4 research outputs found

    Cryopreservation and cryotherapy of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    This study aimed at testing the efficiency of a droplet-vitrification cryopreservation protocol in eliminating selected grapevine viruses. The cryopreservation protocol led to approximately 50 % recovery with cultivar 'Portan' and five international cultivars tested, but very low recovery was noted with Croatian cultivars. GFLV and GLRaV-3, two (economically important grapevine) viruses were eliminated in a high percentage (up to 100 %) of plants regenerated from cryopreserved shoot tips. Virus sanitation was observed as well in samples before liquid nitrogen exposure. Genetic stability of plants regenerated after cryopreservation was studied using AFLP markers. Polymorphic fragments were observed in non-cryopreserved and cryopreserved samples treated with PVS2 solution, the number of which increased with increasing durations of exposure to PVS2 solution

    Reproductive potential of the functionally female native Croatian grapevine 'Grk bijeli'

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    A native Croatian grapevine 'Grk bijeli', sharing a parent-offspring relationships with 'Tribidrag' (aka 'Zinfandel'), is grown exclusively on the Adriatic island of Korčula. It is one of the grape cultivars with female-only functional flowers, causing reduced fertilisation and leads to problems in grape production and wine quality. A typical cluster of 'Grk bijeli' at maturity contains fully developed seeded berries, in addition to a highly variable proportion of undersized seedless berries. The aim of this study was to identify the cause of the reduced reproduction potential of 'Grk bijeli' in order to establish a better growing environment for improved yield and grape quality. 'Grk bijeli' female gametophyte develops normaly and at maturity contains both egg and central cell, together with two synergid cells and three antipodal cells. On the other hand, 'Grk bijeli' pollen grains show developmental deviations. Specifically, most of the pollen grains undergo the first pollen mitosis and contain one vegetative cell and one generative cell, while 20 % of ungerminating grains also accomplish the second pollen mitosis, giving rise to two sperm cells and one vegetative cell. Morover, 'Grk bijeli' pollen has acolporate morphology, which prevents germination and contributes to reduced reproduction. Furthermore, fertilisation after pollination with other varieties results in various degrees of ovule abortion depending on the pollinator, revealing Croatian cultivars 'Plavac mali crni' and 'Pošip bijeli' as favourable varieties. Although this study describes a highly valuable cultivar of local importance, it also contributes to fundamental knowledge of grapevine reproductive biology and offers a strategy for improvement of wine production and oenological performance of semi-fertile varieties in general

    Ampelographic and genetic characterization of Croatian grapevine varieties

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    Before the Phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae) crisis in Croatia more than 400 grape varieties were under cultivation. Today their number is drastically decreased. Recently, many efforts in the preservation of grapevine biodiversity were undertaken: detailed inventory of varieties in different wine-growing regions, establishing of national and regional collections and their systematic ampelographic and genetic characterisation. This paper shows results of multiannual ampelographic and genetic research concerning Croatian grapevines considered as autochthonous varieties. After identification, many synonyms and homonyms were detected and unique genotypes were selected. Basic data of them are shown: description (according to OIV descriptors) and genetic profiles (9 SSR loci), growing area and status of vulnerability. Also, genetic relationship based on the shared allele distance is computed from SSR data. Results show certain level of similarity among varieties, and classify Croatia as important gene-pool in Europe. Some additional accessions which were detected and introduced into collections recently are still being investigated and characterized so that the here presented list of Croatian native grapevine cultivars is not final