418 research outputs found


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    Fractals are a relatively recent development in mathematics that show promise as a foundation for models of complex systems like natural porous media. One important issue that has not been thoroughly explored is the affect of different algorithms commonly used to generate random fractal porous media on their properties and processes within them. The heterogeneous method can lead to large, uncontrolled variations in porosity. It is proposed that use of the homogeneous algorithm might lead to more reproducible applications. Computer codes that will make it easier for researchers to experiment with fractal models are provided. In Chapter 2, the application of percolation theory and fractal modeling to porous media are combined to investigate percolation in prefractal porous media. Percolation thresholds are estimated for the pore space of homogeneous random 2-dimensional prefractals as a function of the fractal scale invariance ratio b and iteration level i. Percolation in prefractals occurs through large pores connected by small pores. The thresholds increased beyond the 0.5927 porosity expected in Bernoulli (uncorrelated) networks. The thresholds increase with both b (a finite size effect) and i. The results allow the prediction of the onset of percolation in models of prefractal porous media. Only a limited range of parameters has been explored, but extrapolations allow the critical fractal dimension to be estimated for many b and i values. Extrapolation to infinite iterations suggests there may be a critical fractal dimension of the solid at which the pore space percolates. The extrapolated value is close to 1.89 -- the well-known fractal dimension of percolation clusters in 2-dimensional Bernoulli networks. The results of Chapters 1 and 2 are synthesized in an application to soil water retention in Chapter 3

    Shear stress in lattice Boltzmann simulations

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    A thorough study of shear stress within the lattice Boltzmann method is provided. Via standard multiscale Chapman-Enskog expansion we investigate the dependence of the error in shear stress on grid resolution showing that the shear stress obtained by the lattice Boltzmann method is second order accurate. This convergence, however, is usually spoiled by the boundary conditions. It is also investigated which value of the relaxation parameter minimizes the error. Furthermore, for simulations using velocity boundary conditions, an artificial mass increase is often observed. This is a consequence of the compressibility of the lattice Boltzmann fluid. We investigate this issue and derive an analytic expression for the time-dependence of the fluid density in terms of the Reynolds number, Mach number and a geometric factor for the case of a Poiseuille flow through a rectangular channel in three dimensions. Comparison of the analytic expression with results of lattice Boltzmann simulations shows excellent agreement.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Correlated fractal percolation and the Palis conjecture

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    Let F1 and F2 be independent copies of correlated fractal percolation, with Hausdorff dimensions dimH(F1) and dimH(F2). Consider the following question: does dimH(F1)+dimH(F2)>1 imply that their algebraic difference F1-F2 will contain an interval? The well known Palis conjecture states that `generically' this should be true. Recent work by Kuijvenhoven and the first author (arXiv:0811.0525) on random Cantor sets can not answer this question as their condition on the joint survival distributions of the generating process is not satisfied by correlated fractal percolation. We develop a new condition which permits us to solve the problem, and we prove that the condition of (arXiv:0811.0525) implies our condition. Independently of this we give a solution to the critical case, yielding that a strong version of the Palis conjecture holds for fractal percolation and correlated fractal percolation: the algebraic difference contains an interval almost surely if and only if the sum of the Hausdorff dimensions of the random Cantor sets exceeds one.Comment: 22 page

    Comparison of Patient-reported Outcomes after Implant Versus Autologous Tissue Breast Reconstruction Using the BREAST-Q

