1,239 research outputs found

    The collective behavior of the partons and its influence on the jet suppression in heavy ion collisions

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    We discuss the physical picture that a parton interaction with a coherent group of partons can lead to more jet quenching effect in the hot and dense matter created by heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC energies. We came to this picture after analyzing the behaviour of the nuclear modification factor as a function of pTp_T for the charged particles produced in the most central Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 A TeV. In the interval, 750GeV/c7-50 GeV/c the values of the factor as a function of pTp_T increases almost linearly with a slope is very close to expected one for the inverse Compton effect. Around pT60p_T\simeq 60 GeV/c, a regime change occurs, which is characteristic for the phenomenon. We propose that this similarity can be explained by the inverse Compton effect for partons, which occurs via a collective parton group formation ( through the appearance of a new string as a result of the fusion of strings) and its interactions with single partons in the interval of 5<pT<10GeV/c5 < p_T < 10 GeV/c. In the case of a coherent collision with a parton that has a lower energy than the group, the parton can gain energy through the inverse Compton effect, resulting in its acceleration and shifting to the region of pT>10p_T >10 GeV/c. After losing a significant part of its energy new string will decay into partons with lower energies - slowed partons in the interval of pT<5GeV/cp_T < 5 GeV/c. This enhancement in the jet quenching can be observed in the interval of 2<pT<20GeV/c2 <p_T <20 GeV/c.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Entropy and multifractal analysis of multiplicity distributions from pp simulated events up to LHC energies

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    Using three different Monte Carlo generators of high energy proton-proton collisions (HIJING, NEXUS, and PSM) we study the energy dependence of multiplicity distributions of charged particles including the LHC energy range. Results are used for calculation of the information entropy, Renyi's dimensions and other multifractal characteristics of particle production.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    On some inverse problems in nuclear physics

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    Some inverse problems in high-energy physics, neutron diffraction and NMR spectroscopy are discussed. To solve them, the Fourier integrated transformation method and the Maximum Entropy Technique (MENT) were used. The integrated images of experimental distributions are shown to be informative when determining the space-time parameters of a particle generation zone and when analysing blurred spectra. The efficiency of the above methods was checked by comparing relevant results with the results obtained independently

    The maximum entropy tecniques and the statistical description of systems

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    The maximum entropy technique (MENT) is used to determine the distribution functions of physical values. MENT naturally combines required maximum entropy, the properties of a system and connection conditions in the form of restrictions imposed on the system. It can, therefore, be employed to statistically describe closed and open systems. Examples in which MENT is used to describe equilibrium and non-equilibrium states, as well as steady states that are far from being in thermodynamic equilibrium, are discussed

    Search for periodicities in experimental data using an autoregression data model

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    To process data obtained during interference experiments in high-energy physics, methods of spectral analysis are employed. Methods of spectral analysis, in which an autoregression model of experimental data is used, such as the maximum entropy technique as well as Pisarenko and Prony's method, are described. To show the potentials of the methods, experimental and simulated hummed data are discussed as an example

    Searching for the properties of nuclear matter using proton-carbon and deuteron-carbon collisions at 4.2 a gev/c

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    The present work reports the use of nuclear transparency effect of protons in proton and deuteron carbon interactions at 4.2 A GeV/c to get information about the states of nuclear matter. The half angle technique is used to extract the information on nuclear transparency. The results are compared with Dubna version of Cascade model. The average values of multiplicity, momentum and transverse momentum of protons are analyzed as a function of the number of identified protons in an event. We observed some evidence and trends in the data which could be considered as transparency effect. Analysis of the results shows that the leading effect is the basis of the observed transparency. Some contribution to the observed effect could be the existing short range correlations and the scaling power law s^-N, for exclusive two body hard scattering.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    The meaning behind observed pTp_T regions at the LHC energies

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    We argue that pTp_T distribution data from the LHC on the invariant differential yield of the charged primary particles in pppp collisions at s=0.9TeV,2.76TeV,7TeV\sqrt{s}=0.9 TeV, 2.76 TeV,7TeV and in PbPbPb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76TeV\sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.76 TeV with 6 centrality bins contains several pTp_T regions with special properties. These distributions were analysed by fitting the data with exponential functions. We conclude that the regions reflect features of fragmentation and hadronization of partons through the string dynamics. The nuclear transparency results in negligible influence of the medium in the III region (pT>1720GeV/cp_T >17-20 GeV/c), which has highest pTp_T values. The effects and changes by the medium start to appear weakly in the II region (46GeV/c<pT<1720GeV/c4-6 GeV/c < p_T< 17-20 GeV/c) and become stronger in the I region (pT<46GeV/cp_T <4-6 GeV/c) . It seems that the II region has highest number of strings. The increase in string density in this region could lead to fusion of strings, appearance of a new string and collective behaviour of the partons in the most central collisions. These phenomena can explain anomalous behaviour of the Nuclear Modification Factor in the II region. We propose the II region as a possible area of Quark Gluon Plasma formation through string fusion. The first pTp_T regions are the ones with the maximum number of hadrons and minimum number of strings due to direct hadronization of the low energy strings into two quark systems - mesons.Comment: 20 pages with 10 figures and 3 table

    Search for a Signal on Phase Transitions of Strongly Interacting Matter using the Nuclear Transparency Effect

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    We discuss that the results coming from the central experiments confirm the results which had been obtained for the behavior of the K+-meson's temperature behavior as a function of the energy in SPS energy range. To see the "horn" for the behavior of the ratio for average values of K+- to pi+- mesons as a function of centrality the new more rich experimental data are required. The data can be obtained with NICA/MPD setup. The existing of the QCD critical point could be identified by using the nuclear transparency effect as a function of the centrality.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Chiral Separation effect in non-homogeneous systems

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    We discuss chiral separation effect in the systems with spatial non - homogeneity. It may be caused by non - uniform electric potential or by another reasons, which do not, however, break chiral symmetry of an effective low energy theory. Such low energy effective theory describes quasiparticles close to the Fermi surfaces. In the presence of constant external magnetic field the non - dissipative axial current appears. It appears that its response to chemical potential and magnetic field (the CSE conductivity) is universal. It is robust to smooth modifications of the system and is expressed through an integral over a surface in momentum space that surrounds all singularities of the Green function. In itself this expression represents an extension of the topological invariant protecting Fermi points to the case of inhomogeneous systems.Comment: Latex, 31 pages, 1 Figur

    Study of the behavior of the nuclear modification factor in freeze-out state

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    We have studied the behaviour of the nuclear modification factor as a function of centrality, chemical baryon potential and thermal freeze out temperature using the data coming from the Fast Hadron Freezeout Generator. Considering two ways of NMF definition, namely the ratio of meson yields and ratio of baryons yield, we considered two associates effects (for percolation cluster formation) to identify it; appearance of the anomalous nuclear transparency and light nuclei production. In this paper we have used the behaviour of nuclear modification factor as a function of different physical parameters to get the information of the behavior of nuclear transparency effect and the nuclear coalescence in freezeout state. We have chosen different generators for this purpose. Here we have used the simulated data for Au-Au collisions at RHIC energies coming from the FASTMC Model. This model is very good in freezeout state.Comment: 4 figures, 4 pages, To appear in the Proceeding of XXVIII Physics in Collision- Perugia, Italy, June 25-28, 200