11 research outputs found

    Pengendalian status gizi, kadar glukosa darah, dan tekanan darah melalui terapi gizi medis pada pasien diabetes mellitus (DM) tipe 2 rawat jalan di RSU Mataram NTB

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    Background: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) is increasing globally, including in Indonesia. Studies by Diabetes Control and Complication Trial (DCCT) and U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study Group (UKPDS) prove the benefit of medical nutrition therapy (MNT) to glycemic control. Similar studies have not been done much in Indonesia.Objective: To identify the effects of MNT to nutrient intake, control of nutrition status, blood glucose and blood pressure of type 2 DM outpatients.Method: This was a randomized controlled trial. Subject of the study consisted of 60 people. The experiment group got MNT; whereas the control group got conventional nutrition counseling. Data were processed using computer, nutrients were analyzed using nutrisurvey. Statistical t-test was done to identify the effect of intervention.Result: Intake of energy, fat and carbohydrate of the experiment group decreased signifcantly close to the necessity at subsequent decrease as much as -14.05 (p= 0. 009), -35.64 (p=0.019) and -19.14 (p=0.035). Body mass index In the experiment group decreased -0.41kg/m  and waist circumference -0.24cm, where as the control group -0.23 kg/m  and -014cm. Blood glucose level during fasting decreased -23.6 mg/dl in the experiment group and -14.03 mg/dl in the control group (p=0.036). Systolic and dyastolic blood pressure of the experiment group decreased -3.33 mmHg (p=0.035) and 2 2 -1.67 mmgHg (p=0.895), whereas the control group + 0.5 mmHg  and -1.33 mmHg; the change was insignificant.Conclusion: Intake of nutrient, nutrition status, blood glucose level and blood pressure of type 2 DM patients that got MNT was more controllable than of those that got conventional nutrition counseling


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    Hypercholesterolemia sufferers tend to be experienced at the age of 45-59 years and over 60 years. Hypercholesterolemia is caused by several factors, namely lifestyle, diet and physical activity. Guava and Porang tubers are one alternative to lower LDL cholesterol levels. Combination guava porang jelly is a snack made from porang flour and guava which is high in fiber and vitamin C. This study is an experimental quasy research. The subjects of the study amounted to 20 people consisting of 10 treatment groups and 10 control groups. The data collected were the intake of fat, fiber and vitamin C obtained by the method of recall of food consumption 1x24 hours before and during the intervention 4 times. Examination of LDL cholesterol levels using the CHOD-PAP method. Data were tested with the Mann-Whitney test to look at the effect of treatment on LDL cholesterol levels between the control group and the intervention group. The treatment group of LDL cholesterol levels before and during the study also decreased by 19,5 mg/dl while the control group by 7,7 mg/dl. There was no significant difference in LDL cholesterol levels after the intervention. However, there was a decrease in LDL cholesterol levels decreased by 19,5 mg/dl in the treatment group and 7,7 mg/dl in the control group


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    Background :The problem of stunting indicate nutritional insufficiency in the longer term, that lack of energy and protein, also some micronutrients such as vitamin A and zinc. Purpose :To identify patterns of consumption of energy, protein, vitamin A, and zinc in child stunting and non stunting aged 12-23 months in the Bintaro Village. Method :This study is an observational study that is retrospective. The number of samples each of 31 people. Data collected in the form of data characteristics of respondens include maternal education dan maternal height. Data sample characteristics include age, sex, and nutritional status. Data consumption patterns include energy, protein, vitamin A, and zinc. Result :The patterns of energy consumption in child Stunting that not appropriate as many as 18 people (58,1%) and in children of nonstunting that appropriate as many as 20 people (64,5%). The patterns of protein consumption in child Stunting that not appropriate as many as 18 people (58,1%) and in children of nonStunting that appropriate as many as 18 orang (58,1%). The patterns of vitamin A consumption in child Stunting that not appropriate as many as 17 orang (54,8%) and in children of nonstunting that appropriate as many as 19 orang (61,3%).The patterns of zinc consumption in child Stunting that not appropriate as many as 18 people (58,1%) and in children of nonstunting that appropriate as many as 18 orang  (58,1%). Conclution :Consumption patterns energy, protein, vitamin A, and zinc in child stunting is not appropriate, whereas Consumption patterns in child non stunting is appropriate

    Asupan Makan Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Setelah Mendapatkan Konseling Gizi

