159 research outputs found

    Use of the MLPA Assay in the Molecular Diagnosis of Gene Copy Number Alterations in Human Genetic Diseases

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    Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) assay is a recently developed technique able to evidence variations in the copy number of several human genes. Due to this ability, MLPA can be used in the molecular diagnosis of several genetic diseases whose pathogenesis is related to the presence of deletions or duplications of specific genes. Moreover, MLPA assay can also be used in the molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases characterized by the presence of abnormal DNA methylation. Due to the large number of genes that can be analyzed by a single technique, MLPA assay represents the gold standard for molecular analysis of all pathologies derived from the presence of gene copy number variation. In this review, the main applications of the MLPA technique for the molecular diagnosis of human diseases are described

    Novel mutation in the ligand‐binding domain of the androgen receptor gene (1790p) associated with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome

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    Mutations in the X-linked androgen receptor (AR) gene cause androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), resulting in an impaired embryonic sex differentiation in 46,XY genetic men. Complete androgen insensitivity (CAIS) produces a female external phenotype, whereas cases with partial androgen insensitivity (PAIS) have various ambiguities of the genitalia. Mild androgen insensitivity (MAIS) is characterized by undermasculinization and gynecomastia. Here we describe a 2-month-old 46,XY female patient, with all of the characteristics of CAIS. Defects in testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) synthesis were excluded. Sequencing of the AR gene showed the presence in exon 6 of a T to C transition in the second base of codon 790, nucleotide position 2369, causing a novel missense Leu790Pro mutation in the ligand-binding domain of the AR protein. The identification of a novel AR mutation in a girl with CAIS provides significant information due to the importance of missense mutations in the ligand-binding domain of the AR, which are able to induce functional abnormalities in the androgen binding capability, stabilization of active conformation, or interaction with coactivators

    Translating amniotic fluid-derived stem cells for transplantation in stroke

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    This article discusses possible applications of cells derived from human amniotic fluid in regenerative medicine, specifically in stroke therapy. Recent studies have evaluated amniotic fluid as a viable source for mesenchymal stem cells in the expansion of cell-based transplantation. Laboratory data have demonstrated the ability of amniotic fluid stem cells (AFSC) to act as biobridges or subdural patch-like networks when treating traumatic brain injury (TBI). Also AFSCs have been shown to differentiate along the neuronal lineage following transplantation in animal models of brain disorders. In addition to the cells' many clinical applications, AFSCs can be harvested without raising any ethical concern. This paper evaluates the characteristics of AFSCs, along with the functional benefits of using the cells in animal stroke models, reinforcing the potential advantages of deriving stem cells from amniotic fluid, for stroke treatment

    Amniotic Fluid Cells, Stem Cells, and p53: Can We Stereotype p53 Functions?

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    In recent years, great interest has been devoted to finding alternative sources for human stem cells which can be easily isolated, ideally without raising ethical objections. These stem cells should furthermore have a high proliferation rate and the ability to differentiate into all three germ layers. Amniotic fluid, ordinarily discarded as medical waste, is potentially such a novel source of stem cells, and these amniotic fluid derived stem cells are currently gaining a lot of attention. However, further information will be required about the properties of these cells before they can be used for therapeutic purposes. For example, the risk of tumor formation after cell transplantation needs to be explored. The tumor suppressor protein p53, well known for its activity in controlling Cell Prolif.eration and cell death in differentiated cells, has more recently been found to be also active in amniotic fluid stem cells. In this review, we summarize the major findings about human amniotic fluid stem cells since their discovery, followed by a brief overview of the important role played by p53 in embryonic and adult stem cells. In addition, we explore what is known about p53 in amniotic fluid stem cells to date, and emphasize the need to investigate its role, particularly in the context of cell tumorigenicity

