179 research outputs found

    Transtorno do espectro autista: Caracterização clínica em pacientes de dois centros de referência em Bogotá, Colômbia

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    Introduction: Patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) present great heterogeneity in their behavioral, cognitive, medical and psychiatric characteristics. In our environment, there is no description of such variables. Even though other studies have described a characteristic clinical profile, it is necessary to know our white population. Objective: Clinically characterize patients diagnosed with ASD at two reference centers in Bogotá. Patients and methods: Retrospective, observational and descriptive study of a series of cases documented in medical records from January 2010 to January 2014. The clinical histories of all patients with a confirmed diagnosis of ASD were reviewed, including sociodemographic data, personal and family history, as well as risk factors described in the literature in relation to the occurrence of ASD; diagnostic aids, comorbidities, and treatment. Results: Eighty-one cases met the inclusion criteria. In the series, predominance was found in the male gender (94.1%), perinatal complications (43%) and prematurity (7.6%). The main comorbidities were behavioral disorders (63%), epilepsy (23.5%) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (23%). The association between epilepsy and intellectual disability was significant at 84% (p <0.001). The association with genetic syndromes or inborn errors of metabolism was minimal in our series. Complementary studies were normal in most cases. Conclusions: In our series, non-syndromic autism predominated; the clinical presentation, the diagnostic and therapeutic approach all agree with what is reported in the world literature. The clinical elements constitute the main diagnostic tool, and behavioral management is the pillar of treatment. Analytical studies focused on the most significant variables will allow for the creation of therapeutic strategies aimed at our population.Introducción. Los pacientes con trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) presentan gran heterogeneidad en sus características comportamentales, cognitivas, médicas y psiquiátricas. En nuestro medio, no existe una descripción de tales variables. Si bien otros estudios han descrito un perfil clínico característico, es necesario conocer nuestra población blanco. Objetivo. Caracterizar clínicamente los pacientes con diagnóstico de TEA de dos centros de referencia, en Bogotá. Pacientes y métodos. Estudio retrospectivo observacional y descriptivo de serie de casos documentados en historias clínicas de enero de 2010 a enero de 2014. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de todos los pacientes con TEA confirmada por diagnóstico, incluyendo datos sociodemográficos, antecedentes personales y familiares, así como factores de riesgo descritos en la literatura en relación con la aparición de TEA; ayudas diagnósticas, comorbilidades y tratamiento. Resultados. Ochenta y un casos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. En la serie, se encontró predominio en el género masculino (94,1%), complicaciones perinatales (43%) y prematurez (7,6%). Las principales comorbilidades fueron trastornos conductuales (63%), epilepsia (23,5%) y trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (23%).Fue significativa la asociación entre epilepsia y discapacidad intelectual: 84% (p<0,001). La asociación con síndromes genéticos o errores innatos del metabolismo fue mínima en nuestra serie. Los estudios complementarios fueron normales en la mayoría de los casos. Conclusiones. En nuestra serie predominó el autismo no sindrómico; la presentación clínica, el abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico concuerdan con lo reportado en la literatura mundial. Los elementos clínicos constituyen la principal herramienta diagnóstica, el manejo conductual es el pilar de tratamiento. Estudios analíticos enfocados hacia las variables más significativas, permitirán la creación de estrategias terapéuticas dirigidas a nuestra poblaciónIntrodução. Os pacientes com transtornos do espectro autista (TEA) apresentam grande heterogeneidade em suas características comportamentais, cognitivas, médicas e psiquiátricas. Em nosso meio, não existe uma descrição de tais variáveis. Se bem que outros estudos têm descrito um perfil clínico característico, é necessário conhecer nossa população alvo. Objetivo. Caracterizar clinicamente os pacientes com diagnóstico de TEA de dois centros de referência em Bogotá. Pacientes e Métodos. Estudo retrospectivo observacional e descritivo de serie de casos documentados em histórias clínicas de janeiro de 2010 a janeiro de 2014. Revisaram-se as histórias clínicas de todos os pacientes com TEA confirmada por diagnóstico, incluindo dados sócio demográficos, antecedentes pessoais e familiares, assim como fatores de risco descritos na literatura em relação com a aparição de TEA; ajudas diagnósticas, co-morbilidades e tratamento. Resultados. Oitenta e um casos cumpriram os critérios de inclusão. Na série, se encontrou predomínio no gênero masculino (94,1%), complicações perinatais (43%) e prematuridade (7,6%). As principais co-morbilidades foram transtornos de conduta (63%), epilepsia (23,5%) e transtorno por déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (23%). Foi significativa a associação entre epilepsia e incapacidade intelectual: 84% (p<0,001). A associação com síndromes genéticas ou erros inatos do metabolismo foi mínima em nossa série. Os estudos complementares foram normais na maioria dos casos. Conclusões. Em nossa série predominou o autismo não sindrômico; a apresentação clínica, a abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica concordam com a informação reportada na literatura mundial. Os elementos clínicos constituem a principal ferramenta diagnóstica, o manejo da conduta é o pilar de tratamento. Estudos analíticos enfocados às variáveis mais significativas permitirão a criação de estratégias terapêuticas dirigidas a nossa população