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    Latar Belakang : Diabetes Melitus merupakan suatu penyakit kronis ketika kadar glukosa dalam tubuh melebihi batas normal. Salah satu penyebab gula darah yang tinggi adalah pola makan yang salah disebabkan oleh kurangnya pengetahuan pasien terhadap makanan dalam hal ini pasien perlu mendapatkan sesi konseling gizi yang memiliki tujuan untuk membantu pasien dalam mengambil keputusan, termasuk dalam mengatur pola makan yang mematuhi prinsip 3J (jumlah, jadwal, dan jenis). Penting juga untuk mempertimbangkan prinsip keragaman pangan, aktivitas fisik, perilaku hidup sehat, serta menjaga berat badan yang seimbang dalam memenuhi kebutuhan gizi. sehingga asupan makan pasien menjadi lebih baik. Tujuan Penelitian : Mengetahui gambaran asupan makan pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 usai menjalani sesi konseling gizi selama masa perawatan di ruang rawat inap. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif observasional untuk mengkaji tentang gambaran asupan makan pasien yang menderita diabetes melitus tipe 2 setelah menjalani sesi konseling gizi selama masa perawatan di ruang rawat inap. Hasil : Tingkat konsumsi Ny. B memiliki rata-rata energi yaitu 759,7 kkal, protein 45,4 gram, lemak 25,2 gram, dan karbohidrat 94,5 gram. Ny.S rata-rata energi yaitu 912,4 kkal, protein52,6 gram, lemak 26,1 gram, dan karbohidrat 150,7 gram dan Ny. K rata-rata tingkat konsumsi energi yaitu 822 kkal, protein 46,7 gram, lemak 25,9 gram, dan karbohidrat 106,8 gram. Kesimpulan : Setelah mendapatkan konseling gizi, pengetahuan pasien menjadi lebih baik dalam hal memilih makanan yang ditunjukkan dengan hasil identifikasi asupan makan pasien Ny. B dan N. S memiliki rata-rata asupan makan baik.   Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease when glucose levels in the body exceed normal limits. One of the causes of high blood sugar is an incorrect eating pattern caused by the patient's lack of knowledge about food, in this case, the patient needs to receive a nutritional counseling session which aims to help the patient make decisions, including managing a diet that adheres to the 3J principles (quantity, schedule, and type). It is also essential to consider the principles of food diversity, physical activity, healthy living behavior, and maintaining a balanced body weight to meet nutritional needs. So that the patient's food intake becomes better. Research Objective: To determine the description of food intake of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients after undergoing nutritional counseling sessions during the treatment period in the inpatient room. Research Method: The study used a descriptive observational method to examine the description of the food intake of patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus after undergoing nutritional counseling sessions during the treatment period in the inpatient room. Results: Mrs. B has an average energy of 759.7 kcal, 45.4 grams of protein, 25.2 grams of fat, and 94.5 grams of carbohydrates. Mrs. S's average energy is 912.4 kcal, protein 52.6 grams, fat 26.1 grams, carbohydrates 150.7 grams, and Mrs. The intermediate level of energy consumption is 822 kcal, 46.7 grams of protein, 25.9 grams of fat, and 106.8 grams of carbohydrates. Conclusion: After receiving nutritional counseling, the patient's knowledge became better in choosing food, as indicated by identifying the patient's food intake. Mrs. B and N. S have an excellent average food intak

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Anak Saksi Dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana penerapan perlindungan hukum terhadap anak  saksi. Dalam  Sisem peradilan pidana seringkali melibatkan anak  saksi, Aparat penegak hukum yang menangani kasus tentang anak harus berupaya dengan sebaik-baiknya untuk menemukan kebenaran materil dari setiap perkara yang diadili. Sama dengan kesaksian pada umumnya, saksi anak juga harus mendapatkan perlindungan dan jaminan agar hak-haknya dalam rangka memberikan kesaksian di persidangan tidak dilanggar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif empiris dengan pendekatan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perlindungan hukum terhadap anak saksi dalam ketentuan Peraturan Perundang-undangan menegaskan anak saksi berhak atas semua perlindungan dan haknya seperti jaminan keselamatan, baik fisik, mental, maupun sosial dan kemudahan dalam mendapatkan informasi mengenai perkembangan perkara. Dalam penerapannya, dalam hal kemudahan mendapatkan informasi telah terimplementasi dengan baik, sedangkan mengenai pelaksanaan jaminan keselamatan fisik, mental dan psikis sesuai dalam ketentuan Peraturan Perundang-undangan masih perlu dimaksimalkan khususnya pada tahap penyidikan


