138 research outputs found

    Interfacial architecture on the fractal support: polycrystalline gold films as support for self-assembling monolayers

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    Multifractal analysis is performed for description of the surface topography of thin polycrystalline gold film. Its structure was modified by annealing at different temperatures in the range 20÷200 ⁰C and films were imaged by Atomic Force Microscopy. Image was analyzed as a collection of layers taken parallel to the mean surface. Fractal subsets with different scaling properties were described by multifractal divergence (e.g. the difference between maximal and minimal values of the f (a) spectrum). This allowed to highlight the effect of the temperature of film annealing on the surface structure. We found that fractal diversity jumps down in the temperature range 130÷140 ⁰C. Therefore, phase transition occurs in the system. Below the temperature of the phase transition the surface topography is characterized by high roughness and existence of small-scale irregularities. At critical temperature the surface structure undergoes morphological transition caused by melting of small-scale irregularities. The melting also results in a decrease of the surface roughness due to the flowing down of gold crystallites. A notable feature of the approach is its ability to highlight a possible influence of substrate structure on the adsorption/self-assembling processes at the interface, which may be disturbed by the surface irregularities. The typical and expressive example taken from the self-assembling on the polycrystalline substrate. Particularly, substrate topography determines an order of thiols layers resulting in peculiarities of chemical functionality of obtained material. It was shown that formation of well-ordered monolayers of ω-substituted alkanethiols on gold films occurs only if the freshly evaporated gold films were annealed at temperature more than ca.120 ⁰C. The analysis of surface peculiarities allows suggesting that this behavior is caused by disappearance of short-scale multifractal structures. Therefore, the multifractal analysis opens a new avenue for both characterization and direct prediction of surface properties. Particularly, it gives a hint regarding a formation of the Euclidean two-imensional structures at the multifractal substrates

    Клинические наблюдения гигантоклеточного гепатита у детей

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    Giant cell hepatitis is characterized, by inflammation and large multinucleated. hepatocytes in hepatic parenchyma It is an unusual hepatocytes response to various noxious stimuli, characterized, by presence of multinucleated cells in liver with generally dismal clinical outcome. Giant cell hepatitis is commonly reported, in neonatal and. infantile liver diseases but rarely in adults (postinfantile giant cell hepatitis). Giant cell hepatitis is associated, with many diseases, including drugs toxicity, viral and. autoimmune liver diseases, with autoimmune hepatitis being the most prevalent. We report some clinical cases of giant cell hepatitis with review of literature regarding various etiological agents and their respective prognostic outcome.Гигантоклеточный гепатит, характеризуется наличием воспалительного инфильтрата и гигантских многоядерных клеток в печеночной паренхиме. Гигантоклеточная трансформация представляет, собой необычный ответ, гепатоцитов на различные повреждающие факторы, обычно с неблагоприятным, клиническим, исходом. Гигантоклеточный гепатит, обычно наблюдается при неонатальных и инфантильных заболеваниях печени и редко у взрослых (постинфантильный гигантоклеточный гепатит). Гигантоклеточный гепатит, ассоциируется со многими заболеваниями, включая токсическое воздействие лекарственных средств, вирусные и аутоиммунные заболевания печени. Наиболее распространенным, является аутоиммунный гепатит. Мы сообщаем, о нескольких клинических случаях гигантоклеточного гепатита с обзором, литературы, относительно различных этиологических агентов и их соответствующих прогностических результатов


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    Calculations of watt-hour energy usage by agricultural pump plants are offered for three different control techniques: with throttling, with a water-tower, and with a frequency-controlled pump electric drive. Power and economic indexes of these variants are compared.Рассчитана потребляемая мощность насосных установок сельскохозяйственного назначения для трех различных способов управления данными установками: с дросселированием, с водонапорной башней и частотным управлением электрического двигателя насоса. Выполнено сравнение энергетических и экономических показателей этих вариантов.Запропоновано розрахунки споживаної потужності насосних установок сільськогосподарського призначення для трьох різних способів керування даними установками: з дроселюванням, з водонапірною баштою та частотним керуванням електричного двигуна насоса. Виконано кількісне порівняння енергетичних та економічних показників розглянутих варіантів


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    Calculations of watt-hour energy usage by agricultural pump plants are offered for three different control techniques: with throttling, with a water-tower, and with a frequency-controlled pump electric drive. Power and economic indexes of these variants are compared.Рассчитана потребляемая мощность насосных установок сельскохозяйственного назначения для трех различных способов управления данными установками: с дросселированием, с водонапорной башней и частотным управлением электрического двигателя насоса. Выполнено сравнение энергетических и экономических показателей этих вариантов.Запропоновано розрахунки споживаної потужності насосних установок сільськогосподарського призначення для трьох різних способів керування даними установками: з дроселюванням, з водонапірною баштою та частотним керуванням електричного двигуна насоса. Виконано кількісне порівняння енергетичних та економічних показників розглянутих варіантів

    Water evaporation particularities in the process of forest fire extinguishing

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    Numerical simulation of water massif motion through the high temperature gases corresponding to the typical conditions of forest fires was carried out. Maximal values of part by volume of liquid evaporating from water massif under its motion through the flaming burning area were determined when solving the heat and mass transfer problem under the conditions of endothermic phase transformations. Influence of liquid phase transition heat on the heat and mass transfer conditions on the track of water massif was determined. The expediency of polydisperse interspaced in time and space atomization of water massifs under the large-scale (especially, forest fires) fire extinguishing was proved


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    We perform the experimental research on particularities of phase changes of heterogeneous droplets based on water with single metallic inclusions. We applied the metals and alloys which are typical of power engineering. Moreover, the lifetimes of 5-15 µl water droplets were determined. We also established the estimated proportion of phase change energies (vaporization) as well as those absorbed by water and metallic inclusions. Finally, we formulated the recommendations how to use the suspensions of water with metallic inclusions in cooling systems of hot surfaces of power engineering equipment, as well as high-temperature gas-vapor flows

    Change in Ignition Characteristics Of Composite Liquid Fuel Droplet While Varying the Combustible Liquid Content

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    The features of heat and ignition of composite liquid fuel droplets in a heated (temperatures were 600–900 K) oxidant were investigated to develop modern recycling technologies of processing waste of coal, petroleum products, liquid fuels and combustible liquids. Compositions based on tailings of bituminous coal, used turbine and motor oils were considered. Ignition delay times of composite fuel droplets were defined. The influence scale of mass fraction of combustible liquid on droplet heat and ignition characteristics were identified