157 research outputs found

    Discrepancy between experimental and theoretical β\beta-decay rates resolved from first principles

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    β\beta-decay, a process that changes a neutron into a proton (and vice versa), is the dominant decay mode of atomic nuclei. This decay offers a unique window to physics beyond the standard model, and is at the heart of microphysical processes in stellar explosions and the synthesis of the elements in the Universe. For 50 years, a central puzzle has been that observed β\beta-decay rates are systematically smaller than theoretical predictions. This was attributed to an apparent quenching of the fundamental coupling constant gAg_A \simeq 1.27 in the nucleus by a factor of about 0.75 compared to the β\beta-decay of a free neutron. The origin of this quenching is controversial and has so far eluded a first-principles theoretical understanding. Here we address this puzzle and show that this quenching arises to a large extent from the coupling of the weak force to two nucleons as well as from strong correlations in the nucleus. We present state-of-the-art computations of β\beta-decays from light to heavy nuclei. Our results are consistent with experimental data, including the pioneering measurement for 100^{100}Sn. These theoretical advances are enabled by systematic effective field theories of the strong and weak interactions combined with powerful quantum many-body techniques. This work paves the way for systematic theoretical predictions for fundamental physics problems. These include the synthesis of heavy elements in neutron star mergers and the search for neutrino-less double-β\beta-decay, where an analogous quenching puzzle is a major source of uncertainty in extracting the neutrino mass scale.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figure

    Converged ab initio calculations of heavy nuclei

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    We propose a novel storage scheme for three-nucleon (3N) interaction matrix elements relevant for the normal-ordered two-body approximation used extensively in ab initio calculations of atomic nuclei. This scheme reduces the required memory by approximately two orders of magnitude, which allows the generation of 3N interaction matrix elements with the standard truncation of E3max=28E_{3\max}=28, well beyond the previous limit of 18. We demonstrate that this is sufficient to obtain ground-state energies in 132^{132}Sn converged to within a few MeV with respect to the E3maxE_{3\max} truncation. In addition, we study the asymptotic convergence behavior and perform extrapolations to the un-truncated limit. Finally, we investigate the impact of truncations made when evolving free-space 3N interactions with the similarity renormalization group. We find that the contribution of blocks with angular momentum Jrel>9/2J_{\rm rel}>9/2 is dominated by a basis-truncation artifact which vanishes in the large-space limit, so these computationally expensive components can be neglected. For the two sets of nuclear interactions employed in this work, the resulting binding energy of 132^{132}Sn agrees with the experimental value within theoretical uncertainties. This work enables converged ab initio calculations of heavy nuclei.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Spectroscopy of 50^{50}Sc and ab initio calculations of B(M3)B(M3) strengths

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    The GRIFFIN spectrometer at TRIUMF-ISAC has been used to study excited states and transitions in 50^{50}Sc following the β\beta-decay of 50^{50}Ca. Branching ratios were determined from the measured γ\gamma-ray intensities, and angular correlations of γ\gamma rays have been used to firmly assign the spins of excited states. The presence of an isomeric state that decays by an M3M3 transition with a B(M3)B(M3) strength of 13.6(7)\,W.u. has been confirmed. We compare with the first {\it ab initio} calculations of B(M3B(M3) strengths in light and medium-mass nuclei from the valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group approach, using consistently derived effective Hamiltonians and M3M3 operator. The experimental data are well reproduced for isoscalar M3M3 transitions when using bare gg-factors, but the strength of isovector M3M3 transitions are found to be underestimated by an order of magnitude

    Structure of 55Sc and development of the N=34 subshell closure

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    The low-lying structure of 55^{55}Sc has been investigated using in-beam γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy with the 9^{9}Be(56^{56}Ti,55^{55}Sc+γ\gamma)XX one-proton removal and 9^{9}Be(55^{55}Sc,55^{55}Sc+γ\gamma)XX inelastic-scattering reactions at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. Transitions with energies of 572(4), 695(5), 1539(10), 1730(20), 1854(27), 2091(19), 2452(26), and 3241(39) keV are reported, and a level scheme has been constructed using γγ\gamma\gamma coincidence relationships and γ\gamma-ray relative intensities. The results are compared to large-scale shell-model calculations in the sdsd-pfpf model space, which account for positive-parity states from proton-hole cross-shell excitations, and to it ab initio shell-model calculations from the in-medium similarity renormalization group that includes three-nucleon forces explicitly. The results of proton-removal reaction theory with the eikonal model approach were adopted to aid identification of positive-parity states in the level scheme; experimental counterparts of theoretical 1/21+1/2^{+}_{1} and 3/21+3/2^{+}_{1} states are suggested from measured decay patterns. The energy of the first 3/23/2^{-} state, which is sensitive to the neutron shell gap at the Fermi surface, was determined. The result indicates a rapid weakening of the N=34N=34 subshell closure in pfpf-shell nuclei at Z>20Z>20, even when only a single proton occupies the πf7/2\pi f_{7/2} orbital

    Probing elastic and inelastic breakup contributions to intermediate-energy two-proton removal reactions

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    The two-proton removal reaction from 28Mg projectiles has been studied at 93 MeV/u at the NSCL. First coincidence measurements of the heavy 26Ne projectile residues, the removed protons and other light charged particles enabled the relative cross sections from each of the three possible elastic and inelastic proton removal mechanisms to be determined. These more final-state-exclusive measurements are key for further interrogation of these reaction mechanisms and use of the reaction channel for quantitative spectroscopy of very neutron-rich nuclei. The relative and absolute yields of the three contributing mechanisms are compared to reaction model expectations - based on the use of eikonal dynamics and sd-shell-model structure amplitudes.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review C (Rapid Communication

    Elastic breakup cross sections of well-bound nucleons

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    The 9Be(28Mg,27Na) one-proton removal reaction with a large proton separation energy of Sp(28Mg)=16.79 MeV is studied at intermediate beam energy. Coincidences of the bound 27Na residues with protons and other light charged particles are measured. These data are analyzed to determine the percentage contributions to the proton removal cross section from the elastic and inelastic nucleon removal mechanisms. These deduced contributions are compared with the eikonal reaction model predictions and with the previously measured data for reactions involving the re- moval of more weakly-bound protons from lighter nuclei. The role of transitions of the proton between different bound single-particle configurations upon the elastic breakup cross section is also quantified in this well-bound case. The measured and calculated elastic breakup fractions are found to be in good agreement.Comment: Phys. Rev. C 2014 (accepted