306 research outputs found

    Interactive, Intelligent Tutoring for Auxiliary Constructions in Geometry Proofs

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    Geometry theorem proving forms a major and challenging component in the K-12 mathematics curriculum. A particular difficult task is to add auxiliary constructions (i.e, additional lines or points) to aid proof discovery. Although there exist many intelligent tutoring systems proposed for geometry proofs, few teach students how to find auxiliary constructions. And the few exceptions are all limited by their underlying reasoning processes for supporting auxiliary constructions. This paper tackles these weaknesses of prior systems by introducing an interactive geometry tutor, the Advanced Geometry Proof Tutor (AGPT). It leverages a recent automated geometry prover to provide combined benefits that any geometry theorem prover or intelligent tutoring system alone cannot accomplish. In particular, AGPT not only can automatically process images of geometry problems directly, but also can interactively train and guide students toward discovering auxiliary constructions on their own. We have evaluated AGPT via a pilot study with 78 high school students. The study results show that, on training students how to find auxiliary constructions, there is no significant perceived difference between AGPT and human tutors, and AGPT is significantly more effective than the state-of-the-art geometry solver that produces human-readable proofs.Comment: 10 page

    Achieving High Coverage for Floating-point Code via Unconstrained Programming (Extended Version)

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    Achieving high code coverage is essential in testing, which gives us confidence in code quality. Testing floating-point code usually requires painstaking efforts in handling floating-point constraints, e.g., in symbolic execution. This paper turns the challenge of testing floating-point code into the opportunity of applying unconstrained programming --- the mathematical solution for calculating function minimum points over the entire search space. Our core insight is to derive a representing function from the floating-point program, any of whose minimum points is a test input guaranteed to exercise a new branch of the tested program. This guarantee allows us to achieve high coverage of the floating-point program by repeatedly minimizing the representing function. We have realized this approach in a tool called CoverMe and conducted an extensive evaluation of it on Sun's C math library. Our evaluation results show that CoverMe achieves, on average, 90.8% branch coverage in 6.9 seconds, drastically outperforming our compared tools: (1) Random testing, (2) AFL, a highly optimized, robust fuzzer released by Google, and (3) Austin, a state-of-the-art coverage-based testing tool designed to support floating-point code.Comment: Extended version of Fu and Su's PLDI'17 paper. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1610.0113

    Toward Rapid Transformation of Ideas into Software

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    A key mission of computer science is to enable people realize their creative ideas as naturally and painlessly as possible. Software engineering is at the center of this mission -- software technologies enable reification of ideas into working systems. As computers become ubiquitous, both in availability and the aspects of human lives they touch, the quantity and diversity of ideas also rapidly grow. Our programming systems and technologies need to evolve to make this reification process -- transforming ideas to software -- as quick and accessible as possible. The goal of this paper is twofold. First, it advocates and highlights the "transforming ideas to software" mission as a moonshot for software engineering research. This is a long-term direction for the community, and there is no silver bullet that can get us there. To make this mission a reality, as a community, we need to improve the status quo across many dimensions. Thus, the second goal is to outline a number of directions to modernize our contemporary programming technologies for decades to come, describe work that has been undertaken along those vectors, and pinpoint critical challenges

    Data-Driven Feedback Generation for Introductory Programming Exercises

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    This paper introduces the "Search, Align, and Repair" data-driven program repair framework to automate feedback generation for introductory programming exercises. Distinct from existing techniques, our goal is to develop an efficient, fully automated, and problem-agnostic technique for large or MOOC-scale introductory programming courses. We leverage the large amount of available student submissions in such settings and develop new algorithms for identifying similar programs, aligning correct and incorrect programs, and repairing incorrect programs by finding minimal fixes. We have implemented our technique in the SARFGEN system and evaluated it on thousands of real student attempts from the Microsoft-DEV204.1X edX course and the Microsoft CodeHunt platform. Our results show that SARFGEN can, within two seconds on average, generate concise, useful feedback for 89.7% of the incorrect student submissions. It has been integrated with the Microsoft-DEV204.1X edX class and deployed for production use.Comment: 12 page

    Dynamic Neural Program Embedding for Program Repair

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    Neural program embeddings have shown much promise recently for a variety of program analysis tasks, including program synthesis, program repair, fault localization, etc. However, most existing program embeddings are based on syntactic features of programs, such as raw token sequences or abstract syntax trees. Unlike images and text, a program has an unambiguous semantic meaning that can be difficult to capture by only considering its syntax (i.e. syntactically similar pro- grams can exhibit vastly different run-time behavior), which makes syntax-based program embeddings fundamentally limited. This paper proposes a novel semantic program embedding that is learned from program execution traces. Our key insight is that program states expressed as sequential tuples of live variable values not only captures program semantics more precisely, but also offer a more natural fit for Recurrent Neural Networks to model. We evaluate different syntactic and semantic program embeddings on predicting the types of errors that students make in their submissions to an introductory programming class and two exercises on the CodeHunt education platform. Evaluation results show that our new semantic program embedding significantly outperforms the syntactic program embeddings based on token sequences and abstract syntax trees. In addition, we augment a search-based program repair system with the predictions obtained from our se- mantic embedding, and show that search efficiency is also significantly improved.Comment: 9 page

