26 research outputs found

    Intestinal Enzymes During Malnutrition & Infection In Rabbits

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    Background & objectives: Malnutrition plays an important role in the intestinal absorption of nutrients. However, reports are not consistent whether intestinal enzymes are decreased in the presence of malnutrition. It is also not clear whether simultaneous presence of malnutrition and infection adds to the problem of malabsorption of nutrients. The aim of the present study was to determine intestinal functions in terms of concentrations of disaccharidase enzymes during diarrhoea and protein energy malnutrition. Methods: Concentrations of three disaccharidase enzymes, namely maltase, sucrase and lactase were measured in nine energy-restricted and five control rabbits during diarrhoea induced by rabbit diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli (RDEC-1). Malnutrition was achieved in the rabbit model by feeding the animals for 30 days with half the amount of food fed to well-nourished control rabbits. Both the energy-restricted and the control groups were challenged by RDEC-1. Diarrhoea occurred on day 1-7 after administration of the strain. After onset of diarrhoea, both groups of rabbits were sacrificed and their intestinal mucosa was examined to determine the concentration of lactase, maltase and sucrase. Results: The energy-restricted animals and controls did not differ significantly for concentrations (units/mg proteins) of lactase (0.65 +/- 0.28 vs 0.56 +/- 0.17), maltase (6.20 +/- 2.70 vs 6.47 +/- 1.90) and sucrase (5.42 +/- 2.30 vs 5.13 +/- 1.40) measured during acute infectious diarrhoea. Interpretation & conclusion: The results suggested that the enzymatic functions of the intestinal brush border were not statistically different during diarrhoea among malnourished rabbits compared with their well-nourished counterparts

    Larsen syndrome

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    Larsen syndrome is a rare inherited disorder characterized by congenital dislocation of multiple joints along with other anomalies of heart, face, hands and bones. Larsen syndrome was first described in 1950 by Larsen, Schottstaedt and Bost. In the present report, we describe a 10 year old girl who presented with mid facial hypoplasia with depressed nasal bridge, high arched palate, bilateral talipes equinovarus and high arched feet. On examination, she had short stature (HAZ -3.5 SD) with hyperextension of knee joint, fixed flexion of elbow joint. Awareness of this condition and associated complications may help in management and follow up of these patients.

    Home Blood Pressure Management Intervention in Low- to Middle-Income Countries: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study.

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    BACKGROUND: Control of hypertension in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is poor, often less than 10%. A strong body of evidence demonstrates that home blood pressure management lowers blood pressure, and recent guidelines from the National Institute for Clinical Health and Excellence recommends home blood pressure monitoring. However, the preponderance of data on the benefits of home blood pressure management comes from studies in high-income countries. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study is to examine whether an intervention of home blood pressure management is feasible in LMICs. Home blood pressure management is defined as self-monitoring of blood pressure and self-titration of antihypertensive medications. We will identify barriers and facilitators of home blood pressure management and explore unique contextual factors in LMICs that influence implementation of home blood pressure management. METHODS: Participants will be recruited from 6 sites from 2015 to 2018. Patients and health care workers will be included. We will use mixed methods including focus groups, interviews, and standardized checklists. When possible, we will adapt materials from prior successful studies so that they are culturally and contextually appropriate. RESULTS: This ongoing study is funded by the World Heart Federation. The information that is obtained will be used to develop a randomized clinical trial of home blood pressure management in LMICs. CONCLUSIONS: The data generated from this qualitative study will provide much needed information from patients and health care workers about barriers and facilitators of home blood pressure management and unique contextual factors that might influence implementation of home blood pressure management in LMICs

    Efficacy of partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG) supplemented modified oral rehydration solution in the treatment of severely malnourished children with watery diarrhoea: a randomised double-blind controlled trial

