15 research outputs found

    Lingua Receptiva in Higher Education

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    This paper presents an exploration of lingua receptiva as a multilingual mode of communication in academic courses, based on both theoretical foundations and practical experiences from a pilot project at Utrecht University. Lingua receptiva refers to a form of multilingualism where two interactors use different languages yet understand each other through their receptive proficiency in the other’s language. Against the backdrop of evolving language policies in Dutch universities and the challenges associated with the widespread adoption of English as a lingua franca, the pilot project aimed to develop alternatives for bachelor’s programs in the humanities, with a specific focus on language and culture studies (e.g., Dutch, German, Italian, French, and Spanish). Drawing upon the experiences of multilingual universities across Europe, the success factors, possible applications, and inherent challenges of implementing lingua receptiva as a form of inclusive multilingualism were explored, resulting in a model that can be applied at other universities in the Netherlands and other (European) countries

    Gaps in Adolescent Tobacco Prevention and Counseling in Vermont

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    Introduction. Tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable death in Vermont. While the Vermont Blueprint for Health includes compensation for adult tobacco counseling, it includes no specific mention of pediatric populations. Research questions: To what extent are tobacco assessment and cessation efforts occurring in the primary care setting with pediatric patients? What factors influence their practices?Methods. A 12-question electronic survey, modeled on an American Academy of Pediatrics survey, was distributed to primary care providers throughout Vermont; through the UVM departments of pediatrics, family medicine, the Vermont Medical Society and the Vermont Area Health Education Center. We received 70 completed surveys.Results. 70% of the surveyed primary care providers begin tobacco counseling at the age recommended (11 years) by the Vermont Department of Health. Only 45.71% of providers are confident in their understanding of the recommendations for adolescent health screening written in the Blueprint for Health. Additionally, only 67.1% of the providers expressed confidence in their ability to provide guidance regarding the harmful effects of E-cigarettes, compared to 92.8% feeling confident regarding conventional cigarettes. 70% of providers listed time restraints as a significant factor in their decision not to counsel adolescents on tobacco use.Discussion. The Blueprint for Health is a guiding document for provider practices that is not well understood and does not specifically include pediatric tobacco prevention. In an environment where youth E-cigarette use is rising, especially among adolescents, it is especially critical that physicians are confident in their counseling practices.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1237/thumbnail.jp

    Verbleib von Soziologie-AbsolventInnen der Philipps-Universität Marburg

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    Soziologie ist an der Philipps-Universität in den 1960er Jahren als akademisches Studienfach entstanden und ab 1972 ausgebaut worden. Neben den beiden Kernbereichen 'Soziologische Theorien' und 'Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung' konnten Studierende Ende der 1990er Jahre zwischen sechs speziellen Soziologien ihre Schwerpunktsetzung wählen. Nach 30 Jahren Soziologie-Studium in Marburg erschien es sinnvoll, Daten und Informationen über den Verbleib der bisherigen Absolventinnen und Absolventen zusammenzutragen. Dieser Aufgabe stellte sich eine Gruppe von Soziologiestudierenden im Grundstudium (2./3. bzw. 3./4. Fachsemester) zusammen mit ihrem Tutor und ihrer Dozentin im Rahmen eines über zwei Semester laufenden Empirischen Praktikums (Oktober 2003 bis Juli 2004). In Anlehnung an Verbleibs- und Studienabbruchs-Studien anderer Hochschulen wurden Fragestellungen für verschiedene Teiluntersuchungen und Erhebungsinstrumente entwickelt, Interviewtechniken trainiert, Daten erhoben und quantitativ bzw. qualitativ ausgewertet sowie der abschließende Forschungsbericht geschrieben. Die Grundgesamtheit wurde (wegen der schwierigen Adressrecherche) auf die Abschlussjahrgänge 1990 bis 2003 beschränkt. Durchgeführt wurden: eine postalische Fragebogenuntersuchung aller erreichbaren AbsolventInnen (realisiert 88 Befragungen); drei berufsbiografische Interviews mit AbsolventInnenen der Jahre 1991-1996-2001; vier perspektivische Leitfadeninterviews (problemzentriert) mit AbsolventInnen des Jahres 2003; zwei Leitfadeninterviews mit einem Abbrecher bzw. einem Studienfachwechsler; Experteninterviews mit potenziellen ArbeitgebervertreterInnen. Für die Analysen wurden je nach Datenstandard statistische Verfahren, qualitative Inhaltsanalyse oder sequenzielle Analyse eingesetzt. Die Befunde ermöglichen Einschätzungen hinsichtlich der damaligen Diplom- und Magisterstudiengänge in Marburg - hinsichtlich Bachelor- und Master-Studiengängen oder für andere Hochschulen müsste eine Studie entsprechend modifiziert werden

    Study of Osteointegration of a Titanium Prosthesis to the Stapes: Observations on an Accidentally Extracted Stapes

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    Sudhoff H, Lindner N, Gronemeyer J, Dazert S, Hildmann H. Study of Osteointegration of a Titanium Prosthesis to the Stapes: Observations on an Accidentally Extracted Stapes. Otology & Neurotology. 2005;26(4):583-586

    Management of Complex Facial Injuries: Cutting Traumas by Angle Grinders

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    Sudhoff H, Schulte am Esch J, Ay N, Todt I. Management of Complex Facial Injuries: Cutting Traumas by Angle Grinders. International Journal of Otolaryngology. 2020;2020: 1891250.The use of angle grinders can lead to complex facial injuries. The most frequent sites affected are within the head and face region. Anatomical boundaries or structures are not respected by the high-speed disc of angle grinders, and thus, injuries can be mutilating, permanently disabling, or even lethal. Functional and aesthetical satisfying results can be reached through debridement, excision of wound edges, and meticulous layered functional closure after appropriate reconstruction of additional facial bony defects. The management and short-term outcome of a complex facial cutting trauma by an angle grinder are presented and discussed

    Management of Complex Facial Injuries: Cutting Traumas by Angle Grinders

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    The use of angle grinders can lead to complex facial injuries. The most frequent sites affected are within the head and face region. Anatomical boundaries or structures are not respected by the high-speed disc of angle grinders, and thus, injuries can be mutilating, permanently disabling, or even lethal. Functional and aesthetical satisfying results can be reached through debridement, excision of wound edges, and meticulous layered functional closure after appropriate reconstruction of additional facial bony defects. The management and short-term outcome of a complex facial cutting trauma by an angle grinder are presented and discussed

    Rare tumors of the internal auditory canal

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    Dazert S, Aletsee C, Brors D, et al. Rare tumors of the internal auditory canal. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 2005;262(7):550-554

    Human β-Defensins in different states of diseases of the tonsilla palatina

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    Schwaab M, Gurr A, Hansen S, et al. Human β-Defensins in different states of diseases of the tonsilla palatina. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 2010;267(5):821-830