4,122 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Reynolds equations for non-Newtonian thin-film fluid flows over a rough boundary

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    We consider a non-Newtonian fluid flow in a thin domain with thickness ηε and an oscillating top boundary of period ε. The flow is described by the 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes system with a nonlinear viscosity, being a power of the shear rate (power law) of flow index p, with 9/5 < p < +∞. We consider the limit when the thickness tends to zero and we prove that the three characteristic regimes for Newtonian fluids are still valid for non-Newtonian fluids, i.e. Stokes roughness (ηε ≈ ε), Reynolds roughness (ηε > ε) regime. Moreover, we obtain different nonlinear Reynolds-type equations in each case.Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Economía y Competitivida

    Newtonian fluid flow in a thin porous medium with non-homogeneous slip boundary conditions

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    We consider the Stokes system in a thin porous medium Ωε of thickness ε which is perforated by periodically distributed solid cylinders of size ε. On the boundary of the cylinders we prescribe non-homogeneous slip boundary conditions depending on a parameter γ. The aim is to give the asymptotic behavior of the velocity and the pressure of the fluid as ε goes to zero. Using an adaptation of the unfolding method, we give, following the values of γ, different limit systems.Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). Españ

    Measuring Regional Cohesion Effects of Large-scale Transport Infrastructure Investments: An Accessibility Approach.

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    Cohesion is considered one of the main policy goals both at a EU an national level. However, there is currently a lack of a common approach to measure cohesion effects of large-scale transport infrastructure investments. Accessibility indicators have an unexploited potential in transportation assessment methodologies. Accessibility is considered an added value of locations, which represents one of the elements contributing to a region’s welfare. Therefore, spatial distribution of accessibility may be used as a proxy to assess regional cohesion. This paper suggests an approach consisting in measuring changes in the spatial distribution of four different accessibility indicators, computed and mapped using a GIS support. Cohesion is subsequently measured calculating a set of inequality indices of the resulting accessibility distribution. It is possible then to assess whether disparities in regional accessibility are increased or reduced after the implementation of a new transport infrastructure. This approach is tested assessing regional cohesion effects of road and rail network developments in Spain in the period 1992-2004. Comparing the results obtained with accessibility indicators and inequality indices allows identifying the main critical factors and sources of bias. The conclusion is that for the rode mode, cohesion has improved, while regional disparities have increased for the rail mode

    Bacterial species pluralism in the light of medicine and endosymbiosis

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    Este trabajo ofrece un nuevo argumento a favor del pluralismo de especies en bacterias. Para ello, presento los conflictos derivados de la consideración de las especies de modo no teórico, como unidades de clasificación, frente a su tratamiento teórico como unidades de evolución. Después, justifico la necesidad de un concepto de especie para las bacterias; muestro el modo en que tanto la medicina como la investigación sobre endosimbiosis emplean distintos conceptos de especie bacteriana ligados a sus diferentes propósitos que no son coherentes con el resto de conceptos existentes. Por último, argumento que estos dos ejemplos proveen nueva evidencia en favor del pluralismo filosófico.; This paper aims to offer a new argument in defence bacterial species pluralism. To do so, I shall first present the particular issues derived from the conflict between the non-theoretical understanding of species as units of classification and the theoretical comprehension of them as units of evolution. Secondly, I shall justify the necessity of the concept of species for the bacterial world, and show how medicine and endosymbiotic evolutionary theory make use of different concepts of bacterial species due to their distinctive purposes. Finally, I shall show how my argument provides a new source of defence for bacterial pluralism

    The hologenome concept of evolution: a philosophical and biological study

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    The hologenome concept of evolution is a hypothesis about the evolution of animals and plants. It asserts that the evolution of animals and plants was partially triggered by their interactions with their symbiotic microbiomes. In that vein, the hologenome concept posits that the holobiont (animal host + symbionts of the microbiome) is a unit of selection. The hologenome concept has been severely criticized on the basis that selection on holobionts would only be possible if there were a tight transgenerational host-genotype-to-symbiont-genotype connection. As our current evidence suggests that this is not the case for most of the symbiont species that compose the microbiome of animals and plants, the opportunity for holobiont selection is very low in relation to the opportunity for selection on each of the species that compose the host microbiome. Therefore, holobiont selection will always be disrupted ‘from below’, by selection on each of the species that compose the microbiome. This thesis constitutes a conceptual effort to defend philosophically the hologenome concept. I argue that the criticism according to which holobiont selection requires tight transgenerational host-genotype-to-symbiont-genotype connection is grounded on a metaphysical view of the world according to which the biological hierarchy needs to be nested, such that each new level of selection includes every entity from below. Applied to hologenomes, it entails that the hologenome is a collection of genomes, and selection of hologenomes is assumed to entail cospeciation of the host with the species that constitute its microbiome. Against that interpretation, I propose the ‘stability of traits’ account, according to which hologenome evolution is the result of the action of natural selection in a non-nested hierarchical world. In that vein, hologenome evolution does not entail cospeciation, and thus it does not require tight transgenerational host-genotype-to-symbiont-genotype connection. By embracing a multilevel selection perspective, I argue that hologenome evolution results from the simultaneous action of natural selection on each of the lineages that compose the microbiome, and on the assemblage composed by the host genome plus the functional traits of its microbiome. Hologenome selection occurs when the evolution of the traits of the microbiome result from their effects on the fitness of the host, and it can take the form of multilevel selection 1, or multilevel selection 2. In both cases, hologenome selection entails the evolution of microbiome traits, as well as evolution of the host genome, rather than cospeciation of lineages

