23 research outputs found
Profesi Guru Dalam Konsep Dan Teori
Dengan lahirnya UU No 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen, didafamnya tersirat penegasan bahwa pekerjaan guru mentpakan sebuah profesi, dimana tindak lanjutnya dilakukan sertifikasi untuk memilah mana gunr yang telah profesional dan mana guru yang belum profesional. Penilaian ke-profesionalan tersebut tersebut masih terbatas dalam penilaan portofolio, dan sampai saat ini penilaian tersebut merupakan peailalah yang akurat untuk menentukan bahwa semang guru layak menyandang predikat professional dengan memiBki sertifikat yang menunjukkan legalitas! kelayakan guru yang professional. Sehingga sertifikasi bag gunr merupakan lebel ke-profesionalannya yang inklude didalamnya dengan hak dan kewajiban, serta kode etik yang hams dipatuh
Pengembangan Materi Penyesuaian Diri Siswa
One of attempts to be carried out in order to build good, health and dynamicrelationship is the how someone can adjust himself to his surrounding. Adjusting oneselfinfluences students much in classroom not only for self-acceptance in classroom environmentbut also in learning process. Hence, the material services needs to be develop to be a materialregarding students' self –adjustment that is expected to applied by guidance and counselingteachers to be taught to their students. The objectives of this research are This study aims at (1)to arrange the material for students' character building based on the clarity, the systematic, thesupporting pictures, the instruments, the novelty of material, and the supporting of game andvideo, (2) to know the result of the students' character building quality. The material isarranged by using research and development method, then it is experimented to the studentswith the time allocated is 4 lesson hours (4 x 45'). This material is validated by first and secondguidance lectures, guidance and counseling teacher,and the students of SMA 14 Pekanbaru.The materials consist of the definition of self-adjustment, the factors of self adjustment, thekinds of self adjustment and the tips to have good self-adjustment. The result of the materialdevelopment is the arrangement a self-adjustment module with the material quality is in “VeryGood” category with the score obtained 4,22 for the whole aspects of assessment
Pengaruh Pola Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Tingkat Produktivitas Sekolah
Sekolah memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab yang cukup berat dalam mempersiapkan peserta didik yang berkualitas. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut kepala sekolah memiliki volume keija yang sangat berat. Berdasarkan temuan di SMA Negeri 2 dan SMA Pahlawan Toha Bandung, pola kepemimpinan manajerial (perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan) menggunakan pola kepemimpinan demokratis. Produktivitas sekolah ditandai oleh penggunaan tenaga yang optimal, prestasi belajar peserta didik sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, penggunaan sarana prasarana yang optimal, penggunaan dana efektif dan efisien serta menjalin hubungan sekolah dan masyarakat secara baik. Secara umum disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh atau kaitan antara pola kepemimpinan manajerial dengan produktivitas sekolah
Implementasi Por Tfoljo Assessment Dalam Mata Kuliah Studi Kasus Supervisi Pendidikan
Evaluasi pengajaran merupakan bagian integral dalam proses pembelajaran di seluruh jenjang pendidikan, termasuk perguruan tinggi. Akan tetapi sejauh ini teknik evaluasi yang diterapkan hanya berupa informasi kuantitatif yang tidak menggambarkan kemampuan kualitatif mahasiswa. Secara konsep, Portfolio Assessment (PA) merupakan salah satu strategi penilaian hasil dengan maksud untuk mendokumentasikan kemajuan belajar atau pendidikan mereka. Penilaian atas prestasi belajar berupa angka-angka atau huruf dalam kerangka PA hanyalah salah satu bagian dari tuntutan pelaksanaan suatu penilaian yang authentic. Mata kuliah (MK) Studi Kasus Supervisi Pendidikan (SKSP) bertujuan agar setiap mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan ini memiliki keseluruhan wawasan supervisi pendidikan baik akademik maupun penguasaan konsep teoritik dan praktik. Dalam mata kuliah ini mahasiswa melakukan analisis terhadap kasus-kasus yang diambil dari konteks empirik dengan cara sistematik sesuai dengan kaidah analisis kasus melalui strategi PA. Melalui strategi ini mahasiswa mengungkapkan fakta (orang dan peristiwa), masalah, analisis sebab akibat, alternatif pemecahan, penilaian alternatif, pemecahan dan penentuan alternatif terbaik.Berdasarkan penelitian terhadap pelaksanaan penerapan PA dalam MK SKSP ini, ditemui beberapa hal positif dalam pelaksanaannya, antara lain mahasiswa mampu mengkonsolidasikan pemahaman dan pengembangan kemampuan dalam mengidentifikasi, menganalisis dan menjabarkan alternatif pemecahan dan menentukan solusi secara lebih efektif. Dengan demikian PA ternyata cukup efektif sebagai strategi penilaian pembelajaran yang dapat memonitor dan mendorong kemajuan belajar dan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah Studi Kasus Supervisi Pendidikan
