14,418 research outputs found

    What is the primary beam response of an interferometer with unequal elements?

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    The EVN stations encompass elements with a range of diameters, even including an interferometer (the Westerbork Telescope, with up to 14 elements used together as a tied array). In combination, the various station pairs will each produce their own primary beam envelopes, with which the interferometer pattern is modulated. People sometimes forget that in the case of unequal elements, this combined primary beam envelope is different from the beam of each element separately. The reason for this is reviewed, the results for a number of station pairs are summarized, and some of the practical consequences are discussed. The increased interest in wide-field applications, as illustrated by several recent results, underlines the need for a proper determination of the interferometer beam envelope.Comment: 2 pages. no figures. Proceedings of the 7th European VLBI Network Symposium held in Toledo, Spain on October 12-15, 2004. Editors: R. Bachiller, F. Colomer, J.-F. Desmurs, P. de Vicente (Observatorio Astronomico Nacional), p. 273-274. Needs evn2004.cl

    Geologic investigations of outer planets satellites

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    Four tests are examined: (1) investigation of volcanism on Io; Interim results of thermal and structural modeling of volcanism on Io are presented, (2) a study of the ancient heavily cratered regions on Ganymede, (3) a geologic comparison of the cratering record on Ganymede and Callisto, and (4) a geological and chemical investigation of internal resurfacing processes on the Saturnian satellites. Tasks 2, 3, and 4 utilize Voyager imaging data

    A comparison of UV surface brightness and HI surface densities for spiral galaxies

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    Shaya and Federman (1987) suggested that the ambient ultraviolet flux at 1000 A permeating a spiral galaxy controls the neutral hydrogen (HI) surface density in the galaxy. They found that the atomic envelopes surrounding small molecular clouds, because of their great number, provide the major contribution to the HI surface density over the stellar disk. The increase in HI surface density with later Hubble types was ascribed to the stronger UV fields from more high-mass stars in later Hubble types. These hypotheses are based on the observations of nearby diffuse interstellar clouds, which show a sharp atomic-to-molecular transition (Savage et al. 1977), and on the theoretical framework introduced by Federman, Glassgold, and Kwan (1979). Atomic envelopes around interstellar clouds in the solar neighborhood arise when a steady state is reached between photodissociation of H2 and the formation of H2 on grains. The photodissociation process involves photons with wavelengths between 912 A and 1108 A. Shaya and Federman used H-alpha flux as an approximate measure for the far UV flux and made their comparisons based on averages over Hubble type. Here, researchers compare, on an individual basis, UV data obtained with space-borne and balloon-borne instruments for galaxies with measurements of HI surface density (Warmels 1988a, b). The comparisons substantiate the conclusion of Shaya and Federman that the far UV field controls the HI content of spiral galaxies

    Performance of the OPAL Si-W luminometer at LEP I-II

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    A pair of compact Silicon-Tungsten calorimeters was operated in the OPAL experiment at LEP to measure the integrated luminosity from detection of Bhabha electrons scattered at angles between 25 and 58 mrad from the beam line. In the eight years from 1993 to 2000 the detector worked first at the Z mass peak and then at center of mass energies up to 209 GeV. The fine radial and longitudinal segmentation (2.5mm x 1X0) allowed the radial position of electron and photon showers to be measured with a resolution of 130-170 microns and a residual radial bias as small as 7 microns. Reducing the bias in the definition of the inner acceptance radius was the key element in obtaining an experimental systematic error on the integrated luminosity of only 3.4 10^-4. The performance of the detector at both LEP-I and LEP-II is reviewed. Energy resolution, sensitivity to overlapping electromagnetic showers and sensitivity to minimum ionizing particles are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 10th International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics. http://3w.hep.caltech.edu/calor02

    Demographics of Transition Objects

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    The unusual properties of transition objects (young stars with an optically thin inner disc surrounded by an optically thick outer disc) suggest that significant disc evolution has occured in these systems. We explore the nature of these systems by examining their demographics, specifically their stellar accretion rates (Mdot) and disc masses (Mdisc) compared to those of accreting T Tauri stars of comparable age. We find that transition objects in Taurus occupy a restricted region of the Mdot vs. Mdisc plane. Compared to non-transition single stars in Taurus, they have stellar accretion rates that are typically ~10 times lower at the same disc mass and median disc masses ~4 times larger. These properties are anticipated by several proposed planet formation theories and suggest that the formation of Jovian mass planets may play a significant role in explaining the origin of at least some transition objects. Considering transition objects as a distinct demographic group among accreting T Tauri stars leads to a tighter relationship between disc masses and stellar accretion rates, with a slope between the two quantities that is close to the value of unity expected in simple theories of disc accretion.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, to appear in MNRA

    High resolution observations of the L1551 bipolar outflow

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    The nearby dark cloud Lynds 1551 contains one of the closest examples of a well-collimated bipolar molecular outflow. This source has the largest angular size of any known outflow and was the first bipolar outflow to be detected. The outflow originates from a low-luminosity young stellar object, IRS-5. Optical and radio continuum observations show the presence of a highly collimated, ionized stellar wind orginating from close to IRS-5 and aligned with the molecular outflow. However, we have little information on the actual mechanism that generates the stellar wind and collimates it into opposed jets. The Very Large Array (VLA) observations indicate that the winds originate within 10(15) cm of IRS-5, unfortunately at a size scale difficult to resolve. For these reasons, observations of the structure and dynamics of the hypersonic molecular gas may provide valuable information on the origin and evolution of these outflows. In addition, the study of the impact of the outflowing gas on the surrounding molecular material is essential to understand the consequence these outflows have on the evolution and star formation history of the entire cloud. Moriarty-Schieven et al. (1986) obtained a oversampled map of the CO emission of a portion of both the blueshifted and redshifted outflows in LI551 using Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory 14 m telescope. The oversampled maps have been reconstructed to an effective angular resolution of 20 arcsec using a maximum entropy algorithm. A continuation of the study of Moriarty-Schieven et al. is presented. The entire L1551 outflow has now been mapped at 12 arcsec sampling requiring roughly 4000 spectra. This data has been constructed to 20 arcsec resolution to provide the first high resolution picture of the entire L1551 outflow. This new data has shown that the blueshifted lobe is more extended than previously thought and has expanded downstream sufficiently to break out of the dense molecular cloud, but the redshifted outflow is still confined within the molecular cloud. Details of the structure and kinematics of the high velocity gas are used to test the various models of the origin and evolution of outflows