    The stability of traits conception of the hologenome: An evolutionary account of holobiont individuality

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    Bourrat and Griffiths (HPLS 40(2): 33, 2018) have recently argued that most of the evidence presented by holobiont defenders to support the thesis that holobionts are evolutionary individuals is not to the point and is not even adequate to discriminate multispecies evolutionary individuals from other multispecies assemblages that would not be considered evolutionary individuals by most holobiont defenders. They further argue that an adequate criterion to distinguish the two categories rests on the existence of fitness alignment, presenting the notion of fitness boundedness as a criterion that allows divorcing true multispecies evolutionary individuals from other multispecies assemblages and provides an adequate criterion to single out genuine evolutionary multispecies assemblages. A consequence of their criterion is that holobionts, as conventionally defined by hologenome defenders, are not evolutionary individuals except in very rare cases, and for very specific host-symbiont associations. This paper is a critical response to Bourrat and Griffiths’ arguments and as such it constitutes a refinement and a defence of the arguments presented by holobiont defenders. Drawing upon the case of the hologenomic basis of the evolution of sanguivory in vampire bats (Nat. Ecol. Evol. 2: 659-668, 2018), I argue that Bourrat and Griffiths overlook some aspects of the biological nature of the microbiome that justifies the thesis that holobionts are evolutionarily different to other multispecies assemblages. I argue that the hologenome theory of evolution should not define the hologenome as a collection of genomes, but as the sum of the host genome plus some traits of the microbiome which together constitute an evolutionary individual, a conception I refer to as the stability of traits conception of the hologenome. Based on that conception I argue that the evidence presented by holobiont defenders, if adequately refined under the “stability of traits” framework I advocate here, is to the point, and supports the thesis that holobionts are evolutionary individuals. In this sense, the paper offers an account of the holobiont that aims to foster a dialogue between hologenome advocates and hologenome critics

    El investigador como educador musical y como divulgador

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    La presente ponencia trataba de plantear en la Mesa redonda "Investigación aplicada a la educación musical" una serie de problemas que surgen no tanto a quienes se dedican profesionalmente a la educación musical, sino a quienes, dedicados a la investigación y al estudio de temas relacionados con la historia de la música desde perspectivas diversas, tienen finalmente que transmitirlos a una audiencia determinada, ya sea otros colegas, alumnos de universidad, u otros públicos en los que se centra el concepto "divulgación" aludido en el título.Se incide particularmente en los problemas de la educación musical universitaria para no especialistas y en la divulgación científica aplicada a la música, un campo casi yermo sobre el que hay mucho que reflexionar: desde las nuevas posibilidades para la explicación de la música que ofrecen soportes nuevos como el CD-Rom, hasta las tradicionales formas de relación con un público melómano a través de notas a programas y críticas de conciertos

    The magnetic field configuration of a solar prominence inferred from spectropolarimetric observations in the He I 10830 A triplet

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    Context: The determination of the magnetic field vector in quiescent solar prominences is possible by interpreting the Hanle and Zeeman effects in spectral lines. However, observational measurements are scarce and lack high spatial resolution. Aims: To determine the magnetic field vector configuration along a quiescent solar prominence by interpreting spectropolarimetric measurements in the He I 1083.0 nm triplet obtained with the Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter installed at the German Vacuum Tower Telescope of the Observatorio del Teide. Methods. The He I 1083.0 nm triplet Stokes profiles are analyzed with an inversion code that takes into account the physics responsible of the polarization signals in this triplet. The results are put into a solar context with the help of extreme ultraviolet observations taken with the Solar Dynamic Observatory and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory satellites. Results: For the most probable magnetic field vector configuration, the analysis depicts a mean field strength of 7 gauss. We do not find local variations in the field strength except that the field is, in average, lower in the prominence body than in the prominence feet, where the field strength reaches 25 gauss. The averaged magnetic field inclination with respect to the local vertical is 77 degrees. The acute angle of the magnetic field vector with the prominence main axis is 24 degrees for the sinistral chirality case and 58 degrees for the dextral chirality. These inferences are in rough agreement with previous results obtained from the analysis of data acquired with lower spatial resolutions.Comment: Accepted in A&

    Optimization of short-range optical links for datacenter or end-user applications

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    This project is a study of the optimization of a ring resonator filter situated after a DML semiconductor laser in a global short-range optical link system. The main purpose is to optimize the optical filter performing matlab simulations in order to find the parameters of the transfer function of the filter that we may tune to achieve an error-free transmission. From a theoretical point of view, this project will give the knowledge of the optical direct modulation operation where the chirp is an evitable factor that we have to minimize to achieve good performance in our global system. Also a high extinction ratio over this low chirp will be an interesting parameter to take into account. Combining the theoretical background of DML and ring resonators of terms such as FSR, internal losses, finesse…with the experimental work, the goal of the project will be achieved concluding that there is some intervals in which the parameters can oscillate in order to obtain the fewer errors in the system.Ingeniería de Telecomunicació