197 research outputs found

    Against Oppression In Paul Verhouven’s Black Book (2006) A Marxist Approach

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    The research paper is primarily intended to identify how the fight against oppression in Black Book (2006) viewed from Marxist perspective, and to analyze the movie based on its structural elements. The study in this research paper is descriptive qualitative. The data sources are divided into two, namely primary data sources and secondary data sources. The object of the study is a movie entitled Black Book directed by Paul Verhoeven The primary data sources is the movie of Black Book and the secondary data sources are information related to the primary data sources, books about Marxist approach and website. The techniques of data analysis are observation and library review. The technique of data analysis is descriptive technique. Based on the analysis the researcher comes to the conclusion as follows. First, based on the structural analysis Verhoeven in Black Book illustrated that “everyone has to fight against the oppression in his or her life to get freedom”. Second, based on Marxist analysis it is evident that Verhoeven illustrates the fight against oppression of the people for their freedom


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    The implementation of BIM has long been known to building but is still relatively new to road infrastructure. With various demands such as safety, comfort and maintenance budget, the traditional way of managing road infrastructure is considered inadequate. According to UNECE (United Nation Economic Commission for Europe), in large-scale of infrastructure project, more than 50 percent of contract modification - which is considered inefficient - are related to deficiencies, BIM provides an effective way to overcome this by integrating all the stakeholder since the design phase to post construction phase. This article reviews the implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in road infrastructure, particularly in the design phase. The methodology used is by reviewing some journals discussing implementation of BIM in road infrastructure

    Application mediated communication: Panoptic surveillance in online transportation

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    This study aims to reveal conditions that have been neglected so far regarding the development of communication technology in online transportation. With a large number of partners, the company provides features to service users to provide an assessment of online motorcycle taxi drivers. Companies are no longer present to discipline their workers with strict regulations, but by using a panopticon monitoring system that is delegated to service users. This study uses a qualitative approach by conducting surveys and interviews with online motorcycle taxi drivers and users. The results of the participant interviews were then analyzed and supported by documentation studies originating from books, journals, and some data obtained from online media, or also known as data triangulation. The results of the study show that the panopticon system implemented by the company provides certainty of supervision so that it forms the discipline of those who are supervised by forming homogeneous behavior. The power relations that occur between companies and their partners place online motorcycle taxi drivers in a vulnerable position to symbolic violence through supervision.


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    Lansia adalah kelompok rentan /beresiko terhadap penyakit infeksi maupun penyakit tidak menular (PTM) disebabkan oleh penurunan fungsi organ secara fisiologis dan penurunan immunitas. Berbagai keluhan muncul terutama yang bekaitan dengan sistemkardiovaskuler dan syndrmmetabolisme seperti meningkatnyaTekanan Darah (Hypertensi) .  Pemantauan Kesehatan lansia seyogyanya dilakukan secara teratur supaya permasalahan Kesehatan Lansia cepat teratasi. Posyandu Lansia adalah Lembaga swadaya masyarakat yang mendapat support dari Pemerintah dan tersebar hampir disetiap desa. Layanan Kesehatan rutin berupa : penimbangan BB, pengkuran Tinggi Badan dan pengukuran Tekanan darah dilakukan oleh Kader terlatih.  Pemeriksan Laboratorium sederhana seperti Gula darah, asam urat dan kolesterol tidak termasuk program posyandu dikarenakan tidak ada alokasi dana, sehingga gejala awal PTM tidak terdeteksi. Berdasarkan  uraian tersebut , kami dosen Poltekkes akan melakukan Pengabmas dengan melakukan Pemeriksaan  dasar  meliputi pemeriksaan  Tekanan Darah pada lansia sebagai upaya deteksi dini PTM dan memberikan senam hipertensi sebagai relaksasi.  Tujuan : Mewujudkan kehidupan yang sehat bagi lansia melalui pemberian terapi senam Hipertensi di Posyandu Lansia. Metode : Dengan melakukan Pelatihan Senam Hipertensi dan PengukuranTD. Manfaat : Sebagai upaya deteksi dini Penyakit Tidak Menular dan meningkatkan kunjungan posyandu lansia