Kualitas Serat Limbah Pertanian dan Hasil Samping Pertanian yang Difermentasi dengan Aspergilus Niger pada Aras dan Lama Pemeraman yang Berbeda
Research to assess the effect of fermentation waste Agriculture and agricultural byproducts by A. Niger on various old cedars and different curing the fiber components related to the use of local waste has been carried out from January to March 2012 in the Department of Laboratory Animal Food Technology and Nutrition Faculty of Animal Science, Diponegoro University Semarang. Material research is corn straw, rice straw, rice bran, cassava, pulp brem, tofu, A. Niger. Chemicals used include neutral detergent, acid detergent, Natriumsulfit (Na2SO3), acetone, acetic acid and hot water. Experimental design used was completely randomized factorial design 4x4 each consisting of 3 times. Parameters measured were acid detergent fiber component fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). Data processing using various analysis to determine the effect of treatment and if there is a real effect followed by Duncan multiple test area to determine the differences and the effect of treatment on the level of 5%. The results showed that there was no interaction effect of elevated cedar and long curing time starter for the content of NDF and ADF. However, partially significant (p <0.05) to decrease the content of NDF and ADF. It was concluded that the treatment increased the cedar starter up to 6% and up to 21 days curing time partially reduce levels of ADF and NDF. The addition of A. Niger Aras to 4% and the long curing for 14 days each produce the lowest levels of NDF and ADF
The Influences of Chitosan From Penaeus Monodon on C-reactive Protein Expression in Aorta and Coronary Artery of Sprague Dawley Rats by High Fat Induction
The objective of this study was to analyze the influences of chitosan on C-Reactive Protein expression in aorta and coronary artery of Sprague Dawley rats by high fat induction. The animals for this study were 20 adult male rats divided into four groups, i.e. group I as the control was fed with basal diet containing normal fat for 3 months, group II was fed diet containing high fat for 3 months, group III was fed diet containing high fat and given chitosan 180 mg per kg body weight per day orally in 2 ml aquadest for 3 months, group IV was fed diet containing high fat for 3 months and after 1 month given chitosan 180 mg per kg body weight per day orally in 2 ml aquadest for 2 months. Each group consisted of five animals. After 90 days, the rats were necropsied and the hearts were collected to histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis by immunohistochemistry streptavidin-biotin method. C-Reactive Protein expression in aorta was negative. Chitosan was able to prevent atheroma plaque formation in coronary artery and CRP may involve in atherosclerosis
Indeks Sporozoit Anopheles Spp. (Culicidae: Anophelinae) Di Daerah Endemis Malaria Di Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten Kulon Progo
Intervillage variation of malaria endemicity in the same sub-district is probably related to infectivity variation of Anopheles sp. The purpose of this research was to examine the proportion of sporozoite positive species, or species infectivity (SI), and the proportion of sporozoite positive samples, or total sporozoite index (TSI), of a high endemic village (HEV) and a low endemic village (LEV) in the Kokap Sub-District, Kulon Progro District, Central Java. Four Anopheline species were examined - Anopheles vagus Donitz, Anopheles maculatus (Theobald), Anopheles balabacensis Baisan, and Anopheles aconitus Donitz. Anopheles mosquitoes were concurrently collected in the two villages, five times each during October–December 2013, at two-week intervals, using the resting collection method. The mosquito collection was conducted every hour (50 minutes each) at three houses by two collectors each (one inside and one outside), from 18:00 PM to 06:00 AM. Female parous mosquitoes were examined using the Multiplex-PCR method to detect the presence of sporozoites. The examination of 77 DNA samples showed that the SI and TSI of the two villages (49 HEV and 28 LEV) were significantly different: a SI ratio of 66,7% : 33,3% and a TSI ratio of 20,41% : 3,57% (OR = 6,9; CI95% = 0.87 to 57.29; p = 0.021). This finding indicates that a high intensity malaria transmission could occur in the HEV and that a specific vector control measure is necessary