1,185 research outputs found

    First hours of the GRB 030329 optical afterglow

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    We present the first results of the observations of the extremely bright optical afterglow of gamma-ray burst (GRB) 030329 with the 1.5m Russian-Turkish telescope RTT150 (TUBITAK National Observatory, Bakyrlytepe, Turkey). RTT150 was one of the first 1.5m-class telescopes pointed to the afterglow. Observations were started approximately 6 hours after the burst. During the first 5 hours of our observations the afterglow faded exactly as a power law with index -1.19+-0.01 in each of the BVRI Bessel filters. After that, in all BVRI filters simultaneously we observe a steepening of the power law light curve. The power law decay index smoothly approaches the value ~= -1.9, observed by other observatories later. This power law break occurs at t-t_0 =0.57 days and lasts for +-0.1 days. We observe no variability above the gradual fading with the upper limits 10--1% on time scales 0.1--1000s. Spectral flux distribution in four BVRI filters corresponds to the power law spectrum with spectral index \alpha=0.66+-0.01. The change of the power law decay index in the end of our observations can be interpreted as a signature of collimated ultrarelativistic jet. The afterglow flux distribution in radio, optical and x-rays is consistent with synchrotron spectrum. We continue our observations of this unique object with RTT150.Comment: Astronomy Letters, Vol. 29, No. 9, p. 573; 6 pages, 5 figures; pagination corrected; the original Russian version can be found at http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/~br/030329/pfh030329.pd

    Analysis of nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies and Random Matrix Theory

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    We propose a novel statistical approach to the analysis of experimental data obtained in nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies which borrows from methods developed within the context of Random Matrix Theory. It is applied to the detection of correlations in momentum distributions of emitted particles. We find good agreement between the results obtained in this way and a standard analysis based on the method of effective mass spectra and two-pair correlation function often used in high energy physics. The method introduced here is free from unwanted background contributions.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Collective behaviour of partons could be a source of energetic hadrons

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    We discuss the idea that collective behaviour of the quarks/partons, which has been intensely discussed for the last 40 years in relativistic hadron-nuclear and nuclear-nuclear interactions and confirmed by new data coming from the ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, can lead to energetic particle production. Created from hadronization of the quark/parton (or quarks/partons), energetic particles could get the energy of grouped partons from coherent interactions. Therefore, we think that in the centre of some massive stars, a medium with high density, close to Quantum Chromodynamic one could be a source of the super high-energy cosmic rays.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Модели и методы оптимизации развития основных сетей энергосистем в условиях рыночных отношений

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    У статті проведено аналіз чинної методики оптимізації розвитку та техніко-економічного обґрунтування проектних рішень з перспективного розвитку сучасних електроенергетичних систем. Представлена методика визначення оптимальної конфігурації основної мережі електроенергетичної системи, яка базується на методі виключення гілок. Показані потенційні загрози, спрямовані на зниження якості прийнятих проектних рішень, серед яких – недостатня об'єктивність економічних критеріїв ефективності технічних рішень, штучне обмеження простору пошуку на попередньому етапі відбору можливих рішень. Для розв’язання оптимізаційних задач з перспективного розвитку електроенергетичних систем запропоновано використовувати математичний апарат генетичних алгоритмів. Показано, що пропонований підхід забезпечує стійку збіжність процесу пошуку за прийнятну кількість кроків без штучного обмеження простору пошуку і використання додаткової експертної інформації щодо доцільності можливих проектних рішень.The paper analyzes existing technique feasibility of design decisions on long-term development of electric power systems. Showing the potential threats to reduce the quality of the design decisions, among them – the lack of objective economic criteria of efficiency of technical solutions, the artificial restriction of the search space at the preliminary stage of the selection of possible solutions. To solve the problem of formation and selection of the optimal project plan of development of power system is proposed to use the mathematical apparatus of genetic algorithms. The main idea is to encode information about characteristics of possible design solutions in the form of binary vector – genome. Next, the application of genetic operations leads to the generation of new design solutions, the quality of which is estimated by target function. The objective function is designed to assess the quality of design solutions, such as by means of economic efficiency criteria. The basic genetic operations - crossover is performed with genotypes of parental pairs of the current set of design decisions. Priority in the formation of parental pairs are design solutions that are characterized by the highest quality assessments. To provide reliable variety of design decisions carried in the evolution of additional genetic operations – mutation and inversion. Performing these operations provide a way out of local optima, which may fall evoltsionny algorithm. The paper presents the mathematical model and method of formation and feasibility making design decisions concerning future development of electric power systems based on mathematical apparatus of genetic algorithms. The functioning of the developed mathematical tools demonstrated for solving the transportation problem nutrition consumers from nodal power plant. It is shown that the proposed approach provides a stable convergence of the search process in a reasonable amount of steps without artificial restrictions of the search space and without use of additional expert information on the feasibility of possible design solutions. The problem of setting a genetic algorithm, that is the choice of the initial population, life expectancy of possible solutions, the probability characteristics of the genetic operations, etc. is considered. To set up a genetic algorithm is proposed to use the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic, which provides a definition of the parameters of the algorithm on the basis of verbal estimates.В статье проведен анализ действующей методики оптимизации развития и технико-экономического обоснования проектных решений по перспективному развитию современных электроэнергетических систем. Представлена методика определения оптимальной конфигурации основной сети электроэнергетической системы, базирующаяся на методе исключения ветвей. Показаны потенциальные угрозы, направленные на снижение качества принятых проектных решений, среди которых – недостаточная объективность экономических критериев эффективности технических решений, искусственное ограничение пространства поиска на предыдущем этапе отбора возможных решений. Для решения оптимизационных задач по перспективному развитию электроэнергетических систем предложено использовать математический аппарат генетических алгоритмов. Показано, что предлагаемый подход обеспечивает устойчивую сходимость процесса поиска за приемлемое количество шагов без искусственного ограничения пространства поиска и использования дополнительной экспертной информации о целесообразности возможных проектных решений