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    Objectives: To examine whether PHGG added ORS reduce duration of diarrhoea, stool output and enhance weight gain. Methods: In a double-blind controlled clinical trial, 126 malnourished children (weight for length/weight for age < 123 Z-score with or without pedal edema), aged 6 \u2013 36 months with acute diarrhoea <7 days were studied in two treatment groups; 63 received modified WHO ORS (Na 75, K 40, Cl 87, citrate 7, glucose 90 mmol/L) with PHGG 15 g/L (study group); 63 received modified WHO ORS without PHGG (control). Other treatments were similar in both groups. The study protocol was approved by Ethics Committee of icddr,b; the study was carried out at the Dhaka Hospital. Results: The mean duration of diarrhoea (h) was significantly shorter in children of the study group (Study vs. control, mean \ub1 SD, 57 \ub1 31 vs. 75 \ub1 39, p = 0.01). Although there was a trend in stool weight reduction in children receiving ORS with PHGG (study vs. control, stool weight (g), mean \ub1 SD; 1st 24 hour, 854.03 \ub1 532.15 vs. 949.11 \ub1 544.33, p = 0.32; 2nd 24 hour, 579.84 \ub1 466.01 vs. 761.26 \ub1 631.64, p = 0.069; 3rd 24 hour, 385.87 \ub1 454.09 vs. 495.73 \ub1 487.61, p = 0.196), especially in 2nd 24 h period, the difference was not statistically significant. The mean time (day) to attain weight for length 80% of NCHS median without edema was significantly shorter in the study group (study vs. control, mean \ub1 SD, 4.5 \ub1 2.6 vs. 5.7 \ub1 2.8, p = 0.027). Conclusion: PHGG added to ORS substantially reduced duration of diarrhoea. It also enhanced weight gain. Further studies might substantiate to establish its beneficial effect. Clinical trial registration number: NCT0182158

    Choosing Drugs to Alter Weight: An Informed Choice or Not?

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    With the growing drug industry all over the globe and the drastic inclination of people specifically the youth towards healthier lifestyle, there has been a sudden upsurge of the usage of weight altering drugs. Previous studies have been conducted concentrating on the obesity rate and consciousness about associated diseases among the rural people of Bangladesh. There had also been reports on the adverse effects and lasting hazards on health due to the uncontrolled use of medication for correcting weight worldwide. This study focused on the majority of the urban youth of Bangladesh with a view to gather information regarding their current knowledge about the adverse effects of the misuse or over dosage of these medications. Resulting in 13% of the total sample being aware vaguely and only 2% of the respondents to be clearly informed about the side effects; the revelations of the conducted survey demands for further investigation and definitive effort to spread awareness to seek proper professional opinion before being exposed to any drugs responsible for weight alteration

    Bacterial Resistance in Pneumonia in Developing Countries—A Role for Iron Chelation

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    Pneumonia represents one of the major infectious diseases in developing countries and is associated with high mortality, in particular in children under the age of five. The main causative bacterial agents are Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae type B, accounting for 33% and 16%, respectively, of the mortality in under-fives. Iron modulates the immune response in infectious diseases and increased iron levels can lead to complications such as sepsis and multiorgan failure. This review will look into the use of iron chelators in order to reduce microbial growth and attenuate a dysregulated immune response during infection. Our hypothesis is that temporary restriction of iron will lessen the incidence and complication rate of infections like pneumonia and result in a decrease of mortality and morbidity

    Larsen syndrome

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    Larsen syndrome is a rare inherited disorder characterized by congenital dislocation of multiple joints along with other anomalies of heart, face, hands and bones. Larsen syndrome was first described in 1950 by Larsen, Schottstaedt and Bost. In the present report, we describe a 10 year old girl who presented with mid facial hypoplasia with depressed nasal bridge, high arched palate, bilateral talipes equinovarus and high arched feet. On examination, she had short stature (HAZ -3.5 SD) with hyperextension of knee joint, fixed flexion of elbow joint. Awareness of this condition and associated complications may help in management and follow up of these patients.