870 research outputs found

    Interaction between two Fuzzy Spheres

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    We have calculated interactions between two fuzzy spheres in 3 dimension. It depends on the distance r between the spheres and the radii rho_1, rho_2. There is no force between the spheres when they are far from each other (long distance case). We have also studied the interaction for r=0 case. We find that an attractive force exists between two fuzzy sphere surfaces.Comment: Latex file, 13 page

    Penyusunan Turp Syndrome Tool Assessment

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    Background: TURP syndrome is one of the complications in patients with post-TURP. The prevalence of this case in the fi rst PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Yogyakarta mortality rate was 4.7% of the 168 action TURP. This case requires preventive action by composing one tool for early detection of TURP syndrome. Objective: Develop a tool to detect the TURP syndrome. Methods: This mixed method research method. Qualitative action research method. Samples were seven nurses and one urologist. Research from April to June 2014 The instrument is FGD guide. Test the validity of using triangulation experts. Quantitative methods with validity and reliability. The sample was 21 nurses and conducted in July 2014 questionnaire Intrumennya are signs and symptoms of TURP syndrome. Test the validity of the Pearson product moment and reliability testing using Cronbach alpha. Two of these methods implemented in RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta I and II. Results: Qualitative methods produce 15 items signs and symptoms of TURP syndrome. Quantitative methods to test the validity of the fi fteen items that generate valid because the count is greater r table (n = 21, 5% signifi cance value of 0.433). Reliability test results of 0.930, meaning that this tool reliable. This tool categorizes into three TURP syndrome is negative, mild, moderate, and heavy. Conclusion: It has been structured tool for early detection of TURP syndrome

    Samarium(II) iodide promoted carbon-carbon bond fragmentation: a facile route to bridged eight membered rings and 1,3-disubstituted cyclopentanes

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    Samarium(II) iodide has been found to induce carbon-carbon bond cleavage in a number of bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane derivatives having a 1,4-dicarbonyl moiety under conditions at which the 1,4-dicarbonyl moiety undergoes intramolecular pinacol coupling

    Introduction of d-Glutamate at a Critical Residue of Aβ42 Stabilizes a Prefibrillary Aggregate with Enhanced Toxicity.

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    The amyloid beta peptide 42 (Aβ42) is an aggregation-prone peptide that plays a pivotal role in Alzheimer's disease. We report that a subtle perturbation to the peptide through a single chirality change at glutamate 22 leads to a pronounced delay in the β-sheet adoption of the peptide. This was accompanied by an attenuated propensity of the peptide to form fibrils, which was correlated with changes at the level of the fibrillary architecture. Strikingly, the incorporation of d-glutamate was found to stabilize a soluble, ordered macromolecular assembly with enhanced cytotoxicity to PC12 cells, highlighting the importance of advanced prefibrillary Aβ aggregates in neurotoxicity

    Comparing Virtue, Consequentialist, and Deontological Ethics-Based Corporate Social Responsibility: Mitigating Microfinance Risk in Institutional Voids

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    Due to the nature of lending practices and support services offered to the poor in developing countries, portfolio risk is a growing concern for the microfinance industry. Though previous research highlights the importance of risk for microfinance organizations, not much is known about how microfinance organizations can mitigate risks incurred from providing loans to the poor in developing countries. Further, though many microfinance organizations practice corporate social responsibility (CSR) to help create economic and social wealth in developing countries, the impact of such CSR practices remains an underdeveloped area of inquiry. We use a normative ethics lens to develop an ethics-based CSR theory that differentiates between three forms of ethics-based CSR—virtue, consequentialist, and deontological. We argue that while all three forms can help mitigate risk, virtue ethics-based CSR is potentially the most useful form of CSR toward mitigating microfinance portfolio risk. We test our hypotheses using a sample of microfinance organizations from across the world. Our findings suggest that virtue ethics-based CSR is not just an important philosophical paradigm; it can actually help mitigate microfinance portfolio risk when implemented in practice

    Pemanfaatan tanin ampas teh terhadap efek defaunasi, parameter fermentasi Rumen dan sintesis protein mikrobia Secara IN VITRO=Utilization Effect of Tannin from Tea Waste on Defaunation Effect, Rumen Fermentation