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    Background: The demand for reconstructive breast procedures of various types has accelerated in recent years. Coupled with increased patient expectations, it has fostered the development of oncoplastic and reconstructive techniques in breast surgery. In the setting of postmastectomy reconstruction, patient satisfaction and quality of life are the most significant outcome variables when evaluating surgical success. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of life after implant breast reconstruction compared with autologous breast reconstruction. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used. A total of 65 women who had completed postmastectomy implant-based or autologous reconstruction in the participating center were asked to complete the BREAST-Q (Reconstruction Module). Results: Data analysis demonstrated that women with autologous breast reconstruction were significantly more satisfied with their breasts (P = 0.0003) and with the overall outcome (P = 0.0001) compared with women with implant breast reconstruction. All other BREAST-Q parameters that were considered and observed were not significantly different between the 2 patient groups. Conclusions: Through statistical analysis, our results showed that patients who underwent autologous tissue reconstruction had better satisfaction with the reconstructed breast and the outcome, while both techniques appear to equally improve psychosocial well-being, sexual well-being, and chest satisfaction

    Distribution of multiphase fluids in porous media: comparison between lattice Boltzmann modeling and micro-x-ray tomography

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    Journal ArticleA parallel implementation of the three-dimensional Shan-and-Chen multicomponent, multiphase lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was used to simulate the equilibrium distributions of two immiscible fluids in porous media. The simulations were successfully validated against cone-beam x-ray microtomographic data on the distribution of oil (decane), water, and air phases in a 5-mm cube of porous medium composed of packed quartz sand grains. The results confirm that LBM models allow for the straightforward incorporation of complex pore space geometry determined from x-ray microtomography measurements and that simulated wetting and nonwetting phase distributions are consistent with x-ray observations on both macroscopic and microscopic scales

    Listening to music in Music Curriculum

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    Diplomski rad izrađen je na Odsjeku za umjetnička područja Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku iz predmeta Glazbena slušaonica I pod stručnim vodstvom mentorice doc.dr.sc Vesne Svalina. Slušanje i upoznavanje glazbe jedno je od najmlađih područja glazbene nastave. Od školske godine 2006./2007. program je u nastavi glazbene kulture otvoren. Prema otvorenom modelu zadana je aktivnost slušanje glazbe i usvajanje muzikoloških sadržaja, dok ostale aktivnosti bira sam učitelj. S obzirom na središnje mjesto u glazbenoj nastavi, područje slušanja i upoznavanja glazbe pruža estetski odgoj učenika te ga nastoji osposobiti za kritičko i estetsko procjenjivanje glazbe kroz aktivno doživljavanje glazbenih djela. Spoznajući glazbu i njezinu funkciju u općeobrazovnoj školi, ali i s obzirom na masovne medije, koji uvelike utječu na glazbeni ukus učenika, učitelj ima vrlo zahtjevnu ulogu u procesu odgoja i obrazovanja putem glazbe. Donošenjem Nacionalnog okvirnog kurikuluma 2011. godine u Hrvatskoj se mijenja pristup poučavanja te tako glavni cilj primarnoga odgoja i obrazovanja više nije prenošenje sadržaja, već razvoj učeničkih kompetencija. Glazbena nastava u okviru novih kurikularnih pristupa zahtjeva i određene kompetencije učitelja za poučavanje glazbe koje su potrebne za kvalitetno ostvarivanje kurikuluma glazbene kulture. U radu je prikazano istraživanje provedeno s učiteljima razredne nastave iz Osječkobaranjske i Vukovarsko-srijemske županije. Cilj je istraživanja bio utvrditi važnost nastavnog područja slušanja glazbe u nastavi glazbene kulture, učestalost provođenja glazbenih aktivnosti na primarnom stupnju obrazovanja te kompetencije učitelja za vođenje učenika u aktivnosti slušanja glazbe s obzirom na očekivanja koja pred njih postavlja nacionalni kurikulum.This thesis is made at the Faculty of upbringing and education in Osijek - section art, course Listening to music I under tuition of doc. dr. sc. Vesna Svalina. Listening to music and getting introduced to music is one of the youngest areas of teaching of music. The programme started in the school year 2006/2007 as a part of music culture teaching. According to the open model there is a given activity of listening to music and acquiring some music items, while other activities are chosen by the teacher. As listening and getting introduced to music is the basis of music lessons it provides the esthetic education and trains the student to give the critical and esthetical judgement through active experience of music. The teacher has a very demanding role at music education considering mass media and its influence on music preferences of students. There are some changes in the main goal of the basic upbringing and education introduced by National curriculum from 2011 where training students' competences should be at first place instead of transmitting contents so that some teaching competences are required for quality lessons prescribed by National curriculum for teaching of music. This work presents a research conducted with primary school teachers working in the first four grades from Osječko–baranjska and Vukovarsko–srijemska municipality. The goal of the research was to establish the importance of listening to music within music teaching, frequent music activities at basic level of eduaction and teachers' competence in guiding students while listening. All these expectations are set by National curriculum

