2 research outputs found

    Effect Of Autologous Bone Marrow-derived Cells Associated With Guided Bone Regeneration Or Not In The Treatment Of Peri-implant Defects

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    This study investigated the effect of bone marrow-derived cells associated with guided bone regeneration in the treatment of dehiscence bone defects around dental implants. Iliac-derived bone marrow cells were harvested from dogs and phenotypically characterized with regard to their osteogenic properties. After teeth extraction, three implant sites were drilled, dehiscences created and implants placed. Dehiscences were randomly assigned to: bone marrow-derived cells, bone marrow-derived cells + guided bone regeneration, and control (no treatment). After 3 months, implants with adjacent tissues were processed histologically, bone-to-implant contact, bone fill within the threads, new bone area in a zone lateral to the implant, new bone height, and new bone weight at the bottom of the defect were determined. Phenotypic characterization demonstrated that bone marrow-derived cells presented osteogenic potential. Statistically higher bone fill within the threads was observed in both bone marrow-derived cells + guided bone regeneration bone marrow-derived cell groups compared with the control group (P 0.05). For the other parameters (new bone area, bone-to-implant contact, new bone height and new bone weight), only the bone marrow-derived cells + guided bone regeneration group presented higher values compared with the non-treated control (P < 0.05). Bone marrow-derived cells provided promising results for peri-implantar bone regeneration, although the combined approach seems to be relevant, especially to bone formation out of the implant threads. © 2011 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.411121127Bruder, S.P., Kraus, K.H., Goldberg, V.M., Kadiyala, S., The effect of implants loaded with autologous mesenchymal stem cells on the healing of canine segmental bone defects (1998) Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, 80 (7), pp. 985-996Casati, M.Z., De Vasconcelos Gurgel, B.C., Goncalves, P.F., Pimentel, S.P., Da Rocha Nogueira Filho, G., Nociti Jr., F.H., Sallum, E.A., Platelet-rich plasma does not improve bone regeneration around peri-implant bone defects-A pilot study in dogs (2007) International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 36 (2), pp. 132-136. , DOI 10.1016/j.ijom.2006.06.004, PII S0901502706003006Casati, M.Z., Sallum, E.A., Nociti Jr., F.H., Caffesse, R.G., Sallum, A.W., Enamel matrix derivative and bone healing after guided bone regeneration in dehiscence-type defects around implants. 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