74 research outputs found

    Evaluation of third class survey data for national digital cadastral database population

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    The objective of Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB) introduced 'by the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (DSMM) is to ease the production of land title and to facilitate the realization of e-cadastre system. The development of e-cadastre system is to change the existing method of cadastral management to fully digital system in accordance with information technology development. National Digital Cadastral Database (NDCDB) is a critical dataset in e-cadastre system. Currently, DCDB was developed based on First Class and Second Class observations. This criterion caused the Third Class survey data is left out because of the low data quality. Third Class survey data is a value of scale distance without bearing or connection line. A new methodology is needed in order to integrate Third Class survey data into DCDB. The objectives of this study are: i) to check the quality of an existing Third Class survey, and ii) to adjust the Third Class survey of the study area with acceptable accuracy. Least Square Adjustment technique was used because the measurements with differences quality can be systematically adjusted. The cadastral network was formed into several parts and the least square adjustment were carried out systematically to minimum the error propogations. Systematic summary of the adjustment results are tabulated. Locality adjustments give good results while the adjustments of inter CP's are less accurate. Results show that the existing Third Class survey is not suitable to be integrated in developing of NDCDB. Upgrading the Third Class survey Certified Plan to more accurate First Class survey is important for repopulation of NDCDB

    Evaluation of third class survey data for national digital cadastral database population

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    The objective of Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB) introduced 'by the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (DSMM) is to ease the production of land title and to facilitate the realization of e-cadastre system. The development of e-cadastre system is to change the existing method of cadastral management to fully digital system in accordance with information technology development. National Digital Cadastral Database (NDCDB) is a critical dataset in e-cadastre system. Currently, DCDB was developed based on First Class and Second Class observations. This criterion caused the Third Class survey data is left out because of the low data quality. Third Class survey data is a value of scale distance without bearing or connection line. A new methodology is needed in order to integrate Third Class survey data into DCDB. The objectives of this study are: i) to check the quality of an existing Third Class survey, and ii) to adjust the Third Class survey of the study area with acceptable accuracy. Least Square Adjustment technique was used because the measurements with differences quality can be systematically adjusted. The cadastral network was formed into several parts and the least square adjustment were carried out systematically to minimum the error propogations. Systematic summary of the adjustment results are tabulated. Locality adjustments give good results while the adjustments of inter CP's are less accurate. Results show that the existing Third Class survey is not suitable to be integrated in developing of NDCDB. Upgrading the Third Class survey Certified Plan to more accurate First Class survey is important for repopulation of NDCDB

    Evaluation of third class survey data for national digital cadastral database population

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    The objective of Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB) introduced 'by the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (DSMM) is to ease the production of land title and to facilitate the realization of e-cadastre system. The development of e-cadastre system is to change the existing method of cadastral management to fully digital system in accordance with information technology development. National Digital Cadastral Database (NDCDB) is a critical dataset in e-cadastre system. Currently, DCDB was developed based on First Class and Second Class observations. This criterion caused the Third Class survey data is left out because of the low data quality. Third Class survey data is a value of scale distance without bearing or connection line. A new methodology is needed in order to integrate Third Class survey data into DCDB. The objectives of this study are: i) to check the quality of an existing Third Class survey, and ii) to adjust the Third Class survey of the study area with acceptable accuracy. Least Square Adjustment technique was used because the measurements with differences quality can be systematically adjusted. The cadastral network was formed into several parts and the least square adjustment were carried out systematically to minimum the error propogations. Systematic summary of the adjustment results are tabulated. Locality adjustments give good results while the adjustments of inter CP's are less accurate. Results show that the existing Third Class survey is not suitable to be integrated in developing of NDCDB. Upgrading the Third Class survey Certified Plan to more accurate First Class survey is important for repopulation of NDCDB

    Strategic approach to improve customer awareness of heritage bazaar at Dataran Pahlawan, Bandar Hilir Melaka - Case MBMB / Siti Aisyah Abd Sukor

