970 research outputs found

    Flexible Pavement Design Evaluation

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    Decoherence and single electron charging in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer

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    We investigate the temperature and voltage dependence of the quantum interference in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer using edge channels in the integer quantum-Hall-regime. The amplitude of the interference fringes is significantly smaller than expected from theory; nevertheless the functional dependence of the visibility on temperature and bias voltage agrees very well with theoretical predictions. Superimposed on the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) oscillations, a conductance oscillation with six times smaller period is observed. The latter depends only on gate voltage and not on the AB-phase, and may be related to single electron charging.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, discussion of charging effect change

    Edge Channel Interference Controlled by Landau Level Filling

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    We study the visibility of Aharonov-Bohm interference in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) in the integer quantum Hall regime. The visibility is controlled by the filling factor ν\nu and is observed only between ν2.0\nu \approx 2.0 and 1.0, with an unexpected maximum near ν=1.5\nu=1.5. Three energy scales extracted from the temperature and voltage dependences of the visibility change in a very similar way with the filling factor, indicating that the different aspects of the interference depend sensitively on the local structure of the compressible and incompressible strips forming the quantum Hall edge channels.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Aharonov-Bohm differential conductance modulation in defective metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    Using a perturbative approach, the effects of the energy gap induced by the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) flux on the transport properties of defective metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes (MSWCNTs) are investigated. The electronic waves scattered back and forth by a pair of impurities give rise to Fabry-Perot oscillations which constitutes a coherent backscattering interference pattern (CBSIP). It is shown that, the CBSIP is aperiodically modulated by applying a magnetic field parallel to the nanotube axis. In fact, the AB-flux brings this CBSIP under control by an additional phase shift. As a consequence, the extrema as well as zeros of the CBSIP are located at the irrational fractions of the quantity Φρ=Φ/Φ0\Phi_\rho={\Phi}/{\Phi_0}, where Φ\Phi is the flux piercing the nanotube cross section and Φ0=h/e\Phi_{0}=h/e is the magnetic quantum flux. Indeed, the spacing between two adjacent extrema in the magneto-differential conductance (MDC) profile is decreased with increasing the magnetic field. The faster and higher and slower and shorter variations is then obtained by metallic zigzag and armchair nanotubes, respectively. Such results propose that defective metallic nanotubes could be used as magneto-conductance switching devices based on the AB effect.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of inhaled glucocorticoids in childhood on adult height

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    BACKGROUND: The use of inhaled glucocorticoids for persistent asthma causes a temporary reduction in growth velocity in prepubertal children. The resulting decrease in attained height 1 to 4 years after the initiation of inhaled glucocorticoids is thought not to decrease attained adult height. METHODS: We measured adult height in 943 of 1041 participants (90.6%) in the Childhood Asthma Management Program; adult height was determined at a mean (±SD) age of 24.9±2.7 years. Starting at the age of 5 to 13 years, the participants had been randomly assigned to receive 400 μg of budesonide, 16 mg of nedocromil, or placebo daily for 4 to 6 years. We calculated differences in adult height for each active treatment group, as compared with placebo, using multiple linear regression with adjustment for demographic characteristics, asthma features, and height at trial entry. RESULTS: Mean adult height was 1.2 cm lower (95% confidence interval [CI], -1.9 to -0.5) in the budesonide group than in the placebo group (P=0.001) and was 0.2 cm lower (95% CI, -0.9 to 0.5) in the nedocromil group than in the placebo group (P=0.61). A larger daily dose of inhaled glucocorticoid in the first 2 years was associated with a lower adult height (-0.1 cm for each microgram per kilogram of body weight) (P=0.007). The reduction in adult height in the budesonide group as compared with the placebo group was similar to that seen after 2 years of treatment (-1.3 cm; 95% CI, -1.7 to -0.9). During the first 2 years, decreased growth velocity in the budesonide group occurred primarily in prepubertal participants. CONCLUSIONS: The initial decrease in attained height associated with the use of inhaled glucocorticoids in prepubertal children persisted as a reduction in adult height, although the decrease was not progressive or cumulative. (Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Center for Research Resources; CAMP ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00000575.)

    One million years of glaciation and denudation history in west Greenland

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    The influence of major Quaternary climatic changes on growth and decay of the Greenland Ice Sheet, and associated erosional impact on the landscapes, is virtually unknown beyond the last deglaciation. Here we quantify exposure and denudation histories in west Greenland by applying a novel Markov-Chain Monte Carlo modelling approach to all available paired cosmogenic (10)Be-(26)Al bedrock data from Greenland. We find that long-term denudation rates in west Greenland range from >50 m Myr(−1) in low-lying areas to ∼2 m Myr(−1) at high elevations, hereby quantifying systematic variations in denudation rate among different glacial landforms caused by variations in ice thickness across the landscape. We furthermore show that the present day ice-free areas only were ice covered ca. 45% of the past 1 million years, and even less at high-elevation sites, implying that the Greenland Ice Sheet for much of the time was of similar size or even smaller than today

    Quasiparticle spin resonance and coherence in superconducting aluminium

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    Conventional superconductors were long thought to be spin inert; however, there is now increasing interest in both (the manipulation of) the internal spin structure of the ground-state condensate, as well as recently observed long-lived, spin-polarized excitations (quasiparticles). We demonstrate spin resonance in the quasiparticle population of a mesoscopic superconductor (aluminium) using novel on-chip microwave detection techniques. The spin decoherence time obtained (∼100 ps), and its dependence on the sample thickness are consistent with Elliott–Yafet spin–orbit scattering as the main decoherence mechanism. The striking divergence between the spin coherence time and the previously measured spin imbalance relaxation time (∼10 ns) suggests that the latter is limited instead by inelastic processes. This work stakes out new ground for the nascent field of spin-based electronics with superconductors or superconducting spintronics

    Giant vortex state in perforated aluminum microsquares

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    We investigate the nucleation of superconductivity in a uniform perpendicular magnetic field H in aluminum microsquares containing a few (2 and 4) submicron holes (antidots). The normal/superconducting phase boundary T_c(H) of these structures shows a quite different behavior in low and high fields. In the low magnetic field regime fluxoid quantization around each antidot leads to oscillations in T_c(H), expected from the specific sample geometry, and reminiscent of the network behavior. In high magnetic fields, the T_c(H) boundaries of the perforated and a reference non-perforated microsquare reveal cusps at the same values of Phi/Phi_0 (where Phi is the applied flux threading the total square area and Phi_0 is the superconducting flux quantum), while the background on T_c(H) becomes quasi-linear, indicating that a giant vortex state is established. The influence of the actual geometries on T_c(H) is analyzed in the framework of the linearized Ginzburg-Landau theory.Comment: 14 pages, 6 PS figures, RevTex, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The 1/3-shot noise suppression in diffusive nanowires

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    We report low-temperature shot noise measurements of short diffusive Au wires attached to electron reservoirs of varying sizes. The measured noise suppression factor compared to the classical noise value 2eI2e\left| I\right| strongly depends on the electric heat conductance of the reservoirs. For small reservoirs injection of hot electrons increases the measured noise and hence the suppression factor. The universal 1/3-suppression factor can only asymptotically be reached for macroscopically large and thick electron reservoirs. A heating model based on the Wiedemann-Franz law is used to explain this effect.Comment: 10 figure