    Abstracting Runtime Heaps for Program Understanding

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    Modern programming environments provide extensive support for inspecting, analyzing, and testing programs based on the algorithmic structure of a program. Unfortunately, support for inspecting and understanding runtime data structures during execution is typically much more limited. This paper provides a general purpose technique for abstracting and summarizing entire runtime heaps. We describe the abstract heap model and the associated algorithms for transforming a concrete heap dump into the corresponding abstract model as well as algorithms for merging, comparing, and computing changes between abstract models. The abstract model is designed to emphasize high-level concepts about heap-based data structures, such as shape and size, as well as relationships between heap structures, such as sharing and connectivity. We demonstrate the utility and computational tractability of the abstract heap model by building a memory profiler. We then use this tool to check for, pinpoint, and correct sources of memory bloat from a suite of programs from DaCapo

    Metamorphic Testing for Object Detection Systems

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    Recent advances in deep neural networks (DNNs) have led to object detectors that can rapidly process pictures or videos, and recognize the objects that they contain. Despite the promising progress by industrial manufacturers such as Amazon and Google in commercializing deep learning-based object detection as a standard computer vision service, object detection systems - similar to traditional software - may still produce incorrect results. These errors, in turn, can lead to severe negative outcomes for the users of these object detection systems. For instance, an autonomous driving system that fails to detect pedestrians can cause accidents or even fatalities. However, principled, systematic methods for testing object detection systems do not yet exist, despite their importance. To fill this critical gap, we introduce the design and realization of MetaOD, the first metamorphic testing system for object detectors to effectively reveal erroneous detection results by commercial object detectors. To this end, we (1) synthesize natural-looking images by inserting extra object instances into background images, and (2) design metamorphic conditions asserting the equivalence of object detection results between the original and synthetic images after excluding the prediction results on the inserted objects. MetaOD is designed as a streamlined workflow that performs object extraction, selection, and insertion. Evaluated on four commercial object detection services and four pretrained models provided by the TensorFlow API, MetaOD found tens of thousands of detection defects in these object detectors. To further demonstrate the practical usage of MetaOD, we use the synthetic images that cause erroneous detection results to retrain the model. Our results show that the model performance is increased significantly, from an mAP score of 9.3 to an mAP score of 10.5

    ShapeFlow: Dynamic Shape Interpreter for TensorFlow

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    We present ShapeFlow, a dynamic abstract interpreter for TensorFlow which quickly catches tensor shape incompatibility errors, one of the most common bugs in deep learning code. ShapeFlow shares the same APIs as TensorFlow but only captures and emits tensor shapes, its abstract domain. ShapeFlow constructs a custom shape computational graph, similar to the computational graph used by TensorFlow. ShapeFlow requires no code annotation or code modification by the programmer, and therefore is convenient to use. We evaluate ShapeFlow on 52 programs collected by prior empirical studies to show how fast and accurately it can catch shape incompatibility errors compared to TensorFlow. We use two baselines: a worst-case training dataset size and a more realistic dataset size. ShapeFlow detects shape incompatibility errors highly accurately -- with no false positives and a single false negative -- and highly efficiently -- with an average speed-up of 499X and 24X for the first and second baseline, respectively. We believe ShapeFlow is a practical tool that benefits machine learning developers. We will open-source ShapeFlow on GitHub to make it publicly available to both the developer and research communities.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Work done about one and half year before the submission to Arxi

    Learning Blended, Precise Semantic Program Embeddings

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    Learning neural program embeddings is key to utilizing deep neural networks in program languages research --- precise and efficient program representations enable the application of deep models to a wide range of program analysis tasks. Existing approaches predominately learn to embed programs from their source code, and, as a result, they do not capture deep, precise program semantics. On the other hand, models learned from runtime information critically depend on the quality of program executions, thus leading to trained models with highly variant quality. This paper tackles these inherent weaknesses of prior approaches by introducing a new deep neural network, \liger, which learns program representations from a mixture of symbolic and concrete execution traces. We have evaluated \liger on \coset, a recently proposed benchmark suite for evaluating neural program embeddings. Results show \liger (1) is significantly more accurate than the state-of-the-art syntax-based models Gated Graph Neural Network and code2vec in classifying program semantics, and (2) requires on average 10x fewer executions covering 74\% fewer paths than the state-of-the-art dynamic model \dypro. Furthermore, we extend \liger to predict the name for a method from its body's vector representation. Learning on the same set of functions (more than 170K in total), \liger significantly outperforms code2seq, the previous state-of-the-art for method name prediction

    Testing Database Engines via Pivoted Query Synthesis

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    Relational databases are used ubiquitously. They are managed by database management systems (DBMS), which allow inserting, modifying, and querying data using a domain-specific language called Structured Query Language (SQL). Popular DBMS have been extensively tested by fuzzers, which have been successful in finding crash bugs. However, approaches to finding logic bugs, such as when a DBMS computes an incorrect result set, have remained mostly untackled. Differential testing is an effective technique to test systems that support a common language by comparing the outputs of these systems. However, this technique is ineffective for DBMS, because each DBMS typically supports its own SQL dialect. To this end, we devised a novel and general approach that we have termed Pivoted Query Synthesis. The core idea of this approach is to automatically generate queries for which we ensure that they fetch a specific, randomly selected row, called the pivot row. If the DBMS fails to fetch the pivot row, the likely cause is a bug in the DBMS. We tested our approach on three widely-used and mature DBMS, namely SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. In total, we reported 123 bugs in these DBMS, 99 of which have been fixed or verified, demonstrating that the approach is highly effective and general. We expect that the wide applicability and simplicity of our approach will enable the improvement of robustness of many DBMS
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