    Dietary supplements for polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most prevalent female endocrine reproductive disorders, affecting between 4 to 18% of the women in their reproductive age. It is generally characterized by several clinical aspects, among which anovulation, inflammation and infertility. Moreover, PCOS has several health implications, including increased metabolic, reproductive, and psychological risks. Previously, metformin and to some extent thiazolidinediones were considered as drug of choice for PCOS management, but they had several side-effects, and controversial results were obtained about their efficiency, especially in non-insulin-resistant non-obese patients. Thus, alternative treatment options are now being studied for PCOS, including different natural molecules and complementary medicines (CM) for the improvement of their health, wellbeing and fertility. Recently, treatment of PCOS patients with different natural molecules, coming from nutritional supplements and herbal medicines, has attained satisfactory results with the absence of any side effects. In this review, four natural molecules, curcumin, vitamin D, inositol and CoQ10 are discussed for their therapeutic ability. These molecules proved to decrease insulin sensitivity and inflammation, to improve the restoration of ovarian function, and they could restore hormonal balance and regulate the menstrual cycle, all of which are the main features and major concerns for women suffering from PCOS

    Sequence-specific modification of a ÎČ-thalassemia locus by small DNA fragments in human erythroid progenitor cells

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    Gene therapy has been proposed as a definitive cure of beta-thalassemia. We applied a gene targeting approach, based on the introduction of small DNA fragments (SDF) into erythroid progenitor cells, to specifically modify the beta-globin gene sequence at codon 39. The strategy was first tested in normal individuals by delivering mutant SDF that were able to produce the beta-39 (C-T) mutation. Secondly, wild-type SDF were electroporated into target cells of beta-3i9/beta-39 b-thalassemic patients to correct the endogenous mutation. In both cases, gene modification was assayed by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction of DNA and mRNA, by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and by direct sequencing

    Screening of mutations in the CFTR gene in 1195 couples entering assisted reproduction technique programs

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    Genetic testing of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance ( CFTR) gene is currently performed in couples undergoing assisted reproduction techniques ( ART), because of the high prevalence of healthy carriers in the population and the pathogenic relationship with congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens ( CBAVD). However, discordant data have been reported concerning the usefulness of this genetic test in couples with no family history of cystic fibrosis ( CF). In this study, we report the results of CFTR molecular screening in 1195 couples entering ART. Genetic testing was initially carried out in a single partner of each couple. CFTR mutations were detected in 55 subjects ( 4.6%), a percentage that overlaps with the one reported in the general population. However, significantly higher frequencies of were found in CBAVD individuals ( 37.5%) and in males with nonobstructive azoospermia ( 6.6%). The 5T allele was found in 78 patients ( 6.5%). This figure was again significantly different in males with nonobstructive-azoospermia ( 9.9%) and in those with CBAVD ( 100%). All together, 139 subjects ( 11.6%) had either a CFTR mutation or the 5T allele. Subsequent molecular analysis of their partners disclosed a CFTR mutation or 5T allele in nine cases ( 6.5%). However, none of these couples had CFTR alterations in both members, a CFTR mutation being invariably present in one partner and the 5T allele in the other. In order to improve genetic counselling of these couples, the TG-M470V-5T association was analyzed, and a statistically significant relationship between 12TG-V470 and CBAVD was detected

    Muscle-specific integrins in masseter muscle fibers of chimpanzees: an immunohistochemical study.

