5,710 research outputs found

    Feasibility study for locating archaeological village sites by satellite remote sensing techniques

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    Development of a Resource Manager Framework for Adaptive Beamformer Selection

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    Adaptive digital beamforming (DBF) algorithms are designed to mitigate the effects of interference and noise in the electromagnetic (EM) environment encountered by modern electronic support (ES) receivers. Traditionally, an ES receiver employs a single adaptive DBF algorithm that is part of the design of the receiver system. While the traditional form of receiver implementation is effective in many scenarios it has inherent limitations. This dissertation proposes a new ES receiver framework capable of overcoming the limitations of traditional ES receivers. The proposed receiver framework is capable of forming multiple, independent, simultaneous adaptive digital beams toward multiple signals of interest in an electromagnetic environment. The main contribution of the research is the development, validation, and verification of a resource manager (RM) algorithm. The RM estimates a set of parameters that characterizes the electromagnetic environment and selects an adaptive digital beam forming DBF algorithm for implementation toward all each signal of interest (SOI) in the environment. Adaptive DBF algorithms are chosen by the RM based upon their signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) improvement ratio and their computational complexity. The proposed receiver framework is demonstrated to correctly estimate the desired electromagnetic parameters and select an adaptive DBF from the LUT

    The Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Interferometric Gyroscope (MiG)

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    With the invention of Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) it has become possible to fabricate micro-inertial sensors. These new sensors have application in creating autonomous guided weapons systems. New technologies like Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), which cannot use conventional inertial sensors, rely on technologies like micro-inertial sensors to operate. Also, such sensors have the capability to reduce both power and space consumption on conventional aircraft. This technology is not yet mature, and current micro-inertial sensors do not have the accuracy required for highly precise navigation. To try to increase the accuracy of micro-inertial sensors, researchers are turning toward micro-optical gyroscopes. Creating a working micro-optical gyroscope is a difficult proposition as their small size precludes micro-optical gyroscopes from having large enough path lengths to sense useful rotation rates. Techniques need to be developed to create micro-optical gyroscopes with path lengths long enough to sense navigation grade rotation rates. This research proposes a new type of MEMS optical gyroscope. The device, called the AFIT MiG is an open loop Sagnac interferometer on a MEMS die. Mirrors are placed on the die to spiral light inward from the outside to the center of the die thereby increasing the optical path length of the device. When the AFIT MiG was simulated using flight profiles generated in MATLABâ„¢, the optical path length of the device was long enough to measure rotation rates, which were greater in strength than the noise inherent in the measurement. This research also shows the ability to propagate light around an open loop MEMS interferometer with enough signal strength at the detector to measure

    Book 1 of William the Breton\u27s Philippide : A translation

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    Among the contemporary narrative sources for the reign of King Philip II Augustus of France [r. 1179--1223], William the Breton\u27s thirteenth-century epic poem the Philippide is the least well known and the least utilized. This thesis represents the first English language translation of a significant portion of the Philippide. The introduction explores William the Breton\u27s life and works; the poem\u27s sources, classical and contemporary; William the Breton\u27s vocabulary and poetic voice; William the Breton\u27s self-conception as a historian and a narrator, as demonstrated in his surviving works; and the overall theme and structure of the Philippide. It also includes as an appendix the first English translation of the relevant sections of William the Breton\u27s Epitome of Rigord of St. Denis\u27 contemporary Chronicle, upon which the Philippide is based. This translation endeavors to introduce this fascinating text to an Anglophone audience, while simultaneously challenging prevailing assumptions about the Philippide in specific and, more broadly, about the nature and state of literature at the turn of the thirteenth-century in France

    Post-Carboniferous and Post-Triassic Structures in Southern New Brunswick

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    Geology of New Brunswick: field guide to excursions, 1973: Trip A-10; B-

    Joints, tensile strength and preferred fracture orientation in sandstones. New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, Canada

