235 research outputs found

    La cuestión de la identidad: el caso judío

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    Pensar la frontera. La filosofía del límite de Eugenio Trías

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    Goodness and Limit: The Ethics of Eugenio Trías

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    La filosofía del límite de Eugenio Trías propone una teoría ontológica donde se distinguen tres cercos (del aparecer, hermético y limítrofe) y cuatro barrios de la «ciudad fronteriza» (filosófico, religioso, estético y ético). Este texto explora el último de ellos. Analiza la ética como acontecimiento en el que intervienen tres clases de subjetividad: el sujeto 1 (emisor de la orden), el sujeto 2 (receptor) y el sujeto 3 (agente). Por otro lado, esa concepción ético-metafísica es remitida a una inspiración religiosa, la del Israel bíblico, y relacionada con la experiencia contemporánea de la barbarieThe philosophy of the limit of Eugenio Trías proposes an ontological theory where three areas [cercos] are distinguished (of the appearance, hermetic and bordering) and four neighborhoods of the border city (philosophical, religious, aesthetic and ethical). This text explores the last of them. It analyzes ethics as an event in which three classes of subjectivity intervene: subject 1 (issuer of the order), subject 2 (receiver) and subject 3 (agent). On the other hand, that ethical- metaphysical conception is remitted to a religious inspiration, that of biblical Israel, and related to the contemporary experience of barbaris

    La memoria social

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    Sedação com midazolam e hidroxizina por via oral em Odontopediatria: ensaio clínico randomizado, controlado e cruzado

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    The effectiveness of oral midazolam in pediatric dentistry is controversial. This randomized, controlled, crossover, double blind clinical trial was conducted in order to study the effect of midazolam, used either alone or in association with hydroxyzine, during child dental treatment. Thirty seven dental sedation sessions were carried out on 11 ASA I uncooperative children less than five years-old. In each appointment children were randomly assigned to groups: P - placebo, M - midazolam (1.0 mg/kg), or MH - midazolam (0.75 mg/kg) plus hydroxyzine (2.0 mg/kg). Vital signs (blood pressure, breathing rate, pulse and oxygen saturation) and behavior parameters (consciousness, crying, movement, overall behavior) were evaluated every 15 minutes. Friedman and Wilcoxon statistical tests were used to compare groups and different moments in the same group. Normal values of vital signs were usually registered. Heart rate increased in groups P and M as the session went on. Group M presented less crying and movement at the first 15 minutes of treatment. Group MH caused more drowsiness at the beginning of the session. Overall behavior was better in group M than in groups P or MH. Group M produced effective sedation in 77% of the cases, and group MH did so in 30.8%. It was concluded that midazolam was effective and safe, and its association with hydroxyzine did not lead to additional advantages in pediatric dental sedation.Há controvérsias quanto aos benefícios do midazolam na sedação de crianças durante a atenção odontológica. Conduziu-se um ensaio clínico controlado, cruzado e duplo-cego para comparar o efeito sedativo em Odontopediatria da administração oral do midazolam, associado ou não à hidroxizina. Trinta e sete sessões foram realizadas em 11 crianças menores de cinco anos, ASA I. Em cada atendimento, os pacientes receberam aleatoriamente o medicamento conforme os grupos: P - placebo, M - midazolam (1,0 mg/kg); MH - midazolam (0,75 mg/kg) associado à hidroxizina (2,0 mg/kg). Os sinais vitais (pressão arterial, freqüência respiratória, pulso e saturação de oxigênio) e os parâmetros comportamentais (consciência, choro, movimento, comportamento geral) foram avaliados a cada 15 minutos. As comparações entre grupos e entre momentos de atendimento num mesmo grupo foram estabelecidas estatisticamente através dos testes Friedman e Wilcoxon. Os grupos P, M e MH não diferiram quanto aos sinais vitais, os quais se mantiveram dentro de valores aceitáveis. A freqüência cardíaca aumentou nos grupos P e M com o transcorrer da sessão. O grupo M esteve associado a menos choro e movimento nos primeiros 15 minutos de tratamento. O grupo MH apresentou mais sonolência no início da sessão. O comportamento geral foi melhor em M do que em P e MH. M produziu sedação efetiva em 77% dos casos, e MH em 30,8%. Concluiu-se que o midazolam foi efetivo e seguro, e que sua associação à hidroxizina não repercutiu em vantagens adicionais na sedação odontopediátrica

    Towards Interoperability of Geopolitical Information within FAO

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    This paper reports ongoing work on using an ontology as a mechanism to bridge various types of country-based information systems at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The type of geopolitical information addressed by this work includes country international classifications, country names in the five FAO languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish), and other geographical information, such as the division of water bodies. Although the data required for the geopolitical ontology is already available, it is scattered across many information systems, which are often not clearly connected to one another. The expected advantage of using an ontology to achieve interoperability is that it can accommodate semantic relationships (between countries and geographical entities) that can be exploited for inference. Moreover, in virtue of the standardized semantically-oriented languages used to encode the ontology, it will provide a highly sharable and reusable resource for the international community. This paper describes the geopolitical information to manage, presents the requirements imposed on the ontology and gives details about the ontology prototype. Finally, it discusses design issues and draws some preliminary conclusions