    Daytime observations of sungrazing comets in Chinese annals

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    Jedna od najvažnijih vještina u današnje vrijeme je informacijska pismenost koju bi svaka osoba trebala posjedovati. Razvoju te vještine treba posvetiti pažnju od najranije životne dobi. Tijekom obrazovanja potrebno je steći vještine kao što su znanje o tome kako učiti, kako rješavati probleme, gdje pronaći informacije te kako procijeniti njihovu relevantnost. U ovom će se završnom radu definirati upravo to što je informacijska pismenost te kako ju kvalitetno razvijati. U fokusu samog rada bit će učenici srednjih škola. Posebna pažnja posvetit će se tranziciji iz srednjoškolskog u visokoškolsko obrazovanje te će se pokušati opisati neke vještine za koje se očekuje da ih budući studenti razviju tijekom svog obrazovanja. Navest će se i opisati i određeni modeli važni za informacijsku pismenost. Osim toga, istaknut će se i vrlo važna uloga knjižnica u radu na tom području.One of the most important skills in today's time is the information literacy that every person should have. The development of this skill should be paid attention to from an early age. During education, it is necessary to acquire skills such as knowledge of how to learn, how to solve problems, where to find information and how to assess their relevance. In this graduate thesis it will be determined exactly what is information literacy and how to developed it qualitatively. The focus of the thesis itself will be secondary school students. Special attention will be given to the transition from secondary school to higher education, and it will be attempted to describe some of the skills that future students are expected to develop throughout their education. Particular models will be stated and described relevant to information literacy. In addition, the role of library's work in this field will be highlighted

    Euler Integration of Gaussian Random Fields and Persistent Homology

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    In this paper we extend the notion of the Euler characteristic to persistent homology and give the relationship between the Euler integral of a function and the Euler characteristic of the function's persistent homology. We then proceed to compute the expected Euler integral of a Gaussian random field using the Gaussian kinematic formula and obtain a simple closed form expression. This results in the first explicitly computable mean of a quantitative descriptor for the persistent homology of a Gaussian random field.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Monte Carlo computer simulations of Venus equilibrium and global resurfacing models

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    Two models have been proposed for the resurfacing history of Venus: (1) equilibrium resurfacing and (2) global resurfacing. The equilibrium model consists of two cases: in case 1, areas less than or equal to 0.03 percent of the planet are spatially randomly resurfaced at intervals of less than or greater than 150,000 yr to produce the observed spatially random distribution of impact craters and average surface age of about 500 m.y.; and in case 2, areas greater than or equal to 10 percent of the planet are resurfaced at intervals of greater than or equal to 50 m.y. The global resurfacing model proposes that the entire planet was resurfaced about 500 m.y. ago, destroying the preexisting crater population and followed by significantly reduced volcanism and tectonism. The present crater population has accumulated since then with only 4 percent of the observed craters having been embayed by more recent lavas. To test the equilibrium resurfacing model we have run several Monte Carlo computer simulations for the two proposed cases. It is shown that the equilibrium resurfacing model is not a valid model for an explanation of the observed crater population characteristics or Venus' resurfacing history. The global resurfacing model is the most likely explanation for the characteristics of Venus' cratering record. The amount of resurfacing since that event, some 500 m.y. ago, can be estimated by a different type of Monte Carolo simulation. To date, our initial simulation has only considered the easiest case to implement. In this case, the volcanic events are randomly distributed across the entire planet and, therefore, contrary to observation, the flooded craters are also randomly distributed across the planet

    Constraints on the thermal evolution of Venus inferred from Magellan data

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    The impact craters with diameters from 1.5 to 280 km compiled from Magellan observations indicate that the crater population on Venus has a completely spatially random distribution and the size/density distribution of craters with diameters greater than or equal to 35 km is consistent with a 'production' population with an age of 500 plus or minus 250 m.y. The similarity in size distribution from area to area indicates that the crater distribution is independent of crater size. Also, the forms of the modified craters are virtually identical to those of the pristine craters. These observations imply that Venus reset its cratering record by global resurfacing 500 m.y. ago, and resurfacing declined relatively fast. The fact that less than 40 percent of all craters have been modified and that the few volcanically embayed craters are located on localized tectonic regions indicate that only minor and localized volcanism and tectonism have occurred since the latest vigorous resurfacing event approximately 500 m.y. ago and the interior of Venus has been solid and possibly colder than Earth's. This is because the high-temperature lithosphere of Venus would facilitate upward ascending of mantle plumes and result in extensive volcanism if the venusian upper mantle were as hot as or hotter than Earth's. Therefore, the present surface morphology of Venus may provide useful constraints on the pattern of that vigorous convection, and possibly on the thermal state of the venusian mantle. We examine this possibility through numerical calculations of three-dimensional thermal convection models in a spherical shell with temperature- and pressure-dependent Newtonian viscosity, temperature-dependent thermal diffusivity, pressure-dependent thermal expansion coefficient, and time-dependent internal heat production rate solar magnitude