460 research outputs found

    A threshold phenomenon for embeddings of H0mH^m_0 into Orlicz spaces

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    We consider a sequence of positive smooth critical points of the Adams-Moser-Trudinger embedding of H0mH^m_0 into Orlicz spaces. We study its concentration-compactness behavior and show that if the sequence is not precompact, then the liminf of the H0mH^m_0-norms of the functions is greater than or equal to a positive geometric constant.Comment: 14 Page

    Collision cross sections of high-mannose N-glycans in commonly observed adduct states – identification of gas-phase conformers unique to [M − H]<sup>-</sup> ions

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    We report collision cross sections (CCS) of high-mannose N-glycans as [M + Na]+, [M + K]+, [M + H]+, [M + Cl]-, [M + H2PO4]- and [M − H]- ions, measured by drift tube (DT) ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) in helium and nitrogen gases. Further analysis using traveling wave (TW) IM-MS reveal the existence of distinct conformers exclusive to [M − H]- ions

    Renormalization and blow up for charge one equivariant critical wave maps

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    We prove the existence of equivariant finite time blow up solutions for the wave map problem from 2+1 dimensions into the 2-sphere. These solutions are the sum of a dynamically rescaled ground-state harmonic map plus a radiation term. The local energy of the latter tends to zero as time approaches blow up time. This is accomplished by first "renormalizing" the rescaled ground state harmonic map profile by solving an elliptic equation, followed by a perturbative analysis

    Existence of solutions to a higher dimensional mean-field equation on manifolds

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    For m≄1m\geq 1 we prove an existence result for the equation (−Δg)mu+λ=λe2mu∫Me2mudÎŒg(-\Delta_g)^m u+\lambda=\lambda\frac{e^{2mu}}{\int_M e^{2mu}d\mu_g} on a closed Riemannian manifold (M,g)(M,g) of dimension 2m2m for certain values of λ\lambda.Comment: 15 Page

    Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of a New Germacrene Derivative Named Germacrene F

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    The new farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) derivative with a shifted olefinic double bond from C6-C7 to C7-C8 is accepted and converted by the sesquiterpene cyclases protoilludene synthase (Omp7) as well as viridiflorene synthase (Tps32). In both cases, a so far unknown germacrene derivative was found to be formed, which we name “germacrene F”. Both cases are examples in which a modification around the central olefinic double bond in FPP leads to a change in the mode of initial cyclization (from 1→11 to 1→10). For Omp7 a rationale for this behaviour was found by carrying out molecular docking studies. Temperature-dependent NMR experiments, accompanied by NOE studies, show that germacrene F adopts a preferred mirror-symmetric conformation with both methyl groups oriented in the same directions in the cyclodecane ring

    Small coupling limit and multiple solutions to the Dirichlet Problem for Yang Mills connections in 4 dimensions - Part I

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    In this paper (Part I) and its sequels (Part II and Part III), we analyze the structure of the space of solutions to the epsilon-Dirichlet problem for the Yang-Mills equations on the 4-dimensional disk, for small values of the coupling constant epsilon. These are in one-to-one correspondence with solutions to the Dirichlet problem for the Yang Mills equations, for small boundary data. We prove the existence of multiple solutions, and, in particular, non minimal ones, and establish a Morse Theory for this non-compact variational problem. In part I, we describe the problem, state the main theorems and do the first part of the proof. This consists in transforming the problem into a finite dimensional problem, by seeking solutions that are approximated by the connected sum of a minimal solution with an instanton, plus a correction term due to the boundary. An auxiliary equation is introduced that allows us to solve the problem orthogonally to the tangent space to the space of approximate solutions. In Part II, the finite dimensional problem is solved via the Ljusternik-Schirelman theory, and the existence proofs are completed. In Part III, we prove that the space of gauge equivalence classes of Sobolev connections with prescribed boundary value is a smooth manifold, as well as some technical lemmas used in Part I. The methods employed still work when the 4-dimensional disk is replaced by a more general compact manifold with boundary, and SU(2) is replaced by any compact Lie group
