124 research outputs found

    Organizational forms of German language education at primary schools in Rokycany

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    Abstrackt This Diploma thesis deals with the organizational forms of German language education at the 2nd level of three primary schools in Rokycany. After studying the professional literature, the German education as a second foreign language and the organizational forms of teaching (individual, collective, individualized, differentiated, team teaching and group work together with work in pairs) are characterized. After that these primary schools are described along with their school educations programs, textbooks, workbooks. There are presented protocols of sitting in on classes from the 120 German language lessons, that have been visited. Then these data are evaluated. The sitting in on classes show that at these primary schools are most commonly used forms of working in the plenum and frontal instriction - interpretation. At two schools, there was no group work in any teaching classes. A total of 209 pupils and 11 German language teachers completed questionnaires on organisational forms of teaching. Models of questionnaires are available in the appendices. The inquiry reveals that the majority of pupils are most attracted to working in pairs. On the contrary, they are least approached by independent work.Diplomová práce se zabývá organizačními formami výuky německého jazyka na 2. stupni třech základních škol v Rokycanech. Nejprve je po prostudování odborné literatury popsána výuka německého jazyka jako druhého cizího jazyka a jednotlivé organizační formy výuky (individuální, hromadná, individualizovaná, diferencovaná, týmová výuka a skupinová práce společně s prací ve dvojicích). Dále jsou charakterizovány tyto jednotlivé základní školy, jejich školní vzdělávací programy, učebnice, pracovní sešity. K dispozici jsou protokoly náslechů ze 120 navštívených hodin německého jazyka, které jsou následně vyhodnoceny. Z náslechů je patrné, že se nejčastěji na těchto základních školách využívá práce v plénu a poté frontální výuka - výklad. Na dvou školách se na žádné vyučovací hodině nerealizovala práce ve skupinách. Celkem 209 žáků a 11 učitelů německého jazyk vyplnilo dotazníky týkající se organizačních forem výuky. Vzor je k dispozici v příloze. Z dotazníkového šetření vyplývá, že většinu žáků nejvíce oslovuje práce ve dvojicích. Naopak nejméně vyhledávaná je práce samostatná.Katedra germanistikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Project of innovation of SAP system in selected company

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá projektem inovace informačního systému SAP ve výrobním závodě. Hlavním cílem je na základě analýzy projektu IT2Best navrhnout jeho pokračování, tj. integrace dvou systémů, a připravit podklady pro dílčí projekt finančního oddělení. První kapitole teoretické práce vysvětluje, co jsou to informační systémy, ERP systémy a popisuje konkrétní funkční moduly těchto systémů. Druhá kapitola je zaměřena projekty informačních systémů, modely jejich životního cyklu a řízení těchto projektů. Další kapitola se zaměřuje na vývoj společnosti SAP a charakteristiku systému SAP, aplikací a komponent systému SAP a modulům SAP Finance a SAP Controlling. Následuje popis společnosti EvoBus Česká republika s.r.o., kde je popsána její činnost, historický vývoj a zkušenosti s projekty. Poté je popsán vývoj informačního systému a další používané systémy v podniku. V další kapitole jsou definovány nejpoužívanější transakce v systémech SAP BSP, OEP a L22 ve finančním oddělení. V poslední části je představena projektová metodika společnosti, projekt IT2Best a navržení jeho pokračování včetně vytvořených podkladů a doporučení.ObhájenoThis diploma thesis deals with the project of innovation of the SAP information system in a production plant. The main goal is to analyze the IT2Best project and to propose its continuation, i.e. the integration of two systems, and to prepare documents for the subproject of the finance department. The first chapter of the theoretical part explains what information systems and ERP systems are and describes the specific functional modules of these systems. The second chapter focuses on information systems projects, their life cycle models and the management of these projects. The next chapter describes the development of SAP and the characteristics of the SAP system, applications and components of the SAP system and the SAP Finance and SAP Controlling modules. Company EvoBus Česká republika s.r.o. is introduced in the following chapter, there are descriptions of its activities, historical development and experience with projects. Then the development of the information system and other systems used in the company is described. The next chapter defines the most used transactions in the SAP BSP, OEP and L22 systems in the finance department. The last part presents the project methodology of the company, the IT2Best project and the design of its continuation, including the created documents and recommendations