    Systematic review of interventions for children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) may have significant neurobehavioural problems persisting into adulthood. Early diagnosis may decrease the risk of adverse life outcomes. However, little is known about effective interventions for children with FASD. Our aim is to conduct a systematic review of the literature to identify and evaluate the evidence for pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for children with FASD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We did an electronic search of the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO, CINAHL and ERIC for clinical studies (Randomized controlled trials (RCT), quasi RCT, controlled trials and pre- and post-intervention studies) which evaluated pharmacological, behavioural, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychosocial and educational interventions and early intervention programs. Participants were aged under 18 years with a diagnosis of a FASD. Selection of studies for inclusion and assessment of study quality was undertaken independently by two reviewers. Meta-analysis was not possible due to diversity in the interventions and outcome measures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twelve studies met the inclusion criteria. Methodological weaknesses were common, including small sample sizes; inadequate study design and short term follow up. Pharmacological interventions, evaluated in two studies (both RCT) showed some benefit from stimulant medications. Educational and learning strategies (three RCT) were evaluated in seven studies. There was some evidence to suggest that virtual reality training, cognitive control therapy, language and literacy therapy, mathematics intervention and rehearsal training for memory may be beneficial strategies. Three studies evaluating social communication and behavioural strategies (two RCT) suggested that social skills training may improve social skills and behaviour at home and Attention Process Training may improve attention.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There is limited good quality evidence for specific interventions for managing FASD, however seven randomized controlled trials that address specific functional deficits of children with FASD are underway or recently completed.</p

    Prenatal and Perinatal Risk Factors for Autism in China

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    We conducted a case–control study using 190 Han children with and without autism to investigate prenatal and perinatal risk factors for autism in China. Cases were recruited through public special education schools and controls from regular public schools in the same region (Tianjin), with frequency matching on sex and birth year. Unadjusted analyses identified seven prenatal and seven perinatal risk factors significantly associated with autism. In the adjusted analysis, nine risk factors showed significant association with autism: maternal second-hand smoke exposure, maternal chronic or acute medical conditions unrelated to pregnancy, maternal unhappy emotional state, gestational complications, edema, abnormal gestational age (<35 or >42 weeks), nuchal cord, gravidity >1, and advanced paternal age at delivery (>30 year-old)

    Lack of Evidence for Neonatal Misoprostol Neurodevelopmental Toxicity in C57BL6/J Mice

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    Misoprostol is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E1 that is administered to women at high doses to induce uterine contractions for early pregnancy termination and at low doses to aid in cervical priming during labor. Because of the known teratogenic effects of misoprostol when given during gestation and its effects on axonal growth in vitro, we examined misoprostol for its potential as a neurodevelopmental toxicant when administered to neonatal C57BL6/J mice. Mice were injected subcutaneously (s.c.) with 0.4, 4 or 40 µg/kg misoprostol on postnatal day 7, the approximate developmental stage in mice of human birth, after which neonatal somatic growth, and sensory and motor system development were assessed. These doses were selected to span the range of human exposure used to induce labor. In addition, adult mice underwent a battery of behavioral tests relevant to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism including tests for anxiety, stereotyped behaviors, social communication and interactions, and learning and memory. No significant effects of exposure were found for any measure of development or behavioral endpoints. In conclusion, the results of the present study in C57BL/6J mice do not provide support for neurodevelopmental toxicity after misoprostol administration approximating human doses and timed to coincide with the developmental stage of human birth

    Alteration of gene expression by alcohol exposure at early neurulation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We have previously demonstrated that alcohol exposure at early neurulation induces growth retardation, neural tube abnormalities, and alteration of DNA methylation. To explore the global gene expression changes which may underline these developmental defects, microarray analyses were performed in a whole embryo mouse culture model that allows control over alcohol and embryonic variables.</p> <p>Result</p> <p>Alcohol caused teratogenesis in brain, heart, forelimb, and optic vesicle; a subset of the embryos also showed cranial neural tube defects. In microarray analysis (accession number GSM9545), adopting hypothesis-driven Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) informatics and intersection analysis of two independent experiments, we found that there was a collective reduction in expression of neural specification genes (neurogenin, <it>Sox5, Bhlhe22</it>), neural growth factor genes [<it>Igf1, Efemp1</it>, <it>Klf10 </it>(<it>Tieg), and Edil3</it>], and alteration of genes involved in cell growth, apoptosis, histone variants, eye and heart development. There was also a reduction of retinol binding protein 1 (<it>Rbp1</it>), and <it>de novo </it>expression of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1B1 (<it>Aldh1B1</it>). Remarkably, four key hematopoiesis genes (glycophorin A, adducin 2, beta-2 microglobulin, and ceruloplasmin) were absent after alcohol treatment, and histone variant genes were reduced. The down-regulation of the neurospecification and the neurotrophic genes were further confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. Furthermore, the gene expression profile demonstrated distinct subgroups which corresponded with two distinct alcohol-related neural tube phenotypes: an open (ALC-NTO) and a closed neural tube (ALC-NTC). Further, the epidermal growth factor signaling pathway and histone variants were specifically altered in ALC-NTO, and a greater number of neurotrophic/growth factor genes were down-regulated in the ALC-NTO than in the ALC-NTC embryos.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study revealed a set of genes vulnerable to alcohol exposure and genes that were associated with neural tube defects during early neurulation.</p

    Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data

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    This initiative examined systematically the extent to which a large set of archival research findings generalizes across contexts. We repeated the key analyses for 29 original strategic management effects in the same context (direct reproduction) as well as in 52 novel time periods and geographies; 45% of the reproductions returned results matching the original reports together with 55% of tests in different spans of years and 40% of tests in novel geographies. Some original findings were associated with multiple new tests. Reproducibility was the best predictor of generalizability-for the findings that proved directly reproducible, 84% emerged in other available time periods and 57% emerged in other geographies. Overall, only limited empirical evidence emerged for context sensitivity. In a forecasting survey, independent scientists were able to anticipate which effects would find support in tests in new samples