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    Most notably, recent comparative genomic analyses strongly indicate that the marked differences between modern human and chimpanzees are likely due more to changes in gene regulation than to modifications of the genes. The most peculiar aspect of hominoid karyotypes is that human have 46 chromosomes whereas gorillas and chimpanzees have 48. Interestingly, human and chimpanzees do share identical inversions on chromosome 7 and 9 that are not evident in the gorilla karyotype. Thus, the general phylogeny suggests that humans and chimpanzees are sister taxa; based on this, it seems that human-chimpanzee sequence similarity is an astonishing 99%. At this purpose, of particular interest is the inactivation of the myosin heavy chain 16 (MYH16) gene, most prominently expressed in the masticatory muscle of mammals. It has been showed that the loss of this gene in humans may have resulted in smaller masticatory muscle and consequential changes to cranio-facial morphology and expansion of the human brain case. Powerful masticatory muscles are found in most primates; contrarily, in both modern and fossil member Homo, these muscles are considerably smaller. The evolving hominid masticatory apparatus shifted towards a pattern of gracilization nearly simultaneously with accelerated encephalization in early Homo. To better comprehend the real role of the MYH16 gene, we studied the primary proteins present in the muscle fibers of humans and non-humans, in order to understand if they really can be influenced by MYH16 gene. At this aim we examined the muscle-specific integrins, alpha 7B and beta 1D-integrins, and their relative fetal isoforms, alpha 7A and beta 1A-integrins, analyzing, by immunohistochemistry, muscle biopsies of two components of a chimpanzee's group in captivity, an alpha male and a non-alpha male subjects; all these integrins participate in vital biological processes such as maintenance of tissue integrity, embryonic development, cell differentiation, and cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Our results demonstrated a different quantitative composition of integrins, in alpha male in respect to human and non-alpha male, hypothesizing that the MYH16 gene could modify the expression of integrins, influencing, in turn, the phenotype of muscle. In this way, alpha 7A-and beta 1A-integrin could determine the presence of type II fibers and then they could play a key role in the determination of contraction force. Then, MYH16 gene could be a common interactor of signalling between sarcoglycans and integrins in chimpanzee muscles

    Embryoid body in vitro formation from human amniotic fluid stem cells (AFSCs): an ultrastructural study

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    Amniotic fluid stem cells (AFSCs) harbour the potential to differentiate into cells of any of the three germ layers and to form embryoid bodies (EBs) without inducing teratoma formation (De Coppi et al., 2007; Antonucci et al., 2012). However, no previous findings have been reported regarding embryoid body in vitro development and ultrastructural organization. Thus, this was the aim of our study. Amniotic fluid samples were obtained from women undergoing amniocentesis for prenatal diagnosis at 16-19 weeks of pregnancy after written informed consent and the local ethical committee approval. Human AFSCs were cultured up to the 8th passage and analysed with RT-PCR for the expression of pluripotency markers. Some cellular pools were cultured in suspension in uncoated Petri dishes (hanging drop method) to obtain EB formation. After 5 days of culture, the appearance of EBs of different size was observed with phase contrast microscopy and monitored up to 10-15 days of culture. In parallel, EB standard embedding in paraffin for light microscopy or in epoxy resin for transmission electron microscopy was performed. RT-PCR analysis revealed the presence of classical markers of pluripotency (OCT4, NANOG, SOX2) in AFSCs at the 2th-8th passage, whereas specific markers of the three embryonic germ layers were detected in EB specimens. Morphological assays of three-dimensional aggregates demonstrated the presence of solid structures only at the beginning of the culture whereas signs of apoptotic cell death accompanied by the secretion of an amorphous substance were soon detected. These features were preliminary to the development, at later culture time intervals, of an inner hollow cavity surrounded by a crown of flat cells displaying a number of electron dense granules and highly resembling trophoblastic cells

    Butyrylcholinesterase and Acetylcholinesterase polymorphisms in Multiple Sclerosis patients: Implication in peripheral inflammation

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    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease, having not fully understood aetiology, and both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease. The cholinergic system has been indicated as a mediator of neuro-immune interactions, as well as an internal regulator of immune responses. The aim of the present research was to assess the associations between BChE and AChE genetic variations and serum cholinergic and inflammatory profiles in 102 Relapsing Remitting-MS patients and 117 healthy controls. An increased frequency of the BChE K-allele in MS patients as compared to controls was found. In addition, data showed that patients had higher BChE enzymatic activity, which is increased by the presence of the polymorphic allele and reduced amounts of circulating ACh. AChE polymorphism was significantly associated to reduced activity in both patients and controls. We propose that serum BChE and AChE activity may be used as a secondary markers to assess the role of non-neuronal cholinergic system in regulating peripheral inflammation via ACh regulation. This pilot study shed light on the role of the non-neuronal cholinergic system in immune cells to better understand MS pathogenesis. The cross-talk between the periphery and the CNS could have a new undescribed crucial role for MS, regarded as a systemic disease