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Keterampilan Basic Life Support (BLS) Melalui Pelatihan BLS Pada Perawat dan Bidan

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    Background: In Hospital Cardiac Arrest (IHCA) is a major problem of patient safety and public health. the rescue action taken is Basic Life Support with CPR. BLS training needs to be provided to nurses and midwives in order to increase the ability of BLS skills. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Basic Life Support (BLS) Training on the ability of BLS skills of Nurses and Midwives. Methods: This research is an experimental study with a Pre-Test-Post Test Group design approach through through testing the research hypothesis. The population of this study was nurses and midwives, amounting to 51 respondents with a total sampling technique so that the number of respondents was 51. Statistical tests in the paired group used the nonparametric Wilcoxon test. Results: Based on the Wilcoxon test results obtained a p value of 0,001 which means there is a difference between pre and post training, Conclusion: BLS training has an effect on improving the BLS skills of nurses and midwives. BLS skills training needs to be carried out on an ongoing basis so that nurses and midwives have good skills in conducting BLS

    Peningkatan Keaktifan dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada Pembelajaran Persiapan Pengolahan Makanan dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe NHT (Numbered Heads Together)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui proses pembelajaran persiapan pengolahan makanan dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT, 2) meningkatkan keaktifan peserta didik pada pembelajaran persiapan pengolahan makanan dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT dan 3) meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik pada pembelajaran persiapan pengolahan makanan dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari hingga Juni 2013 di SMK Negeri 4 Yogyakarta. Subyek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas X Jasa Boga SMK Negeri 4 Yogyakarta berjumlah 35 peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi observasi, tes hasil belajar dan dokumentasi. Uji kualitas instrumen yang dilakukan adalah validitas instrumen, reliabilitas instrumen, tingkat kesukaran butir soal dan daya pembeda soal. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) Proses pembelajaran menggunakan metode NHT berjalan dengan lancar dan sesuai dengan perencanaa yang dilakukan, aktivitas peserta didik tergolong tinggi, yaitu 88,39%. 2) Metode NHT dapat meningkatkan keaktifan peserta didik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kategori keaktifan dari siklus I ke siklus II yaitu dari sedang (66,07%) ke tinggi (88,39%). 3) Metode NHT dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik, penelitian siklus I hasil pre test menunjukkan presentase ketuntasan peserta didik 3% dan hasil post test menunjukkan presentase ketuntasan peserta didik 96%. Pada pre test siklus II menunjukkan presentase ketuntasan peserta didik 0% dan hasil post test menunjukkan presentase ketuntasan peserta didik 97%. Peningkatan nilai peserta didik dapat dilihat dari mean nilai siklus I 31,00 menjadi 36,00 pada siklus II

    Hubungan Sindrom Menopause Dengan Kualitas Hidup Wanita Menopause Di Kelurahan Genuk Kabupaten Semarang

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    Menopause is a period of cessation of menstruation that usually occur in women aged 45-54 years, with an average age is 51 years. Menopause is caused by a decrease in estrogen that causing various symptoms called menopausal syndrome. Menopausal syndrome causes discomfort and disrupt daily work that it affects the quality of life. The Purpuse : This study aims to identify the correlation between menopausal syndrome with the quality of life among menopausal woman in Kelurahan Genuk Kabupaten Semarang. This research is descriptive correlative with a cross sectional methode. The sampling technique used total sampling were obtained 182 respondents. Data collected by the MRS questionnaire and the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. The results showed that most of the respondents had moderate menopausal syndrome (36.6%), while 14.8% had severe menopausal syndrome. The physical quality of life domain has the highest average value (65.96) whereas the social domain has the lowest average value (59.30). There were correlation between menopausal syndrome and the four domains of quality of life, physical domain (p-value= 0.000; r= -0.498), psychology domain (p-value= 0.000; r= -0.415), social domain (p-value= 0.000; r= -0.273), and environment domain (p-value= 0.000; r= -0.307). Menopausal women are advised to be able to recognize menopausal symptoms that arise and make effective management strategies to reduce complaints so that their quality of life increases