    Bondad y límite: la ética de Eugenio Trías

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    The philosophy of the limit of Eugenio Trías proposes an ontological theory where three areas [cercos] are distinguished (of the appearance, hermetic and bordering) and four neighborhoods of the border city (philosophical, religious, aesthetic and ethical). This text explores the last of them. It analyzes ethics as an event in which three classes of subjectivity intervene: subject 1 (issuer of the order), subject 2 (receiver) and subject 3 (agent). On the other hand, that ethical-metaphysical conception is remitted to a religious inspiration, that of biblical Israel, and related to the contemporary experience of barbarismLa filosofía del límite de Eugenio Trías propone una teoría ontológica donde se distinguen tres cercos (del aparecer, hermético y limítrofe) y cuatro barrios de la «ciudad fronteriza» (filosófico, religioso, estético y ético). Este texto explora el último de ellos. Analiza la ética como acontecimiento en el que intervienen tres clases de subjetividad: el sujeto 1 (emisor de la orden), el sujeto 2 (receptor) y el sujeto 3 (agente). Por otro lado, esa concepción ético-metafísica es remitida a una inspiración religiosa, la del Israel bíblico, y relacionada con la experiencia contemporánea de la barbarie

    Philosophy and theatre, round trip. An approach to Juan Mayorga

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    [Resumen] Aunque el teatro no siempre se haya contado entre los principales objetos de atención de la filosofía, la relación entre filosofía y teatro es relevante. Por varios motivos: frecuente reflexión sobre el teatro a cargo de filósofos; filósofos que han escrito teatro; presencia de interrogantes filosóficos en las obras dramáticas; influencia recíproca de las dos formas de escritura. La obra de Juan Mayorga es un caso ejemplar. Su influencia principal, más aún que Walter Benjamin, es Franz Kafka. La herencia kafkiana se manifiesta en Mayorga, de dos maneras: formalmente, en la práctica de una «ética de la escritura teatral», la cual intenta eliminar de la escritura dramática cualquier forma de dogmatismo; y desde el punto de vista del contenido, mediante la omnipresencia de la intersubjetividad poderoso/impotente en su escena teatral[Abstract] Although theatre has not been always considered among the main objects of attention of philosophy, the relationship between philosophy and theatre has been relevant. For several reasons: frequent reflection on the theatre by philosophers; philosophers who have written theatre; presence of philosophical questions in dramatic works; reciprocal influence of the two forms of writing. The work of Juan Mayorga is an exemplary one. His main influence, even more than Walter Benjamin, is Franz Kafka. The Kafkian heritage is manifested in Mayorga in two ways: formally, in the practice of an «ethic of theatrical writing», which attempts to eliminate any form of dogmatism from dramatic writing; regarding the content, through the omnipresence of powerfull/impotent intersubjectivity in its theatrical scene

    An OAuth2-based protocol with strong user privacy preservation for smart city mobile e-Health apps

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    In the context of the Smart City concept, mobile e-Health applications can play a pivotal role towards the improvement of citizens’ quality of life, since they can enable citizens to access personalized e-Health services, without limitations on time and location. However, accessing personalized e-Health services through citizens’ mobile e-Health applications, running on their mobile devices, raises many privacy issues in terms of citizens’ identity and location. These privacy issues should be addressed so that citizens, concerned about privacy leakage, will embrace Smart City mobile e-Health applications and reap their benefits. Hence, in this paper we propose an OAuth2-based protocol with strong user privacy preservation that addresses these privacy issues. Our proposed protocol follows the OAuth2 protocol flow and integrates a pseudonym-based signature scheme and a delegation signature scheme into the user authentication phase of the OAuth2 protocol. The proposed protocol enables citizens authentication towards the servers providing personalized e-Health services, while preserving their privacy from malicious mobile applications and/or eavesdroppers. Moreover, the proposed protocol does not require to store sensitive information in the citizens’ mobile devices

    Goodness and Limit: the Ethics of Eugenio Trías

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    [Resumen] La filosofía del límite de Eugenio Trías propone una teoría ontológica donde se distinguen tres cercos (del aparecer, hermético y limítrofe) y cuatro barrios de la «ciudad fronteriza» (filosófico, religioso, estético y ético). Este texto explora el último de ellos. Analiza la ética como acontecimiento en el que intervienen tres clases de subjetividad: el sujeto 1 (emisor de la orden), el sujeto 2 (receptor) y el sujeto 3 (agente). Por otro lado, esa concepción ético-metafísica es remitida a una inspiración religiosa, la del Israel bíblico, y relacionada con la experiencia contemporánea de la barbarie.[Abstract] The philosophy of the limit of Eugenio Trías proposes an ontological theory where three areas [cercos] are distinguished (of the appearance, hermetic and bordering) and four neighborhoods of the border city (philosophical, religious, aesthetic and ethical). This text explores the last of them. It analyzes ethics as an event in which three classes of subjectivity intervene: subject 1 (issuer of the order), subject 2 (receiver) and subject 3 (agent). On the other hand, that ethical-metaphysical conception is remitted to a religious inspiration, that of biblical Israel, and related to the contemporary experience of barbarism