    Guesthouse Pasohlávky

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    Zadáním mé diplomové práce je zpracování projektové dokumentace novostavby penzionu s provozovnou v pasivním standardu. Objekt je navržen v katastrálním území Mušov, parcelní číslo 3163/364 v obci Pasohlávky v Jihomoravském kraji. Objekt je nepodsklepený a disponuje třemi nadzemními podlažími. V prvním nadzemním podlaží se nachází restaurace, kuchyně, skladovací prostory, technické zázemí, hygienická zázemí pro hosty a zaměstnance penzionu. V nadzemních podlažích se nachází celkem 16 ubytovacích jednotek. Ubytovací jednotky v nadzemních podlažích jsou vybaveny balkony, které jsou přístupné z pokojů. Svislé nosné konstrukce jsou navrženy z bloků na bázi vápenopísku, vodorovné nosné konstrukce jsou navrženy ze železobetonu. Konstrukční systém objektu je stěnový příčný. Objekt je založen na železobetonové základové desce realizované na štěrku z pěnového skla. Zastřešení objektu je zajištěno plochou jednoplášťovou střechou. Diplomová práce je tvořena hlavní textovou částí a přílohovou částí.The topic of this diploma thesis is the preparation of project documentation for a new building of a boarding house with an establishment in passive standard. The building is designed in the village of Pasohlávky in the South Moravian region. The guesthouse is located in the cadastral territory of Mušov, parcel number 3163/364. The building has no basement with three above-ground floors. There are a total of 16 accommodation units on the upper floors. On the first above-ground floor there is a restaurant, kitchen, storage areas, technical facilities, sanitary facilities for guests and employees of the guesthouse. The accommodation units on the upper floors are equipped with balconies accessible from the rooms. The building is based on a reinforced concrete base plate. The structural system of the object is wall transverse. Vertical supporting structures are designed from sand-lime blocks, horizontal supporting structures are designed from reinforced concrete. The building is covered with a flat single-skin roof. The diploma thesis consists of a main text part and an appendix part.

    Two-dimensional Vesicle dynamics under shear flow: effect of confinement

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    Dynamics of a single vesicle under shear flow between two parallel plates is studied using two-dimensional lattice-Boltzmann simulations. We first present how we adapted the lattice-Boltzmann method to simulate vesicle dynamics, using an approach known from the immersed boundary method. The fluid flow is computed on an Eulerian regular fixed mesh while the location of the vesicle membrane is tracked by a Lagrangian moving mesh. As benchmarking tests, the known vesicle equilibrium shapes in a fluid at rest are found and the dynamical behavior of a vesicle under simple shear flow is being reproduced. Further, we focus on investigating the effect of the confinement on the dynamics, a question that has received little attention so far. In particular, we study how the vesicle steady inclination angle in the tank-treading regime depends on the degree of confinement. The influence of the confinement on the effective viscosity of the composite fluid is also analyzed. At a given reduced volume (the swelling degree) of a vesicle we find that both the inclination angle, and the membrane tank-treading velocity decrease with increasing confinement. At sufficiently large degree of confinement the tank-treading velocity exhibits a non-monotonous dependence on the reduced volume and the effective viscosity shows a nonlinear behavior.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure