37 research outputs found

    In vivo assessment of interictal sarcolemmal membrane properties in hypokalaemic and hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis

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    OBJECTIVE: Hypokalaemic periodic paralysis (HypoPP) is caused by mutations of Cav1.1, and Na_{v}1.4 which result in an aberrant gating pore current. Hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis (HyperPP) is due to a gain-of-function mutation of the main alpha pore of Nav1.4. This study used muscle velocity recovery cycles (MVRCs) to investigate changes in interictal muscle membrane properties in vivo. METHODS: MVRCs and responses to trains of stimuli were recorded in tibialis anterior and compared in patients with HyperPP(n = 7), HypoPP (n = 10), and normal controls (n = 26). RESULTS: Muscle relative refractory period was increased, and early supernormality reduced in HypoPP, consistent with depolarisation of the interictal resting membrane potential. In HyperPP the mean supernormality and residual supernormality to multiple conditioning stimuli were increased, consistent with increased inward sodium current and delayed repolarisation, predisposing to spontaneous myotonic discharges. CONCLUSIONS: The in vivo findings suggest the interictal resting membrane potential is depolarized in HypoPP, and mostly normal in HyperPP. The MVRC findings in HyperPP are consistent with presence of a window current, previously proposed on the basis of in vitro expression studies. Although clinically similar, HyperPP was electrophysiologically distinct from paramyotonia congenita. SIGNIFICANCE: MVRCs provide important in vivo data that complements expression studies of ion channel mutations

    Andersen-Tawil Syndrome Presenting with Complete Heart Block

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    Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS) is a rare autosomal dominant neuromuscular disorder due to mutations in the KCNJ2 gene. The classical phenotype of ATS consists of a triad of periodic paralysis, cardiac conduction abnormalities and dysmorphic features. Episodes of either muscle weakness or cardiac arrhythmia may predominate however, and dysmorphic features may be subtle, masking the true breadth of the clinical presentation, and posing a diagnostic challenge. The severity of cardiac involvement varies but includes reports of life-threatening events or sudden cardiac death, usually attributed to ventricular tachyarrhythmias. We report the first case of advanced atrioventricular (AV) block in ATS and highlight clinical factors that may delay diagnosis

    Ageing Contributes to Phenotype Transition in a Mouse Model of Periodic Paralysis

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    Background: Periodic paralysis (PP) is a rare genetic disorder in which ion channel mutation causes episodic paralysis in association with hyper- or hypokalaemia. An unexplained but consistent feature of PP is that a phenotype transition occurs around the age of 40, in which the severity of potassium-induced muscle weakness declines but onset of fixed, progressive weakness is reported. This phenotype transition coincides with the age at which muscle mass and optimal motor function start to decline in healthy individuals. We sought to determine if the phenotype transition in PP is linked to the normal ageing phenotype transition and to explore the mechanisms involved. Methods: A mouse model of hyperkalaemic PP was compared with wild-type littermates across a range of ages (13–104 weeks). Only male mice were used as penetrance is incomplete in females. We adapted the muscle velocity recovery cycle technique from humans to examine murine muscle excitability in vivo. We then examined changes in potassium-induced weakness or caffeine contracture force with age using ex vivo muscle tension testing. Muscles were further characterized by either Western blot, histology or energy charge measurement. For normally distributed data, a student's t-test (± Welch correction) or one- or two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to determine significance. For data that were not normally distributed, Welch rank test, Mann Whitney U test or Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA was performed. When an ANOVA was significant (P < 0.05), post hoc Tukey testing was used. Results: Both WT (P = 0.009) and PP (P = 0.007) muscles exhibit increased resistance to potassium-induced weakness with age. Our data suggest that healthy-old muscle develops mechanisms to maintain force despite sarcolemmal depolarization and sodium channel inactivation. In contrast, reduced caffeine contracture force (P = 0.00005), skeletal muscle energy charge (P = 0.004) and structural core pathology (P = 0.005) were specific to Draggen muscle, indicating that they are caused, or at least accelerated by, chronic genetic ion channel dysfunction. Conclusions: The phenotype transition with age is replicated in a mouse model of PP. Intrinsic muscle ageing protects against potassium-induced weakness in HyperPP mice. However, it also appears to accelerate impairment of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release, mitochondrial impairment and the development of core-like regions, suggesting acquired RyR1 dysfunction as the potential aetiology. This work provides a first description of mechanisms involved in phenotype transition with age in PP. It also demonstrates how studying phenotype transition with age in monogenic disease can yield novel insights into both disease physiology and the ageing process itself

    Myotonia in a patient with a mutation in an S4 arginine residue associated with hypokalaemic periodic paralysis and a concomitant synonymous CLCN1 mutation

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    The sarcolemmal voltage gated sodium channel NaV1.4 conducts the key depolarizing current that drives the upstroke of the skeletal muscle action potential. It contains four voltage-sensing domains (VSDs) that regulate the opening of the pore domain and ensuing permeation of sodium ions. Mutations that lead to increased NaV1.4 currents are found in patients with myotonia or hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis (HyperPP). Myotonia is also caused by mutations in the CLCN1gene that result in loss-of-function of the skeletal muscle chloride channel ClC-1. Mutations affecting arginine residues in the fourth transmembrane helix (S4) of the NaV1.4 VSDs can result in a leak current through the VSD and hypokalemic periodic paralysis (HypoPP), but these have hitherto not been associated with myotonia. We report a patient with an Nav1.4 S4 arginine mutation, R222Q, presenting with severe myotonia without fulminant paralytic episodes. Other mutations affecting the same residue, R222W and R222G, have been found in patients with HypoPP. We show that R222Q channels have enhanced activation, consistent with myotonia, but also conduct a leak current. The patient carries a concomitant synonymous CLCN1 variant that likely worsens the myotonia and potentially contributes to the amelioration of muscle paralysis. Our data show phenotypic variability for different mutations affecting the same S4 arginine that have implications for clinical therapy