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    Kondisi fisik optimal ternak dapat dicapai bila didukung oleh kesesuaian lingkungan fisik tempat ternak tumbuh dan kecukupan hijauan sebagai makanan ternak. Analisis dalam penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) pada berbagai peta digital (peta pengunaan lahan, peta suhu, peta tanah, peta elevasi, dan peta curah hujan) dan data- data tabular untuk menilai kesesuaian fisik lingkungan, kesesuaian hijauan makanan ternak dan daya dukung hijauan makanan ternak. Luas kesesuaian fisik lingkungan untuk ternak sapi potong di Kabupaten Cianjur yang digembalakan adalah 193,282 hektar (ha) (53.45% dari total luas wilayah), sedangkan lahan yang tidak sesuai 3,076 ha (0.85%). Lahan yang sesuai secara fisik lingkungan untuk pengembangan sapi potong yang dikandangkan seluas 112,877 ha (31.21%), lahan yang sesuai dengan pembatas Temperature Humidity Indexs (THI) seluas 60,616 ha (16.76%) dan lahan yang tidak sesuai seluas 22,865 ha (6.32%). Luas kesesuaian hijauan makanan ternak adalah 194,566 ha (53.80%) dan luas lahan yang tidak sesuai adalah 1,792 ha (0.50%). Daya dukung hijauan di Kabupaten Cianjur berada dalam kriteria aman seluas 186,479 ha (51.56%) dan wilayah yang rawan pakan ternak seluas 9,880 ha (2.73%). Wilayah untuk pengembangan peternakan sapi potong yang digembalakan di Kabupaten Cianjur seluas 126,626 ha (35.01%) dan untuk pengembangan peternakan sapi potong yang dikandangkan seluas 78,065 ha (21.59%)

    Early Impacts of COVID-19 on Nutrition Intake and Household Dietary Diversity in Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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    One of the social problems solving the direct impact on the community is overcoming household food security due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze household food security during the COVID-19 pandemic and link it to the nutrient intake and nutritional status of children under five in the Kupang district area. This cross-sectional study is based on a survey conducted on the Timorese population in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, from May to October 2021. Data on household dietary diversity was collected through the 24-hour food recall using the household dietary diversity score (HDDS). The study sample was taken from Timorese population families with toddlers under five years, and 1,444 families voluntarily participated in this study. Subjects were taken at each public health using a simple random method. This study analyzes the Spearman correlation test with the HDDS and the proportion of food expenditure. A 63% of households had a balance of less cost (<50%) with an average of 63.9. Generally, households (90.4%) had a pretty good diet diversity score. Food groups that were relatively highly consumed by most households included cereals (100%), sugar and sweeteners (90.2%), oils and fats (93.7%), seasonings, and spices (89.4%). A significant effect with p<0.05 was on HDDS during the COVID-19 pandemic. The food consumption score is another indicator widely used in determining household food security. Therefore, it is necessary to revalidate tests in further studies of these indicators