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    ABSTRAKFisika adalah ilmu dasar yang digunakan untuk membahas kejadian alam di sekitar kita. Fenomena buah yang jatuh selalu jatuh ke bawah adalah kejadian karena adanya gravitasi bumi. Tarikan gravitasi bumi pada bulan dapat dipandang sebagai interaksi antara medan gravitasi bumi di lokasi bulan dengan massa bulan. Pembelajaran di era pandemi seperti sekarang ini banyak dilakukan secara online, sehingga praktikum secara langsung baik di laboratorium ataupun tidak akan susah dilaksanakan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis konstanta pegas dan percepatan gravitasi dengan menggunakan tracker video analysis. Software ini menganalisis video tentang kejadian kejadian alam terutama yang berhubungan dengan kelajuan, kecepatan, percepatan, gaya, medan gravitasi, konversi dan konservasi energi. Dengan tracker video analysis bisa digunakan untuk alternatif penyelesaian masalah analisis praktikum fisika secara mandiri. Dihasilkan nilai percepatan grafitasi dan konstanta pegas dari grafik dengan menggunakan tracker video analysis. Dengan menggunakan fasilitas TVA juga dapat meningkatkan Computational Thinking. Kata kunci: tracker video analysis; pegas; ayunan sederhana. ABSTRACTPhysics is a basic science that is used to discuss natural events around us. The phenomenon of falling fruit always falling down is one of the events due to the earth's gravity. Earth's gravitational pull on the moon can be seen as an interaction between the earth's gravitational field at the moon's location and the moon's mass. Much learning in the pandemic era, as it is now, is carried out online, so that hands-on practicums, whether in the laboratory or in the laboratory, will not be difficult to carry out. Currently there is Tracker software that allows students to conduct research in comprehensive kinematics. This software uses video analysis methods about natural events, especially those related to speed, velocity, acceleration, force, gravitational field, energy conversion and conservation. With a video analysis tracker, it can be used as an alternative to solving physics practicum analysis problems independently. The value of the acceleration of gravity and spring constant is generated from the graph using a tracker video analysis. Using the TVA facility can also improve Computational Thinking. Keywords: tracker video analysis; pegas; ayunan sederhana


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    The purpose of this research is to know influence between decentralization, management accounting system information characteristic and uncertainty of environment to Managers Performance. Data which used in this research is primary data in the form of questioner with scale of semantic differential. As for its responder is manager and assisten manager of PT Alim Surya Steel, with sample 21 responder. While to analysis influence between decentralization, management accounting system information characteristic and uncertainty of environment to Managers Performance, statistical test the used is Technique Analysis Doubled Linear Regression. Result of analysis indicate that variable Decentralize and management accounting system information characteristic by together have an effect on to Managers Performance. By partial obtained by result of that Decentralization have an effect on to Managers Performance, management accounting system information characteristic have an effect on to Managers Performance seen from. And uncertainty of environment have an effect on to Managers Performance

    Abundance of Pollinator Insect (Forcipomyia Spp .) of Cocoa Under Some Shade Trees

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    Cocoa production is affected by cocoa flowering and fruiting. The factor affects fruit seeting is pollinator agent such as Forcipomyia spp. Until now, information concerning population dynamics of Forcipomyia in some models of cocoa shading trees remains limited. This research was studied to observe the population dynamics of Forcipomyia spp. in some models of cocoa shading trees, namely lamtoro (Leucaena sp.), krete (Cassia surithensis) and areca nut (Areca catechu) in two main season of rainy and dry seasons. The research was conducted in Kaliwining research station of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI), Jember, by surveying the existing cocoa under different types of shading trees as mentioned above. The insects were observed using modified sticky trap method, whilst micro climate condition was also observed. The highest population was in January (rainy season) under Leucaena spp. shade tress and the lowest population was in October under all type of the shading trees. There was no relationship between microclimate condition under cocoa trees (temperature, RH and light intensity) and Forcipomyia spp. population (r = 0.08 and 0.04)
