomach (abdomen), anal gill and loss of hairs on the side of the body. The dead larvae always could be found on the bottom of substrate. The movement of the larvae tend to deliberate after six hours up to 24 hours. Based on the research result, we assume that the seed extract of P. erosus has a potential role as a natural insecticide especially on the larvae of Aedes aegypty (instar III)

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Menulis Cerpen dengan Media Storyboard pada Siswa Kelas X SMA

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    This study was conducted with the aims of (1) developing teaching materials to write short with storyboard media on high school students; (2) make a lesson plan of writing short story with storyboard media at grade X of high school students; (3) implementation of writing short story with storyboard media at rade X of high school students; (4) knowing the effectiveness of teaching materials in writing short story by using storyboard media at grade X of high school students. This study need a development research method adapted from the Borg and Gall development model with 10 stages beginning with needs analysis, planning, initial product development, initial product revision, product trial, product revision, small field trial, revision product, operational field test (large group), final product revision, and product dissemination and implementation. Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that the teaching materials to write short story with the developed storyboard media was considered feasible and effective to be used as teaching materials for Bahasa Indonesia at Grade X of high school students
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