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    The orientations of tensile fractures in Upper Devonian, Carboniferous and Lower Permian sandstones of southern New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island show correlation at the submicroscopic scale of microcrack alignments, the macroscopic scale of joints, and the megascopic scale of airphoto lineaments. Planes of minimum tensile strength and planes of preferred fracture, induced in visibly unfractured sandstone test-samples by line-loading and point-loading tests, are identified as microcrack alignments. The joints and airphoto lineaments have microcrack alignments parallel to them, but not all microcrack alignments are represented at the macroscopic and megascopic scales. Deformed Carboniferous sandstones east of Saint John have two prominent orthogonal Joint systems with microcrack alignments parallel to the four joint sets. The airphoto lineaments are parallel to only three joint sets. Southeast and northeast striking joints in one orthogonal system are tentatively interpreted as planes of extension and release respectively, related to the direction of compression during the Variscan-Appalachian orogeny. The other orthogonal system, with joint sets striking close to 010° and 100°, is interpreted as post-Triassic in age, possibly related to the presently acting crustal stresses in eastern North America. RÉSUMÉ Il y a correspondance dans les grès du Dévonien supérieur, du Carbonifère et du Permien inférieur du aud du Nouveau-Brunswick et de l'ile du Prince-Edouard entre l'orientation des fractures de tension à diverses échelles: microscopique — alignement des microfissures; macroscopique — dis-clases; et megascopique — linéaments observes à partir de photographies aériennes. On reconnait comrae alignements de microfissures les plans de force de traction minimale et les plans de fracture préférentlelle occasionnés par des essais de charges linéaires et ponctuelles sur des échantillons types de grès préalablement exempts de fractures apparentes. Bien que parallèlement aux diaclases et aux linéaments on retrouve des alignements de microfissures, ce ne sont pas tous les alignements de microfissures qui s'expriment aux échelles macroscopique et megascopique. À l'est de Saint-Jean, les grès déformes du Carbonifère possèdent deux systèmes distincts de diaclases orthogonales accompagnes d'alignements de microfissures parallèles aux quatre ensembles de diaclases. Les linéaments observes sur photographié aérienne ne sont parallèles qu'a trois ensembles de diaclases. On interprète provisoirement les diaclases de direction sud-est et nord-est dans l'un des systèmes orthogonaux comme, respectlvement, des plans d'extension et de relâchement reliés à la direction de compression durant l'orogenèse varisque-appalachienne. Des orientations se rapprochant de 010" et 100° caractérisent l'autre système orthogonal qui serait d'Sge post-triasique et peut être relié aux forces de tension contemporaines agissant sur l’écorce terrestre dans l'est de l'Amèrique du Nord. [Traduit par le journal

    Home-school relationships: a school management perspective

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    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) is in the process of initiating major education reform designed to improve schools. Parental involvement in support of student learning ranks high on the reform agenda. This study explores managerial aspects of implementing home-school relationships in seven primary Public Private Partnership (PPP) schools in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Participants involved in this study were principals, social workers, teachers, parents and students. Managerial aspects discussed in this paper relate to: a) benefits of home-school relationships; b) roles and responsibilities of stakeholders; c) home-school communication; and d) constraints and challenges faced in the management of home-school relationships. The findings elicit recommendations for improvement which may inform the work of policy makers, principals, social workers, teachers and parents in their continued efforts to build home-school relationships

    Structure and Sedimentology of Siluro- Devonian Between Edmunston and Grand Falls, New Brunswick

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    Guidebook to the geology of Northeastern Maine and neighboring New Brunswick: The 72nd annual meeting of the New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, Presque Isle, Maine, October 10-13, 1980: Trip C-

    Capacity building for school improvement: a case study of a New Zealand primary school

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    Capacity building is now mentioned synonymously with school improvement in much of the literature with an absence of debate on the implications of political, social and economic trends. The paper explores capacity building in one low decile, multicultural, New Zealand primary school. From an interpretivist paradigm, a case study and grounded theory approach are used to explore four aspects: 1. the processes that enhance improvement; 2. the internal and external influences on capacity building; 3. the wider societal factors that influence the development of capacity; and 4. the links between capacity building and improvement that were evident. The paper will suggest that capacity building for school improvement is time and context dependent and is unique to the setting. It occurs in response to individual, collective and systemic needs in ways that sustain equilibrium while moving towards improvement. The paper will further explore key attributes: vision, stakeholders as change agents, school culture and professional development. Practices that are examined include knowledge production and utilisation, division of roles and responsibilities and a switching-on mentality. Both groups of factors will be examined as four important themes in the capacity building and school improvement process: situated activity; connectedness; leadership, governance and management; and outcomes. The paper will conclude that the confluence of these contributing factors enables tensions and needs to be managed while ensuring the equilibrium of people, school and system necessary for moving in the direction of improvement
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