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    A bazaar is a permanent merchandising area, marketplace, or street of shops where goods and services are exchanged or sold. The word derives from the Persian word bazar, the etymology of which goes back to the Pahlavi word baha-char meaning "the place of prices". Although the current meaning of the word is believed to have originated in Persia, its use has spread and now has been accepted into the vernacular in countries around the world. Heritage Bazaar is one of the popular places in Malacca. Heritage Bazaar provides tourist variety of souvenir, traditional food and also creative handicraft. This bazaar is located nearby the historical places such as 'Independence of Memorial, 'Light and Sound', 'Bangunan Merah' and other interesting historical places. This bazaar located at Jalan Taman in Bandar Hilir. They are operated more than 10 years and still operating until now. They run their business in group in certain places but still in Bandar Hilir

    Beban tugas guru sekolah rendah

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    Beban tugas guru mencakupi dua bidang utama iaitu tugas dalam akademik secara rutin dan bermusim, serta tugas bukan akademik secara rutin dan bermusim. Sebanyak 274 guru daripada 15 buah sekolah rendah di kawasan Pusat Kegiatan Guru (PKG) Langgar di Daerah Kota Star Kedah telah terlibat sebagai sampel dalam kajian ini dengan nnenggunakan kaedah tinjauan melui soal selidik. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan SPSS Versi 13.0. Kajian mendapati bahawa ketiga-tiga aspek perlakuan mengajar guru iaitu Perancangan, Pelaksanaan dan Penilaian belum mencapai tahap sebenar tugas guru. Namun, perlakuan mengajar guru tidak terjejas walaupuri bebannya meningkat. Guru-guru didapati menggunakan sebanyak 84.26 jam seminggu untuk menjalankan tugas rutin dan bermusim, iaitu sebanyak 52.40 jam (62.19 %) bagi tugas akademik dan 31.86jam (37.81 %) bag tugas bukan akademik. Persepsi guru juga mendapati keempat-empat kategori beban tugas adalah berat dengan petunjuk di antara 55.11% hingga 73.72

    Bolts connection technique of bamboo in construction work

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    The construction industry is increasingly developing and growing rapidly with more advanced technologies. The world timber demand is increasing at a rapid rate but the timber supply is however depleting. It has been found through research that bamboo can suitably replace timber and other materials in constructions. This study was conducted to investigate the structural strength of bamboo connections involving only spliced joint and compared with control samples strength of bamboo which were not connected. Bending test was conducted on four types of bamboo connection structures which werehalf-lapped splice joint using 3 bolts, half-lapped splice joint using 2 bolts, side plate splice joint, sleeves and insert joint and control sample bamboo. Every connection had six samples to determine the structural strength of the bamboo connection. From the tests conducted, the maximum load that can be borne by the bamboo structure and the bending ofthe bamboo structure will be obtained. Data were compared with the theoretical calculation based on the study of Janssen's. The connection structure that can bear maximum load was sleeves and inserts which was 5.997 kN. The control samples bamboo maximum load was 4.504 kN. Meanwhile, half-lapped splice joint using 3 bolts and 2 bolts were 4.789 kN and 4.04 kN. Structural connections that carriedthe lowest load was side plate splice joint which was only 2.659 kN.Compared with the bending moment of Janssen’s theory, all the connections did not exceed the maximum allowable bending moment. This showed that the study was in accordance with the standards approved by Janssen's theory. The study found that the structure of connections that can be used in the construction work was sleeves and inserts

    Diversity of mammalian species at natural licks in rain forest of Deramakot and their conservation

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    Natural licks are an important place for mammals to obtain mineral elements that are deficient in their diets. Although the tropical rain forests of Borneo are known for high mammalian diversity, little is known about the relationship between natural licks and mammals. To understand the use of natural licks by mammals and the role of natural licks to maintain the mammalian diversity and populations in Borneo, we conducted a field study in Deramakot Forest Reserve, Sabah. Twenty-nine species of mammals out of the 37 species known in the forests of Deramakot irrespective of food type were recorded on the natural licks. The mammals came to the natural licks to drink water rather than to eat soil. Analysis of the water from the natural licks showed that the concentrations of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium as well as pH were significantly higher than those of the controls (stream and soil water). Foliar analysis of animal diets showed that potassium was significantly higher than sodium in concentration. This study indicated that the mammals might come for the ingestion of minerals, especially sodium, to maintain internal sodium/potassium balance. The natural licks are hot spots of mammalian diversity in Borneo because a cascade of food web (herbivores to carnivores) is formed

