21,246 research outputs found

    Attractive internal wave patterns

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    This paper gives background information for the fluid dynamics video on internal wave motion in a trapezoidal tank.Comment: 2 pg, movie at two resolutions _low(Low-resolution) and _hr(High-resolution

    Attractive internal wave patterns

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    This paper gives background information for the fluid dynamics video on internal wave motion in a trapezoidal tank.Comment: 2 pg, movie at two resolutions _low(Low-resolution) and _hr(High-resolution

    Eliminating the Hadronic Uncertainty

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    The Standard Model Lagrangian requires the values of the fermion masses, the Higgs mass and three other experimentally well-measured quantities as input in order to become predictive. These are typically taken to be α\alpha, GμG_\mu and MZM_Z. Using the first of these, however, introduces a hadronic contribution that leads to a significant error. If a quantity could be found that was measured at high energy with sufficient precision then it could be used to replace α\alpha as input. The level of precision required for this to happen is given for a number of precisely-measured observables. The WW boson mass must be measured with an error of ±13\pm13\,MeV, ΓZ\Gamma_Z to 0.70.7\,MeV and polarization asymmetry, ALRA_{LR}, to ±0.002\pm0.002 that would seem to be the most promising candidate. The r\^ole of renormalized parameters in perturbative calculations is reviewed and the value for the electromagnetic coupling constant in the MS\overline{\rm MS} renormalization scheme that is consistent with all experimental data is obtained to be αMS1(MZ2)=128.17\alpha^{-1}_{\overline{\rm MS}}(M^2_Z)=128.17.Comment: 8 pages LaTeX2

    Gravitational Lensing of the SDSS High-Redshift Quasars

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    We predict the effects of gravitational lensing on the color-selected flux-limited samples of z~4.3 and z>5.8 quasars, recently published by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Our main findings are: (i) The lensing probability should be 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than for conventional surveys. The expected fraction of multiply-imaged quasars is highly sensitive to redshift and the uncertain slope of the bright end of the luminosity function, beta_h. For beta_h=2.58 (3.43) we find that at z~4.3 and i*<20.0 the fraction is ~4% (13%) while at z~6 and z*<20.2 the fraction is ~7% (30%). (ii) The distribution of magnifications is heavily skewed; sources having the redshift and luminosity of the SDSS z>5.8 quasars acquire median magnifications of med(mu_obs)~1.1-1.3 and mean magnifications of ~5-50. Estimates of the quasar luminosity density at high redshift must therefore filter out gravitationally-lensed sources. (iii) The flux in the Gunn-Peterson trough of the highest redshift (z=6.28) quasar is known to be f_lambda<3 10^-19 erg/sec/cm^2/Angstrom. Should this quasar be multiply imaged, we estimate a 40% chance that light from the lens galaxy would have contaminated the same part of the quasar spectrum with a higher flux. Hence, spectroscopic studies of the epoch of reionization need to account for the possibility that a lens galaxy, which boosts the quasar flux, also contaminates the Gunn-Peterson trough. (iv) Microlensing by stars should result in ~1/3 of multiply imaged quasars in the z>5.8 catalog varying by more than 0.5 magnitudes over the next decade. The median equivalent width would be lowered by ~20% with respect to the intrinsic value due to differential magnification of the continuum and emission-line regions.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures. Expansion on the discussion in astro-ph/0203116. Replaced with version accepted for publication in Ap

    Self-Regulated Growth of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxies as the Origin of the Optical and X-ray Luminosity Functions of Quasars

