2 research outputs found

    Modulation of early auditory processing by visual information: Prediction or bimodal integration?

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    What happens if a visual cue misleads auditory expectations? Previous studies revealed an early visuo-auditory incongruency effect, so-called incongruency response (IR) of the auditory event-related brain potential (ERP), occurring 100 ms after onset of the sound being incongruent to the preceding visual cue. So far, this effect has been ascribed to reflect the mismatch between auditory sensory expectation activated by visual predictive information and the actual sensory input. Thus, an IR should be confined to an asynchronous presentation of visual cue and sound. Alternatively, one could argue that frequently presented congruent visual-cue-sound combinations are integrated into a bimodal representation whereby violation of the visual-auditory relationship results in a bimodal feature mismatch (the IR should be obtained with asynchronous and with synchronous presentation). In an asynchronous condition, an either high-pitched or low-pitched sound was preceded by a visual note symbol presented above or below a fixation cross (90% congruent; 10% incongruent), while in a synchronous condition, both were presented simultaneously. High-pitched and low-pitched sounds were presented with different probabilities (83% vs. 17%) to form a strong association between bimodal stimuli. In both conditions, tones with pitch incongruent with the location of the note symbols elicited incongruency effects in the N2 and P3 ERPs; however, the IR was only elicited in the asynchronous condition. This finding supports the sensorial prediction error hypothesis stating that the amplitude of the auditory ERP 100 ms after sound onset is enhanced in response to unexpected compared with expected but otherwise identical sounds

    Cross-modal predictive processing depends on context rather than local contingencies

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    Visual symbols or events may provide predictive information on to-be-expected sound events. When the perceived sound does not confirm the visual prediction, the incongruency response (IR), a prediction error signal of the event-related brain potentials, is elicited. It is unclear whether predictions are derived from lower-level local contingencies (e.g., recent events or repetitions) or from higher-level global rules applied top-down. In a recent study, sound pitch was predicted by a preceding note symbol. IR elicitation was confined to the condition where one of two sounds was presented more frequently and was not present with equal probability of both sounds. These findings suggest that local repetitions support predictive cross-modal processing. On the other hand, IR has also been observed with equal stimulus probabilities, where visual patterns predicted the upcoming sound sequence. This suggests the application of global rules. Here, we investigated the influence of stimulus repetition on the elicitation of the IR by presenting identical trial trains of a particular visual note symbol cueing a particular sound resulting either in a congruent or an incongruent pair. Trains of four different lengths: 1, 2, 4, or 7 were presented. The IR was observed already after a single presentation of a congruent visual-cue-sound combination and did not change in amplitude as trial train length increased. We conclude that higher-level associations applied in a top-down manner are involved in elicitation of the prediction error signal reflected by the IR, independent from local contingencies