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    Subject of Research. The paper deals with accounts in social network websites as a source of information about the intensity of communication between employees in the team. On their basis we form success probability estimates for the spread of malefactorsocio-engineering attack on the user. Scope of Research. The research goal is to build a success assessment for malefactormulti-pass socio-engineering attack on the user based on information obtained from the accounts of company employees in social network websites which characterizes communication intensity between them. The research is aimed at development of models and algorithms for socio-engineering attack spreading on the collapsed social graph of the company and description of methods for calculation of security estimates for the information system users from multi-pass socio-engineering attacks, such attacks, where the target and the entry point do not match. Method. The methods are used of information searching, comparing and analyzing, which characterizes communication intensity between company employees, and data extracted from their accounts in social network websites. Success probability estimate of multi-pass socio-engineering attack reduces to probability estimate creation of a complex event. Main Results. A formula is presented for calculating of probability estimates of socio-engineering attack propagation between users. The estimates obtained in this way are compared to the arcs in the company's social graph, which is used in turn to assess the success probability of a multi-pass socio-engineering attack, the attack, passing through a chain of users. In the earlier studies, estimates of probabilities were defined expertly. The advantages of calculation automating of probability estimates based on data received from social network websites are described. Research Novelty.The paper considers approaches to probabilistic estimates of multi-pass socio-engineering attack success where attacks are intermediate, non-direct, and non-reducible to a single malefactoract. These estimates take into account user’s links in his or her social graph; the parameters of those links are based on the data obtained from social media/networks. Practical Relevance.The approach proposed in this paper provides the basis for further analysis of possible propagation trajectories of multi-pass social engineering attacks, as well as calculation of the probability of each such trajectory that in turn helps to expand the number of factors affecting the security evaluation of the information system users, and gives the possibility to set the backtracking task for attacks in one of the successful forms for finding solutions

    RBS 1032: A dwarf-nucleated spheroidal galaxy with an intermediate-mass black hole hosted in a globular cluster

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    We report here the multiwavelength observations of the bright supersoft X-ray source, RBS 1032. Most likely, its optical counterpart is a non-emission-line dwarf galaxy with a prominent nucleus. Line and band indices of this nucleus, clearly suggest that its optical spectrum is dominated by the nuclear supermassive globular clusters. No radio and infrared (IRAS) emissions are detected from this dwarf galaxy. Weak near-infrared (2MASS) emissions have been detected. The optical-to-near-infrared colours are consistent with the globular clusters than those of active galactic nuclei. We have shown here that RBS 1032 is not a foreground object. However, with the available data the possibility of RBS 1032 being a classical nova cannot be completely ruled out. We have demonstrated that RBS 1032 is not a X-ray-bright optically normal galaxy. In contrast, we have illustrated that the super-soft X-ray emissions of RBS 1032 may be from a binary system, consisting of an intermediate-mass (∼5 × 104 M⊙) black hole with a white dwarf companion. Most likely this system is hosted by one of the nuclear globular clusters of the dwarf galaxy. © 2006 RAS

    Assessment of line differentiation in the Thoroughbred horse breed using DNA microsatellite loci

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    The Thoroughbred (TB) horse is the best racehorse breed used in the racing industry. This breed has had a closed studbook for about 300 years. In Russia TB horses have been bred since the second half of the XVIII century. The modern Russian Stud Book register of TB horses is partially presented by stallions and broodmares imported from different countries. The genealogical structure of the breed is represented by 17 lines, among which the Northern Dancer line dominates (30.9 %). The study of features of different lines of TB was carried out on 17 loci of DNA microsatellites (VHL20, HTG4, AHT4, HMS7, HTG6, AHT5, HMS6, ASB23, ASB2, HTG10, HTG7, HMS3, HMS2, ASB17, LEX3, HMS1 and CA425) to assess genetic differentiation of the genealogical structure. The results of the DNA typing of 8091 Thoroughbred horses across microsatellite loci show that the gene pool of the domestic population is represented by 100 alleles typical of the breed. A comparative analysis of the genotypes of horses representing different lines indicates that they differ in the number of alleles (85–99), allele frequencies, the level of polymorphism Ae (2.93–3.48) and the degree of the observed heterozygosity Ho (0.653–0.739). The genetic distances between the lines varied in a wide range from 0.014 (Nasrullah – Northern Dancer) to 0.125 (Massine – Teddy). The correspondence to HWE was maintained in most lines, which is confirmed by the negative values of Fis. Cluster analysis demonstrated the correspondence of the obtained dendrogram of Nei’s genetic distances to its genealogical scheme of lines. Genetic differentiation of lines by index Fst varied in a range 0.005–0.073 at the mean value Fst = 0.024. The data indicate genetic differentiation of lines of TB at the STR markers and confirm the effectiveness of the system of linear breeding for the maintenance of interbreed biodiversity