    Study on morphological properties of polyvinyl alcohol/poly(lactic acid) wound dressing membrane as drug delivery carrier in wound healing treatment

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    Wound dressing have experienced continuous improvement and changes since ancient time. Electrospinning of polymeric nanofibers have captured the interest of researchers due to its simplicity and cost effective technique that able to produce wound dressing membrane that meet the requirement as ideal wound dressing and drug delivery carrier. In this work, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and poly (lactic acid) (PLA) were chosen polymer to produce wound dressing membrane through electrospinning and coating method. PVA was electrospun and then coated with PLA. Preliminary study had been conducted between 1, 4 and 8% concentration for the selection of optimum PLA coating concentration. PLA has been proposed for the use of coating materials at 4%, the coated nanofiber membrane started to exhibit high Ultimate Tensile Strength at 1022.5 ± 9.28 MPa, highest degree of swelling (1850 ± 3.7 %) and optimum water contact angle (60.9 ± 11.46 ̊). The aim of this study was to investigate the morphological properties of PVA/PLA wound dressing membrane. Based on the results from Atomic Force Microscope, PVA nanofiber coated with 4% PLA exhibit the highest value of Rq which is 0.47 ± 0.19 μm compared to neat PVA nanofibers membrane. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) image revealed that PVA nanofiber coated with 4% PLA shows porous fiber-like morphology and well incorporated with each other without any gap formed between them. This report clearly suggestive of the fact that synthetic biodegradable polymers such as PLA can be exploited for the synergistic combination with PVA nanofiber for wound dressing application

    Study on Morphological Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol/Poly(lactic acid) Wound Dressing Membrane as Drug Delivery Carrier in Wound Healing Treatment

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    Wound dressing have experienced continuous improvement and changes since ancient time. Electrospinning of polymeric nanofibers have captured the interest of researchers due to its simplicity and cost effective technique that able to produce wound dressing membrane that meet the requirement as ideal wound dressing and drug delivery carrier. In this work, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and poly (lactic acid) (PLA) were chosen polymer to produce wound dressing membrane through electrospinning and coating method. PVA was electrospun and then coated with PLA. The aim of this study was to investigate the morphological properties of PVA/PLA wound dressing membrane. Based on the results from Atomic Force Microscope, PVA nanofiber coated with 4% PLA exhibit the highest value of Rq which is 0.47 ± 0.19 μm compared to neat PVA nanofibers membrane. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) image revealed that PVA nanofiber coated with 4% PLA shows porous fiber-like morphology and well incorporated with each other without any gap formed between them. This report clearly suggestive of the fact that synthetic biodegradable polymers such as PLA can be exploited for the synergistic combination with PVA nanofiber for wound dressing application

    Bioremoval of molybdenum from aqueous solution

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    Molybdenum is very toxic to ruminants with level as low as 2 parts per million can cause severe scouring. Its contamination of waters and soils in agricultural areas needs novel removal technology. In this work we demonstrated a novel method of molybdenum removal from aqueous solution using the dialysis tubing method coupled with molybdenum-reducing activity of Serratia sp. strain Dry5. The enzymatic reduction of molybdenum is molybdenum blue, a colloid that does not pass through dialysis tubing. The calculated maximal rate of molybdenum blue production (VMoblueMax) was 0.264±0.034 mM (Mo-blue h)-1 and the concentration of molybdate resulting in the half-maximal rate of reduction (KMo) was 21.78±3.89 mM molybdate and the specific maximal rate of Mo-blue production was approximately 80 mM (Mo-blue.hr.mg cells)-1 indicating an efficient system with high tolerance towards molybdenum