    Sudden death in sport

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    Náhlá smrt ve sportu je tragická událost, se kterou se setkáváme především prostřednictvím médií. Tato práce se zabývá náhlou srdeční smrtí z netraumatických příčin. V první části je shrnut pohled na danou problematiku, zmíněny jsou konkrétní případy náhlých úmrtí a nejčastější příčiny náhlé srdeční smrti u mladých i starších sportovců. Práce se zaměřuje především na možnosti preventivních opatření. V druhé části, v rámci vlastního výzkumného šetření, je posuzována připravenost českých stadionů na situace náhlého srdečního úmrtí. V závěru uvádím výsledky dotazníkové akce u zástupců klubů a stadionů a návrh změn. Cílem výzkumu je zjistit, jak jsou hokejové a fotbalové stadiony vybaveny a obecně připraveny na nepředvídatelnou situaci náhlého srdečního úmrtí u sportovců. Klíčová slova: Náhlá smrt, sport, sportovní stadiony, poruchy oběhu, hypertrofická kardiomyopatie, AED, resuscitace, EKG, prevenceSudden death in sport is a tragic event mediated primarily through the media. This thesis deals with sudden cardiac death from non-traumatic causes. The first section provides the overview of the issue, I mentioned specific cases of sudden death and the most common cause of sudden cardiac death among young and old athletes. The thesis focuses on the possibilities of preventive measures. In the second part, as part of my research, preparedness of Czech stadiums is evaluated situations of sudden cardiac death. In the conclusion section, I present the results of a questionnaire survey among representatives of clubs and stadiums and change proposals. The aim of the research is to find out how hockey and football stadiums are prepared for unpredictable situations of sudden cardiac death of athletes. Keywords: Sudden death, sport, sports stadiums, circulation disorder, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, AED, resuscitation, EKG, preventionÚstav teorie a praxe ošetřovatelství 1. LF UKInstitute of Theory and Practice of Nursing First Faculty of Medicine Charles University1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Efficacy Testing of Orally Administered Praziquantel to Common Carp Naturally Infected by Caryophyllidean Tapeworms (Platyhelminthes: Eucestoda)

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effects of orally applied praziquantel on the treatment efficacy against most abundant tapeworms (Atractolytocestus huronensis Anthony, 1958 and Khawia sinensis Hsü, 1935) of common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus). Naturally infected fish (1.5-year-old; K1-2) were divided into 6 groups. Three trial groups were administered praziquantel mixed in heat-treated amyloid vehicle (at doses of 50 mg kg-1 body weight). In 3 groups of control, the fish were administered amyloid vehicle only. Fish were examined using gut dissection 2, 4 and 6 days after the administration. The location, intensity and prevalence of individual species of tapeworms were recorded. A. huronensis and K. sinensis were found in the gut of carp together. A. huronensis was situated in the oesophageal part of foregut, and K. sinensis came after – immediately before the first intestine loop, of the intestines of carp. The invasion of A. huronensis was fully eliminated in all trial groups after 4 days whereas some specimens of K. sinensis still persisted in the gut of few fish. The full elimination of both parasites was observed 6 days after administration. Our results showed that elimination of K. sinensis takes longer than elimination of A. huronensis. The dose of 50 mg kg-1 of orally administered praziquantel is effectual to control A. huronensis and K. sinensis infections in common carp successfully, however, a significant decrease of the number of parasites was also caused by a single oral administration of big bolus vehicle and leaving unfed fish in the clean water

    Sympatric diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe s.l. do not differ in arbuscular mycorrhizal communities and mycorrhizal growth response

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    Genome duplication is associated with multiple changes at different levels, including interactions with pollinators and herbivores. Yet little is known whether polyploidy may also shape belowground interactions.Methods: To elucidate potential ploidy‐specific interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), we compared mycorrhizal colonization and assembly of AMF communities in roots of diploid and tetraploid Centaurea stoebe s.l. (Asteraceae) co‐occurring in a Central European population. In a follow‐up greenhouse experiment, we tested inter‐cytotype differences in mycorrhizal growth response by combining ploidy, substrate, and inoculation with native AMF in a full‐factorial design.Key Results: All sampled plants were highly colonized by AMF, with the Glomeraceae predominating. AMF‐community composition revealed by 454‐pyrosequencing reflected the spatial distribution of the hosts, but not their ploidy level or soil characteristics. In the greenhouse experiment, the tetraploids produced more shoot biomass than the diploids did when grown in a more fertile substrate, while no inter‐cytotype differences were found in a less fertile substrate. AMF inoculation significantly reduced plant growth and improved P uptake, but its effects did not differ between the cytotypes.Conclusions: The results do not support our hypotheses that the cytotype structure in a mixed‐ploidy population of C. stoebe is mirrored in AMF‐community composition and that ploidy‐specific fungal communities contribute to cytotype co‐existence. Causes and implications of the observed negative growth response to AMF are discussed

    Flooding Greatly Affects the Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Communities in the Roots of Wetland Plants

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    The communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) colonizing the roots of three mangrove species were characterized along a tidal gradient in a mangrove swamp. A fragment, designated SSU-ITS-LSU, including part of the small subunit (SSU), the entire internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and part of the large subunit (LSU) of rDNA from samples of AMF-colonized roots was amplified, cloned and sequenced using AMF-specific primers. Similar levels of AMF diversity to those observed in terrestrial ecosystems were detected in the roots, indicating that the communities of AMF in wetland ecosystems are not necessarily low in diversity. In total, 761 Glomeromycota sequences were obtained, which grouped, according to phylogenetic analysis using the SSU-ITS-LSU fragment, into 23 phylotypes, 22 of which belonged to Glomeraceae and one to Acaulosporaceae. The results indicate that flooding plays an important role in AMF diversity, and its effects appear to depend on the degree (duration) of flooding. Both host species and tide level affected community structure of AMF, indicating the presence of habitat and host species preferences