14 research outputs found

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    Not AvailableInduced breeding experiments on Indian magur, Clarias batrachus were carried out at Research Centre of CIFE, Rohtak (Haryana). Six breeding trials were conducted with 78.10% fertilization and 89.65% hatching success. Hatching of eggs were observed in both fresh - as well as low-saline water flow-through system, however, the hatching period was 1-2 hours longer in saline ground water in comparison to freshwater. The present study demonstrates that the Indian magur seed may be produced in low-saline (5 ppt) ground water for culture and domestication of this species in salt-affected areas.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableSeveral options have been proposed for eradication of germ cells (GCs) in mammals such as treatment with cytotoxic drugs, irradiation, cold ischemia and hyperthermic treatment. Some of these methods have been also tried in fish but conditions for complete sterilisation of gonads have not been established. Here, we report the production of sterile adult common carp Cyprinus carpio in 10 weeks by the heat and chemical treatments. The cytotoxic drug busulfan (40 mg/kg) was intraperitoneally injected into the animals at 2-week intervals (5 doses in total), and they were maintained in water at 38 °C between Weeks 1 and 10. The effectiveness of the treatments was assessed using gonadal index, histology, and vasa gene expression. At the end of Week 10, very severe gonadal degeneration was observed in fish treated with the heat–chemical combination, and 100% of male and female fish were devoid of endogenous GCs. The average levels of vasa transcript were 0.01 ± 0.005 and 0.02 ± 0.016 for males and females, respectively. By contrast, high temperature alone caused minor gonadal degeneration and the gene transcript were 0.59 ± 0.131 for male and 0.62 ± 0.13 for female. In Week 20, after the recovery period of 10 weeks at 25 °C, the gonadal germ cell did not recover from the sterile condition in any of the sampled individuals. The change in colouration of gonads was an additional useful index of the degree of gonadal sterility.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe present study describes the annual condition as well the length–weight (LWR) of the Asian striped catfish, Mystus vittatus (Bloch, 1794), an important fishery by the village poor Anglers. A total of 119 specimens (7.0–8.8 cm standard length, 8.0–10.9 cm total length) used in this study was caught with traditional fishing gear from July 2009 to August 2009. Overall, the allometric coefficient ‘b’ of the LWR was close to the isometric value (b = 2.88). The results further indicated that the LWRs were highly correlated (r2 = 0.826296, P < 0.01). The aim of the present paper was to carry out the comprehensive description of the LWRs and condition of the M. vittatus. In conclusion, this study has provided basic information on LWR, and condition. These results will be useful for fishery biologists and managers to impose adequate regulations for sustainable fishery management in the non-drainable ponds in India.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe larvae of catfish, Clarias batrachus (av. wt. 15 ± 2 mg) were exposed to five concentrations of thyroxine (T4) with three feeding regimes. Five media 1.3 mcg L−1 (T-1), 2.2 mcg L−1 (T-2), 3.6 mcg L−1 (T-3), 6.0 mcg L−1 (T-4), 10.0 mcg L−1 (T-5) of T4 and control with three feeding regimes 1 day (once a day), 2 days (twice a day) and 3 days (thrice a day) were maintained in triplicate set in 54, troughs containing 2-L water. The larvae reared in media (T1, T2, T-3, T-4 & T-5) with feeding regimes 1 day, 2 days & 3 days showed 100 % survival which was significantly high (p < 0.05) in comparison to control (60.5 ± 0.7, 64.5 ± 0.7 and 71.0 ± 1.4 % respectively with regimes 1 day, 2 days and 3 days). Net gain in biomass was found significantly higher (p < 0.05) in feeding regimes 3 days (C, 244.7 %; T-1, 305.7 %; T-2, 217.5 %; T-3, 369.9 %; T-4, 371.4 %; T-5, 298.3 %) and 2 days (C, 146.5 %; T-1, 186.6 %; T-2, 122.7 %; T-3, 243.6 %, T-4, 200 %, T5, 123.4 %) in comparison to 1 day. The synergistic effects of T4, feeding regimes and their interaction evaluated through two-way ANOVA. The color of the fish-body was more darker in the case of experimental fishes in comparison to the control groups. The findings suggest that thyroxine enriched ambient water and feeding regimes had a significant role in improved survival and growth on C. batrachus larvae, a prioritized fish for aquaculture.