    Pola Konsumsi dengan Terjadinya Sindrom Metabolik

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    AbstrakTerjadinya sindrom metabolik diduga berhubungan dengan pergeseran gaya hidup masyarakat yang berubah menuju masyarakat modern, dari mengonsumsi makanan tradisional beralih ke makanan instan dan kebaratbaratan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi sindrom metabolik dan determinannya dari pola konsumsi, meliputi konsumsi sayur dan buah serta pola makan makanan manis, asin, berlemak, lauk hewani berpengawet, dan penggunaan penyedap. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari analisis lanjut data Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2013 dengan desain potong lintang. Jumlah sampel setelah pembobotan adalah 1.878.578 orang dengan kriteria berusia 18 tahun ke atas. Pengumpulan data pola konsumsi, antropometri, klinis, dan biomedis telah dilakukan. Analisis data menggunakan kai kuadrat dan regresi logistik biner. Prevalensi sindrom metabolik di Indonesia sebesar 23%, pada perempuan 26,6% dan pada laki-laki 18,3%. Konsumsi makanan manis lebih dari satu kali per hari sebanyak 43,5% dan kurang dari satu kali per hari 10,5% dengan peluang mengalami sindrom metabolik sebesar 6,567 kali. Konsumsi makanan asin yang termasuk dalam kategori sering memiliki proporsi sindrom metabolik sebesar 100% dengan risiko mengalami sindrom metabolik sebanyak 6,363 kali. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan (nilai p < 0,05) antara pola konsumsi sayur dan buah, frekuensi konsumsi makanan manis, asin, berlemak, lauk hewani yang diawetkan, penggunaan penyedap, dan mi instan dengan kejadian sindrom metabolik pada usia produktif. AbstractOccurrence of metabolic syndrome is assumedly related to the changing of people’s lifestyle into modern society, from consuming traditional food to instant food and be westernized. This study aimed to determine metabolic syndrome prevalence and its determinants from consumption patterns including vegetable and fruit consumption as well as consumption patterns of sweet, salty, fatty food, preserved animal side dishes and use of seasonings. This study was a part of advanced 2013 Basic Health Research data analysis by cross sectional design. A total of sample after weighting was 1,878,578 people on aged 18 years old and older. Collecting consumption pattern, anthropometry, clinic and biomedic data had been conducted. Data analysis used chi square and binary logistic regression. Metabolic syndrome prevalence in Indonesia is 23%, 26.6% on women and 18.3% on men. Consuming sweet food more than once a day was 43.5% and less than once a day was 10.5% with opportunity of suffering metabolic syndrome was 6.567 times. Salty food consumption included into often category had metabolic syndrome proportion worth 100% with 6.363 times risk of suffering metabolic syndrome. There was a significant relation (p value < 0.05) between the pattern of vegetable and fruit consumption, frequency of sweet, salty, fatty food, preserved animal side dishes, the seasoning use and instant noodle with metabolic syndrome occurrence in productive age

    Pemberdayaan Kader Remaja Melalui Komunitas Milenial Sadar Kesehatan dalam Upaya Implementasi Keluarga Sehat Bebas Stunting di Desa Jatisela Kecamatan Gunungsari Kabupaten Lombok Barat

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    ABSTRAK Stunting masih menjadi masalah di Indonesia, termasuk dalam triple burden dengan masalah wasting dan obesitas. Pemberdayaan masyarakat sebagai bentuk intervensi secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan perubahan perilaku. Kecamatan Gunungsari merupakan daerah lokus untuk penanganan stunting di wilayah Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Perlu berbagai upaya untuk mengatasi masalah stunting dengan edukasi gizi untuk pemberdayaan remaja untuk dapat menjadi kader milenial, sehingga dapat menjadi agen perubahan di lingkungan setempat. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan di Desa Jatisela Kabupaten Lombok Barat pada bulan Juli 2023. Kegiatan terdiri dari pelatihan antropometri dan pemberian edukasi gizi seimbang. Peserta kegiatan ini adalah remaja yang berusia 15-18 tahun yang mewakili semua dusun di wilayah Desa jatisela. Edukasi gizi Mengenai materi gizi remaja, ibu hamil dan gizi ibu menyusui dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan kader remaja dari 51% dan menjadi 79%. Hasil penilaian keterampilan Menggunakan alat ukur tinggi badan, panjang badan dan pengukuran berat badan menjadi terampil menggunakan alat untuk semua peserta. Rekomendasi kegiatan tindak lanjut adalah memberikan kesempatan kepada para peserta untuk ikut dalam proses pemberian edukasi dan pengukuran antropometri kepada para kader remaja milenial dengan tujuan untuk screening atau penapisan dini terhadap kejadian stunting. Kata Kunci: Antropometri, Edukasi Gizi, Remaja, Pemberdayaan  ABSTRACT Stunting is still a problem in Indonesia, including the triple burden of wasting and obesity. Community empowerment as a form of intervention can indirectly increase understanding and change behavior. Gunungsari District is the locus area for handling stunting in the West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Various efforts are needed to overcome the stunting problem with nutritional education to empower teenagers to become millennial cadres, so that they can become agents of change in the local environment. This community service activity was carried out in Jatisela Village, West Lombok Regency in July 2023. The activity consisted of anthropometry training and providing balanced nutrition education. Participants in this activity are teenagers aged 15-18 years who represent all hamlets in the Jatisela Village area. Nutrition education regarding adolescent nutrition, pregnant mothers and breastfeeding mothers' nutrition can increase knowledge of adolescent cadres from 51% to 79%. The results of the skill assessment using height, body length and weight measurement tools have become skilled in using tools for all participants. The recommendation for follow-up activities is to provide opportunities for participants to take part in the process of providing education and anthropometric measurements to millennial youth cadres with the aim of screening or early screening for stunting incidents.s. Keywords: Anthropometry, Nutrition Education, Teenager, Empowermen