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    ABSTRACT The aims of this experiment were to determine the rumen fermentation parameters (ammonia concentration and VFA proportion), protozoa concentration and protein microbial synthesis as an effect of addition of tea waste to soybean meal, tapioka and there combinations in vitro. This research was done with one way completely randomized design with one level of tea waste ( the same tannin content 6 mg / g sample) with 7 treatments (T1 = 100% Bungkil kedelai, T2 = 100% soybean meal + tea waste, T3 = 75% soybean meal + 25% tapioka + tea waste, T4 = 50% soybean meal + 50% tapioka + tea waste, T5 = 25% soybean meal + 75% tapioka + tea waste, T6 = 100% + tea waste and T7 = 100% tapioka) and 6 replications. The results showed that pro-pionat proportion was significantly higher on soybean meal 26.42% (T2) vs 23,08% (T1) and tapioka 26,53% (T6) vs 25,18% (T7), asetat proportion was significantly decreased on soybean meal 53,83% (T2) vs 56,95% (T1) and on tapioka did not signi-ficantly but the proportion of butirat not significant. Ammonia concentration significanly decre-ased in soybean meal and tapioka as an effect of tea waste and increased with time of incubation. Protozoa concen-tration decreased significantly as an effect tea waste but not affected by sample and time incubation. Protein microbial syn-thesis not affected by tea waste but affected by sample s and highest yield (15,35 mg/10ml) on sample by combination of soybean and tapioka in ratio 50% : 50%. It could be concluded that added tea waste the same as tanin content 6 mg/g sample increased propionat proportion, decreased ammonia concretation and total protozoa without affected protein microbial synthesis. Key words: Tea waste, defaunation, rumen paramete, in vitr

    Neutron star properties in the quark-meson coupling model

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    The effects of internal quark structure of baryons on the composition and structure of neutron star matter with hyperons are investigated in the quark- meson coupling (QMC) model. The QMC model is based on mean-field description of nonoverlapping spherical bags bound by self-consistent exchange of scalar and vector mesons. The predictions of this model are compared with quantum hadrodynamic (QHD) model calibrated to reproduce identical nuclear matter saturation properties. By employing a density dependent bag constant through direct coupling to the scalar field, the QMC model is found to exhibit identical properties as QHD near saturation density. Furthermore, this modified QMC model provides well-behaved and continuous solutions at high densities relevant to the core of neutron stars. Two additional strange mesons are introduced which couple only to the strange quark in the QMC model and to the hyperons in the QHD model. The constitution and structure of stars with hyperons in the QMC and QHD models reveal interesting di erences. This suggests the importance of quark structure e ects in the baryons at high densities. PACS number(s): 26.60.+c, 21.65.+f, 12.39.Ba, 24.85.+

    Encouraging Entrepreneurship: Microfinance, Knowledge Support, and the Costs of Operating in Institutional Voids

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    This study focuses on the supplemented strategies of microfinance institutions (MFIs), in which the MFI offers nonfinancial services, such as entrepreneurship related knowledge, in addition to financial services to impoverished borrowers at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP). We examine two contextual factors— foreign direct investment (FDI) and loan defaults— to better understand the relationship between providing knowledge support to encourage entrepreneurship and costs of operating at the BoP for MFIs. In contexts where FDI is low and loan defaults are high, providing knowledge support to encourage entrepreneurship aggravates the MFI’s costs of operating at the BoP. However, in contexts where FDI is high and loan defaults are low, providing knowledge support to encourage entrepreneurship among impoverished borrowers does not aggravate the MFI’s costs of operating at the BoP. Hence, in emerging markets where governments welcome FDI and curb loan defaults, MFIs can viably support entrepreneurship among the poor

    Resource Security: Competition for Global Resources, Strategic Intent, and Governments as Owners

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    We develop a resource security perspective by examining the resources that multinational firms acquire when investing abroad. Firms can acquire resources to increase power and decrease dependence for long-term security (exploration) or acquire resources for relatively shorter-term gains and consumption (exploitation). We find state owned enterprises (SOEs) acquire resources for exploration, and pay more for these resources than non-state owned enterprises (NSOEs). We contribute to the literature by suggesting that long-term resource security is of immediate importance to SOEs and their home countries, that ownership influences resource acquisitions, and investments can be a safeguard for the SOE’s home country’s future
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