2,414 research outputs found

    Correlations and Fluctuations at RHIC

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    Particle correlations and fluctuations measured by RHIC experiments at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}=130 GeV were discussed. The source size parameters were similar to those measured at the CERN-SPS, and no long duration time of particle emission were observed. It was pointed out that the dependences of longitudinal and transverse radius parameters on the pair momentum are explained with a single mTm_T scaling function observed at the SPS energy. Fluctuation studies of mean pTp_{T} of charged particles and of mean ETE_{T} in an electromagnetic calorimeter found no significant non-statistical fluctuations by PHENIX, but some indication in charge independent by STAR.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures in eps, talk given at XXXI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Sept 1-7, 2001, Datong China. see http://ismd31.ccnu.edu.cn

    An electronic clock for correlated noise corrections

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    An inexpensive and portable approach to measure the time an experimental event occurs as measured by a specific electronic clock is presented. The clock resets in active synchronization with the experimental AC-power cycle. This allows an efficient and complete correction for correlated noise contributions to pulse area and time measurements of detector channels equipped with PhotoMultiplier Tubes. The electronic board that was developed will be described. The performance for the treatment of correlated noise in experimental data taken at the BNL-AGS facility, and analyses of spectral decompositions of this noise, will also be described.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Nucl Inst Methods Section A (8/25/99

    A Start-Timing Detector for the Collider Experiment PHENIX at RHIC-BNL

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    We describe a start-timing detector for the PHENIX experiment at the relativistic heavy-ion collider RHIC. The role of the detector is to detect a nuclear collision, provide precise time information with an accuracy of 50ps, and determine the collision point along the beam direction with a resolution of a few cm. Technical challenges are that the detector must be operational in a wide particle-multiplicity range in a high radiation environment and a strong magnetic field. We present the performance of the prototype and discuss the final design of the detector.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 9 gif and 4 ps figures. Submitted to NIM

    Problems in Trace Analysis of Pesticide Using GC-MS, and Approach towards their Improvements

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    杉立 久仁代 博士学位論文, 学位授与年月日:2013年3月26日, 学位授与大学: 金沢大学(2012年度) / 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科 環境科学専攻 環境動態講座 / Doctor thesis of Kuniyo Sugitat

    In-beam Tests of a Ring Imaging Cerenkov Detector With a Multianode Photomultiplier Readout

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    A ring-imaging \v{C}erenkov counter read out by a 100-channel PMT of active area 10×\times10 cm2^2 was operated successfully in a test beam at the BNL AGS with several radiator gases, including the heavy fluorocarbon C4_4F10_{10}. Ring radii were measured for electrons, muons, pions and kaons over the particle momentum range from 2 to 12 GeV/cc, and a best resolution of σr/r=2.3%\sigma_r/r = 2.3\% was obtained.Comment: 11 pages (LaTeX) plus 7 figures in Postscript (gz-compressed and uuencoded

    A threshold imaging Cerenkov detector with CsI photocathodes

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    A Threshold Imaging Cherenkov (TIC) detector, in conjunction with a tracking device and a time-of-flight system, has been developed to allow pion, kaon and proton identification in the 3--8 GeV/cc range of momenta. The system allows spatial identification of the photons of particles above the Cherenkov threshold and their correlation to a particular track. The TIC detector uses a MWPC detector with a CsI coated photocathode for photon conversion. The results obtained in ultrarelativistic lead--lead collisions at the CERN SPS accelerator are presented

    Nov sistem za identifikaciju čestica u području 3 − 8 GeV/c

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    A threshold imaging Cherenkov (TIC) detector, in conjunction with a tracking device, has been developed to allow pion/kaon, proton identification in the 3–8 GeV/c range of momenta. The most important feature of the system is that it allows spatial identification of the photons of particles above the Cherenkov threshold and their correlation to a particular track. The TIC detector uses a MWPC detector with TMAE for photon conversion into electrons. The first results obtained in ultrarelativistic lead–lead collisions at the CERN SPS accelerator are presented. In a recent development use of a solid CsI cathode instead of TMAE has been successfully tested in proton–lead collisions at the CERN SPS.Razvijen je pozicioni detektor fotona Cerenkovljeva zračenja iznad praga emisije (TIC), koji omogućuje (u sklopu sistema za mjerenje tragova čestica) razlikovanje piona od kaona i protona u području između praga emisije za pione i za kaone t.j između 3 i 8 GeV/c. Najbitnija odlika sistema jest mogućnost dvodimenzijske lokalizacije emitiranih fotona i njihovo jednoznačno pridruživanje određenom tragu čestice koji je odreden drugim detektorima. Detektor TIC primjenjuje višezičane proporcionalne komore s TMAE dodanom brojačkom plinu za konverziju fotona u elektrone. Prikazuju se prvi rezultati dobiveni u ultrarelativističkim sudarima iona olova s metom olova u SPS akceleratoru u CERNu. Nedavno je upotreba čvrstih fotokatoda umjesto TMAE bila uspješno iskušana procesima sudara protona s olovom u SPS akceleratoru

    Two-Proton Correlations near Midrapidity in p+Pb and S+Pb Collisions at the CERN SPS

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    Correlations of two protons emitted near midrapidity in p+Pb collisions at 450 GeV/c and S+Pb collisions at 200A GeV/c are presented, as measured by the NA44 Experiment. The correlation effect, which arises as a result of final state interactions and Fermi-Dirac statistics, is related to the space-time characteristics of proton emission. The measured source sizes are smaller than the size of the target lead nucleus but larger than the sizes of the projectiles. A dependence on the collision centrality is observed; the source size increases with decreasing impact parameter. Proton source sizes near midrapidity appear to be smaller than those of pions in the same interactions. Quantitative agreement with the results of RQMD (v1.08) simulations is found for p+Pb collisions. For S+Pb collisions the measured correlation effect is somewhat weaker than that predicted by the model simulations, implying either a larger source size or larger contribution of protons from long-lived particle decays.Comment: 10 pages (LaTeX) text, 4 (EPS) figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Event Reconstruction in the PHENIX Central Arm Spectrometers

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    The central arm spectrometers for the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider have been designed for the optimization of particle identification in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The spectrometers present a challenging environment for event reconstruction due to a very high track multiplicity in a complicated, focusing, magnetic field. In order to meet this challenge, nine distinct detector types are integrated for charged particle tracking, momentum reconstruction, and particle identification. The techniques which have been developed for the task of event reconstruction are described.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nucl. Instrum. A. 34 pages, 23 figure