54 research outputs found

    Pengetahuan Gizi Dan Pola Asuh Ibu Anak Balita Gizi Kurang Di Kelurahan Pasteur Kecamatan Sukajadi Bandung

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    Nutrition knowledge is principal issues related to various nutritional problems that occur in Indonesia. Maternal role in children\u27s growth and development is very dominant, that is in caring for and educating them. Parenting patterns applied by the mother can affect the growth of the children, especially the nutritional status. Goals to be achieved in this study are: 1) to inquire nutrition and health knowledge of mothers with malnutrition children; 2) to examine food and health parenting pattern applied by mothers with malnutrition children and 3 ) to analyze the relationship between nutrition and health knowledge and parenting pattern implemented by the mother. The method used in this study is the Cross-Sectional. The results show that more than half of mothers\u27 nutrition and health knowledge is in medium category. More than half of mothers\u27 food parenting pattern is in fairly good category. Whereas, mothers\u27 health parenting pattern is in good category. Toddlers\u27 nutritional status, as measured using anthropometry, is generally in normal category. Spearman correlation test results state that there is a positive and significant relationship, and thus it can be concluded that the higher the mother\u27s nutrition knowledge score, the better the food parenting pattern

    Penguatan Kelompok Tani melalui Optimalisasi dan Sinergi Lingkungan Sosial

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the process of strengthening farmer groups through the optimization of environmental and social synergy in farmer groups. The results showed the strengthening of farmer groups can be grown by increasing the synergistic relationship between farmer groups with the social environment. Social environment that can support the strengthening of farmer groups are farmers, gapoktan, Department of Agricultural, Research Institute, Laboratory of pests and diseases, PPAH, financial institutions, HIPPA, traders, kiosk production facilities and universities

    Karakterisasi Protein Lernaea Cyprinacea Dengan Metode Elektroforesis SDS-PAGE [Characterization of Protein Lernaea Cyprinacea by Using SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis Method]

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    One of the diseases that often attack are fish is parasitic disease caused by Lernaea cyprinacea, called Lernaeosis. This ectoparasites could be detected on skin, gill, eyes, fin or inside of mouth and nostril of fishes. The aim of the study was to know the character is tic of L.cyprinacea protein based on molecular weight using SDS-PAGE. The results of this study were expected as Lernaeosis vaccine candidate. The experiment used SDS-PAGE with 12% separating gel, 3% stacking gel, voltage 110 volts 28 A and gel staining using coomassie blue. The result showed that, there were eight protein bands with molecular weight 82.3, 73.3, 66.6, 60.5, 54.9, 27.5, 23.1 and 19.8 kDa. Among them, the bands with molecular weight 27.5, 23.1 and 19.8 kDa were thicker and clearer than the others

    Pengaruh Larutan Fixer Terhadap Kualitas Pewarnaan Biopigmen Rumput Laut Eucheuma SP. Sebagai Pengganti Pewarna Sintetis Pada Tekstil [the Influence of Fixer for the Quality of Coloring Biopigmen Eucheuma SP. as a Subtitute for Synthetic Dyes in Textiles]

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    Seaweed Eucheuma sp. is one of the natural resources of Indonesia. Seaweed many processed in dry form after going through a drying process or processed into food ready for consumption. Seaweed is no longer just eaten or used to direct treatment, but can be processed into jelly, Algin, carrageenan (carrageenan) and furselaran (furcellaran) which is an important raw material in the food industry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and so on. This plant has an important economic value in various industries such as pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food, textile and paper industries. This study aims to determine the Fixer solution of Tawas, Poly Aluminium Chloride and Kapur Tohor most effective at biopigmen Eucheuma sp. instead of synthetic dyes in textile and determine the best concentration of the solution Fixer Tawas, Poly Aluminium Chloride and Tohor in deciding the color biopigmen Eucheuma sp. instead of synthetic dyes in textiles. This study uses a randomized block design (RAK). This research was conducted by observing and comparing the effect Fixer solution between Tawas, Poly Aluminium Chloride and Kapur Tohor against staining quality biopigmen seaweed Eucheuma sp. instead of synthetic dyes in textiles. Organoleptic test results showed fixation material Poly Aluminium Chloride able to maintain better color than the color produced by the fixation Tawas and Kapur Tohor. Poly Aluminium Chloride fixation material produces a bright brown color, Tawas brown, reddish brown Tohor. The test results of color fastness to rubbing cloth (dry) indicates that the color fastness of the strongest to the weakest sequentially generated from Tawas fixation materials, lime Tohor, Poly Aluminium Chloride, while the test fastness to washing soap and desecration of white cloth from the strongest to The weakest is Poly Aluminium Chloride, Kapur Tohor and Tawas

    Substitusi Silase Secara Kimiawi Limbah Padat Surimi Ikan Swanggi (Priacanthus Macracanthus) Pada Tepung Ikan Terhadap Retensi Protein Dan Retensi Lemak Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus) [Silage Substitution Chemically Solid Waste Surimi Fish Swanggi (Priacanthus Macracanthus) on to Retention Protein Fish Meal and Retention Fat Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus)]

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    Ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) merupakan suatu komoditas perikanan air tawar yang bernilai ekonomis. Permasalahan yang saat ini dihadapi dalam budidaya ikan nila adalah harga bahan pakan terutama tepung ikan semakin mahal. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah menggantikan tepung ikan dengan limbah padat surimi ikan swanggi (Priacanthus macracanthus) secara kimiawi. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi limbah padat surimi ikan swanggi (Priaacanthus macracanthus) secara kimiawi pada tepung ikan terhadap laju pertumbuhan dan efisiensi pakan ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Analisa statistik menggunakan Analysis of Variant (ANOVA) supaya dapat mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa substitusi limbah padat dari surimi ikan swanggi (Priacanthus macracanthus) secara kimia pada tepung ikan tidak berbeda nyata (p>0,05) terhadap retensi protein dengan nilai P0(7,97), P1(9,26), P2(7,07), P3(11,02) dan retensi lemak ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) P0(4,09), P1(5,67), P2 (4,53), P3 (6,73) tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (P>0,05). Kualitas air media pemeliharaan ikan nila adalah suhu 26-28 °C, Oksigen terlarut 5-8 mg/l, pH 7-8, Amonia 0-1,5 mg/l

    Pengaruh Substrat Dasar Yang Berbeda Pada Sistem Resirkulasi Terhadap Fisiologis Teripang Lokal (Phyllophorus SP.) Selama Masa Adaptasi [Effect of Different Substrates on the Recirculation System for Local Sea Cucumber (Phyllophorus SP.) Physiological During Adaptation Period ]

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    This study aims to determine the physiological changes in local sea cucumber (Phyllophorus sp.) Were adapted on a maintenance bath recirculation system with a different substrate. This study uses three treatments and three replications. The first treatment is by using sea mud substrate, a second treatment using fine gravel substrate, a third treatment was not using the base substrate. The main parameters of physiological changes observed were local sea cucumber (Phyllophorus sp.) During the period of adaptation in maintenance bath. Supporting parameters observed were mortality rate and water quality. The results showed that physiological changes occur during adaptation changes of sea cucumber body to rounded, elongated, expanded and irregular. Sea cucumbers secrete intestines and gonads in stress response to environment. Sea cucumbers are maintained on the mud substrat was average survive for five days, fine gravel substrate for three days and without substrate for less than three days. The conclusion of this research is maintained in bath of sea cucumbers with sea mud substrate showed the best results, it is characterized by the average survival time longer and the amount of sea cucumber intestines and gonads secrete less of a sea cucumber that are maintained on the basis of substrate fine gravel substrate and without substrate
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