    Clinical and genetic spectrum of a Chinese cohort with SCN4A gene mutations

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    Skeletal muscle sodium channelopathies due to SCN4A gene mutations have a broad clinical spectrum. However, each phenotype has been reported in few cases of Chinese origin. We present detailed phenotype and genotype data from a cohort of 40 cases with SCN4A gene mutations seen in neuromuscular diagnostic service in Huashan hospital, Fudan University. Cases were referred from 6 independent provinces from 2010 to 2018. A questionnaire covering demographics, precipitating factors, episodes of paralysis and myotonia was designed to collect the clinical information. Electrodiagnostic studies and muscle MRI were retrospectively analyzed. The clinical spectrum of patients included: 6 Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (15%), 18 Hypokalemic periodic paralysis (45%), 7 sodium channel myotonia (17.5%), 4 paramyotonia congenita (10%) and 5 heterozygous asymptomatic mutation carriers (12.5%). Review of clinical information highlights a significant delay to diagnosis (median 15 years), reports of pain and myalgia in the majority of patients, male predominance, circadian rhythm and common precipitating factors. Electrodiagnostic studies revealed subclinical myotonic discharges and a positive long exercise test in asymptomatic carriers. Muscle MRI identified edema and fatty infiltration in gastrocnemius and soleus. A total of 13 reported and 2 novel SCN4A mutations were identified with most variants distributed in the transmembrane helix S4 to S6, with a hotspot mutation p.Arg675Gln accounting for 32.5% (13/40) of the cohort. Our study revealed a higher proportion of periodic paralysis in SCN4A-mutated patients compared with cohorts from England and the Netherlands. It also highlights the importance of electrodiagnostic studies in diagnosis and segregation studies

    Translating genetic and functional data into clinical practice: a series of 223 families with myotonia.

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    High throughput DNA sequencing is increasingly employed to diagnose single gene neurological and neuromuscular disorders. Large volumes of data present new challenges in data interpretation and its useful translation into clinical and genetic counselling for families. Even when a plausible gene is identified with confidence, interpretation of the clinical significance and inheritance pattern of variants can be challenging. We report our approach to evaluating variants in the skeletal muscle chloride channel ClC-1 identified in 223 probands with myotonia congenita (MC) as an example of these challenges. Sequencing of CLCN1, the gene that encodes CLC-1, is central to the diagnosis of MC. However, interpreting the pathogenicity and inheritance pattern of novel variants is notoriously difficult as both dominant and recessive mutations are reported throughout the channel sequence, ClC-1 structure-function is poorly understood and significant intra- and interfamilial variability in phenotype is reported. Heterologous expression systems to study functional consequences of CIC-1 variants are widely reported to aid the assessment of pathogenicity and inheritance pattern. However, heterogeneity of reported analyses does not allow for the systematic correlation of available functional and genetic data. We report the systematic evaluation of 95 CIC-1 variants in 223 probands, the largest reported patient cohort, in which we apply standardised functional analyses and correlate this with clinical assessment and inheritance pattern. Such correlation is important to determine if functional data improves the accuracy of variant interpretation and likely mode of inheritance. Our data provide an evidence-based approach that functional characterisation of ClC-1 variants improves clinical interpretation of their pathogenicity and inheritance pattern and serve as reference for 34 previously unreported and 28 previously uncharacterised CLCN1 variants. In addition, we identify novel pathogenic mechanisms and find that variants that alter voltage dependence of activation cluster in the first half of the transmembrane domains and variants that yield no currents cluster in the second half of the transmembrane domain. None of the variants in the intracellular domains were associated with dominant functional features or dominant inheritance pattern of MC. Our data help provide an initial estimate of the anticipated inheritance pattern based on the location of a novel variant and shows that systematic functional characterisation can significantly refine the assessment of risk of an associated inheritance pattern and consequently the clinical and genetic counselling

    Atypical periodic paralysis and myalgia: A novel RYR1 phenotype.

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    OBJECTIVE: To characterize the phenotype of patients with symptoms of periodic paralysis (PP) and ryanodine receptor (RYR1) gene mutations. METHODS: Cases with a possible diagnosis of PP but additional clinicopathologic findings previously associated with RYR1-related disorders were referred for a tertiary neuromuscular clinical assessment in which they underwent detailed clinical evaluation, including neurophysiologic assessment, muscle biopsy, and muscle MRI. Genetic analysis with next-generation sequencing and/or targeted Sanger sequencing was performed. RESULTS: Three cases with episodic muscle paralysis or weakness and additional findings compatible with a RYR1-related myopathy were identified. The McManis test, used in the diagnosis of PP, was positive in 2 of 3 cases. Genetic analysis of known PP genes was negative. RYR1 analysis confirmed likely pathogenic variants in all 3 cases. CONCLUSIONS: RYR1 mutations can cause late-onset atypical PP both with and without associated myopathy. Myalgia and cramps are prominent features. The McManis test may be a useful diagnostic tool to indicate RYR1-associated PP. We propose that clinicopathologic features suggestive of RYR1-related disorders should be sought in genetically undefined PP cases and that RYR1 gene testing be considered in those in whom mutations in SCN4A, CACNA1S, and KCNJ2 have already been excluded

    Demixing‐stimulated lane formation in binary complex plasma

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