6 research outputs found

    Perception Factors, Intentions and Attitudes with Market Community Participation to Prevent Occupational Diseases

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    An Occupational Disease was a disease caused by work or work environment. One of the efficient and effective strategies for controlling Occupational Disease was the empowerment and participation of the community called Occupational Health Unit (Pos UKK) in the workplace. Based on the data of market health inspection in Pos UKK Imogiri market in March 2017, there were only 67 participants (19.17%) from 365 invited people.: The purpose of this research was to know the internal factors with the community participation in Pos UKK Imogiri market Bantul. This research was a quantitative analytic research with cross sectional design. The population was 365 people and the sample was 150 respondents. The sampling used purposive sampling technique. Kendall Tau test showed that there was a relation between perception and community participation (p value <0.05, r = 0.677); Intentions related to community participation (p value <0.05 r = 0.486); Attitudes related to community participation (p value <0.05 , r= 0.802). F test result showed that the variables of Perception, Intentions and Attitudes related simultaneously to community participation (F value = 387.41> F table = 2.67). The dominant independent variable was Attitudes with the highest Standard Beta Coefficient value was 0.776. Perceptions, Intentions and Attitudes related both partially and simultaneously to community participation; the independent variable that had dominant influence was Attitudes

    Health Promotion in Clean and Healthy Behavior Programs in Traditional Markets

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    Health Promotion in Clean and Healthy behavior program is a behavior that can be affected by attitudes, subjective norms, intentions and behaviors. The purpose of this study is to application attitude, subjective norms, intentions, and behavior clean and healthy by using Theory of Reasoned Action. This research type was an analytical observational study with cross-sectional. Research location was in Imogiri traditional market in Bantul Yogyakarta Indonesia. The sampling technique was accidental sampling. Data collection techniques were questionnaire and observation sheet. Data analysis used Amos 24. Attitudes affected the intention; Attitude effect on Behavioral Beliefs; Subjective norms affect Outcome Evaluations; The intention affected the intention of disposing of; The intention affected the intention of utilizing latrines; The intention affected the intention of not smoking in the market; intention affected the intention to wash hands with soap; Clean and healthy life behavior has an effect on non-smoking behavior in the market; Clean and healthy life behavior has an effect on hand washing behavior with soap

    Path Analysis: Knowledge, Motivation Factor, and Their Relationship with Readiness to Provide Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Pregnant Women

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    Women who prepare early will be better prepared both physically and psychologically to breastfeed exclusively. The purpose of this research was to determine whether the motivation variable as a mediator of the relation between knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding with readiness to exclusive breastfeeding. The study was observational, A total of 150 respondents, These three variables, namely knowledge, motivation, and readiness in exclusive breastfeeding, measured by the enclosed questionnaire. Correlation between variables was analyzed with path analysis. The relation between variables in all three models was significant (p <0.001), whereas the relation between knowledge and preparedness in exclusive breastfeeding, is not significant (1b '= 0.142; p = 0.092). The relation between knowledge and preparedness in exclusive breastfeeding changed from the first model, into the fourth model. Besides there is a decline in the path coefficient of 0,302 became 0,142, the relation also becomes insignificant. This shows that the fourth mediation relationship condition is fulfilled. Pregnant women motivation exclusively breastfed mediates the relationship between knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding with maternal readiness in exclusive breastfeeding


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    Background: Indonesia is a country with the fourth largest population in the world. Its population growth rate is 1.49% per year. Acceptors of the family planning program among women of childbearing age is 60%. However, male participants in using contraceptive, especially vasectomy, is low. Lack of knowledge and information on vasectomy may have caused fear, anxiety, and false perception. This study aimed to investigate the perception and determinants of vasectomy acceptance among couples of childbearing age in Mojokerto, East Java. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study using grounded theory approach. A sample of 10 informants was selected for this study consisting of couples of childbearing age who were vasectomy acceptors and community members. Data were collected by in-dept interview and analyzed by Colaizzi method. Results: Reasons for vasectomy acceptance included social responsibility, pity feeling for wife, and concern on future child welfare. There were no notable changes in physical appearance among the vasectomy acceptors. Sexual potency after vasectomy surgery did not weaken. However, social perceptions on vasectomy varied. Most community members believed that having children was an important issue and yet having prosperous family was equally important. Conclusion: Vasectomy acceptors do not experience changes in physical appearance. Sexual potency and sexual life are not affected by vasectomy. The main reason for vasectomy is responsibility for future family welfare. Keywords: vasectomy, acceptance, perception, determinant, couple of childbearing, communit