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableSix semi-purified diets (energy 17.97–18.47 kJ g−1) containing protein levels of 300 g kg−1(diet-A), 360 g kg−1(diet-B), 420 g kg−1(diet-C), 480 g kg−1(diet-D), 540 g kg−1 (diet-E) and 600 g kg−1(diet-F) were estimated for the protein requirement of Channa marulius fry (length 4.11 ± 0.59 cm) in a completely randomized experiment design in triplicate set. The fry were reared in 18 FRP tanks at a stocking density of 40 fry m3 and fed @ 8–5 % bw. The diets A, B, C and D showed significantly (p < 0.05) low survival levels of 46.6, 46.6, 46.6 and 53.3 in comparison to diets E (88.3 %) and F (85.0 %) after 28th day of rearing. The net biomass, SGR and per day weight gain were found significantly (p < 0.05) higher and FCR low with diets E and F in comparison to diets A, B, C and D. The proximate analysis of carcass showed that the fish fed diets E and F had significantly (p < 0.5) higher deposition of protein and lipids in the tissue. The study revealed that the protein requirement of C. marulius fry is around 540–600 g kg−1 and the fry could be reared to fingerling size on formulated diets.Uttar Pradesh Council of Agricultural Research, Luckno

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    Not AvailablePotassium deficient inland saline (10 g L−1 salinity) well water was supplemented with muriate of potash to achieve 50% (57 mg L−1) and 100% (114 mg L−1) of seawater potassium concentration and used for the production of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Total mortality was observed in non-supplemented water within 6 days compared to 88.0% survival in K+100% and 85.3% survival in K+50% up to 60 days. P. monodon were subsequently cultured for 110 days in two identical 0.25-ha ponds supplied with water of 10 g L−1 and supplemented with the potassium equivalent of 35% of seawater. Survival and production were 55.8% to 64.25% and 157.70 kg (630.8 kg ha−1) to 172.75 kg (691 kg ha−1), respectively.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableCaptive breeding of striped murrel, Channa striatus was carried out by synthetic salmon gonadotropin releasing hormone (sGnRH), ovaprim in three sets of experiments to observe its breeding performance. In the first experiment (A), the fish was induced with ovaprim and kept in FRP tanks in the indoor conditions. In the second experiment, equal number of fishes after ovaprim injection were released in a pond (B-1) as well as kept in a hapa installed (B-2) in the same pond. In third system (C), the fishes, after injecting ovaprim, were released in the pond for mass production of seed. The fishes kept in the FRP tank (A) and hapa (B-2) did not breed even after 15 days, whereas, 50 and 62.5 % of the fishes released in the pond in B-1 and C experiments spawned naturally. The fertilization percentage in B-1 and C ranged between 76–81 % and 85–91 % whereas, hatching was recorded between 82–90 % and 88–92 % respectively. The larvae were reared both on live feed and artificial diets for 30 days and showed a survival of 48–56 % and 52–60 % respectively in case of B-1 and C experiments. The present mode of breeding this species in pond conditions and collection of eggs and rearing in indoor condition could provide a suitable platform for raising the seeds of this valuable prioritized fish for aquaculture and for conservation.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe serum protein fractions of pre-ovuluatory (PO), ovulatory (OV), post-ovulatory (PV) and resorption stage (RS) females of rohu, Labeo rohita (Ham.) were investigated. It was concluded that OV rohu, which are apparently ready for spawning showed appearance of new serum proteins having molecular weight in the range of 132.3890 kD to 146.8465 kD. This study may also likely to open prospects for identification of ovulating stage of other fishes particularly in those that do not observe specific phenotypic characters of maturityNot Availabl