260 research outputs found

    Control and characterization of ordering in GaInP

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    Journal ArticleGae,,In,,P layers have been grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy on GaAs substrates with [llO]-oriented grooves on the surface that have an important effect on the formation of Cu-Pt ordered structures during growth. In this work, the groove shape is demonstrated to be critically important. For the optimum groove shape, single domains of the (ill) and (lil) variants of the Cu-Pt ordered structure are formed on the two sides of the groove. Shallow grooves produce large domains on each side of the groove containing small domains of the other variant. For deep grooves, only a single variant is formed on each side of the groove, but the domains are small. For substrates with deep grooves on a GaAs substrate misoriented by Y, every groove contains large regions of highly ordered and completely disordered material separated by a few micrometers. This allows a direct determination of the effect of ordering on the band gap of the material using cathodoluminescence spectroscopy, allowing the first direct demonstration that ordering reduces the energy band gap of a III/V alloy

    Effects of substrate misorientation and growth rate on ordering in GaInP

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    Journal ArticleEpitaxial layers of Ga,Tn,_,P with 1=0.52 have been grown by-organometallic vapor-phase apitaxy on GaAs substrates misoriented from the (001) plane in the [ 1 IO] direction by angles 6,) of O", 3", 6", and 9". For each substrate orientation growth rates rg of 1, 2, and 4 pm/h have been used. The ordering was characterized using transmission electron diffraction (TED), dark-field imaging, and photoluminescence. The (110) cross-sectional images show domains of the Cu-Pt structure separated by antiphase boundaries (APBs). The domain size and shape and the degree of order are found to be strongly affected by both the substrate misorientation and the growth rate. For example, lateral domain dimensions range from 50 A for layers grown with rg=4 pm/h and a,?,= 0" to 25(JO A for rg= 1 pm/h and 8, =9". The APBs generally propagate from the substrate/ cpilayer interface to the top surface at an angle to the (001) plane that increases dramatically as the angle of misorientation increases. The angle is nearly independent of growth rate. From the supempot intensities in the TED patterns, the degree of order appears to be a maximum for 8,=5". Judging from the reduction in photoluminescence peak energy caused by ordering, the maximum degree of order appears to occur at ,I?+,-4"

    Kinetically controlled order/disorder structure in GaInP

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    Journal ArticleA Ga0.52In0.58p order/disorder heterostructure having a band-gap energy difference exceeding 160 meV has been grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy. The two layers were grown on a nominally (OOl)-oriented GaAs substrate misoriented by 3° toward the [110] direction in the lattice. The disordered layer was grown first, at a temperature of 740 °C. The temperature was then reduced to 620 °C for the growth of the second, highly ordered, layer. X-ray diffraction shows that the two layers have the same composition and are both lattice matched to the GaAs substrate. Transmission electron diffraction patterns indicate that the first layer is completely disordered and that the second layer is highly ordered with only one variant. A low density of antiphase boundaries is observed in the dark field transmission electron microscope image of the top (ordered) layer. High resolution images demonstrate that the interface is abrupt with no dislocations or other defects. Photoluminescence measured at 10 K shows two sharp and distinct peaks at 1.998 and 1.835 eV for high excitation intensities. The peak separation is even larger at lower excitation intensities. The two peaks come from the disordered and ordered materials, respectively. The peak separation represents the largest energy difference between ordered and disordered material reported to date. This large energy difference, much larger than kT at room temperature, may make such heterostructures useful for photonic devices such as light emitting diodes and lasers

    Atomic force microscopy study of ordered GaInP

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    Journal ArticleExamines the nature of the steps on the surface of gallium indium phosphide lattice layers matched to gallium arsenide substrates using atomic force microscopy. Temperatures of organometallic vapor phase epitaxy used; Relation of height of steps with misorientation angle; Link of supersteps with the degree of order and the microstructure of ordered domains

    Effect of step structure on ordering in GaInP

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    Journal ArticleExamines the effect of step structure on ordering in gallium indium phosphite (GaInP) using atomic force microscopy. Coverage of the surface by islands several monolayers in height with elongated direction; Formation of the edges of the islands; Role of the observations in explaining the nature of the order twin boundaries in ordered GaInP

