51 research outputs found

    Daily intake of Lactobacillus gasseri CP2305 relieves fatigue and stress-related symptoms in male university Ekiden runners : A double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    The heat-inactivated, enteric-colonizing Lactobacillus gasseri CP2305 (CP2305) ameliorates psychological stress-related symptoms. In this study, we examined effects of CP2305 on top athletes experiencing physical and mental stresses. Forty-nine male university Ekiden (long distance relay race) runners daily took the CP2305-containing beverage for 12 weeks during training for and competing in All-Japan university championships. The CP2305 intake significantly facilitated recovery from fatigue and relieved anxiety and depressive mood, compared with placebo intake. The CP2305 intake significantly prevented the training-induced reduction of hemoglobin and facilitated exercise-induced increase in serum growth hormone levels. The CP2305 intake significantly increased the alpha- and beta-diversities of fecal microbiota, and the compositions of Bifidobacterium and Faecalibacterium. Gene expression profiling of peripheral blood leukocytes indicated that CP2305 prevented the stress-induced changes in the expression of genes related to mitochondrial functions. Our results suggest that daily intake of paraprobiotic CP2305 may be beneficial to athletes facing stressful situations

    Multidisciplinary treatment system for bone metastases for early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of malignant spinal cord compression

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    Malignant spinal cord compression (MSCC) is a serious complication of cancers. The present study aimed to establish a multidisciplinary treatment system for urgent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and referral to orthopedists in order to prevent neurological deficits caused by MSCC. In the present study, the extent to which this system achieved early diagnosis and treatment and prevented MSCC‑caused neurological deficits was examined. The records from patients with neurological deficits caused by MSCC before (between April 2007 and March 2012; group A) and after (between April 2012 and March 2017; group B) the establishment of the multidisciplinary system at the Shikoku Cancer Center (Ehime, Japan) were retrospectively evaluated. The numbers of patients with neurological deficits were 38 and 7 in groups A and B, respectively. All patients received radiotherapy. The incidence of neurological deficits was 13.2 and 3.4% in groups A and B, respectively (P<0.001). The proportion of patients with improvement in the severity of neurological deficits was 5.3 and 28.6% in groups A and B, respectively (P<0.001). The interval between physicians' recognition of a neurological deficit and MRI and the start of treatment, the number of cases, and the severity of neurological deficits were evaluated in groups A and B. The median interval between recognition of a neurological deficit by physicians and MRI was 3 and 0 days in groups A and B, respectively (P<0.001). The median interval between physicians' recognition of a neurological deficit and the start of treatment was 3 and 0 days in groups A and B, respectively (P<0.001). By using a multidisciplinary treatment system, the incidence and severity of neurological deficits following treatment were significantly improved. Therefore, the multidisciplinary treatment system used in the present study may be useful for early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of MSCC in patients with bone metastases

    A Case of Obstetrical DIC Probably Due to Uterine Type of Amniotic Fluid Embolism during Cesarean Section

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    A 42-year-old woman diagnosed as marginal placenta previa underwent cesarean section and bilateral tubal ligation under general anesthesia in 37th gestational week. Uterine contraction after delivery was good, but atonic bleeding progressed during tubal ligation. Oxytocic drugs were ineffective. We suspected obstetrical DIC and started treatment for DIC immediately, but the bleeding lasted. After total hysterectomy, she had stable vital signs. She broke away from DIC immediately after surgery. Intraoperative findings were satisfied the criteria for clinical uterine type amniotic fluid embolism (AFE). Although AFE indicates a bad prognosis, we saved her without any sequelae

    Daily administration of paraprobiotic Lactobacillus gasseri CP2305 ameliorates chronic stress-associated symptoms in Japanese medical students

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    Administration of Lactobacillus gasseri CP2305 for 4 weeks improved stress-associated behaviours in healthy young adults and clinical symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. The present study was designed to confirm the stress-relieving effects of heat-inactivated, washed CP2305 (paraprobiotic CP2305) on 69 sixth-year medical students (40 males and 29 females) preparing to take the national examination for medical practitioners. Administration of the paraprobiotic CP2305 for 12 weeks significantly improved sleep quality assessed by both the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and a one-channel sleep electroencephalogram during the pre-examination period compared with that of the placebo administration. The paraprobiotic CP2305 administration also prevented increases in basal salivary cortisol release and expression of stress-responsive microRNAs (miR-144 and miR-144⁄). In addition to the improvement in parasympathetic nerve activity, the paraprobiotic CP2305 normalized the bowel habits under the stressful conditions. Based on these results, we propose that paraprobiotic CP2305 may be used as a para-psychobiotic

    Preliminary report of "Arctic Airborne Measurement Program 2002" (AAMP02)

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    The Arctic Airborne Measurement Program 2002(AAMP 02) campaign was carried out in March 2002 as one of the sub programs of the project Variations of atmospheric constituents and their climate impact in the Arctic". The main goal of the project was to investigate the transport, transformation and radiative effect of trace gases and aerosols, and their role in the global climate. An instrumented jet plane, Gulfstream II(G-II), was flown from Nagoya, Japan via Barrow, Alaska to Longyearbyen(78°N , 15°E ), Svalbard, crossing the Arctic Ocean in the lower stratospher. Three local flights were made over the Greenland Sea around Svalbard and two profile flights near Barrow. The plane was equipped with CO_2 and ozone analyzers, gas and aerosol sampling systems, aerosol particle counter, nephelometer, absorption photometer, PMS particle probes, sunphotometer, dew point hygrometer and dropsonde system. During the campaign, intensitive surface operations were also conducted at Ny-&Aring;lesund(79°N , 12°E ), Svalbard. Vertical profiles of several trace gases gave information about transport, a new observation by sunphotometer derived an aerosol optical depth in the stratosphere, and another new observation by dropsonde gave information on the polar vortex

    The Mechanisms of Semantic Understanding and Abduction Based on Organized Knowledge

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    Structure and growth behavior of centimeter-sized helical oleate assemblies formed with assistance of medium-length carboxylic acids

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    The nonequilibrium organization of self-assemblies from small building-block molecules offers an attractive and essential means to develop advanced functional materials and to understand the intrinsic nature of life systems. Fatty acids are well-known amphiphiles that form self-assemblies of several shapes. Here, we found that the lengths of helical structures of oleic acid formed in a buffered aqueous solution are dramatically different by the presence or absence of certain amphiphilic carboxylic acids. For example, under the coexistence of a small amount of N-decanoyl-L-alanine, we observed the formation of over 1 centimeter-long helical assemblies of oleate with a regular pitch and radius, whereas mainly less than 100 μm-long helices formed without this additive. Such long helical assemblies are unique in terms of their highly dimensional helical structure and growth dynamics. Results from the real-time observation of self-assembly formation, site-selective small-angle X-ray scattering, high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, and pH titration experiments suggested that the coexisting carboxylates assist in elongation by supplying oleate molecules to a scaffold for oleate helical assembly

    Lack of dose-dependent effects of itraconazole on the pharmacokinetic interaction with fexofenadine. Drug metabolism and disposition

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine the inhibitory effect of itraconazole at different coadministered doses on fexofenadine pharmacokinetics. In a randomized four-phase crossover study, 11 healthy volunteers were administered a 60-mg fexofenadine hydrochloride tablet alone on one occasio