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    We postulate that supermassive black-holes grow in the centers of galaxies until they unbind the galactic gas that feeds them. We show that the corresponding self-regulation condition yields a correlation between black-hole mass (Mbh) and galaxy velocity dispersion (sigma) as inferred in the local universe, and recovers the observed optical and X-ray luminosity functions of quasars at redshifts up to z~6 based on the hierarchical evolution of galaxy halos in a Lambda-CDM cosmology. With only one free parameter and a simple algorithm, our model yields the observed evolution in the number density of optically bright or X-ray faint quasars between 2<z<6 across 3 orders of magnitude in bolometric luminosity and 3 orders of magnitude in comoving density per logarithm of luminosity. The self-regulation condition identifies the dynamical time of galactic disks during the epoch of peak quasar activity (z~2.5) as the origin of the inferred characteristic quasar lifetime of ~10 million years. Since the lifetime becomes comparable to the Salpeter e-folding time at this epoch, the model also implies that the Mbh-sigma relation is a product of feedback regulated accretion during the peak of quasar activity. The mass-density in black-holes accreted by that time is consistent with the local black-hole mass density of ~(0.8-6.3) times 10^5 solar masses per cubic Mpc, which we have computed by combining the Mbh-sigma relation with the measured velocity dispersion function of SDSS galaxies (Sheth et al.~2003). Applying a similar self-regulation principle to supernova-driven winds from starbursts, we find that the ratio between the black hole mass and the stellar mass of galactic spheroids increases with redshift as (1+z)^1.5 although the Mbh-sigma relation is redshift-independent.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    Calibrating the Galaxy Halo - Black Hole Relation Based on the Clustering of Quasars

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    The observed number counts of quasars may be explained either by long-lived activity within rare massive hosts, or by short-lived activity within smaller, more common hosts. It has been argued that quasar lifetimes may therefore be inferred from their clustering length, which determines the typical mass of the quasar host. Here we point out that the relationship between the mass of the black-hole and the circular velocity of its host dark-matter halo is more fundamental to the determination of the clustering length. In particular, the clustering length observed in the 2dF quasar redshift survey is consistent with the galactic halo - black-hole relation observed in local galaxies, provided that quasars shine at ~10-100% of their Eddington luminosity. The slow evolution of the clustering length with redshift inferred in the 2dF quasar survey favors a black-hole mass whose redshift-independent scaling is with halo circular velocity, rather than halo mass. These results are independent from observations of the number counts of bright quasars which may be used to determine the quasar lifetime and its dependence on redshift. We show that if quasar activity results from galaxy mergers, then the number counts of quasars imply an episodic quasar lifetime that is set by the dynamical time of the host galaxy rather than by the Salpeter time. Our results imply that as the redshift increases, the central black-holes comprise a larger fraction of their host galaxy mass and the quasar lifetime gets shorter.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Prospects for Redshifted 21-cm observations of quasar HII regions

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    The introduction of low-frequency radio arrays over the coming decade is expected to revolutionize the study of the reionization epoch. Observation of the contrast in redshifted 21cm emission between a large HII region and the surrounding neutral IGM will be the simplest and most easily interpreted signature. We find that an instrument like the planned Mileura Widefield Array Low-Frequency Demonstrator (LFD) will be able to obtain good signal to noise on HII regions around the most luminous quasars, and determine some gross geometric properties, e.g. whether the HII region is spherical or conical. A hypothetical follow-up instrument with 10 times the collecting area of the LFD (MWA-5000) will be capable of mapping the detailed geometry of HII regions, while SKA will be capable of detecting very narrow spectral features as well as the sharpness of the HII region boundary. The MWA-5000 will discover serendipitous HII regions in widefield observations. We estimate the number of HII regions which are expected to be generated by quasars. Assuming a late reionization at z~6 we find that there should be several tens of quasar HII regions larger than 4Mpc at z~6-8 per field of view. Identification of HII regions in forthcoming 21cm surveys can guide a search for bright galaxies in the middle of these regions. Most of the discovered galaxies would be the massive hosts of dormant quasars that left behind fossil HII cavities that persisted long after the quasar emission ended, owing to the long recombination time of intergalactic hydrogen. A snap-shot survey of candidate HII regions selected in redshifted 21cm image cubes may prove to be the most efficient method for finding very high redshift quasars and galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Ap

    ISCCP CX observations during the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin Experiment from October 14 through November 2, 1986

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    Maps and tables are presented which show 45 satellite derived physical, radiation, or cloud parameters from ISCCP CX tapes during the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin experiment region from October 14 through November 2, 1986. Pixel locations selected for presentation are for an area which coincided with a 100 x 100 km array of evenly spaced ground truth sites. Area-averaged parameters derived from the ISSCP data should be consistent with area averages from the groundtruth stations