    Impurity Energy Level Within The Haldane Gap

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    An impurity bond JJ{'} in a periodic 1D antiferromagnetic, spin 1 chain with exchange JJ is considered. Using the numerical density matrix renormalization group method, we find an impurity energy level in the Haldane gap, corresponding to a bound state near the impurity bond. When J<JJ{'}<J the level changes gradually from the edge of the Haldane gap to the ground state energy as the deviation dev=(JJ)/Jdev=(J-J{'})/J changes from 0 to 1. It seems that there is no threshold. Yet, there is a threshold when J>JJ{'}>J. The impurity level appears only when the deviation dev=(JJ)/Jdev=(J{'}-J)/J{'} is greater than BcB_{c}, which is near 0.3 in our calculation.Comment: Latex file,9 pages uuencoded compressed postscript including 4 figure

    New exact solution of Dirac-Coulomb equation with exact boundary condition

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    It usually writes the boundary condition of the wave equation in the Coulomb field as a rough form without considering the size of the atomic nucleus. The rough expression brings on that the solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation and the Dirac equation with the Coulomb potential are divergent at the origin of the coordinates, also the virtual energies, when the nuclear charges number Z > 137, meaning the original solutions do not satisfy the conditions for determining solution. Any divergences of the wave functions also imply that the probability density of the meson or the electron would rapidly increase when they are closing to the atomic nucleus. What it predicts is not a truth that the atom in ground state would rapidly collapse to the neutron-like. We consider that the atomic nucleus has definite radius and write the exact boundary condition for the hydrogen and hydrogen-like atom, then newly solve the radial Dirac-Coulomb equation and obtain a new exact solution without any mathematical and physical difficulties. Unexpectedly, the K value constructed by Dirac is naturally written in the barrier width or the equivalent radius of the atomic nucleus in solving the Dirac equation with the exact boundary condition, and it is independent of the quantum energy. Without any divergent wave function and the virtual energies, we obtain a new formula of the energy levels that is different from the Dirac formula of the energy levels in the Coulomb field.Comment: 12 pages,no figure

    Magnetic-field and temperature dependence of the energy gap in InN nanobelt

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    We present tunneling measurements on an InN nanobelt which shows signatures of superconductivity. Superconducting transition takes place at temperature of 1.3K and the critical magnetic field is measured to be about 5.5kGs. The energy gap extrapolated to absolute temperature is about 110 mu eV. As the magnetic field is decreased to cross the critical magnetic field, the device shows a huge zero-bias magnetoresistance ratio of about 400%. This is attributed to the suppression of quasiparticle subgap tunneling in the presence of superconductivity. The measured magnetic-field and temperature dependence of the superconducting gap agree well with the reported dependences for conventional metallic superconductors. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3691830

    Coherent electron-phonon coupling and polaron-like transport in molecular wires

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    We present a technique to calculate the transport properties through one-dimensional models of molecular wires. The calculations include inelastic electron scattering due to electron-lattice interaction. The coupling between the electron and the lattice is crucial to determine the transport properties in one-dimensional systems subject to Peierls transition since it drives the transition itself. The electron-phonon coupling is treated as a quantum coherent process, in the sense that no random dephasing due to electron-phonon interactions is introduced in the scattering wave functions. We show that charge carrier injection, even in the tunneling regime, induces lattice distortions localized around the tunneling electron. The transport in the molecular wire is due to polaron-like propagation. We show typical examples of the lattice distortions induced by charge injection into the wire. In the tunneling regime, the electron transmission is strongly enhanced in comparison with the case of elastic scattering through the undistorted molecular wire. We also show that although lattice fluctuations modify the electron transmission through the wire, the modifications are qualitatively different from those obtained by the quantum electron-phonon inelastic scattering technique. Our results should hold in principle for other one-dimensional atomic-scale wires subject to Peierls transitions.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B (to appear march 2001